Ding Yun still owns many properties in Yangcheng, all of which are rented out to others now, but if she wants to live in it herself, she can terminate the lease contract and move there.

However, Liu Qing rejected her proposal, thinking that it would be better for her and her daughter to be here.

It is more convenient to take care of here.

If he moved out, he would not have much time to visit Ye Wanrong, which would not be good for the children's physical and mental health since childhood.

In fact, it is not very good for Ye Wanrong's physical and mental health.

Everyone lives together, and the relationship will be more harmonious.

Even if someone entered his house and found Ye Wanrong and Ye Wanrong's child, it could completely explain that it was completely reasonable for a relative's child to live here for a few days.

There is no need to give up a more convenient life because of worrying about those.

At least now living together, we all feel pretty good.

If one day we live together, disagreements and cracks appear, it will not be too late to move out.

Even if you buy a house yourself, it's no problem at all.

Liu Qing has that kind of ability, and Ye Wanrong has that kind of ability, but they can't afford a villa.

When she was raising the child, Ding Yun also promised Ye Wanrong that when Ye Tingting died, she would give this granddaughter [-]% of Tianyuan Group's shares.

One percent sounds like a small amount, but this one percent is one percent of Tianyuan Group, so it is not a lot.

At a minimum, it also has a value of several hundred million.

Counting in many miles, it can exceed one billion.

Even if it is calculated in US dollars, it can be called a billionaire.

Tianyuan Group has a total of more than a dozen shareholders, and some shareholders only have so many shares.

With this [-]% of the shares, whether it is sold or received dividends every year, it can guarantee a good life.

Such a promise made Ye Wanrong quite moved.

Of course, that will happen 18 years later, and I don't know if it will be implemented by then.

But with such a promise, there is also a thought.

She no longer has to worry about her daughter's future.

When Ding Yun made the promise to her granddaughter, she was also worried that Ye Wanrong's heart would change in the future, she didn't want to share a man with other women, and she wanted to leave Liu Qing and live a normal family life.

She was even more afraid that she would take her daughter away.

With this promise, the vast majority of women will not choose to leave for that [-]% of the group's shares.

With that thought, there will be concern, and it will be easy to handle in the future.

At that time, whether to give it or not depends on her wishes.

Of course, now she does have the willingness to give [-]% of the shares to this granddaughter.

In the future, no matter which woman gave birth to Liu Qing, regardless of whether it was a man or a woman, she would be willing to give [-]% of the shares as a reward.

Liu Qing was given 40.00% of the group's shares, and now she still has 45% of the group's shares. If she wants to divide up these shares, she must have [-] grandchildren.

If she really wanted to have so many grandchildren, then she would be willing.

Anyway, what she promised is the future. If 45 grandchildren really grow up to the future, it is meaningless for her to take these shares.

She was already satisfied with being able to live to that age, and there was no need to continue to hold so many shares.

After Ye Wanrong got Ding Yun's promise, she told Xiaowen that night, and asked her with a smile:

"One percent of the shares, that's hundreds of millions! Just ask if you envy it?"

Xiaowen's eyes were bright, and she hugged her: "Sister Rong, you will be a billionaire in the future, you have to take care of me."

"Get out!" Ye Wanrong slapped her with a smile, "Even if I give it, it's for my daughter, I'm still that jobless vagrant. If you envy me, you can give birth to your brother Qing too."

Speaking of this matter, of course, I want to drag this girl into the water. We have children together, and the children of the two can also take care of each other.

When Xiaowen heard this, she stuck out her tongue:

"I'd better think about this issue in a few years. I'm still young now."

Regarding such a promise, Ding Yun didn't ask Ye Wanrong to keep it a secret. She didn't mind that Liu Qing's other women knew about it. This would stimulate those women's willingness to give birth to Liu Qing's children and fill her fear of not having many relatives. .

Back then, the son she had with Su Yi was hit and killed by Su Yi's ex-wife, which greatly stimulated her and kept her in fear for a long time.

Even after finding Liu Qing's son, the fear has not been eliminated, and he is still worried that someone will use extreme methods to make his only biological flesh and blood disappear.

That's why she encouraged Liu Qing to find more women and have more children.

In this way, even if Liu Qing disappeared, there was still a grandson to look forward to, and he was still his relative.

The more children you have, the more secure you feel.

Compared with such a sense of security, those shares are not that important to her.

Even if all the shares are gone, relying on the famous watches, jewelry and real estate inherited, she can already guarantee her a prosperous life.

The shares are not given to others, but to their grandchildren, so there is nothing to be reluctant about.

It's all theirs anyway.

Such a promise, within a few days, several of Liu Qing's women knew about it.

I don't know if anyone is tempted. Anyway, everyone is quite reserved and doesn't show it.

Only Su Qi asked Liu Qing half-jokingly and half-seriously one night:

"Hey, tell me, when our child is born, will his grandma promise to give [-]% of the shares?"

"That's for sure," Liu Qing said without hesitation, "Even if she has a problem with you, she can't have a problem with the child. As long as the child is willing to recognize her as a grandma, how can she favor one person over another?"

Su Qi smiled and said: "If the child doesn't recognize her as a grandmother, then I, as a mother, have failed my duty. Don't worry, after our child is born, I will teach him to be dear to each other, and grandma is the closest. "

Liu Qing couldn't help laughing and said: "You are really an excellent businessman, you can find business opportunities here."

