Liu Qing gave her this opportunity, and she couldn't let it go.

Just like she offered to cook for Liu Qing, she felt that this was the reward she should give Liu Qing for letting her live there.

Although she always wanted to take advantage of Liu Qing, but if she really took advantage of it, she still felt uneasy and had to make up for it in other ways.

Go out to eat at noon, come back and continue to study.

The result of the study is that I have more confidence in the future-this job is not that difficult, as long as you are serious.

When she got off work, she said to Liu Qing:

"I have a lot of free time in this job. I'm thinking about learning something else. How about I study accounting?"

Liu Qing glanced at her and said, "That's right, she also knows how to improve herself."

Xiaowen said quietly: "What can I do? There is no mother who is the chairman of the board. What else can I do except work harder?"

Liu Qing: "I feel like you are mocking me."

Xiaowen: "Remove the three words I feel."

After making a joke, he asked again: "What do you think? Can you give me some advice?"

Liu Qing said seriously: "If you really want to learn this, then I suggest that you also apply for an adult university at the same time. Otherwise, if you are a high school student, you will have reached the end of junior accounting, and you will not even be qualified for intermediate accounting. What's the difference if you don't learn?"

Xiao Wen nodded her head, but she thought in her heart: "Of course it will be different after learning, at least I can help you look at the accounts in this company."

Chapter 074

Friday, November 8nd.

I have been to the company for a few days, but Liu Qing still went to the company this day.

It's not that he loves work so much, but it's boring to stay at home alone, so he accompanied Xiaowen to the company.

Of course, there is another reason, and that is to get through the qualifications.

Ding Yun called him two days ago and told him that he had reached an agreement with Gu Jianguo and nominated him to the board of directors of the group company as a director at an appropriate time.

However, nominating a person without any company management experience and diploma as a director is difficult to convince other directors on the board of directors, which requires him to learn more about company management.

Even if you don't know anything, staying in the company every day can be regarded as gaining qualifications.

After the first half of the year, he will have the experience of leading and managing a company, and Gu Jianguo can barely speak.

Gu Jianguo is Su Yi's partner, owns 15.00% of the group's shares, and is the major shareholder.Together with Ding Yun's 50.00% five shares, they accounted for 70.00% of the group's shares.

With the shares held by the two of them, it is not a big problem to force Liu Qing to go up.

However, for the stable development of the company and to respect the emotions of the rest of the shareholders, it is best to find a suitable reason.

In the morning, Qin Kun finally couldn't hold back, and called all the employees of the company to the general manager's office for a meeting.

This company has not yet spread the plate, and there are one operation assistant, one network promotion person, one event planner, one artist, one business expansion person, one data analysis person, one video editor, and three copywriters on the content side.

Including Qin Kun, the part-time content director, there are 11 people in total.

On the financial side, neither the treasurer nor the accounting assistant has been hired, and they will not be hired until Monday.

The cashier, warehouse manager and cashier and front desk customer service have already joined the job, that is, three people.

Including Liu Qing, the soy sauce maker, there were 15 people in total.

When the other two positions are filled on Monday, there will be 17 people.

There are only so many people in this company.

There is no cleaning, usually the front desk comes to clean, and every once in a while everyone cleans up together.

Small but complete.

When Su Yi wanted to get such a company out, he still wanted to do it well.

It's just that I didn't see the effect later, and gradually forgot about it.

In the past, this company was the tool that He Feng used to withdraw funds from the group company. He was only responsible for setting up the stall and getting out the structure. It seemed that it was enough.

How about the content, whether the effect is good or not, I don't care much.

Therefore, after these employees came here, they were fishing every day.

The salary is not very high, but it is very easy.

Some people worked here for several months, and even used their working hours to write a million-word novel at some point.

Its idle can be imagined.

As for the output, it is very deceitful.

The best performer is the live broadcast. There are more than a dozen contracted anchors, and the income from live broadcast rewards and occasional goods can add up to [-] to [-] a month.

I can't say that I made money, but I can only say that the loss was not very serious.

This is due to the low guaranteed salary they gave to those contracted anchors.

