Nian Fengyan also bought a new car, a red Ferrari sports car, worth several million, which is very cool to drive.

Liu Qing didn't expect that Nian Fengyan would also participate. She was very surprised to see this guy driving a new car - the Ferrari was already driving, this guy made a lot of money!

Xu Bo and Nian Fengyan were very enthusiastic when they saw Liu Qing, and they were the first to greet him:

"Boss Liu, long time no see."

"Brother Qing, long time no see!"

Both of them are very grateful to Liu Qing.

Xu Bo is grateful to Liu Qing, because Liu Qing affirmed his idea of ​​investing in a mask factory, gave him the confidence to persevere, and also introduced Nian Fengyan, one of the crouching dragons and phoenixes in the mask industry (a commendatory one), to He, let him prepare to build a mask factory to avoid a lot of detours.

Moreover, the raw materials for the mask factory behind were also purchased through Liu Qing's relationship, allowing his mask factory to produce one step ahead of those invested in the same period, and earned the maximum profit.

Nian Fengyan thanked Liu Qing because Liu Qing introduced him, one of the crouching dragons and phoenixes in the mask industry (in a derogatory sense), to Xu Bo, the benefactor, and gave him the opportunity to shine and let him get the family's Support, supported him several million to partner with Xu Bo.

Without Liu Qing as a bridge, he would still be depressed at home and could only rely on the rent of a few houses to live on. He was an inconspicuous role in the demolished second generation group.

Now he has earned money, has status in the family, and has a higher status in the circle of friends.

Xu Bo introduced Nian Fengyan to these people.

Those people were in awe when they heard that this young man was the same as Liu Qing, who was known as the young boss in the mask world. The upper class can be described as a giant in the mask industry.

Its investment vision is far-reaching, looking at the world, no one can match it.

I didn't expect to see a living body now.

They all came forward to express their admiration, and asked him about his views on the future economic situation.

Even Liu Qing pricked up his ears to listen, wanting to see what new ideas this industry beacon has.

Chapter 456 The time has come

If he had faced so many compliments two or three months ago, Nian Fengyan would have suspected that he was dreaming, because in reality no one praised him, only people mocked him.

But now, he has long been used to praise, and he regards himself as an authority in the mask industry.

In the face of such praise, he was not at a loss at first, and he was able to talk freely and deal with it appropriately.

Liu Qing watched from the side, and couldn't help feeling that Nian Fengyan now had the demeanor of a successful entrepreneur, instead of a life loser like before, who couldn't hide the gleam between his brows. frustrated.

"This man has been reborn." He thought in his heart.

In Nian Fengyan's eyes, Liu Qing is not the rich second generation who was stupid and rich, but has become a leading figure among the young entrepreneurs in Pengcheng.

Not only did he treat Liu Qing like a big brother, but these young entrepreneurs were all very respectful to Liu Qing.

During this period of time, he has improved a lot, and Liu Qing has improved faster than him.

Sometimes, whether a person has leadership qualities does not depend on whether he has that ability, but on whether he is in that position.

When a person is pushed to that position, as long as he is not particularly dull, he will naturally develop a leadership temperament after a long time.

Liu Qing is such an example.

He is very clear about his own abilities, but after being the leader of the company for more than half a year, he naturally has the temperament of a superior.

And these people around him, under his background and business performance, consciously or unconsciously are a head shorter than him, which further shows Liu Qing's status as a big brother.

Qi Ranran organized this gathering to take the opportunity of the selection of Pengcheng's top ten young entrepreneurs of the year to create a network of contacts centered on these ten young entrepreneurs.

In business, no one needs help.

Originally, we just met by chance, but after getting together a lot, we became more familiar with each other, and such a circle was formed.

It's not that anyone should rely on whom to eat, but that with such friendship, when it is necessary to find a partner, they can give priority to finding people in the circle for cooperation.

Just like the last time Xu Bo invested in a mask factory, he also found these people to attract investment, but everyone didn't believe in the mask market and did not invest rashly.

If his investment is successful, it will be a model of circle cooperation.

Around ten o'clock, all the top ten young entrepreneurs of the year in Pengcheng selected last year had arrived, some came alone, some came with others, and there were seventeen or eight in total.

When we are together, we talk about business matters.

