In terms of family affection, she couldn't feel it since she was a child, and she didn't care.

From around four o'clock in the afternoon, she scolded for more than an hour in the live broadcast room, and almost opened a special session of Mo Xiaodie and her father, until the next broadcast.

The number of people online even exceeded [-], which gained her a lot of fans.

After downloading the broadcast, I also learned about the beating incident in the live broadcast room. I was very excited and said to Liu Qing with some regrets:

"That old thing was not killed on the spot, what a pity!"

Chapter 378 Visiting the Wounded

The case has entered the review stage, Liu Qing can't get any more news, and it's impossible for more news to come out in a while.

However, at this point, he was basically relieved.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, Qin Kun's account posted a video, which was the video of him going to the scene of beating someone, and added a paragraph later, which can be regarded as a response to the beating incident in the live broadcast room.

——Many people paid attention to this matter, and some even recorded their screens and posted them on the platform.

Under the video he posted before, many people urged to ask what was going on.

It is necessary to post such a response video.

At the end of this response video, he said:

"When I saw those two gangsters beating people, they uttered the slogan to teach them a lesson for Xiaodie, but those two had nothing to do with the company, but were captured by two employees of the company in time. "

"Some people may wonder why it was so coincidental that two employees of the company happened to be there. Here I want to explain that our company is worried that this old man will have various unexpected situations here, and we have already made an appointment Comrades from the police station and the civil affairs department came to discuss this matter, and it is necessary to watch the old man to prevent accidents.”

"Actually, I'm also quite surprised. Why did this Pengcheng Wang Shao deliberately guide the old man out of the sight of the property security and walk to the side of the road when he was live broadcasting? To shout slogans like that. I find it quite inexplicable, it is not logical at all."

"Now that the two gangsters have been arrested and brought to justice, I hope there will be an answer to this question."

"Two employees of the company were injured to varying degrees in order to capture the criminals, and one of their arms was broken."

"In addition, the old man was also seriously injured, with three broken ribs."

"As for the beaten person you saw in the live broadcast room, that is, the anchor named Pengcheng Wang Shao, the hospital did an injury check and found no scars, not even a bruise on his body. Although everyone It was seen in the live broadcast that he was hit hard, but in fact he was not injured at all, so everyone can no longer worry about his safety."

He didn't say anything clearly, and his identity didn't allow him to say anything clearly, but the meaning inside and outside the words was already very clear.

——This is an action to pour sewage on Tianyuan Media.

After this new response video was released, there was no need to buy traffic to push it, and it quickly spread widely.

On this platform, there are always the majority who like to watch the excitement, and they will spontaneously increase the popularity of this news.

There are also many gossip accounts that carry the content of other companies. They saw the traffic of this incident and joined in one after another, which quickly increased the popularity.

And because the matter was too bloody, it spread beyond the acne printing platform.

Most people's thinking is in the direction guided by Qin Kun-this is what Tianyuan Media's competitors want to discredit Tianyuan Media.

Qin Kun was in the hospital when the response video was posted.

He came to the hospital to visit two injured employees, one of them was treated briefly, and he didn't need to be hospitalized, so he could go home.

The other arm was fractured, which is the kind of fracture where the bone is completely split. It is more serious and can only be hospitalized.

When Qin Kun visited him, he also revealed Liu Qing's decision, giving him a reward of 10 yuan, and a work-related injury subsidy of 50 yuan. In addition, the company will fully bear the medical expenses and lost work expenses.

A broken arm for 60 yuan is too cheap for some people, but for most people, it is still acceptable.

It's not a comminuted fracture, and you can still recover after a few months of treatment and recuperation, so the employee was able to accept such an arrangement and even expressed his gratitude.

The employee who just suffered a little skin injury was even more happy - he could get 10 yuan for a little scratch, which is simply too much money.

After seeing the two employees of the company, Qin Kun asked to visit the old man again:

"After all, he is the father of the anchor of our company. The anchor of our company is also very worried. I want to see his situation."

His request was granted.

