However, when I thought of owing tens of billions to the bank, I still panicked.

I couldn't help but muttered: "Why do you owe so much?"

Seeing his expression, Su Qi knew what he was worried about, and said: "Our group's debt ratio is still relatively low. During this period of time, we are worried about the epidemic and have stopped several large investments. Otherwise, the debt will increase by 200 billion. .”

When saying this, there is still some rejoicing.

Some projects seem to be very profitable, but the ability to resist risks is not so strong.

In the event of policies, epidemics, and extreme natural disasters, all of them may encounter devastating blows, and the investment will be in vain.

The few projects that have been suspended are those who cannot afford that kind of risk. If they continue, they may lose everything.

Don't look at such a big plate of Tianyuan Group, but if the 200 billion investment is lost, there is a great possibility that their capital chain will be broken, resulting in a series of adverse consequences-especially during the epidemic period. environment.

From this aspect, Liu Qing's timely warning can be said to have saved the group.

This is also the main reason why Su Qi's affection for Liu Qing has soared during this period of time.

The current debt ratio of Tianyuan Group is indeed relatively low, and the assets it owns greatly exceed its liabilities.

This is actually not an honorable thing for a group company. Many large companies have astonishingly high debt ratios. They are borrowing money from banks to make money for themselves, and some are even insolvent.

The low debt ratio can only show that the group company's investment is relatively conservative, or that it has not found a good investment project.

However, Su Yi's investment has tended to be conservative in the past few years, and has transformed from the Internet industry to the industry. Except for those small and medium-sized enterprises, the largest investment is in new energy.

There are tens of billions of liabilities, but that is not a problem for a group company with assets of more than 1000 billion.

Even if the loan expires, the group does not have so much money to repay the loan, and the group has a good reputation, so it can easily borrow from the bank to repay the old debt.

——It’s not that tens of billions of loans are due in the same year, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

After hearing Su Qi's explanation, Liu Qing understood that Tianyuan Group's current debt ratio is not high, so she felt relieved.

He didn't know how long the epidemic would last. He only knew that it would not end in at least one or two years. He asked Su Qi:

"If the epidemic continues like this for a year or two, will there be problems with our group's capital chain?"

"It won't last for a year or two?" Su Qi said.

She feels that judging from the determination shown by the country now, it can be done in half a year at most. Normally speaking, it should be done in one or two months.

"We still have to be prepared for that," Liu Qing said.

"If the next one or two years is like this, and the whole country is blocked like this, then our group will definitely go bankrupt. There is nothing to say about that." Su Qi said.

"Of course it is impossible to be so strict all the time," Liu Qing said, "I mean that the epidemic will not be extinguished, and it may erupt in a certain place from time to time. Will this have a destructive impact on our group?"

"I don't know what the specific situation you are talking about is like," Su Qi said, "but I think our group can withstand the toss better than other companies of the same size."

Then asked Liu Qing: "Do you really think the epidemic will continue?"

"This is inevitable," Liu Qing said, "I am even worried that this virus will always exist and will never be eradicated."

"Such strength will not be eliminated?" Su Qi couldn't believe it.

"Our strength is strong, but the strength of others may not be strong," Liu Qing said depressingly, "Unless we are isolated from the outside world, a pig teammate can drag us into the water."

This thing is the most depressing thing for the people of the country.

We have all seen the dawn of extinction, and achieved zero confirmed cases for a long time.

Then, from time to time, there are cases imported from abroad, which break out at regular intervals.

The most frightening thing is that from time to time, more powerful viruses will be cultivated.

Life is dragged down by those pig teammates who are screaming to lie down and coexist.

"I heard a saying that this virus is only aimed at us yellow races and will not spread in the Western world," Su Qi said.

Such claims do exist.

There are even foreigners who speak out at international conferences, saying that they don't need to worry about this.

Liu Qing sneered: "So many people on the other side of the ocean who died of the flu during this period express dissatisfaction."

