It can be said that Liu Qing obtained her 5.00% of the group shares, or she obtained 50.00% of Liu Qing's five group shares.

But they won't take those things away when they die, and the final 60.00% of the group's shares still have to be inherited by their children.

The child is their common child.

that's enough.

——Su Qi is not as open-minded as she said, and she doesn't care about the child's problems. She still wants to have a child and pass on the blood of the Su family.

A 30-year-old woman already has a certain sense of urgency and will consider such issues.

Anyway, if you want to get married and have children, you might as well follow Liu Qing. On the one hand, you don't hate this person, and on the other hand, you can reunite the 60.00% of the group's shares.

——Take a step back, even if Liu Qing has several children, she and Liu Qing's children can only inherit a part of the inheritance, but at least her and Liu Qing's children can inherit all her shares, and they can also inherit what belongs to Liu Qing Part of the 50.00% five, that is considered earned.

When Liu Qing still regarded her as a competitor, she had already regarded Liu Qing as the number one candidate for her future husband.

As for the second and third candidates, there is no one yet.

Originally, I was thinking about slowly developing the relationship, thinking about whether I could lure Liu Qing to tease herself actively, and then go downhill, so as to have greater initiative.

But after a day of isolation here, everyone was under the same roof, and the bedroom was only separated by a wall, this man didn't even make any moves to tease him.

I would rather play on my phone than talk to her.

Let her understand that if this man wants to tease her actively, it may not be possible in her next life.

She is not a procrastination person either, since she can't control the initiative, then simply showdown with him - from the perspective of interests, we should be together.

There is no way to talk about it from the perspective of feelings, of course it can only be told from the perspective of interests.

If you can talk about success, do so.

Can't talk about success, and she won't be nostalgic for Tianyuan Group anymore, she will withdraw as soon as possible, start a new stove, and work hard for her career.

Fortunately, although Liu Qing also put forward some harsh conditions, the negotiation was successful and the main goal was achieved.

Regarding the intimate relationship with Liu Qing, she was indeed a little nervous, fearing that she would really have a strong rejection of this man.

As a result, she felt quite good, and there was no rejection at all.

She even wanted to share the bed with Liu Qing after she was done, trying to see what it would be like to sleep in this man's arms, but seeing Liu Qing seemed to be worried, she gave up the idea.

Thinking back to the scene of interacting with Liu Qing, his face slowly blushed.

When Feng Zhixuan came out of the shower, she saw Su Qi sitting on the bed shyly and giggling.

His heart was hit hard: "She still said she didn't like that man! Is that called not liking? You liar!"

Chapter 306 Appeasement

Liu Qing did have some concerns.

After hearing Ding Yun say that Ye Wanrong was pregnant, he began to think about it.

Even when interacting with Su Qi, I think of this from time to time.

After Su Qi left, he picked up his phone, opened WeChat, and made a call to Ye Wanrong:

"My mother said you were pregnant?"

Ye Wanrong hummed.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Liu Qing asked.

"I wasn't sure earlier, how could I tell you?" Ye Wanrong asked back.

There was some unhappiness in his tone.

Liu Qing could hear her unhappiness, just after interacting with Su Qi, she also felt a little guilty, and said, "Then you have to take good care of your body."

Ye Wanrong smiled: "Then I must, I am pregnant with the dragon species of your Liu family, can you not take care of your health?"

"Um," Liu Qing didn't know what to say.

After being silent for a while, Ye Wanrong couldn't help but speak:

"I heard that Su Qi proposed to you?"

Liu Qing said: "Yes, she said that doing so will allow us to complement each other's strengths."

Ye Wanrong said sarcastically: "That is, the loopholes have been plugged, so don't they complement each other's advantages?"

Liu Qing understood that this girl was unhappy because of this incident.

In addition to feeling guilty, there is also an inexplicable sense of accomplishment—oh, you are jealous!

Men are teenagers until they die, and sometimes this kind of childish thinking is unavoidable.

Said: "Even if I marry her, it is purely a profit transaction. She also promised that she will not interfere with my private life."

Normally, he wouldn't give such an explanation.

In his opinion, it is a very dangerous thing to please women.

But today is an exception.

Who told this girl to be pregnant with his child?

Pregnant women are prone to tantrums and need to be coaxed.

Except, if she has a child, her position in Ding Yun's heart will be more consolidated, and it is no longer possible to put the hope of retirement on her natal family.

That needs more coaxing.

"You mean, she can accept you and other women?" Ye Wanrong asked.

Speaking of this, Liu Qing said depressedly:

"I have already accepted that she has other women, what face does she have that can't accept that I have other women?"

He had heard the truth before that the best way to have a good relationship with a woman was to scold the woman she hated.

After making complaints about Su Qi, the effect was immediate.

Ye Wanrong burst out laughing with a "puchi".

But he just laughed, and then his voice became mean again, and he said sarcastically: "You are also very good, you can straighten a curvy girl, and even make people propose to you."

