Said to Liu Qing: "Boss, don't worry, I will never let you suffer."

But he made up his mind, no matter what, he had to make this deal happen.

If he refuses to lower the price, then follow the price he offered, 600 million.

Anyway, it was Liu Qing, a big dog, who paid the money, and he could agree with him that as long as he could successfully acquire the mask factory, he would give him 5.00% of Tianyuan Media's shares, and he didn't say how much he would buy.

If you can save money for this rich second generation, then of course you can save money for him. After all, you are working for this person. If you perform better, it will be easier to get reused.

If it can't be saved, then 5.00% of the shares must be won.

He and the old boss of that mask factory had already made an appointment to meet at his mask factory, so he turned on the navigation and drove there.

This is not the rush hour for work, there is no traffic jam, and it doesn't take long to get out of the city.

That mask factory is in the suburbs, although it is not far from Pengcheng, a first-tier city, but relatively remote.

At that time, the boss chose to open a factory in that place mainly because the land price was cheap and it was close to Pengcheng in this first-tier city.

Qin Kun followed the navigation and drove all the way. When he arrived at the village, he stopped the car and called the boss Nian: "Boss Nian, I brought our boss to the entrance of your village. Come and pick it up. That big Benz is."

The car stopped there, and after waiting for more than ten minutes, a young man wearing a floral shirt, beach pants, and flip flops came over.

Seeing their Daben, they waved there: "Boss Qin, Boss Liu, is that you?"

Qin Kun poked his head out: "I'm not the boss, the one behind me is the boss."

The young man opened the back seat door, got into the car, and stretched out his hand to Liu Qing:

"Hello Boss Liu, my name is Nian Fengyan, I am the one who opened the mask factory you want to buy."

"Hello boss Nian, I hope this cooperation will be pleasant." Liu Qing held his hand.

He did not expect the owner of this mask factory to be so young, and he looked only in his 30s or [-]s.

But I quickly understood - only this kind of young people who don't understand anything will rush into an industry without doing any research, and want to quit after they can't make money. .

But he is also fortunate to have such a young man, so he can easily pick up a mask factory.

Yan Fengyan did not expect that the boss who wanted to buy his own mask factory was so young.

But he soon understood—only young people like this who don't know anything can rush into this industry without doing any research to take their own orders.

But he was also lucky to have such a young man, so he had the opportunity to throw out the plate that was smashed in his hand.

The two looked at each other, each with contempt, but also secretly happy, with smiles on their faces.

Chapter 059

Daben started to move again, and under the guidance of Nian Fengyan, he slowly turned into a small road, drove at the same speed as a bicycle for 2 minutes, and arrived in front of a factory building.

That is Nian Fengyan's mask factory.

The factory building is not very big, but there is a large open space next to it, which is fenced off, and it seems to belong to this mask factory.

The car was parked in that open space.

Several people got out of the car. Liu Qing saw the land and asked Nian Fengyan, "Is this also the land of the factory?"

Nian Fengyan nodded: "Yes, I have rented them all. I signed a 20-year contract with the village. I have prepaid the annual rent of 25 yuan for four years. For two years, the annual rent of 25 is yours to pay."

Liu Qing was very curious: "What do you do with such a large piece of land? Are you afraid that the employees in the factory will have no vegetables to eat, so you grow vegetables for them? I don't think you have grown any vegetables."

Nian Fengyan blushed and said awkwardly: "At that time, I wanted to reserve a little more land for future expansion,"

At that time, the young man was full of confidence, thinking that he was a fledgling Mr. Wolong, trying to test the water mask industry, and strictly demanding craftsmanship with his own high standards, he would definitely be able to become an international mask king. Of course, we should reserve more space for future development. space.

It took two years of tossing before I realized that I was just a calf who had just come out of the bullpen and was not afraid of tigers.

Not only are the reserved spaces unusable, but some of the machines and employees we bought at the beginning are also unusable.

Thinking about it now, it was simply a huge irony, a stain on his life.

Qin Kun wanted to laugh, but he was a strictly trained person, so he couldn't hold back the smile.

Looking at Nian Fengyan, Liu Qing's eyes changed, and she said sincerely:

"Brother, you have a pattern! You are too patterned!"

It doesn't matter if you don't admire it.

Before, he was a little worried about whether such a small factory had a warehouse big enough to stock up, because he had to stock up enough masks and raw materials for the production of masks before the epidemic started.

If you want to make more money, you need to store more goods, which requires a large warehouse.

Normally speaking, who would configure such a small factory with a large warehouse?

The area of ​​this mask factory is only that big, and the warehouse will not be that big.

But they just didn't take the usual path, they circled such a large open space at the beginning of the factory, and it was no problem to keep it for the warehouse.

With this vision, he would like to call it the best in the world!

His words definitely came from the heart.

But in Nian Fengyan's voice, he felt it was ironic no matter what, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Boss Liu, you can keep these lands to grow vegetables, or you can dig a swimming pool out, and you can't return them. The contracts have been signed for 20 years."

Qin Kun said unhappily: "Boss Nian, you didn't tell us before that there is such a big hole, we can't use so much land at all, and we have to pay so much rent every year, which is completely unnecessary waste. You have to pay less for this!"

With a 20-year contract, a rent of 25 yuan a year, Fengyan pays 100 million yuan a year, which means that the rent has been paid for four years in advance, and will be paid every year thereafter.

That is to say, in the remaining 16 years, the rent alone will have to pay 400 million.

But the mask factory doesn't use that much land at all, and most of the 400 million yuan is wasted.