He had put forward that point of view before, and Su Qi also believed it a little, but not completely. There was still some in her heart who thought that Liu Qing was a bit of a half-yuan party, and she was throwing the question to the opposite side.

However, this period of time proved that Liu Qing's previous judgment was correct, and she also believed more and more in Liu Qing's judgment on this matter.

Frowning: "You mean it will be more serious abroad?"

Liu Qing said: "It's for sure. They seem to have no problem now because they haven't checked it. If they don't check it, there will be nothing. When they pay attention to it, I can be sure that it will be much more serious than our side."

"How serious do you think it will be?" Su Qi asked.

"More than a hundred times." Liu Qing gave his own judgment.

——Actually, this is not his judgment, but something that actually happened.

Judging from the number of confirmed cases, it's a hundred times that, that's just a small story.

Su Qi was dazed for a while, and said: "If this is really the case, then life will be difficult in the future."

Liu Qing said: "Then, have you ever thought about finding business opportunities here? Our side can rush down quickly, which is absolutely impossible abroad. We may get a good profit increase by investing in some related medical equipment point."

Su Qi's eyes lit up.

Chapter 289 Blocked

The global outbreak of the epidemic is of course a disaster.

No one wants to see such a disaster happen.

The world is connected and mobile. In the context of globalization, no one can be immune to the outbreak of the epidemic.

However, this kind of thing does not mean that whoever wants it will happen, and whoever does not want it will not happen.

Since the occurrence is unstoppable, it is necessary to study what countermeasures should be taken to avoid risks and find business opportunities after such things happen.

Su Qi asked Liu Qing again: "Are you really sure that the foreign epidemic will break out and it will be serious?"

"Definitely and definitely." Liu Qing said.

He had thought about investing in some medical equipment before, but with that little money in his hand, and only that kind of energy and ability, being able to invest in a mask factory had already exhausted all his energy.

He knows some good business opportunities, but he doesn't have the capital to do them.

Before the epidemic happened, if he wanted to suggest Su Qi to do it, people might not believe it.

Even if she believed it, she couldn't convince the board members, and couldn't convince all the shareholders.

Now that everyone has seen the power of the virus, it will be very convincing to make such a proposal.

After emphasizing it to Su Qi, he said: "This matter should be done sooner rather than later. If it is too late, the business opportunity will be snatched by others."

"Which areas do you think have the greatest business opportunities?" Su Qi asked.

"Forget about masks. I have the world's largest mask factory here. There is no need to get involved in it. Hand sanitizers, ventilators, protective clothing, disposable gloves, etc., if the global epidemic breaks out, the demand will be huge. If we can enter such a market, we can make a lot of profits." Liu Qing said.

Then I emphasized one more point: "It must be qualified for export, and the target customers are overseas."

Su Qi nodded and said: "Understood, I will ask people to study this. We will start working on the eighth day of the eighth day, and we will do this."

After hesitating for a while, he said again: "The eighth day of the lunar new year will vote on your nomination as a director. If you pass, you can officially become a director of the board of directors. You have to speak for me during the meeting."

"That's no problem. We share common interests. If you help me, don't you just help me?" Liu Qing said.

They are all major shareholders of Tianyuan Group. If Tianyuan Group can make money, they will also make money.

As long as no infighting is involved, they are indeed one.

Tianyuan Group is a large group company that manages more than 1000 billion assets. This company originally had nine directors. If Liu Qing is added in, there are ten directors.

Each director has his own exclusive office in the headquarters, and there will be a secretary quota.

Director Liu Qing is a newly added director. After being voted through, he can also have his own exclusive office and an exclusive secretary at the headquarters.

Whether it's the office or the secretary, it has to be the responsibility of the group.

However, if you want to have your own office at the headquarters, you need to sit on duty.

Directors who are not on duty can have secretaries, but there is no need to set up an office, which is a waste of resources.

Not necessarily going to work every weekday, but at least being there most of the time.