The content of the text is pitiful to say the least, because the real data is too miserable, and there is no big order at all, that is, to use the data of some zombie fans to fool people who don't know much about this industry, and earn a little money with no conscience .

A total of more than a dozen accounts have been opened on several platforms, but the advertising revenue is only a few thousand yuan a month.

It's the one-time client again -- once they're served an ad, no one else will.

That is to say, an artist, sometimes he can take over the advertising business of a nearby store, design a logo, make a billboard or something, and almost earn his salary back.

For the rest, keeping them is a pure loss.

Of course Qin Kun knew what it was like when they went to work.

After the company's big changes these days, those employees are also trembling, for fear that their jobs will be lost, and it will be difficult to find such idle jobs in the future.

They also took a lot of seriousness when they went to work, and they didn't chatter about this and that during working hours like before, making it look like a vegetable market.

But that's about it.

Their seriousness now is just seriousness in a daze.

Performance Well, still no.

Qin Kun was busy with new hires for the past two days, so he couldn't take care of the affairs here.

Today, I finally freed up my hands. Taking advantage of Liu Qing, the boss, here, I called all those people over and held a meeting.

Printed out the company's performance during this period, everyone sent a copy, and said angrily:

"Look at this form carefully. Are you worthy of the salary you received? The company paid you to come here to let you create performance for the company, not to fish for you! With this performance, you are ready to leave People. The company has no obligation to support you! Resign or fire, you can choose one!"

This was Qin Kun's first time to train people as the general manager of the company, which made those employees feel the pressure from Shanda.

One employee murmured and said:

"Mr. Qin, we are still in the early stages of development. Mr. He in front swallowed the promotion money again, and the promotion effect is not strong,"

The sound is very small and intermittent.

But the meaning is very clear - it's not that we are incompetent, it's Mr. He's fault.

Qin Kun was furious: "There is a problem with promotion, I admit it. But your grades are so poor, is it just a problem with promotion?"

He pointed to someone who was in charge of Weibo copywriting content:

"You operate several marketing accounts on Weibo, what do you post every day? Yes, I know you post hundreds of posts a day, but do you have your own content? It's just forwarding, there is Sometimes I add hahaha, sometimes I don’t add hahaha. Just like this, why does the company pay you so much money for a job that can be done by elementary school students? Why do people pay attention to you? Even if you look for those hot news, Explaining those news in your own words is better than that!"

And pointing to a public account content:

"Well, you are quite diligent. You manage these official accounts, and you post essays and poems there every day. It's not wrong to love literature, but can you write something with traffic? Just your poems, as long as you know If you use the Enter key, one hundred capitals a day is no problem, who will come to see you? The company promotes resources for you, just to promote this for you, to satisfy your Wen Qing dream?"

Pointing at the one who manages Toutiao, he got even angrier:

"If you have time to write online articles, don't you have time to write your headlines seriously? Using your thinking of writing online articles to write headlines is no better than your 100 million words and dozens of uniform subscriptions? Haven't you heard that After a word - writing web articles is a dead end? What are you thinking in your head?"

There was a burst of scolding, which made those few people scold so bloody that they didn't dare to say a word.

There is no way, I really didn’t make any achievements, and I feel guilty.

Chapter 075 Traffic Password

The three copywriters are the three responsible for the output of text content.

Each number seems to be okay from the fan data, but basically they are bought dead attention.

They are also careless about the content, they are just dawdling.

He Feng was not familiar with the content, so he didn't blame them because he saw that they produced quite a lot of content every week.

——Anyway, he himself didn't care about those things, so he just thought about how to get money from the headquarters.

Qin Kun got angry at these three at the beginning, it was because the three of them were doing content output, they didn't produce good content, and it was meaningless to operate and promote.

The quality itself is not too hard, even if you spend 100 million yuan, it is still a waste, but it has changed from ordinary waste to iron waste.

Someone asked him: "Mr. Qin, then you teach us, what should we do?"

"Does this still need to be taught? Isn't it enough to see how others do it?"

Qin Kun looked irritable and said:

"Write about any topic that is controversial. Write about whatever news is popular. You are making traffic, where does the traffic come from? The traffic comes from eyeballs! Write me whatever attracts attention! I don't want you to have fluency The style of writing, how old-fashioned satire, as long as you can keep up with every hot spot, output emotions, bring rhythm, let others follow your rhythm, and be dominated by your emotions, that's enough. Is it difficult? Isn't it Can you do it with your hands?"

