Su Yi's biggest property, which is the equity in Tianyuan Group, is notarized pre-marital property, which belongs to him personally, and he can give it to whoever he wants.

Liu Qing said: "That's not bad, at least he will make such a will that is very beneficial to you in order to appease you."

Ding Yun chuckled twice: "At first I thought so too, and then one time, I accidentally heard him calling his daughter, saying that making such a will was just to temporarily stabilize my emotions , I am afraid that I will hurt his daughter if I am stimulated like that. After two years, when I am emotionally stable, he will change the will again. "

"Uh," Liu Qing didn't know what to say.

The will can be changed, as long as the person who made the will is not dead, you can change it whenever you want.

Liu Qing understood this truth.

There is some inexplicable jealousy in her heart: "She is willing to die with others for that son, even throwing away her own life. But my son, in her eyes, can be thrown away at any time."

Ding Yun said: "After your younger brother was hit and killed by that crazy woman, I was agitated. He might be afraid that I would go crazy like that crazy woman and die with that girl. The will he made should be for me to have One thought, not so impulsive."

After thinking about the two words, it was related to the division of property, and Liu Qing quickly understood it.

Wealth is what Ding Yun wants to live on.

Thinking of this, another thought suddenly appeared in Liu Qing's mind: "She was emotional at that time, was it because the son with Su Yi died, and felt that she would have no right to inherit the property in the future, and she didn't think about it, rather than simply Because the son died?"

This kind of thinking can be said to be very disrespectful to Ding Yun.

But the more I think about it, the more I feel that this is the truth.

Maybe Su Yi also thought so, so he made this will that was obviously unfair to Su Qi to appease her and leave her with a thought.

Thoughts about the inheritance of huge fortunes.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt some chills in my heart.

"Fortunately, only one month later, before the old man changed his will, he died in a car accident, and the will that was made just to appease me became true."

After saying this, Ding Yun finally showed a smile on his face.

Chapter 034 That Was Really an Accident

When Ding Yun showed that smile on his face, Liu Qing also felt lucky.

Fortunately, Su Yi had a car accident and died in time.

If he is allowed to continue to live, after another two years, when Ding Yun's mood stabilizes and the will is amended, he will have nothing to do with the billions of dollars in assets.

Even if the will is not changed, Su Yi is only 60 or 20 years old. Normally speaking, it is no problem to live for [-] years.

Even if Ding Yun got the inheritance 20 years later and met his mother and son again, he would be 50 or [-] years old at that time, and the best time in his life has already passed, so what's the point of being rich?

However, looking at the smile on Ding Yun's face, he felt a little palpitating inexplicably.

A thought suddenly flashed in my mind.

——Is there really such a coincidence in this world?Only one month after Ding Yun heard about his arrangement, Su Yi had a car accident.

Once this idea arises, it is difficult to suppress it.

If his conjecture is true, then the person in front of him is a bit too scary.

He looked at Ding Yun, feeling that his breathing was a little hard, and said with difficulty: "Mom, that car accident,"

Ding Yun glanced at him: "It has nothing to do with me."

Liu Qing: "Oh."

Ding Yun: "That was just an accident."

Liu Qing: "Yes."

Ding Yun: "It's just a coincidence in timing, but such coincidences happen every day in various parts of the world, don't you think?"

Liu Qing nodded: "Yes, life is made up of coincidences one after another."

He figured it out.

so what?

If not so what?

As long as it benefits him, that's fine.

Even if he was considered an abandoned son by this woman before, isn't he picked up again now?

People have already recognized his son, so why bother with those things?

For such a result, he should be happy.

It should not be fear.

Ding Yun noticed the change in his face, sighed, and said: "Maybe God pities me and doesn't want to see me being tricked by those people after I lost my son, so I made such an arrangement."

Liu Qing said: "It should be like this. Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. We still have to believe in the justice of God."

I thought to myself: "Maybe this is God helping me."

The benefit of his half-brother died was that Su Yi made a will that clearly favored Ding Yun, and Ding Yun had no choice but to choose him, his son who had been abandoned for more than ten years.

And Su Yi's death made that perfunctory Ding Yun's will become a reality.

It also allowed Ding Yun to find him so quickly.

It's just that, in the last life, he didn't control his emotions, and let this chance of inheriting billions of assets flow away from his hands in vain.

When he comes back in this life, he must control his emotions well, and he must not let down the great opportunity that God arranged for him.

If it was just an accident, he should thank God for the accident.

If it wasn't an accident, he should also thank the person who arranged the accident.

Thinking of this, my mood gradually calmed down.

But, suddenly thought of a terrible thing, his face changed again, and he said in a trembling voice:

"Back then, my dad,"

At that time, his father also had a car accident.

This has been the source of his pain for more than ten years.

Ding Yun was stunned for a moment before he understood what he meant, with an angry look on his face, he reprimanded:

"What are you thinking? Your dad is a nice guy and has always been nice to me. He drove a car at that time and his income was okay. I am very satisfied with my life there. Why do I do such a thing? I want to destroy myself Happy life? You can treat me as a selfish bad guy, but you can't treat me as a fool!"

Liu Qing recalled that before his father had a car accident, Ding Yun was really happy every day, and the family of three enjoyed themselves happily.