Liu Qing laughed dryly: "I'm overwhelmed, but isn't that the effect of my mother's 50.00% five shares in the group?"

Ye Wanrong snorted and said, "So you still have self-knowledge."

Then asked: "How did she propose to you? Did you set up heart-shaped candles, get some balloons, and get down on one knee with a diamond ring?"

When he asked this question, his tone was no longer sarcastic but joking.

It seems that the mood is not so bad.

Liu Qing calmed down a bit, and continued to complain: "Where did this happen? I watched the TV news with her, and suddenly told me that from the perspective of interests, we should get married."

"Your mother also agrees?" Ye Wanrong asked.

"Yes," Liu Qing sighed, "After all, his dowry is 5.00% of Tianyuan Group's shares, worth billions. And he does have the ability to manage the company, which is better than me."

On the other side of the phone, Ye Wanrong sighed faintly.

Liu Qing added: "But my mother also set some conditions, one of which is that she must accept my child, no matter which woman the child is born with, she must accept it. She agreed."

"You guys are really talking about marriage as a deal." Ye Wanrong couldn't help but said.

"People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves." Liu Qing followed with emotion.

Ye Wanrong was silent for a while, then said: "You should call Xiaowen, she is in a bad mood after she found out about this."

"I'll call her," Liu Qing said, "You can also help me persuade her."

"I know," Ye Wanrong said, "I will be with her tonight."

Liu Qing knew that Ye Wanrong was very kind to Xiaowen, so she didn't doubt the authenticity of her words.

After finishing the call with Ye Wanrong, he made another call to Xiaowen.

As soon as the call was connected, Xiaowen's laughter came:

"Brother Qing, I heard that Mr. Su proposed to you, congratulations! When will you treat us to a wedding candy?"

This girl is like this, no matter how unhappy she is, she pretends to be indifferent, and doesn't want to pretend to be pitiful to keep anything.

In his small body, there is a stubbornness that most people don't have.

Liu Qing felt an inexplicable pain in her heart.

Said: "There is nothing to congratulate, it is just a combination of interests, in fact, I myself refuse."

Said, also took a deep breath.

Instead, Xiaowen persuaded him: "Brother Qing, you are 30 years old, and it's time to get married. It's rare to meet Mr. Su who is so well-matched, so don't refuse."

Liu Qing smiled wryly and said: "I want to refuse, but my mother disagrees, she has taken a fancy to his generous dowry."

Xiaowen said quietly: "You are really a match made in heaven."

Liu Qing said depressedly: "What is it made in heaven? Don't you know? That woman she likes is a woman!"

Take out the way of comforting Ye Wanrong, and attack Su Qi a few words first.

This routine works for most women.

Xiaowen let out a cry, and immediately became worried: "Then, will she have children with you in the future?"

"It's love that never gives birth." Liu Qing said angrily.

"But, but you can't have children, right?" Xiaowen said anxiously.

"Let's live with others." Liu Qing said.

Then he laughed again:

"How about we have a baby?"

Xiaowen groaned again, her voice flustered:

"But, but you are going to marry her. If we are together again, she will be angry, right?"

Liu Qing sneered, and said: "What's so angry about her? She just fell in love with me and your 50.00% five shares, not me. She also promised me that she would not Interfering in my private life, she can accept as many children as she has."

"That's it," Xiaowen whispered.

"What else can I do?" Liu Qing said, "She and I are superficial couples. I can't give up my own life for her. She has no control over how I should live in the future."

"Then, then I don't need to move out of your house?" Xiaowen asked.

"Of course not," Liu Qing said, "As long as you want, you can live for the rest of your life."

"I, I am willing," Xiaowen said.

Chapter 307 Dear

That night, Liu Qing called the two girls Ye Wanrong and Xiaowen, and then called Ding Yun, saying that Su Qi had accepted his conditions.

Ding Yun was quite satisfied: "Then you can decide when to get married, just let me know when you have time."

Not forgetting to praise her son:

"You're pretty good too. I've been married to her father for more than ten years, and she never called me mom. You've done this in a few months. You're better than me!"

There is some pride in these words.

What about the top students from the Ivy League universities?Don't you have to bow your head obediently?

Of course Liu Qing didn't dare to take the credit, so she blew up Ding Yun, saying that it was entirely Ding Yun's credit, and that it was the pressure created by her and Gu Jianguo's joint efforts that forced the enemy to surrender.

After the phone call, I went to handle some business on WeChat. It was almost twelve o'clock before I went to sleep.

The next morning, I was woken up by knocking on the door and asked "who", Su Qi's voice sounded outside:

"Honey, it's time to get up and exercise."

The sound of "Dear" woke up Liu Qing who had been dazed.

Ever since he was a child, he had never heard such a nasty name. He shuddered and got goosebumps all over his body, and he suddenly became extremely sober.

Put on clothes and get up, open the bedroom door, Su Qi is already standing in front of the door in sportswear, with a smile on her face.

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