The number of people online is dozens of times that of the first-line anchors.

These anchors are very concerned about things like popularity, which means whether they can attract e-commerce companies to come to the list, and whether they can earn more sound waves.

How can you not be excited to see such unprecedented data?

After a while, I suddenly realized that this is a solemn and solemn place, and it is not suitable for yelling, so I quickly covered my mouth again.

At this time, he only regrets that this is not his own live broadcast room, but the live broadcast room of their big boss.

Sometimes he couldn't help stuffing his private goods and asking the online audience to pay attention to him.

You can rub as much traffic as you can.

A thin-skinned anchor can't get along in the live broadcast room.

The more people are online, the more e-commerce companies want to come to gain popularity, and the special effects of big gifts keep appearing, and the competition for the top ten on the list is quite fierce.

And many of the viewers who came here still came for Liu Qing's promise to donate all the income from this live broadcast to this charity event, and their willingness to buy gifts was also high.

Not only are the big gifts crazy, but the small gifts are also crazy.

For those who are not financially capable, they only pay a dime for a gift.

Some paid 52 cents for lollipops, or [-] yuan for thousands of paper cranes, and [-] yuan for balloons.

This is all a heart.

By 05:30, the charity event was over, and everyone's red envelopes were distributed.

After the last batch of red envelopes were distributed, Liu Qing announced this to the cancer patients and their families who hadn't left yet:

"Fathers and folks, now I want to tell you one more thing, that is, we launched a live broadcast of this charity event, and we have also made a promise that all the income from this live broadcast will be donated to this charity event. families of advanced cancer patients in the county."

"This live broadcast was watched by tens of millions of friends from all over the country, and they also gave gifts in the live broadcast room."

"Up to now, the live broadcast room has received a total of more than 5 million Yinlang gifts, worth more than 5000 million yuan."

"This more than 5000 million RMB is the love donated by friends who watched this live broadcast all over the country."

"According to the rules, the platform will deduct half of the more than 5000 million yuan, leaving only more than 2000 million yuan."

"However, we want to dedicate the love of all the viewers of this live broadcast to all the fathers and folks, not half of it."

"Here I announce that the more than 2000 million yuan deducted by the platform will be made up by Tianyuan Group, so that the love of all audiences can be fully expressed!"

When this was said, there was a burst of cheers at the scene.

That's more than 5000 million RMB!

The total number of advanced cancer patients in this county is less than 1000, which is worth tens of thousands of dollars per patient.

That's really not a small amount of money, it can change a family's living conditions to a great extent.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also full of excitement, and there were even more heartfelt wishes.

Before, some people who claimed to be independent thinkers ridiculed Liu Qing as a hypocritical businessman who borrowed everyone's money to sell his name.

Now there is nothing to say.

Because what Liu Qing promised was to make up half of the platform's deductions by himself, it would be equivalent to Tianyuan Group spending more than 2000 million yuan for charity.

At this time, there was another frenzy of brushing gifts.

When it was finally broadcast, the income of the sound wave of this live broadcast had exceeded 7000 million yuan, which is [-] million yuan.

At the same time, it also means that Tianyuan Group will spend 500 million yuan for additional charity.

Before the broadcast, Liu Qing announced the number, and showed the background data to the audience in the live broadcast room with screenshots from her mobile phone.

Of course, he was no exception, and he asked the people in the live broadcast room to pay attention to all the anchors participating in this event, including the assistant broadcaster.

When it was broadcast, there were more than 200 million people online.

It's amazing that so many people follow. Those anchors have added more than [-] followers.

After the whole live broadcast, Liu Qing added more than 900 million followers in total.

That's a pretty scary number.

This charity live broadcast has aroused great repercussions on various online platforms.

Live broadcasting for charity is a rare thing.

Then another big entrepreneur came to do this live broadcast, which is even rarer, and it can even be said to be unprecedented.

What ignited public opinion even more was that the number of online users exceeded 300 million, and a live broadcast received 7000 million yuan in rewards, and that 7000 million yuan was donated.

Each one is a breaking point of public opinion.

The gathering of so many articles can naturally detonate public opinion to a greater extent.

Several screen recordings of this live broadcast were spread on major social platforms, which attracted a lot of fans from Liu Qing and Tianyuan Group.

Before six o'clock, Liu Qing had already downloaded the broadcast.

The climax of discussions on various online platforms started after eight o'clock in the evening.

That night, Liu Qing's account on Acne Print gained millions of followers.

In one day, more than 1000 million followers have been added.

Liu Qing is also a person who does what he says. The 7000 million yuan did not wait for the withdrawal of Doucoin before donating it. That night, he informed the directors of the group in the group of directors about this matter, and after obtaining unanimous consent, I called the finance side and asked them to transfer 7000 million to the account of Tianyuan Charity Foundation overnight, trying to donate this sum of money tomorrow.

When talking about this matter in the WeChat group, he first made an apology, saying that he made this decision without consulting the directors, which was too hasty.

But he also explained that it was not that he disrespected the directors, but that under the circumstances, he had no time to discuss and could only make his own decisions.

He believes that such a donation can enhance the image of Tianyuan Group.

If the directors disagree, he can make the donation in his own name.

Now he has quite a lot of personal assets, and it is not difficult to get this money out.

The directors of Tianyuan Group are not stupid, they have all seen the discussion on the Internet, which can make the whole people discuss, and let the whole people discuss with a positive attitude, which is of great benefit to the brand promotion of Tianyuan Group.

If you simply spend money to achieve such an effect, one or two hundred million may not be able to achieve it.

There was no opposition to Liu Qing's decision.

Of course, one thing is certain, Tianyuan Group can advance 7000 million now, but what they donated is only half of the 7000 million, which is the half deducted by the acne printing platform.

