"What's so great, isn't it just being a door-to-door son-in-law?"

However, such a thing can only be thought about, and dare not say it in person.

For rich people, they still have some sense of fear.

Liu Qing didn't introduce these people to Su Qi. He felt that there was no need to introduce the names of these passer-by characters, and some of them had indeed forgotten their names.

Su Qi doesn't know how to speak her native dialect, but she can understand it. She smiled and nodded to those people: "Hi, I'm Liu Qing's girlfriend, and this is my first time here today."

This can be regarded as an endorsement for Liu Qing's introduction.

Boss Liu glanced at Liu Qing enviously, and said, "Xiao Liu, you are not bad, you have married such a beautiful daughter-in-law."

Liu Qing smiled and said: "It's okay, actually it doesn't matter if she is pretty or not, I don't care about that, the main reason is that she has a pretty good personality."

Walking into the shop, he casually asked, "Why are there no firecrackers?"

Boss Liu said:

"Firecrackers are not allowed to be set off on the mountain, and we are not allowed to sell them. You can't bring firecrackers up the mountain even if you bought them yourself. People in the village are watching these days, and if they find out that they set off firecrackers at the grave, they will be fined [-] yuan."

Speaking of this, he has a little resentment.

The ban on firecrackers in this county is so severe that their shops can no longer sell firecrackers, whether it is weddings, weddings or Chinese New Year, which makes them lose a lot of income.

Across the river is another county in another city, but there is no ban on firecrackers there. When it comes to Chinese New Year, the fireworks and salutes light up half the sky, and the people here can only envy.

Liu Qing let out an oh, but didn't say much.

Firecrackers are not allowed to go up the mountain, which he thinks is a good thing.

In his impression, there used to be firecrackers caused by setting off firecrackers every Tomb-sweeping Day, and sometimes a large forest was burned.

An outright ban is fine too.

If you can't set off firecrackers, then you don't need to buy this.

I bought some paper money and joss sticks—this is actually not allowed to be brought up the mountain in principle, and it may also cause a fire.

However, this thing does not cause as much commotion as firecrackers, and it is secretly lit on the mountain, and no one else knows.

Although the village will send special people to watch these around Qingming, it is impossible to go to the mountain to see every grave sweeper.

These things are not expensive, less than ten dollars.

I bought another spirit flag, some apples, and a bag of biscuits.

His grandparents passed away before his father was in a car accident. He used to visit his grandparents' graves with his father and those uncles, but after his father passed away, he only visited his father's grave.

His grandparents have his uncles going to the grave, so he doesn't need to join in the fun.

He was the only one who came to visit his father's grave.

This has been the case for more than ten years.

Su Qi watched him buy those things, and they didn't have a lot of money, and the total amounted to more than 20 yuan.

These are the offerings for going to the grave during the Qingming Festival here, and those who don’t have money don’t even have offerings.

Some would offer cigarettes and alcohol, but Liu Qing's father did not smoke or drink, so there was no need to offer such offerings.

After buying the things worth more than twenty yuan, Liu Qing borrowed a hoe and a sickle from Boss Liu, and asked Su Qi to help him carry the sacrifices. He took the sickle and hoe himself, and the two walked into the fork in the road.

After that fork in the road, there is a small road leading to the mountain.

Ye Mo and Li Han didn't follow, Liu Qing asked them to wait at the door of the shop.

There is no custom of letting outsiders participate in going to the grave during the Qingming Festival.

Su Qi is Liu Qing's fiancée, so of course she can participate.

There is no need for the two of them.

Let them stay there, and also watch the two cars parked there, lest they be scratched by urchins.

The forked road goes around the mountain, and it is also a cement road, and there are families on the side of the road.

Now the rural construction is quite good, and the cement pavement has been extended to every household.

It's just that the gates of some homes are closed tightly, and weeds are overgrown in front of the gates, and no one lives there.

After passing a few houses, there was a small path going up the mountain, Liu Qing took Su Qi to that path.

This trail is not a concrete pavement, it's just that there are too many people going up the mountain, and it's not so easy to walk.

Fortunately, Su Qi didn't wear high heels, so there was no problem walking this kind of mountain road.

This mountain is not high, just over [-] meters away. From the path of more than ten meters away, there are tombs on both sides.

There are far more people buried on this mountain than those who live below it.

Some have built tombs, some have not, but have tombstones erected in front of the tombs, and some are just mounds without tombstones.

The weeds around most of the tombs have been cleaned up, and it can be seen that they have been cleaned up recently, and spiritual flags have been planted on the tombs.

There are also a few tombs covered by weeds and shrubs, which look extraordinarily desolate.

When the breeze blows, the colorful paper flowers and white strips on the spirit flag dance with the wind, like dancing ghosts.

There is another name for this spirit flag, which is called the soul-calling flag, and its meaning is to attract the souls of the dead to return and accept the worship of descendants.

Walking in it, although the weather was sunny, Su Qi had a gloomy feeling, as if she had entered a kingdom of the dead with Liu Qing.

There was a chill behind him, and he followed Liu Qing unconsciously, grabbed the corner of his clothes with one hand, and said, "Liu Qing, this place is kind of scary."

Liu Qing smiled: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Aren't you afraid when you came to the grave alone before?" Su Qi asked.

Although she has received modern higher education, this environment seems too intrusive, and she is really afraid to let her come alone.