The old man has not started to receive treatment, because he is a senior drug addict, he is a little old, and his physical condition is not good. The hospital has to come up with a treatment plan, not so quickly.

His treatment expenses can only be paid in advance by Tianyuan Media - after all, Mo Xiaodie is the contract anchor of Tianyuan Media.

When Qin Kun entered, the old man was pale and lying on the bed in pain.

Seeing Qin Kun approaching, the old man showed a scared expression on his face.

There are still medical staff in the ward. Qin Kun said to the medical staff: "His daughter is from my company. I am entrusted by his daughter. I have a few words to tell him. Can you leave for a while? Just a few minutes time."

This is not an unfeeling request. Qin Kun is the general manager of a company. He has a name and surname. The hospital does not need to worry about his murderous hands. So after he made this request, the medical staff left the ward. And close the door.

After they left, Qin Kun approached the old man's hospital bed and smiled, saying:

"Don't be afraid, the two people who beat you were not arranged by me. Instead, the people I arranged caught those two people. One of my employees was also interrupted by them. They are now undergoing interrogation. Who Those who instigated them will be interrogated soon."

The old man was visibly taken aback.

Qin Kun said again: "What purpose do you have for doing such a thing, we know. But I want to tell you that you have been used by others. Whoever ordered those two people to beat you, you should be able to You can figure it out. You should be able to figure out why they beat you. They are not trying to help you, they are just using you."

The old man had a thoughtful expression on his face.

Qin Kun stood at the head of the bed, looked down at him, and said:

"I don't know what they promised you, asking you to cooperate with them to discredit our company. But I want to tell you that your daughter has developed well, and the support you deserve will not be less. This is supported by the laws of our country , and we are a legitimate company."

"But if you want to get the benefits promised by others by destroying your daughter, there is no law to protect you from enjoying it. What kind of people they are, you have seen what happened today. Who should you trust? Who to rely on, you have to figure it out yourself."

"In your current situation, even if you have made some mistakes, as long as you confess, it will not have any impact on your future life. If you make a false statement, the end will be different. The other few people were arrested. If their statements differ from yours, you'll be locked up."

"Think it out for yourself."

After Qin Kun said these words, he left the ward.

Chapter 379 I've Embarrassed The Ye Family

Ye Wanrong kept frowning while eating.

Xiaowen didn't understand: "Sister Rong, isn't this matter resolved? The beating people have been arrested, and the mastermind behind the scenes will be caught soon, right? What are you worried about?"

Ye Wanrong shook her head: "Xiao Die's incident is over, there is nothing to worry about. What I'm thinking about now is what kind of bodyguard I will find for Brother Qing."

Xiaowen nodded: "I should find a powerful bodyguard. It's too scary now. Some people have no bottom line at all when they do things."

Liu Qing disagreed: "It's not easy to find a bodyguard? Rank your retired Sanda athletes according to their performance, and contact them one by one from high to low. As long as you can afford the money, I don't believe you can't hire someone."

"Actually, I have a favorite candidate, but I just don't know how to speak," Ye Wanrong said depressingly.

"Why?" Liu Qing was curious.

"Because the person I like is my younger brother," Ye Wanrong said, "I think he is the most suitable bodyguard for you, but I don't know how to talk to him,"

Ye Wanrong mentioned to Liu Qing that her younger brother, named Ye Mo, was only in his twenties, and he was a martial arts genius in her eyes.

Ye Mo participated in their provincial Sanda competition last year and became the provincial Sanda champion in the 75kg class. He also entered the provincial Sanda team and is planning to represent the provincial team in the national Sanda competition this year.

And his dream is to play in the ufc ring.

Ye Wanrong often mentioned this younger brother in front of Liu Qing, every time she mentioned it, her face was full of pride, she was very proud of this younger brother.

The relationship between the siblings is also very good.

But some time ago, when she mentioned her brother, there was some sadness.

Because of the epidemic, her younger brother couldn't play the game.

No one knows how long the epidemic will last and when games will be played.

It is also a way to arrange him to be Liu Qing's bodyguard.