Later, Ding Yun was about to get divorced because of the car accident. She spent all her savings on medical treatment and owed a sum of money. Her quality of life dropped drastically and she couldn't bear such hardships.

He realized that he was in a daze, and his thinking got into the horns, and he quickly said: "I didn't mean that, I just suddenly thought of my dad's car accident that year."

"That was really an accident!" Ding Yun said with certainty.

Liu Qing understood.

In the two car accidents, one is "it was just an accident" and the other is "that was really an accident". There is a difference in this.

After connecting the cause and effect, he felt that he had found the answer.

Ding Yun should also understand that he already knew the answer, and said in a low voice: "Your mother and I are not a good person. If you say how selfish I am, then I admit it. But if you want to say how heinous I am, how much I don’t admit it is cruel. At least others don’t offend me, so I won’t offend others. As for that girl Su Qi, her mother killed your brother with a car. I hate her very much, but I never thought of harming her. Even if I When I was most emotional, I never thought of harming her."

Liu Qing flattered her: "In this era, being able to keep such a bottom line is already a very good person."

Whether to believe it is one thing, how to say it is another.

Today, after listening to a few short stories about wealthy families fighting for family property, he felt that the person in front of him was his own mother, so he had to be careful when speaking.

Money is the thing that can distort human nature the most.

The more money, the greater the distortion of human nature.

This involves hundreds of millions of assets, who knows what the distortion of human nature looks like?

If others don't say it, why hasn't he himself been distorted?

If there is no money factor, according to his original intention, how could he recognize Ding Yun?

It's better to be careful.

Ding Yun didn't take his flattery seriously, waved his hand at him, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "I know what kind of person I am, and frankly speaking, I also despise myself for some things. You don't have to tell me those nice things I know what to say. I'm not a good person, but I can tell the difference between good and bad."

Liu Qing smiled awkwardly.

Ding Yun let out a long breath, and said: "Let's not talk about those bad things, those are all in the past, there's no need to worry about it, let's talk about the future."

After saying this, she looked at Liu Qing:

"What are your plans for the future? Do you want to be a dandy waiting to die, or become the head of Tianyuan Group and an entrepreneur respected by society?"

"If you want to be a dandy, this company should be led by that girl Su Qi. After all, she can make money. I just need to grasp the finances. From now on, our mother and I will do nothing and take the company's dividends. enjoy life."

"If you want to be the head of the Tianyuan Group, you have to work hard to earn money and prove that you have the ability to bring enough profits to the group, so that mom can trust you to manage the company."

"Which life do you want to choose?"


PS: A bit disturbing

A few people (maybe just a different vest) came here out of nowhere today to complain about the treatment of the protagonist's fracture and minor injury in the novel, and they were in a very bad mood.

I deleted a few, and I just didn't bother to delete them later, so let's talk about it.

It is okay to question, and I have questioned before, and it will not affect my mood.

But when it first came up, there was that yin and yang weirdness, which was really interesting to the bad guys.

Whether there is a slight injury in the fracture, and whether the judicial appraisal will identify it as a minor injury, the author can say with certainty that there is.

Because the author's brother was detained for this reason, the author was also detained for four days because he was present at the time.

If the result of the judicial appraisal is not a minor injury, but a minor injury, then it is not detention, but a fixed-term imprisonment.

Now a group of people (maybe just one person's different vests) pointed at the author's nose and cursed:

"Impossible, so and so said, the fracture must be at least a minor injury, and you will be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years, and you will have to pay a lot of money!"

Come on, there's a big difference between a broken bone and a broken bone!

Even if you have not experienced such a thing, you can search for the corresponding answer on the Internet.

There are no minor injuries to the fracture.

How to judge a minor fracture?

Here's a lawyer's answer:

"Causing someone else to break a bone, if it is determined that the injury is not minor or above, does not constitute a criminal offense and will not be sentenced, but will be subject to administrative detention and a fine."

——This is found on the Internet.

Regarding compensation for minor fractures and minor injuries, you can search on the Internet, and you can also search a lot.

Of course, writing novels can accept criticism, and the author cannot know everything, and there are inevitably mistakes and omissions.

However, before criticizing and correcting, should we first figure out whether what we understand must be correct?

Is there another possibility in this world?

I said that there are rice rolls that cost three yuan a piece. You can’t say that I’m lying just because your rice rolls are all five yuan a piece, right?You should first verify whether there are rice rolls worth three yuan in this world?

Is this the reason?

Veteran readers know that now the author is double-published, and another account is writing a historical novel, and both books must be updated twice a day. In fact, writing is quite tiring.

It's frustrating to always encounter such trolls.

Ignore it, the rhythm of others will affect the perception of readers later, and they will think that the author is really scribbling.

This is fatal to a novel that is in the PK period.

Just ignore it, it's a waste of time, and sometimes you have to find evidence to prove it.

Difficulty is not necessarily flattering, and some readers feel that the author is too small to tolerate criticism.

I still need to explain here that criticism and correction are not the same thing as attacks. There are also different opinions on whether there is a slight injury to the fracture, but the tone is calm, which is completely acceptable.

It is not criticism to say that it is criticism, but it is tarnishing the word criticism.

That kind of person, the correct name should be a troll.

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