Make complaints about how difficult life is during the epidemic, and discuss what to do to make money.

It can be seen now that the medical device industry is very profitable, but at this time, a large amount of capital has already been invested in it.

It is too late to invest now, everyone is hesitant.

There are some new ways to make money that everyone is discussing.

Everything about currency speculation and stock speculation is mentioned.

Liu Qing didn't bring Feng Zhixuan here, he didn't know much about business matters, so in order to avoid showing timidity, he tried his best to keep silent.

In the eyes of others, it means that he has a calm personality and doesn't like to show off, which adds a sense of mystery to him.

Occasional voices are also things that I can be sure of, such as some things Su Qi mentioned to him, and a few days ago when I accompanied Su Qi to work at the Tianyuan Group headquarters, I heard the things mentioned by those group executives.

Another thing is to match up with my own memory about the future.

His ability is not strong, and his understanding of business is not deep, but he has a relatively high level of contact. The Tianyuan Group he works in is an investment company. He has a relatively deep research on which industries make money and which industries do not make money.

Under the influence of ears and eyes, I can understand a little bit.

Among the people present, none of their families were engaged in investment, including the richest Qi Ranran's family, who also focused on real estate. In terms of investment, they are naturally inferior to a professional company like Tianyuan Group.

Therefore, Liu Qing's occasional opinions, in their opinion, are very reasonable and have great reference value. To exaggerate, they even gave them a feeling of seeing the blue sky through the clouds and mist.

Of course, Liu Qing would not be so stupid as to reveal the group's business secrets in order to show off her abilities, she just talked about it in general terms, and she would follow other people's topics, and would not talk about specific matters.

He will never mention the industries that Tianyuan Group plans to invest in.

Just saying a few words occasionally has already made these young people feel that Boss Liu is too powerful. He deserves to be the top ten young entrepreneurs of the year in Pengcheng, the man who invested in two ultra-high-profit companies in half a year.

In less than an hour, Liu Qing had already become an authoritative person in this circle, enjoying the glory of the stars, and countless flattery slapped him.

Although Liu Qing still maintains a certain degree of sobriety and knows that she is a scumbag, she is still very happy to be able to leave such an impression in everyone's minds.

Ye Mo has been by Liu Qing's side for a long time, and he has seen many scenes of Liu Qing asking questions around the secretary Feng Zhixuan like a primary school student, and he has already positioned Liu Qing as a rich second generation who is nothing .

Seeing the current scene, I feel a little confused-are these people so scumbags?To actually hold a scumbag as a business mentor?

Although he has read more books than Liu Qing, he is less than 20 years old, has never paid attention to the economy, is obsessed with fighting, and even less understands business rules.

I don't know if Liu Qing's reasoning is true. I only know that Liu Qing is not a business expert, and it can even be said that he has no entry, no foundation at all.

So it was incredible to see such a scene.

Of course, although he didn't take this situation seriously, he wasn't stupid enough to expose the boss's ignorance.

There is one thing he still understands - in terms of business, Liu Qing understands a little better than him.

He was dutifully in front of his bodyguard, without saying a word, just in a place close to Liu Qing, watching all directions, listening to all directions, paying attention to the surrounding environment, and guarding against someone who would be unfavorable to Liu Qing.

However, this is a private courtyard, and the security of the villa area where it is located is relatively strict, so normally nothing will happen.

The degree of danger cannot be said to be completely non-existent, but it will be much smaller than the outside.

Although Ye Mo performed his duties, he was not overly careful and made himself nervous.

You can also eat some snacks and fruits to pass the boring time.

There are some fruit plates here, and everyone can chat while eating.

Those entrepreneurs are all focused on business discussions, and few eat.

Ye Mo was the one who ate the most among the people who came here. He felt that many snacks and fruits were delicious. He thought that when the supermarket found such snacks and fruits, he would buy more and bring them back to his sister, and he could also send some. Go back and feed his parents.

——When you find something delicious, you want to give it to someone close to you. This is the instinctive reaction of many people.

When thinking about who to bring to eat, a lonely thin figure holding a guitar and singing suddenly flashed in my mind, thinking:

"She grew up in such a poor environment, she probably hasn't eaten such delicious food, has she? Would you like to give her some?"

