The boss didn't say anything, and it was not easy for him to ask, so he could only leave with regret, filling up countless stories in his heart.

When he was still in the elevator, he sent messages in several groups:

"Does anyone know where the mask factory sells it? It makes disposable anti-virus masks, the kind with complete certificates. If you have any news, let me know, thank you very much!"

Every time such a message is sent in a group, a red envelope of 50 yuan will be sent out.

When I got out of the elevator, two or three hundred were already gone.

However, compared with obtaining 5.00% of the shares of Tianyuan Media Company, this amount of money is nothing.

After he left, Liu Qing was stunned for a long time.

He feels that shopping malls are a completely strange world to him, and his previous life experience is useless here.

Ding Yun gave him a fund of [-] million for his development. At first, he thought that with the advantage of being a reborn, he could earn him hundreds of millions no matter what.

But now, I really have no confidence.

There is no trustworthy person to help, so what's the point of seeing the investment direction?Don't you make a wedding dress for someone every minute?

Just like Tianyuan Media, there is absolutely no problem with this investment direction. A few million dollars is spent, and there is no splash like the hundreds of thousands of others, but it has fattened a big moth.

There really wasn't a single one available.

The people he was familiar with, besides the security guards, were the cleaners.

Moreover, familiarity is familiarity, if those people can sincerely help themselves, no matter whether others believe it or not, he himself does not believe it anyway.

Those guys don't have the integrity of a cadre, and they can't stand the test. They belong to the kind of people who give a can of Wanglaoji and let others advertise in the lobby.

The most critical question, even if you can trust it, you don't have that ability.

"I can't even do it. Could it be that they are better than me?" Liu Qing thought.

Tangled for a long time.

If I had known it would be such a trouble, I might as well just lie down and be a stallion waiting to die, and breed the next generation to see if I can cultivate a business elite.

At this time, I also deeply understand why the mother who abandoned him for more than ten years came to him again.

His mother is also a person who doesn't understand anything in the mall, so she will have that kind of worry.

Wanting to find a reliable person, I have been restricted to be a housewife in those years, and I have no chance to establish my own network.

After much deliberation, the only one who can be trusted is probably his own son.

The problem now is that Ding Yun can't find a reliable person, and he can still find his own son.

He didn't know who to look for.

After being depressed for a long time, he felt that he still had to do something to make himself happy.

Turn on the lights in several rooms of the house, turn on the [-]-inch TV, take out the mobile phone and snap pictures, from the bathroom to the kitchen, to the living room, to the bedroom.

Select nine photos that best reflect the luxurious life, block Ding Yun and the newly added He Feng and Qin Kun, and then send them to Moments:

"A house of 120 square meters can accommodate my physical body, but it cannot accommodate my loneliness."

I showed off my wealth in a low-key way, and I feel a lot better.

After posting to Moments, I took a cold shower in the shower and felt very comfortable.

In the past, I could only use a bucket to hold water for bathing, and the space for bathing was quite small, and it was inconvenient to turn around.

Now the area of ​​this bathroom has caught up with the bedroom of the house he rented before. It is a pleasant thing to take a shower in such an environment.

After taking a bath, some irritable mood also calmed down.

In any case, the conditions he has now are very good.

So what if the company is hollowed out?

As long as you don't take on a loan, the big deal is that the [-] million yuan will be wiped out.

I still own this house, and this alone is beyond most people living in this city, beyond most people living in this country.

It's a bit hypocritical to be depressed in this situation.

Chapter 056

After taking a shower, Liu Qing didn't even put on her pajamas, and just staggered back to the bedroom.

Lie down on the bed, picked up the phone to check WeChat, first saw the message from Xiaowen, first sent a screenshot of his circle of friends, and then said:

"In such a big house, living alone must be very lonely. Let me dispel the loneliness for you."

Liu Qing was about to refuse, but suddenly thought of the previous troubles, changed her mind, and replied:

"Since you have asked sincerely, then I will mercifully satisfy you—come on!"

After replying to this one, it didn't take long to see that the other party was typing in the chat box, but after waiting for a few minutes, the other party did not speak.

I quit the chat box and was about to read the messages in Moments, and then I received Xiaowen's reply:

"You're not lying to me, are you?"

"What did you lie to?" Liu Qing felt very funny, "Is there anything worth lying to me about?"

"Then do you mean to let me go to your place? Let me tell you, I am very naive, but I take it seriously. I will pack my luggage and go to your place right away." Xiaowen sent such a message.

Liu Qing posted an emoji from the movie "The Iron Fist of Shame": "Come here!"

He answered so briskly, but Xiaowen hesitated instead: "Liu Qing, did you have a drink today?"

Liu Qing: "No."

Xiaowen sent an angry expression: "Then you are looking for my pleasure."

Liu Qing was very depressed: "I said you woman, you said you wanted to come, I mercifully agreed to you, and then you said that I was looking for your happiness. Let me tell you, the chance is only this time, my door It is only open to you this time, if you miss it, there will be no next time."

Xiaowen did not reply to him, but sent a video request.

Liu Qing was about to answer, but suddenly realized that she was too open-minded now, so she clicked to decline, and said: "If you are sleepy, don't come to the video."

