Ding Yun also had no expression on her face. She moved her hand towards Liu Qing and said, "First of all, let me introduce you. His name is Liu Qing, and he is my son born to my ex-husband."

As soon as these words were said, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which stunned both Su Qi and Feng Zhixuan.

Su Qi thought to herself: "It turns out that this man is not her baby boy, but her own son! She brought her son to the company, what does that mean? Is she going to let her son take over the company?"

Ding Yun personally owns 50.00% of Tianyuan Group's shares. In theory, she has that kind of power.

This made Su Qi feel a sense of crisis in her heart, and felt that her position as the president of the company might not be able to be kept.

In fact, after Ding Yun inherited those shares, she already felt that she would not stay in this company for too long, but she did not expect this day to come so early.

She has met with the rest of the company's shareholders during this time, and has also received the support of those shareholders.

However, the sum of all shareholders' shares is not as much as Ding Yun's. If Ding Yun insists on going her own way regardless of the company's split, such support is meaningless.

Under such a sense of crisis, she didn't even have the heart to think about what kind of revenge her secretary would face.

Feng Zhixuan turned pale with fright.

It's a little better to offend the boy raised by the chairman, but the chairman is too embarrassed to go too far.

But now the one who offends is the chairman's own son, so how can he get it right?

The expression on Ding Yun's face was as cold as ice, and he continued:

"After I met my son, my son told me that he came here to get on an elevator, and he was slandered by Secretary Feng as a candid photographer. I haven't seen my son for more than ten years, and I'm not sure what his character is. How about it, I don’t know if he lied or not. So I asked Geng Xia to go to the property to adjust the surveillance, and took pictures of my son getting into the elevator and getting out of the elevator. Now I’m asking you two to come over and take a look at him Was there any secret filming? If he did such a thing, I would personally turn him into the police station. If he did not do such a thing, Secretary Feng, you have to give me an explanation."

As he spoke, he said to Geng Xia who was standing behind him:

"Xiao Geng, turn on the video and let them take a look."

Feng Zhixuan quickly lowered her head and said, "Chairman, don't read, I already know that I misunderstood Mr. Liu, and I apologized to him."

Ding Yun said: "It's better to take a look, lest others say that you were forced to apologize because he is my son. I like to convince people with reason, not with power."

Chapter 037 Resignation

Both Su Qi and Feng Zhixuan understood that Ding Yun must have watched the surveillance video first, and made sure there was no problem before letting them watch it.

So there's no need to look at that at all.

However, at Ding Yun's request, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and watch the surveillance video.

The process of watching is a humiliation to them.

It can be seen from the surveillance video that after Liu Qing entered the elevator, she deliberately distanced herself from Feng Zhixuan and retreated to another corner of the car.

This is already the maximum distance that two people can separate in the elevator.

Later, he took out his mobile phone, clicked on the WeChat page, typed and sent a message, then put away the mobile phone, and he could see it quite clearly.

There is no possibility of candid shots at all.

Seeing this scene, Su Qi couldn't help but glance at Feng Zhixuan again.

Even though she didn't like Liu Qing very much, she had to admit that she had acted very well by taking the initiative to distance herself after entering the elevator.

It is too much to doubt the other party under such circumstances.

Feng Zhixuan blushed and bowed to Liu Qing again:

"Sorry, Mr. Liu, I misunderstood you."

Before Liu Qing could speak, Ding Yun spoke first:

"I think it's a very serious allegation to secretly film something like this, and it's not something that can be resolved with an apology."

Feng Zhixuan's face turned pale, she didn't know what to say, she turned her eyes to Su Qi for help.

Su Qi was displeased, feeling that the two of them made a big fuss over a molehill, and asked, "How does the chairman think it needs to be resolved? Will Mr. Liu be compensated for mental damage?"

Ding Yun shook her head: "It's not a matter of money. The senior secretary of our company accused others of secretly taking pictures without any evidence. I think this is particularly bad in nature. As a mother, I cannot allow my son to be slandered like this. As the chairman of the company, I also don't like the guests who come to the company to be slandered like this."

