If he was such a qualified person, he wouldn't have harmed his daughter.

But after meeting and staying for a longer time, I realized that this man was not arrogant and domineering at all. When facing them, he even felt a little afraid, his eyes were dodgy, and he didn't dare to look at them very much.

When encountering a need to speak, he put on a humble smile and spoke cautiously.

It felt very strange to them. They felt that this man did not have the temperament of a rich second generation, an upstart, or a scumbag.

More like the legendary honest man.

However, if you look at the young and beautiful women eating at this table, you don't need to delve too deeply into it to know what kind of relationship they have with Liu Qing.

There are several young and beautiful women hidden in the house. If such a man is honest, there will be no dishonest people in the world.

Of course they don't think Liu Qing is really an honest person who is slow to speak.

I can only think that this guy is too good at pretending.

During the meal, Ye Wanrong also asked Liu Qing about the current development of her younger brother Ye Mo.

She pays attention to Ye Mo on her pimple marks, and often chats on WeChat, so of course she knows Ye Mo's current situation.

Now when I ask Liu Qing, what she is asking about is something she doesn't understand. How does Tianyuan Media plan Ye Mo's future development.

Even Ye Mo doesn't know much about this thing.

It is not Ye Mo himself who can determine Ye Mo's future development, but Tianyuan Media he signed with.

And Liu Qing is the boss of Tianyuan Media.

When Ye Wanrong asked such a question, her parents couldn't help but listen with stunned ears.

This is also one of the reasons why Ye Wanrong asked Liu Qing these questions in front of her parents. It was a subtle reminder to her parents that not only she and her daughter would live in this family in the future, Ye Mo would also develop under this man.

If there is something unhappy, please forgive me for the sake of my daughter and granddaughter.

If the daughter and granddaughter are not enough, then forgive me for the son's sake.

Liu Qing can't talk about other topics, but when it comes to Ye Mo's development, he is still very clear.

Among the artists cultivated by Tianyuan Media, the best performer is Ye Mo, and this young man still has a lot of potential that has not been tapped.

How to develop him is the top priority of Tianyuan Media.

In order to develop more of his commercial value, Tianyuan Media has made many plans, and Liu Qing's opinions have been solicited in depth for those plans.

Liu Qing introduced Ye Wanrong.

He introduced to her Tianyuan Media's plan for Ye Mo's future, which of course mainly focuses on fighting in the ring.

In the Fengyun Jue arena, Ye Mo still maintains an undefeated record and is already considered the favorite to win the championship.

After playing this year's Fengyun Jue arena, I will participate in another one next year.

At the same time, next year, Ye Mo will decide whether to participate in the UFC ring or not based on Ye Mo's competitive state.

Winning the competition and dominating the arena is Ye Mo's dream.

At the same time, that is also the persona that Tianyuan Media wants to create for Ye Mo, and it is a sharp weapon to increase fans' sense of honor.

Although his fans are mainly attracted by his good looks, but only good looks can't keep too many fans.

There must be other talents to retain those fans, enhance their sense of honor, and turn them into fans step by step.

Apart from being able to fight in the ring, Ye Mo has no other talents.

Then let him win in the arena, winning again and again.

This is also the reason why Tianyuan Media spent so much money to hire foreign coaches to train Ye Mo.

A victory can bring a product, which can enhance the boring sense of honor of those fans and stimulate their enthusiasm for consumption.

That is banknotes.

If Ye Mo can stand in the UFO ring to fight against foreigners, win again and again, and knock down foreigners in the ring, it will increase the sense of honor of his fans.

It can even attract a wave of patriotic fans to become his fans.

If he can dominate that arena, there is no doubt that he will become a national hero in the self-media era.

It is conceivable how much traffic this can bring and how much economic benefit it can transform.

However, if they lose in the ring, it will undoubtedly hit the fans' sense of honor.

If he fell in the ring again and again, it would strip the fans of their sense of honor, and even make them feel ashamed, making them choose to leave this person.

What was lost was not only fans, but also economic benefits.

Therefore, on the one hand, Tianyuan Media must strengthen the training of Ye Mo, and on the other hand, it must carefully evaluate Ye Mo's state, whether he has the strength to win in the Uf ring.

Only when the winning rate is greater than [-]% will he be allowed to enter the ring.

It's not that you can't face failure. When you get to that arena, you're facing the strongest in the world, so you're bound to face failure.

However, they cannot face too many failures.

It must be ensured that there are more victories than defeats.

In this way, it is very likely that Ye Mo's entry into the UFC will be later than he expected.

With Ye Mo's current record and level, he is already qualified to fight in the UFC group arena, but he may win or lose.

As far as improving one's competitive level is concerned, entering the arena earlier and playing against stronger people will undoubtedly lead to faster growth.

It's just that Tianyuan Media can't bear the failure of a super first-line anchor, so it must be cautious. Only by making Ye Mo's competitive level reach a higher level and have a higher chance of winning can he be allowed to go to that bigger stage wandering.

Father Ye felt a little uncomfortable when he heard Liu Qing's explanation, and felt that his son was still kidnapped by money.

People of his age, of course know that money is important.

But a person who practiced martial arts has a passion for the fighting arena that ordinary people can't understand.

Compared with money, he certainly hopes that his son can grow up faster, stand on that bigger stage, show more people the strength of Chinese people in fighting, and prove that Chinese people can also do it.

To be able to reach that step, for their martial arts family, it is also a matter of glory.

Even though what Ye Mo is learning now can hardly be described as martial arts, he still has a long foundation in martial arts, and he can be regarded as a man in the martial arts world.