The few copywriters kept silent, thinking in their hearts: "It's easy for you to say, if you have the ability, try writing a few articles."

Seeing that they didn't seem very convinced, Qin Kun was even annoyed:

"Understand or not, you guys should give me a word. What do you mean by being so silent?"

A copywriter in charge of the content of the official account said: "President Qin, what you said is too high-level. We have a low level and haven't paid attention to it. Why don't you talk about it in detail."

"You guys can't produce high-quality content, so just rub hot spots for me, will you rub hot spots?"

Qin Kun took out his mobile phone, opened Weibo, and clicked on Hot Search:

"Bypass those hot searches on idol traffic, avoid those with political risks, and get involved in the rest of the hot searches, as long as they are controversial. For example, this one-the age of criminal responsibility for minors should be lowered Do you care about these official accounts, right? Just send me an official account and say that it should be lowered, list the recent incidents of juvenile crimes, and show some anger, then it’s over Yes. Then another official account issued a post saying that it should not be lowered. It cited some stories about the return of the prodigal son. , there is traffic."

He also said to the copywriter in charge of Weibo:

"You can also join a few Weibo accounts, repost the content of their official accounts, and then several accounts will fight on their own sides. With your size, no one is willing to tear you apart. You can tear yourself apart Yes. The company will buy promotions for you, let big Vs from other companies participate, and make the topic hot. As long as you have enough emotions, you will attract people with similar emotions as you to become your followers."

Then I avoided some risky hot searches and hot searches bought by celebrities, and pointed to a piece of "the sadness of raising a large dog":

"This is more likely to create controversy. Although those who love dogs and those who hate dogs do not belong to the majority, each one is very active, inciting their emotions, cutting their leeks, second only to gender issues. Several numbers are given to each Different positions, when necessary, you can open a small account to deliberately say some outrageous things to provoke the war, coupled with the company's push, isn't it easy to generate traffic?"

"Those who became popular, how powerful are their writing skills? How sharp are their opinions? Most of them don't, they just incite emotions and follow the rhythm. Emotions and disputes are the traffic codes of self-media. Understand this, and then join It’s easy to do with a little capital operation!”

One copywriter was inspired to say:

"Then I will open a few accounts, one for well-known people, one for Chinese people, and one for reasonable guests, follow current events, output content according to people's design, and then fight each other, is it okay?"

Qin Kun glanced at him approvingly, then sighed again, and said, "The way of thinking is this way, but you'd better not touch this point, the water is too deep in it. Don't make any fools to drag our boss away." Go into the water. Although the Tianyuan Group is big, it won't be able to survive for a few days longer than others when it is hit with an iron fist."

Liu Qing didn't say much all the time, but when she heard Qin Kun's words, she still couldn't help giving her an appreciative look, and said:

"Boss Qin made a lot of sense. We can't touch some things, no matter how much traffic there is."

Although the later days of his life were muddled, he still knew some things.

What cannot be touched cannot be touched.

No matter how Big Mac exists, it cannot withstand an iron fist.

Another person asked: "Can the topic of gender be touched? For example, I have several accounts, one for male boxing, one for female boxing, and one for equal rights. Then I will make some small accounts to make extreme remarks, and use the large account to hang out. scold--"

This did not wait for Qin Kun to speak, Liu Qing glanced at it and said:

"This money can be earned, but let's not earn it, dirty."

The man blushed, and stopped talking, but felt a little wronged in his heart, thinking: "If you don't make the money you can make, why pretend to be a virgin?"

After all, Liu Qing is a reborn person, and knows how torn apart the gender issue will be in the next two years or so.

Smarter people are just yelling online, venting the hostility in reality to the Internet, instead of bringing the hostility on the Internet into reality.

But some stupid people were brainwashed by those torn views, brought into reality, and made some sensational and dumbfounding things.

Many families have been affected, and many people's minds have been distorted.

That can indeed bring a lot of traffic, but that traffic makes Liu Qing feel particularly sick.

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