In terms of fighting ability, those who can win the provincial Sanda championship must be fine.

However, what worries Ye Wanrong is how to open this mouth to her family.

It was her own choice to have a child with Liu Qing, a rich second generation, and to be a reputation tool without a name, and she didn't dare to let her family know.

When I called my family, I said that I would go abroad for business with my boss, and it would take more than a year before I could come back.

She was not prepared to let her family know about her pregnancy.

She herself dismissed traditional ideas, but she knew that her family still cared about those things, so she didn't dare to tell.

Liu Qing heard what Ye Wanrong said, and knew what she was worried about, and said awkwardly:

"Let's forget it, let him be my bodyguard, I don't need to wait for others to do it, he will beat me to death first."

It's really not a kind thing to get someone's sister pregnant without even giving her a title.

If his force value is really that high, it is entirely possible to beat him up when he gets angry.

"That's not the case, my brother obeys the law quite well," Ye Wanrong said, "He will give you a minor injury at most, the kind of security detention for more than ten days."

Liu Qing recalled that time when Ye Wanrong beat someone, that was to make those guys howl like ghosts and howls. They looked horrible, but after the injury check, all of them were only slightly injured.

I couldn't help but shuddered, and said, "Has your family studied how to beat people legally?"

"That's for sure," Ye Wanrong said, "If you don't study well, what if you break someone? Our family is poor and we can't afford the medical expenses."

Liu Qing shuddered: "Let's forget about this, I think you should hire someone else."

"Others may not protect you so wholeheartedly." Ye Wanrong said.

Seeing that Liu Qing was still shaking his head, he said, "Don't worry, I really want him to come over to serve as your bodyguard, and I will check his tone first. If the tone is not right, I won't let him come over either."

I thought to myself: "I don't want you to be broken by someone."

Liu Qing said: "Then you should check your tone first."

After eating, Ye Wanrong sat in the living room, looking very depressed.

Xiaowen was a little worried, and sat next to her: "Sister Rong, are you worried about Brother Qing's safety? Is this time very dangerous?"

Ye Wanrong shook her head: "No, I'm brewing emotions."

"Eh?" Xiao Wen was taken aback for a moment.

"I need to call home." Ye Wanrong said.

Xiaowen oh, understood.

This is the rhythm of selling miserably.

She wanted to see how Ye Wanrong behaved miserably, but as soon as she sat down, Ye Wanrong waved at her and said:

"Don't be next to me, it will affect my performance."

Xiaowen had no choice but to retreat to Liu Qing's bedroom.

When Liu Qing came out of the shower, she saw Ye Wanrong sitting alone in the living room with a sad face, almost crying.

Startled, she was about to ask what's the matter, Ye Wanrong glanced at him, pointed to the bedroom, and signaled him to go in.

He was startled by that look, covered his mouth, and retreated into the bedroom.

Ye Wanrong was almost emotional, so she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

It was her mother who answered the phone.

When the phone was connected, her mother's voice came over:

"Wanrong, what are you doing on the phone at this time?"

"Mom," Ye Wanrong said, her voice became hoarse.

Her mother was startled: "What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

"It's okay, I just have a cold, and my throat feels a bit uncomfortable." Ye Wanrong said in a more choked voice.

"No, what's the matter with you?" Her mother asked quickly.

Ye Wanrong said: "Mom, I have only earned 20 million in the past few months. You can send me your bank card later, and I will transfer all the money to you."

Her mother refused: "Why do I want your money? It's not easy for you to earn money outside, so you can keep it for yourself."

The voice was already a little flustered.

"Mom, don't refuse," Ye Wanrong said in a more choked voice, "My daughter can't be with you. This is her filial piety. Just accept it."

"No, what's the matter with you?" Her mother panicked, "Why are you making this call all of a sudden? You can't be infected with a virus, are you? Daughter, listen to me, that's not that scary, you are young and have strong resistance , can be cured!"

"Mom, I don't have an infection," Ye Wanrong said, "I'm pretty healthy now. I just miss you."

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