"Chairman, what do you mean?" Su Qi said coldly.

Ding Yun said: "I don't think Feng Zhixuan is suitable to continue working in Tianyuan Group."

Feng Zhixuan became anxious, bowed deeply to Ding Yun, and said:

"Chairman, I already know I was wrong, please give me another chance."

Su Qi looked at Ding Yun, and said: "Chairman, are you going too far? I can understand your idea of ​​standing up for your son. I can accept that you want to punish her, but I can't accept her dismissal."

Ding Yun smiled and said, "I'm not giving you my suggestion, I'm just informing you of my decision."

"I don't agree!" Su Qi said loudly, "You are avenging your own private revenge and using power to overwhelm others! Just because Zhixuan offended your son, is she going to be fired?"

"If it's an important partner of the company who happened to be in the same elevator as your Secretary Feng, and then received such an accusation, how much damage do you think it will cause to the company? How bad will it be to the company's image? ? Is it too much to fire her?" Ding Yun asked.

Su Qi thought to herself: "The important partners of the company will not dress so cheaply,"

You can only think about this reason in your heart, but you can't say it out. It would be politically incorrect to say it out.

Said: "What you said is just if, the fact is that this incident has not caused any loss to the company, nor has it brought any impact on the company's image—if Mr. Liu doesn't want to cause a big incident."

Ding Yun said: "If her behavior is not dealt with seriously, it will lead to a large number of imitators, which will bring losses and bad effects to the company. It will be a matter of time. I can't allow such signs to appear. If I find one, I will Kill one, so as to serve as an example to others."

"I can't accept it!" Su Qi said angrily.

"You have to accept it." Ding Yun said coldly.

The two looked at each other, neither convinced the other.

In the end, Feng Zhixuan conceded defeat, and said with red eyes:

"Chairman, President Su, stop arguing, I will write a letter of resignation when I get back."

"You are not allowed to write!" Su Qi said loudly.

"You don't need to write a letter of resignation," Ding Yun said, "the personnel department will give you a letter of dismissal."

Su Qi became even more angry, she stared at Ding Yun and said:

"It's not even good to resign, but you still want to resign. You're doing too much, right?"

Resignation is the employee's voluntary resignation.

Dismissal is the dismissal of an employee by the company.

There is still a big difference here.

For a security guard like Liu Qing, he wished to be fired by the company, so that the company would have to compensate a certain amount of money.

Property companies generally do not fire employees, but suggest that employees leave, or stare at the employee and deduct points for him, forcing the employee to leave, just not wanting to make up money.

However, white-collar workers who work in a big company like Tianyuan Group are unwilling to be fired from the company, even if they make up a certain amount of salary.

Because being fired from the company will affect their job hunting in the future, which directly affects their worth.

As for low-level occupations like security guards, for most property management companies, they accept them as soon as they come, regardless of whether you have been fired or not, they don't care about that at all.

Su Qi was angry because she felt that Ding Yun was ruining Feng Zhixuan's career and this person.

Ding Yun refused to budge: "What she did, she should be punished like this!"

Feng Zhixuan was also dumbfounded, she didn't expect that she couldn't even resign and would have to be fired.

Feeling wronged, tears fell down.

Liu Qing coughed, drawing everyone's attention to him, and then said to Ding Yun: "Mom, forget it, it was just a misunderstanding, there is no need to dismiss him."

Hearing what he said, Feng Zhixuan even had tears in her eyes for a moment, thinking that this man is simply too good!

Ding Yun glanced at Liu Qing coldly, and snorted:

"People have slandered you as a perverted voyeur, and you still come to speak for them,"

Not allowing Liu Qing to refute, she waved her hand and said to Feng Zhixuan: "Forget it, since my son doesn't care about it, then I won't dismiss you. You can write a resignation letter yourself."