It is not uncommon for Liu Qing to own his own company and serve as a director of other groups. Generally, he will not work, nor will he have a director's office, but he can still exercise the powers of a director.

Su Qi asked Liu Qing: "You live in Pengcheng, and you have two companies over there. Do you think it is necessary to get you an exclusive office at the headquarters?"

Liu Qing pondered for a while.

Having one's own office at the headquarters, working there, and being more familiar with the staff at the headquarters, can be regarded as truly entering the core of the group.

However, his career is in Pengcheng, and he travels to Yangcheng to go to work every day, which feels quite troublesome.

Although driving is not a particularly long distance, it is quite inconvenient to run around every day.

Liu Qing asked: "Do you think I should come to work at the headquarters?"

"That depends on your thoughts," Su Qi said, "but I suggest that you don't need to set up a director's office for the time being, because you have two companies in Pengcheng, and your mask factory will be very important during this time, you have to keep It’s inconvenient to deal with things over there, and it’s inconvenient to come to Yangcheng to work. Anyway, according to our agreement, we will recommend you as the president in May and June, and then you can directly settle in the president’s office. There is no need to set up another director’s office come out."

Liu Qing understood that Su Qi was still unwilling to let herself enter the core circle of the group so quickly, so she suggested him to stay in Pengcheng.

Originally, I wanted to talk about getting an office, and I would work in Yangcheng.

But after thinking about it, Su Qi made sense. He still has two companies in Pengcheng, especially the mask factory, which will play an important role in the next few months.

Working in Yangcheng will delay many things.

Anyway, it's only a few months, so there's no need to worry about it, so I nodded and said, "Then don't set up an office to save some resources."

Su Qi's mood became much happier.

Of course she knew that this could only temporarily prevent Liu Qing from getting in touch with the power center of the group, and when Liu Qing assumed the position of president, the highest power of the group would also stay away from her.

From now on, she will just be an assistant.

If you don't want to be a support, you can only be kicked out of the game and become a bystander, receiving a little bonus every year, or even not getting the bonus.

However, she would be happier if she could postpone this time.

Maybe there will be some variables in the future.

She thought so.

The two were talking about this in the hall on the first floor, when suddenly Feng Zhixuan ran down from the stairwell on the second floor, holding a mobile phone in her hand, and said with a mournful face:

"President Su, you come to answer the phone, it's urgent!"

Looking at her face, it was like the sky was about to fall.

Su Qi was startled, with a flash of ominous feeling, and walked over: "What's the matter? Who called?"

As the acting president of Tianyuan Group, she has to answer a lot of calls every day.

This time I want to talk about important things with Liu Qing, and I don't want to be disturbed by phone calls one after another, so I give Feng Zhixuan the phone.

Feng Zhixuan used to be a secretary in Tianyuan Group for several years, and now she is her personal assistant after resigning. She has quite strong professional skills and can handle general things.

Now she ran over from the second floor in a hurry, with a dejected expression, Su Qi couldn't help feeling flustered, thinking that something bad happened to the group.

I thought to myself: "Just this expression, without a loss of billions, it probably won't happen."

"The property owner called," Feng Zhixuan said, "It said that a confirmed patient appeared on our side, and the entire villa area will be locked down and quarantined!"

Chapter 290 The Scariest Thing

Su Qi frowned, but her expression was quite normal, and she took the phone from Feng Zhixuan's hand:

"Hi, I'm Su Qi, the owner of No. 21, what can I do?"

After hearing Feng Zhixuan's words, Liu Qing's heart skipped a beat: "Damn it! This is a big trouble!"

The entire villa area has to be sealed off, which means he can't get out.

This blockade and isolation must last at least two weeks. During this period, no one will be infected with the virus before the blockade can be lifted.

That is to say, for at least two weeks, he has to stay in this villa area, and he has to stay in this villa.

That's still a good thing to say.

If you are unlucky and someone infected with the virus appears during the period, the quarantine time will be longer.

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