She didn't quite understand why Liu Qing was not afraid when she came to the grave alone before.

——Is this person really not afraid of ghosts?

"Then what's there to be afraid of?" Liu Qing said, "I'm a local, and the ghosts here are also local ghosts, from the folks in the big hometown, they don't need to harm me."

He said, paused, and smiled again:

"Besides, my dad is here too, and he will protect me."

He said it with a smile, but in Su Qi's ears, he could hear the sourness and nostalgia.

It suddenly occurred to me that the man beside me lost his father when he was a teenager, and also lost his only relative in the world.

In the ten years since then, no one can give him the warmth of home, no one can give him shelter.

In his heart, it should be quite bitter, right?

Perhaps it is only once a year that I can go back to my hometown and miss the warmth of the past in front of my father's grave.

The words Liu Qing said reminded her of a passage she saw on the Internet:

"When I was a child, I was afraid of graves because I thought there were ghosts in them. Only after my relatives were lying there, I realized that the ghosts I was afraid of when I was a child were people that others would never see again day and night."

When he broadcast the soul-calling banner, maybe he really wanted to attract his father's soul.

He may not be afraid of ghosts, he just believes that there is his father here, and his father will protect him.

Thinking of these, there is a feeling of distress - to Liu Qing.

Liu Qing led Su Qi along the path for more than 200 meters, and reached the mountainside, where there was a path.

Then followed the path and walked to the right for tens of meters, walked into the tomb bushes, and walked towards a barren tomb.

That tomb was overgrown with weeds and bushes, in stark contrast to the cleared tombs next to it.

There was no tombstone erected in front of the grave, but Liu Qing knew that it was his father's tomb.

Chapter 433 Sacrifice, as in

The area near Liu Qing's father's tomb belongs to the Liu family's ancestral cemetery.

This does not have any clear ownership of property rights, it is just a convention.

On this mountain, which ancestral cemetery belongs to which surname has been divided by those surnames in the village over the years.

Even, which row belongs to which generation has a clear boundary.

The top tomb is still the ancestors more than a hundred years ago.

In this area, that is, Liu Qing's father's tomb has not been cleared, and it looks extraordinarily different.

Putting down the hoe, Liu Qing started weeding with a sickle.

Su Qi had never done such a job before, so she could only stand and watch.

While cleaning up the weeds and bushes, Liu Qing said to Su Qi:

"It seems that we still have to find someone to help us build a tomb, so that these weeds will not grow on the tomb."

This tomb is just a mound of earth, and the soil has to be cultivated every year. Otherwise, the mound will gradually flatten due to the rain, and finally disappear into the weeds, and no one can find it.

Some tombs that were not taken care of by descendants just disappeared.

Build a tomb and seal the surrounding area with cement, so you don't have to worry about the growth of weeds and bushes, and you don't have to worry about being washed away by the rain, so it won't look as desolate as it is now.

Some tombs have too many weeds, and they will become hiding places for rabbits, digging holes in them.

That would be even worse.

I didn't have money before, so I couldn't do such a thing. Now that I have money, I can naturally think about it.

Su Qi nodded: "This is very good."

He asked again, "Would you like to erect a monument?"

Liu Qing thought for a while, then shook her head and said with a smile: "The stele will not be erected for the time being. I am the only person who erected the stele. I will be laughed at if others see it. After two years, when there are a few children, let's erect the stele. It will be more lively." , my dad also has a little face."

Sometimes, for rural people, that is the top priority.

A tombstone only has the name of the owner's son on it, but no grandson's name. It seems a bit shabby, so it's better not to stand.

Two years from now, things will be different.

At least the child in Ye Wanrong's womb will be born, and Su Qi should be able to give birth to one too.

There are two, which is about the same.

Maybe with good luck, there will be a few more babies.

Regardless of whether it is an illegitimate child or not, as long as it is his child, he dares to write it on the tombstone.

——Probably no one would be bored enough to read the contents of a tombstone and report him.

Su Qi understood what he meant, a smile appeared on her face, and she unconsciously covered her stomach with one hand, as if a new life had really been bred inside.

She didn't know if she was pregnant or not, and it's only been a few days, so no one can say for sure.

Liu Qing worked for more than ten minutes with a sickle, cleaned up all the weeds and bushes, then dug out the roots of the bushes with a hoe, and tidied up the tomb. For treatment, do water treatment.

Su Qi looked at those, thinking that this man has learned to do these since he was a teenager, and it still hurts a lot.

While doing this, Liu Qing was still talking.

Not to Su Qi, but to his father buried underground:

"Dad, I haven't come to see you for a long time. This time I brought your future daughter-in-law here. She is very beautiful, right? She is not only beautiful, but also quite capable. "

"Dad, don't get me wrong. She's not the girlfriend I told you before. That woman disliked me for having no money and went with another man. I broke up with her last year."

"Haha, after breaking up with her, I have developed. I don't know if she regrets it now."

"I think she should be very regretful."

"Anyway, I'm very happy."

"A few years ago, life was pretty bad. When I came to you, I always complained about life and said a lot of negative energy. You should be very worried, right?"

"But you don't need to worry about me now. I'm fine now, rich and have women."

"There is another girl who is pregnant with my child, who will be born this year, and you will have a grandson. I will bring the child over next year for you to see."

"Maybe, at that time, your grandson was not just one."

"Aren't you happy? Dad."

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