But this idea was just born, and it was stifled by myself:

"No, if I bring her food, my sister will definitely misunderstand me, so it's boring."

He just simply felt that the girl named Mo Xiaodie was pitiful, and wanted to send some care to her, just like learning sensitive words to be a good person when he was a child, and he had no other ideas.

It's unnecessary to make a simple thing complex.

The fruit snacks he ate tasted really good, most of which he had never seen before.

——Before he became Liu Qing's bodyguard, his monthly income was several thousand yuan, which was not enough to consume these things.

The fruit plates placed in the living room cost tens of thousands of yuan. It is true that they are delicious, but they are also really expensive.

Qi Ranran also put in a lot of effort to gather these people together. She borrowed all the chefs hired by her father and brought some high-end ingredients to cook a sumptuous meal for everyone.

They also transferred two young and beautiful female employees from the company to come over as guest waiters, trying not to neglect any of the guests.

In order to make this party a good one, she spent 10,000+.

To her, this small amount of money is a trivial matter, and the most important thing is to take advantage of this opportunity to build a good network of contacts.

Her performance is there, without the support of data, she cannot become the leader of this circle.

However, being able to be the convener of this circle is also quite good.

Her family is rich, so it doesn't matter if she doesn't make good performance now, as long as she seizes an opportunity and invests successfully, the performance will naturally come out.

Liu Qing can now become the leader of this circle, isn't it because the two companies he invested in last year have both risen?

What she lacks is just such an opportunity.

She wanted a chance to make a lot of money, not just to make money, but more to show her business ability, so that she could get a bigger share in the future distribution of family property.

She is not an only child. She has an older brother who has been engaged in real estate with her father for more than ten years. She is at a disadvantage in terms of asset distribution in the family.

It is impossible to share the family property equally with her brother, and she does not have such extravagant hopes.

It's just that she hopes that the distribution ratio can be larger, for example, from one-tenth to one-fifth or one-third.

For her, that means doubling her wealth.

Although her father has some patriarchal ideas, he also hopes to achieve risk hedging. As long as she can show her personal business ability, her father will allocate more assets to her, so that when her son makes a mistake in his investment , and a daughter to help.

This is also the thinking of not putting all eggs in one basket.

This is not her speculation, her father told her so clearly - if you want to get more family property, use your own strength to fight for it.

For a while, she had a lot of thoughts about Liu Qing, not because Liu Qing was so handsome, but mainly because Liu Qing was the only son of the chairman of Tianyuan Group.

Being able to marry such a man, even if she doesn't get any money from the man's family, her father will give her more share of the family property.

It's a pity that the epidemic broke out before she started to attack, and everyone hid at home and dared not go out.

Before the epidemic was over, Liu Qing was already with that half-sister.

If the fertile water does not flow into the fields of outsiders, the people who are close to the water first get the moon, and they have completed the integration of resources internally, which makes her quite depressed.

She checked Su Qi's information, and she was really a terrible opponent.

Aside from being pretty, she graduated from an Ivy League university and worked as a vice president in such a large investment company as Tianyuan Group for several years. She is a strong woman with strong business ability.

Compared with Su Qi, her only advantage is that she is six years younger than Su Qi.

In other respects, there is really no advantage.

They are already together, so there is no chance for her.

Looking at Liu Qing surrounded by those people, Qi Ranran was quite depressed, thinking:

"The first time we met, I should let him take me home, and then invite him to come to the house for a glass of water, then push him down, cook the raw rice, so that he is mine,"

Although in fact Ye Wanrong was by Liu Qing's side at the time, her plot could not have succeeded, but it did not prevent her from imagining.

"I don't know if it's too late now,"

Another thought flashed through her mind:

"Anyway, he is not yet married to that Su, so if we find a time to overthrow him, maybe we still have a chance,"

With this thought in mind, the way she looked at Liu Qing became different again.

At this time, Nian Fengyan was discussing Bitcoin with Liu Qing:

"Brother Qing, you told me before that the value of this thing will rise, and it will rise to more than 1 dollars. A while ago, it rose to more than 7000 dollars, and I did not sell it. But now it is only more than 5000 dollars. A few days ago The sky has also dropped to more than [-] knives, do you think it will also be affected by the epidemic, and there will be no such market?"

Liu Qing gave him a strange look: "Do you want to throw it away?"

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