It's just that he can also understand that Tianyuan Media spent a lot of money on the coaching team hired by Ye Mo. Without such a professional team, it is impossible for Ye Mo to make such fast progress.

If the company spends money, of course there will be gains.

Considering Ye Mo's development from the perspective of making money, there is no problem at all.

Without Tianyuan Media, relying on Ye Mo's own efforts, there would not be such a rapid growth.

Although he was a little upset, he had no reason to accuse others of looking at money.

When talking about this, Liu Qing also mentioned how much money Ye Mo made for the company and how much money he made in the company.

He also did a calculation and listed the money that Tianyuan Media spent on Ye Mo, and listed the money that Tianyuan Media earned from him.

The result is that although Ye Mo can bring great benefits to the company every time he brings goods, so far, the company is still losing money from him.

It's not that he lost a little bit, but reached the eight-figure level.

At the same time, after Ye Mo joined Tianyuan Media, according to the signed contract, he has already earned eight figures of RMB through commission commissions for delivery and live broadcast gift commissions.

Once the account is settled, Father Ye is even more difficult to say anything.

Judging from this account, when Ye Mo joined Tianyuan Media, Tianyuan Media not only failed to make money, but also lost a lot of money.

And Ye Mo himself, after joining, not only his competitive level has been greatly improved, but also earned over ten million real money, becoming the only beneficiary.

So what else is there to say?

Although he didn't like Liu Qing very much, at this time, he also expressed his gratitude to Liu Qing very seriously, thanking him for spending so much money to train his son.

Liu Qing was flattered by this thank you, and said quickly:

"This is what I should do, and Ye Mo himself is good enough, and it is worth cultivating him in our company."

While talking, I was thinking:

"He thanked me, so he shouldn't beat me up?"

After eating, Ye Wanrong had a video call with Ye Mo.

Ye Mo is usually in Yangcheng, but two days later he will have a match of Fengyun Jue, so he went there two days in advance to train there.

At this time, only video calls are available.

Seeing his parents and Liu Qing together through the video, Ye Mo was taken aback. He also carefully checked whether his boss was injured.

Seeing that Liu Qing's body was still normal, he was relieved, and somewhat disappointed:

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that a man as strong as my father would bend down when facing money, and when he saw the scumbag who harmed his daughter, he would not beat him up hard, but also told him He eats together."

"This is depravity!"

"What happened to this era?"

"Well, I still have to work hard to earn more money in the future, so that my family can maintain their dignity in front of money as much as possible."

This video call lasted more than ten minutes, and finally ended after Ye Mo asked Ye Mo if he was looking for a girlfriend. Ye Mo said that it was time for training again, so he turned off the video call.

Mother Ye became angry: "This kid, it's like this every time I ask him. You don't need to train at other times, but you have to train when you ask him if he has a girlfriend."

Ding Yun could understand the mentality of her mother-in-law, so she couldn't help laughing, and said to her:

"I've met Xiao Mo a few times. He is so good-looking and earns so much money. There must be many girls who like him, so you don't have to worry."

Ye Mu said sadly: "I'm not worried that no girls like him, I'm worried that he doesn't like girls,"

Chapter 606

After dinner, Liu Qing was still the same as before, wandering around the community with Su Qi, and took this opportunity to leave Ye Wanrong's parents. The presence of these two elders in front of Ye Wanrong's parents made him feel very uncomfortable.

Ye Wanrong also came out, instead of staying at home with her parents.

Accompanying her parents was Ding Yun.

After eating, Xiaowen went to her live broadcast room to prepare for the live broadcast. Feng Zhixuan and Li Han both returned to their respective rooms and had to deal with work matters.

Of course, it can only be done by Ding Yun to accompany the guests.

In the community, Su Qi and Ye Wanrong walked and chatted hand in hand, both of them talked about children.

Su Qi has been pregnant for so long, and she will give birth in one or two months. Her body has undergone great changes, and these new states always appear.

In this regard, Ye Wanrong is a person who has come here, and there are many things worth learning for her.

It was only a month or two after Ye Wanrong gave birth, and the memories of her pregnancy did not disappear so quickly. I learned more from her than I learned from the Internet.

Not only about the reaction during pregnancy, Su Qi also asked Ye Wanrong about her feelings after giving birth.

Once the conversation starts, there is no end to it.

Liu Qing was on the other side of Su Qi and could only be reduced to an audience.

He doesn't have any experience in such things as pregnancy, and it is impossible to have any experience in this life, so he can only listen.

The three of them walked together, round and round in the neighborhood, Liu Qing looked like an outsider here.

But they can go around here silently, and they don't want to face Ye Wanrong's parents.

There is no other reason, it is a guilty conscience, and I don't like the feeling of guilt when facing the victim.

After wandering around for more than half an hour, when she was about to go home, Liu Qing finally couldn't help but asked Ye Wanrong:

"When will your parents go back?"

Ye Wanrong glanced at him, knew what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "Anyway, the house is fine, and it's warm here in winter. I want them to spend the winter before going back. Anyway, the house here is enough for them to live in." Come down, there are two more bowls, don't you think?"

Liu Qing was stunned, and suddenly felt that the whole person was not well.

It is very inconvenient to have two more elders living at home.

Not to mention the awkward relationship.

It's just that he can't object to abducting other people's daughters to give birth to him. If he refuses to agree to live here for a few months, that would be too unreasonable.

Can only answer: "Yes, you make a lot of sense,"

"You won't be unwelcome, right?" Ye Wanrong asked.

"Of course you are welcome," Liu Qing said with a dry smile, "Warmly welcome."

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