This is a problem left over from history. It is completely reasonable to ask the other party to lower the price for this reason.

Nian Fengyan felt a little guilty, and at the same time felt a little wronged—are you the only one who wasted it?Could it be that the 100 million I paid before was not wasted?

——I paid so much more, but you want me to lower the price, are you still human?

Although he knew that what Qin Kun said was reasonable, the grievance in his heart would not disappear because of this rationality, but he felt even more aggrieved.

It's just that now he is begging someone to sell the mask factory, so he can only bear the grievance and laugh along with him and said, "There is a little more land here, but it's not that he doesn't have other uses."

Qin Kun smiled: "Back then, boss, tell me what kind of uses you have, and you can earn back the extra rent."

Nian Fengyan couldn't tell.

Maybe the extra land could be used for something else, but he couldn't tell.

If he could tell, these two years would not be empty.

In the end, he lowered his head and said, "That's okay, it can be a little less."

He quickly added: "But it can't be too much less, at most one year's rent less."

Liu Qing looked at Qin Kun in surprise, never expecting to use this reason to ask the other party to lower the price.

To reserve so much open space, in his opinion, it was a stroke of genius, and it saved himself a lot of trouble.

Facing the reserved space, he thought that he could buy it with a higher asking price.

I didn't expect to be able to reduce the price because of this.

It's not that he can't figure out the reason, it's just that under the surprise of having so many open spaces, he doesn't think about it at all.

"This Qin Ribi is not bad, 5.00% of the shares are worth it."

He once again spoke highly of Qin Kun.

——Actually, it’s not that Qin Kun is so good at business negotiations, but that these two young people are rookies.In contrast, Qin Kun, who knows a little bit, is very powerful.

In terms of rank, Qin Kun is at least already a strong silver man. As long as he unleashes such a little coercion, he can torture the two black irons so that they dare not move.

What can Liu Qing say?

He could only follow what Qin Kun wanted to say: "These lands are really too much, and they have brought a heavy burden to our future. I don't think one year's rent is enough. This is several million!"

Nian Fengyan looked at Liu Qing and was on the verge of tears: "Boss Liu, the price I offered is already a loss-making price, there can't be any less!"

Qin Kun knew that Liu Qing was a rookie and couldn't let him take the call, so he took the call:

"Boss Nian, this commercial acquisition is about commercial value, not how much money you lose or how much money you earn. As long as the commercial value is sufficient, if you invest millions in an industry, others will pay tens of millions more to buy it. It’s okay. But the commercial value is not enough. If you invest millions in an industry, hundreds of thousands may not be wanted. We bought this factory to make money, not to lose money. Do you think this is the reason?”

Of course Nian Fengyan knew this.

He knows better than anyone how much money this mask factory has lost, because he is the one who lost money.

Judging from the trajectory of the past two years, if we continue to do it, we can only continue to pay for it.

Otherwise, he would not be in a hurry to sell the mask factory.

Moreover, no one wanted to buy it for more than half a year after the news was released. After such a hard time, such a big guy came, and he really didn't want this big guy to go away.

After much deliberation, he could only admit defeat, and said, "Then I'll lower it a bit more."

Chapter 060 Conscientious Entrepreneur

At first, Qin Kun thought that Nian Fengyan had exaggerated the amount of money invested in this mask factory, because a mask factory of such a scale as he let you know from others did not need such a large investment at all.

He felt that at least it was exaggerated twice.

However, when I came to this factory for an on-the-spot inspection, I found that they really didn't exaggerate, they actually spent so much money to go out.

The young man can't make money, but he has a dream of becoming an international mask king, and he is still very serious in doing things, and he must do everything well.

The machines are the best, the raw materials are also the best, the training of workers has very strict standards, and the quality requirements for mask production are also very strict.

The workshop is also strictly built in accordance with national standards.

All the required documents are done.

Every pile has to be spent with money, and it has to be done with heart.

In this young man, Qin Kun saw a heart pursuing dreams.

"No wonder you lost so much money." He thought to himself.

The more Liu Qing looked at Nian Fengyan, the more pleasing he was. This person was simply a gift from heaven to him, and he helped him build such a magnificent country.

It's impossible for him to do it by himself.

Unfortunately, it's a man.

I have already made a decision in my heart: "I want to order this mask factory!"

Nian Fengyan took two people into the factory building, showed them the production workshop, and told them about his investment in it one by one.

As he spoke, his eye circles were red.

——It was all his hard work!

I used to love chasing dreams when I was young, and I just wanted to go forward, but when I looked back, I realized that the clown was actually me.

The painstaking effort was just to come up with such a money-losing product.

I feel aggrieved just thinking about it.

Manufacturing really has no future.

I heard that speculating in coins is very popular and has a great future, and it is the next outlet.

He has already decided that after selling the mask factory, all the money will be used to speculate in virtual currency.

There are only a dozen employees left in the factory. They work eight hours a day and have two days off a week. They strictly follow the labor law.

Liu Qing couldn't help but praise Nian Fengyan: "Brother, you are really a conscientious entrepreneur who gives employees such ample rest time."

He has also been in several factories before, but he has never seen a factory that allows workers to have such ample rest time.

It's really annoying, and I discovered the other party's strengths again.

They are all young people, why are they so good?

Nian Fengyan: ","

I thought to myself: "If I didn't sell the goods, would I let them work so little?"

Machines sitting idle are a huge waste.

But if it is produced but not sold, the waste will be even greater.

The lesser of the two evils, he can only let the employees take more rest, so as to save the things they make from being unsold and not having to pay overtime wages.

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