The other half needs to be done by Liu Qing himself, or by Tianyuan Media.

Because Liu Qing's live broadcast room received [-] million sound waves, the [-] million sound wave income is the gift income of the live broadcast room that Liu Qing promised to donate.

At that time, Tianyuan Media will still transfer the money to Tianyuan Group.

This is a reasonable request, of course Liu Qing will not object.

Donated 7000 million, half of which was donated by the audience in the live broadcast room, and Tianyuan Group donated the other half.

But this time the reputation gained by donation is not something that the ordinary 7000 million can achieve.

Of course, some of the [-] million Yinlang gifts received in the live broadcast room were big gifts from e-commerce players and Shenhao players, but most of them were small, worthless gifts from ordinary viewers.

After a few hours of live broadcast, the number of people who stayed on the list reached more than 1000 million, and most of them were cautious ones worth a dime.

This also means that more than 1000 million people participated in this charity event.

Most of the more than 1000 million people have a high sense of identity with this charity event because they participated in it themselves, and they automatically become the propagandists of this charity event.

The more money paid, the harder the publicity.

They don't allow their love to go unnoticed.

Such a large propaganda team played a terrifying role.

At ten o'clock that night, the acne printing platform also noticed the public opinion this time, and announced one thing on the official account, that is, to join in the grand event, and decided not to charge the share of Liu Qing's live broadcast room this time, so that they can broadcast this live broadcast All Yinlang income will be withdrawn in cash.

They also contacted Liu Qing and Tianyuan Media to convey such a decision.

Of course, a request was also put forward to properly publicize this matter.

The Tianyuan Group's 7000 million funds were transferred to the Tianyuan Charity Foundation, and Liu Qing received such news.

Then it was informed in the group of directors that the group does not need to pay for this matter, and the acne printing platform has decided to bear half of the donation by itself, and the 7000 million Tianyuan Media will transfer it.

This also made the directors who participated in this online meeting very grateful that they did not veto Liu Qing's request, otherwise they would have been villains for nothing.

The reason why the acne printing platform made such a decision is related to the negative rumors that they have been deeply involved in "sliding and kneeling" during this period, and the corporate image is quite bad.

This time, the topic of more than 1000 million people participating in charitable donations in Liu Qing's live broadcast was fermented on the Internet, which aroused heated discussions among the people, and all of them were positive comments.

This made the platform executives realize that they can participate in this matter.

It's just that the share is exempted, it's not that they donate their own money, and there is actually no loss.

But you can take a ride to promote it and bring a wave of positive energy to your company.

They didn't expect to change the image of public opinion all at once, but as long as they could make the scolding less intense, it was worth it.

With such benefits, of course Liu Qing could not refuse.

No one has a grudge against money.

Moreover, the two new media companies of their own are mainly based on this platform, so it is not a good thing that the relationship with the owner is at a standstill.

Being able to be tied to them and have a closer connection is a good opportunity that is hard to buy.

As for the temporary image of public opinion on this platform, in Liu Qing's memory about the future, it is not that important.

After receiving the notification from the platform, he posted a short video using the pimple print account with more than 3000 million fans, announcing the good news of the hands-free share, and paying tribute to the pimple print platform.

Now it is time to discuss the limelight of his charity event, and his short video was quickly transferred to various social platforms.

The acne mark platform can be regarded as fulfilling its wish, and a wave of positive energy publicity was carried out by car.

The effect is quite good.

Many netizens left messages saying: "Let's talk about the matter, this time the acne mark was done beautifully, so I won't scold it today."

Chapter 581 Responsibility

On October 10th, according to the original plan, this charity event will be considered complete.

However, with the temporary increase in donations, there was an additional 7000 million donations, which needed to be distributed again.

For the distribution of 7000 million treatment funds, Liu Qing must be present, and must also show to the public that all the funds have been distributed in place for this event.

This is not because he is the chairman of the Tianyuan Charity Foundation and the president of Tianyuan Group, but because the 7000 million viewers in his live broadcast room generated one gift after another.

That is the embodiment of everyone's love, and we must let everyone see that this love has been implemented in order to make everyone feel at ease.

On the 26th, according to Liu Qing's original arrangement, he went to inspect the factory invested by Tianyuan Group in this county, but he made such a temporary decision in the live broadcast room the day before, so he needed to complete that matter first.

Fortunately, with the full support of the local area, the families of those patients with advanced cancer who had received 5000 yuan in treatment funds were notified that night, and they came to receive their treatment funds again the next day.

This can seem a bit of a toss-up, as the first day goes by and the next day has to go.

But none of the patient's families felt that this was a toss.

Because this is not giving money to people, but receiving money from others.

And what I got was not tens of hundreds, but tens of thousands of dollars.

So, the next morning, hundreds of patients with advanced cancer or their family members who were notified came to the charity event.

Reporters from provincial and municipal TV stations have come, as well as reporters from newspaper offices.

Like yesterday, Liu Qing started a live broadcast again, live broadcasting this charity event.

This time, each patient received more than 8 yuan, which was still distributed in cash.

Of course, direct transfers are more intuitive, but transfers are definitely not as impactful as handing out cash in a live broadcast.

There is also no way to transfer money to hundreds of people, and show all the transfer screens in the live broadcast room.

This also involves a privacy issue.

So they chose the seemingly more cumbersome method of cash distribution.

Such a large amount of cash was withdrawn by the charity team overnight from the banks in the city through special channels.

Going to the bank to withdraw so much money on a Sunday night is really not something ordinary people can do.

Thousands of dollars can be wrapped in red envelopes, but even tens of thousands of dollars in cash cannot be wrapped in red envelopes.

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