Xiaowen made another voice call.

Only then did Liu Qing click to answer: "What are you doing? You can't type clearly, so you must make a call?"

"Are you really not drunk?" Xiaowen asked.

Liu Qing was depressed: "I don't believe you come up with an elementary school math problem to test me, see if I can solve it!"

Elementary school math problems, that is already his limit.

Because he didn't finish junior high school himself, if he had to solve a math problem in the third grade of junior high school, he would definitely not be able to solve it.

Xiaowen heard that his voice didn't sound like he was drunk, so it was very strange:

"Didn't you prevent me from going there before? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

After a pause, he asked again: "You didn't watch some small movie and pulled me over to vent your anger, did you?"

Liu Qing was helpless: "Is my aesthetic ability so unbearable in your eyes?"

"Get out!" Xiaowen cursed, and then she was curious: "Then why did you let me go there?"

"No," Liu Qing wondered, "Is this the only use you have in your mind?"

Xiaowen was surprised: "What new uses do you want to develop for me? I'm telling you, don't come up with those messy ideas! Don't even think about the tail of a leather whip and candle! I'm a decent person, and I will give you at most Wear stockings!"


Liu Qing frowned, and snorted dissatisfiedly, what's all this mess?

Said: "To tell you the truth, I went to my company today and found that the situation is not good—"

Xiaowen immediately interjected: "—meaning you found out that the company doesn't have a female secretary?"

Liu Qing froze for a moment: "No,"

Although the company did not have a female secretary, the topic he was talking about had nothing to do with whether there was a female secretary.

Xiaowen guessed again: "There is a female secretary, but she is not pretty?"

"No, why are you talking about the female secretary with me?" Liu Qing was anxious, "What I want to say is not about whether the secretary is not a secretary. What I want to say is that there are bad people in the company."

Xiaowen: "The villain took over the secretary?"

"There is no secretary at all!!!" Liu Qing said loudly, "Why do you hold on to this?"

"But," Xiaowen expressed her doubts, "it's not for the beautiful female secretary. You are a rich second generation who didn't graduate from junior high school. You don't understand anything. Why did you go to that company?"

This question was so reasonable that Liu Qing was speechless for a while.

——I don’t understand anything, why did I go to that company?

——What can I do in that company?

After much deliberation, the only thing he can do is the female secretary.

This is in line with his status as an uneducated rich second generation.

No wonder Xiaowen asked such a question.

After being silent for a while, I said, "Let me tell you this, it was my mother's test for me to manage that company. Only by passing that test can I inherit more family property. But the current situation is that the There are bad guys in this company, who emptied the company's assets. With those bad guys, there is no way for me to pass the test."

Xiaowen let out an oh, expressing that she understood.

Then he asked timidly: "Brother Qing, you don't pin your hope of passing the test on me, do you? I can understand how you, a person who has not graduated from junior high school, look up to someone like me who has a high school education. But I want to tell you the truth, as a high school student, I am just a younger brother in front of those spirits—they are all strong men who have gone to college!"

Liu Qing snorted: "Of course I know you're useless,"

Xiaowen protested weakly: "Brother Qing, although you are telling the truth, can you be more tactful?"

Liu Qing said angrily, "I'm illiterate and haven't graduated from junior high school, so I can't learn to be tactful."

After a pause, he said again, "Didn't you say you were going to work in my company yesterday? I'll give you this chance."

"But you just said I'm useless," Xiao Wen felt wronged, "Now you let me go to your company, why do you let a useless person go to your company?"

"Although you are useless," after saying this, Liu Qing changed her words again, "Well, let me put it mildly, although your ability is not obvious enough, but you are someone I can trust, and I don't need you to play anything You can just put on a show there. At least others don’t know you’re useless, and in their eyes, you’re mine,”

Xiaowen shyly said: "Oh, Brother Qing, you admit that I am yours,"

"Don't joke around!"

Liu Qing scolded and continued:

"I don't need your ability. If you can appear in that company as my representative, you can scare some people from doing bad things—at least they don't dare to do so blatantly."

Xiaowen understood: "I'm just a scarecrow, just trying to scare people."

"Smart," Liu Qing praised, "That's what I think."

Said his intention, and then asked Xiaowen:

"Would you like to come and help me?"

Xiaowen was silent for a while, put away her usual hippie smile, and asked, "Why did you choose me?"

Liu Qing sighed: "You are the only friend I have in this world. If you want to choose a trustworthy person, you are the only choice."

"I am willing." Xiaowen gave such an answer.

Liu Qing was suddenly moved.

Originally, he didn't want the relationship between the two to become a superior-subordinate relationship, but the current situation is that he really doesn't even have a single person he can trust.

Ability or not ability is not important, at least there must be a trustworthy person.

After much deliberation, there is only Xiaowen.

After being together for more than a month, he knew that this little girl had various problems and was not capable enough.

But at least, he is still a trustworthy friend.

On the other end of the phone, Xiaowen suddenly asked:

"Brother Qing, you said you only have me as a friend, so am I your dear friend?"

Liu Qing was still immersed in the emotion, and nodded her head - although the other party couldn't see it:


"Since it's a dear friend, then," Xiaowen said in a low voice, "then you have to pay more!"

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