Feng Zhixuan was overjoyed, and bowed to her, and then to Liu Qing: "Thank you, Chairman, thank you, Mr. Liu."

Ding Yun snorted and said, "You should be lucky, my son is a generous person."

Su Qi also nodded to Liu Qing: "Thank you."

But she completely forgot that she originally wanted to oppose Feng Zhixuan's resignation.

The main reason was that after Ding Yun asked to dismiss Feng Zhixuan, he suddenly felt that being able to resign was already a good result.

Mr. Lu Xun said something like this: For example, if you say that this room is too dark and you need to open a window here, everyone will definitely not allow it.But if you advocate removing the roof, they will come to mediate and are willing to open the windows.

Refers to such a situation.

Feng Zhixuan left this office to write a letter of resignation, Su Qi also left with her, Ding Yun stopped her:

"Go slowly, I have something to tell you here."

Su Qi froze for a moment, stood there, and asked:

"what's up?"

Chapter 038 Game within the rules

Ding Yun and Su Qi seldom communicate with each other, and they never deal with each other.

Ding Yun became the new chairman of this company, in fact, more than ten days ago, and basically had no communication with Su Qi.

This was the first time that she was left in the office to discuss matters.

Su Qi's face was full of reluctance, and she actually felt a little uneasy in her heart.

She was worried that what Ding Yun was going to say was to take down her position as acting president and appoint Liu Qing as the president of the company.

People really have this power.

She had already started thinking about how to unite with the major shareholders of the company to put pressure on Ding Yun and make strong statements to make Ding Yun give up such an idea.

The major shareholders of the company are still on her side.

——On the one hand, there are returnees from Ivy League universities who have made good achievements in the company in the past few years, and on the other are semi-literate people who have only completed elementary school and have no business experience. Isn't it easy to choose which side to stand on?

Sure enough, the moment Ding Yun spoke, it was Liu Qing's business:

"As I said before, Liu Qing is the son born to me and my ex-husband, and he is also my only son now. At my age, I have nothing to pursue, and he will be my only sustenance in the future."

"He is also my only son now" said this, which made Su Qi feel somewhat guilty.

Originally, Ding Yun had another son, who was her half-brother, but was hit and killed by her mother's car.

In this matter, she is indeed ashamed.

However, if she was asked to hand over the power of the company, she would not agree.

Ding Yun continued: "I haven't seen him for more than ten years. I learned a while ago that he has had a difficult life in the past ten years. As a mother, I want to make up for him."

Su Qi said with a cold face:

"You can make up whatever you want. This is your family business. You don't need to tell me."

Ding Yun said: "But the compensation I want to give him is to let him be the boss of a company. Of course, I need to tell you, the acting president, about this matter."

Su Qi directly understood the "one company" in Ding Yun's mouth as Tianyuan Group, and snorted: "The company is not owned by you alone, and you have no right to make such a decision."

Ding Yun frowned: "I own 50.00% of the company's shares, and I want to use a small company under the company to give him experience, but I can't even do this?"

Su Qi froze for a moment, realizing that she had made a mistake.

I still care too much about this matter, so I lost my composure.

Depressed for a while, he said, "Which company do you want to give him experience? If it's really just a small company, we can still discuss it."

"The new media company that was established in Pengcheng at the end of last year, I think he can experience it. He has worked in Pengcheng for these years, and he is more familiar with it." Ding Yun said.

Su Qi recalled for a while, and remembered that company was a small company with a registered capital of 1000 million. At that time, she thought that Su Yi wanted to become an Internet celebrity. Although she didn't support it, she didn't object.

Such a small company, if Ding Yun hadn't mentioned it, she would have almost forgotten it.

He didn't agree right away either, and asked, "I need to understand the situation of that company first."

Although she felt that it was okay to agree to such a small request, she didn't want to agree so readily.

If you promise too quickly, you will only ask for more and more in the future.

Ding Yun said: "I've sent someone to get the information of that company."

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