Su Qi didn't care whether the man was mocking her or praising herself, she just smiled and said, "Of course, I'm studying business."

During the National Day holiday, Zhen Tian chose to take a vacation and came to visit Ye Wanrong, bringing a bunch of supplements and baby products.

On the same day, she also heard about the promise made by Ding Yun from Ye Wanrong.

She didn't say anything at that time, and she didn't say anything when she was with Liu Qing that night.

Just stopped the long-term use of birth control pills.

The temptation of one percent of the shares was too great, and she was tempted.

I still want to pursue my career, but I don't want to miss that one percent share.

That's a bright future.

She didn't deliberately pursue pregnancy, but from this day on, she had made up her mind that she would no longer deliberately pursue contraception.

Ye Wanrong is working hard to recover her body.

She had a natural delivery in the first place, and the damage to her body was not great, so it was quite easy to recover.

The body that became bloated due to pregnancy is also slowly returning to normal.

It is impossible to completely return to normal in a short period of time, but she is confident that she will return to her normal body shape within half a year.

Not many days after giving birth, she started to go to the gym to exercise.

In terms of diet, I also avoided some too greasy food, as long as I can ensure the necessary nutritional intake, I can’t eat as much as before.

In the past, I was worried about fetal malnutrition, but now that the children have been born, of course I don't have so many worries.

In terms of self-discipline, she is still very good.

When serving the full moon wine to the child, her body shape looked similar to that of a normal woman, and her physical condition was even better than those normal women.

Full moon wine is a good meal for my family.

Ye Wanrong's parents didn't come over, let alone others.

That day Ding Yun brought Geng Xia over, and Zhen Tian also specially asked for a leave of absence. She didn't come here by herself, she even brought Mo Xiaodie over.

This was specially explained by Ye Wanrong.

On this day, Ye Mo, the child's uncle, also came over, and he was originally in the same city.

Rarely, Ye Mo and Mo Xiaodie met again.

Now they chat on WeChat every day. Although they don't chat much, they chat every day, and they will end up with a good night at the end.

The relationship is not very good, but it can be regarded as friends.

In Ye Mo's WeChat list, the woman who talks the most is Mo Xiaodie.

During this time, Ye Mo gave Mo Xiaodie dozens of Huazi.

Mo Xiaodie asked him not to use WeChat on WeChat, saying that the money would be taken away by the platform, so it was unnecessary.

But Ye Mo said that her live broadcast room is very popular now, and she can gain attention by swiping Huazi in his live broadcast room, so the company also has such a requirement.

Mo Xiaodie wanted to swipe back to him, but he refused. The reason is very simple. Mo Xiaodie does not play PK and does not bring goods. The conversion rate of fans is relatively low. It is not worth the loss to gain attention by swiping Huazi. There is no need to do such a thing.

After chatting, the two gradually became acquainted.

This time the two met at Liu Qing's house, and they were not as unfamiliar as the previous few times.

Of course not how intimate.

This time they met here, they communicated quite a lot with each other, in Ye Wanrong's eyes, they were quite gratified.

However, the content of the exchange between the two of them was not love, but another charity event held by Tianyuan Charity Foundation in October.

Chapter 577 Charity

The Tianyuan Charity Foundation has promised that it will spend at least 2020 million yuan for charity activities in [-].

It was already in the second half of the year when it was established, and it was not an easy task to spend this [-] million.

If you donate the money directly to the Red Ten, it is of course very easy, just give the money and leave.

The purpose of their charity activities is to enhance the corporate image. They cannot simply donate money. There will be a series of activities. The team must follow up on such things in an all-round way and conduct in-depth publicity reports.

Just giving money to other people is against their will, they wouldn't do something like that.

And now it's just donating money, without letting everyone see the effect of donating money, and everyone doesn't buy it so much.

There are quite a lot of tricky charitable funds that have come out now, whether they are semi-official or non-governmental, one by one, the public opinion has gradually distrusted those philanthropists.

The Tianyuan Charity Foundation wants to put all the money it puts out into practice and give an account to the public.

Only in this way can the use of charitable funds be used to the extreme.

Show the good deeds you have done to the public in detail, so that the public can feel their donations, and the meaning to those recipients, which is more touching than just donating an astronomical amount of money.

They have a professional charity team, and two new media companies with a certain amount of traffic on the network platform, which can completely achieve this goal.

If you can invite a star, the effect will of course be better.

But celebrities are not so easy to recruit, and once invited, they are not easy to use too much. For example, the last time I went to a poor mountainous area to do a student aid, Mo Xiaodie suffered from heatstroke. Few celebrities can endure such hardships.

Especially without any compensation.

It's much more convenient to use your own internet celebrity.

This is also a good publicity point for its anchors, which can bring a lot of traffic.

The charity event in August was very successful. After the charity event was completed, the sales volume of products produced by Tianyuan Group’s small and medium-sized enterprises had a relatively large increase, especially the food and beverages produced. Many chain supermarkets took the initiative Requiring cooperation, offline sales have doubled compared to before.

Selling this piece online has also increased a lot compared to before.

The effect is called immediate effect.

It's just that the short-term effect is already like this, and the long-term effect is more worth looking forward to.

With such feedback, everyone will be more motivated for the charity event in October.

The charity event to be done in October has been determined, and this time the theme is respect for the elderly.

October 10, this day is the ninth day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, which is the traditional Double Ninth Festival, a festival related to the elderly.

This time the activity was in a county with serious air pollution.

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