"Perhaps in his world, this little girl is the only one who is completely trustworthy. For other people, he is more or less wary and will not fully open his heart."

"I don't know what he has been through these years,"

"But it's good to have such a person he can trust."

"As for me, I'm just a passer-by in his life. Whether he believes it or not, likes it or not, is not that important."

"We will eventually become strangers. Keeping a certain distance is the best choice for him and me."

Standing in the shadows, she looked at Liu Qing with a smile, and there was a tenderness in her eyes that she didn't know.

Chapter 265 Stock Trading

On January 1, Liu Qing still did not return to the city, but stayed in the mask factory.

In the evening, the group behind Mr. Wang sent a convoy from a subsidiary company in Pengcheng to pick up the goods, and sent the person in charge over there, with Liu Qing as his companion.

Pull away all the remaining masks in the warehouse, it is already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

There's no need to go back at this time, just stay here for one night.

Seeing the masks in the warehouse being delivered to the truck, and the two large warehouses suddenly becoming empty, Liu Qing felt particularly fulfilled.

These masks are exchanged for a lot of cash.

He's already planning to do something with the money.

This factory is his private factory, and the money is his personal money, so he can be the master himself.

Not even Ding Yun can stop him from being the master.

When you have no money, you don't know how to make money. If you have money, there are actually a lot of opportunities to make money.

When I woke up the next day, it was only after eight o'clock.

Before getting up, watch the news first.

This day is December 1th.

The news of the day was big.

Close the city.

The prevention and control headquarters of the place where the epidemic occurred issued the No. 1 notice, and the departure channel of the airport and railway station was temporarily closed from 10:[-].

The Ministry of Transport issued an urgent notice to suspend the departure of road and water passenger transport lines to the places where the epidemic occurred nationwide.

The six departments issued a notice on strictly preventing the spread of the epidemic through transportation, requiring good hygiene management of vehicles, trains, planes and other transportation vehicles and key places such as stations, airports, and docks to prevent the spread of the epidemic to the greatest extent.

A traffic blockade has begun.

This day is the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month in the lunar calendar, and it will be the New Year's Eve in one day.

Choosing to close the city at this time is beyond the expectations of many people.

——Even if it is delayed for another two days and the traffic is blocked on the first day of the new year, everyone can accept it.

It's been a year anyway!

However, the decision to close the city on this day also shows one thing - the epidemic is already very serious, and there is no way to delay it any longer.

The number of confirmed patients notified is not so many, but everyone knows that the main reason is that the detection force is insufficient, and many potential patients have not been detected.

It does not mean that patients are only those detected.

This is scary.

If timely and decisive measures are not taken, it will be a terrible thing to let those who go home for the New Year go out again after the Chinese New Year, spreading the epidemic to the whole country.

Liu Qing knew about this a long time ago, and when she saw the news, she couldn't help sighing.

finally come.

He has already done what needs to be done, and in the following time, he can only be a bystander, watching things proceed according to the original track.

After waking up and having breakfast, he asked the factory's finances to transfer [-] million yuan from the company account to his personal account.

The investment of nearly [-] million yuan in the mask factory was transferred from Liu Qing's personal account. Now that she has money, of course she has to pay it back.

Transfer [-] million to a private account, and the rest of the money will stay in the company account, and there will be places where the money will be used in the future.

In the process of transferring from public to private, there is nothing to say about the tax deduction that should be deducted.

Paying taxes according to the law is an honorable thing, and Liu Qing never thought about tax evasion.

Doing that kind of thing, once it is exposed, it will be a lifelong scandal, and if the circumstances are serious, it may even send oneself to prison.

Liu Qing's future is the head of the Tianyuan Group, he is not so overwhelmed.

1 million was transferred to his personal account, but only more than [-] million actually arrived.

It is a bit false to say that there is no feeling of flesh pain.

However, looking at the nine digits before the decimal point, thinking that such a large sum of money has become my own money, I am quite relieved on the whole.

He opened a stock account a few months ago, spent more than one million to buy a liquor stock, and then left it there.

Looking back after a few months, it seems to have risen a bit.

However, he didn't care about that stock, but chose a stock with the code "[-]" and started buying in large amounts.

This day is January 1rd, the 23th day of the twelfth lunar month, the last day before the Chinese New Year.

When he bought, on this day, the opening price of this stock was 24.90 yuan.

In the end he bought 500 million shares.

More than a billion is gone.

But he wasn't panicking at all.

Because he knows that this stock will rise sharply in the next year, as long as he holds this stock in his hands, it can bring him ten times the profit in one year.

According to the historical trajectory, this stock should have fallen after the opening of the market on this day, and the stock price has fallen by more than one yuan.

However, Liu Qing bought more than [-] million in a row, and even slightly changed the trajectory of this stock. In the end, it even rose by two cents.

Before her rebirth, Liu Qing didn't care much about the stock market, because there was no cost of caring.

That is, after breaking up with Huo Zhenzhen, I thought about making more money for a while, and then I cared about the stock market, and then I knew the medical stock that had an astonishing rise in 2020.

It's just that, before he had saved enough money for stocks, he learned that Huo Zhenzhen was married, and his whole body collapsed. He felt that life was meaningless, and it didn't matter whether he made money or not, so he didn't continue to pay attention.

He doesn't know how to trade in stocks, and if he makes short-term investments, he will probably lose so much that even his mother won't recognize him.

So he chose the stock that had risen sharply in his memory, bought it, and let it go for a year.

500 million shares cost him more than 2000 million, and he thought it was pretty good to be able to raise it to more than one billion in a year.

He never thought about becoming the richest man, he knew he didn't have that ability.

While I still have some memories of future development, it's good to get some money.

His investment of more than one billion yuan has not had a particularly large impact on that stock, and his current plate has several billion yuan, and he has not yet reached the point where he needs to declare.

Even if he is in charge of Tianyuan Group in the future, he can decide to invest one billion or even tens of billions, but that is the money of all shareholders of the group, not his own money.

Earning is also for the shareholders, not for themselves, that is not the same thing.

The money in the private account is his own money.

He still has tens of millions in his hand, which is his personal small treasury, which can be kept for his own expenses, or he can choose to make some other investments when the time is right.

For example, Bitcoin.

Add leverage or something.

No way, before he was reborn, he was just a little security guard with insufficient balance, and he didn't know enough about those money-making things.

You can know the stocks with the biggest gains in 2020, and you can know that the price of Bitcoin has risen to more than [-]. It is because the news is so explosive that you can understand it.

In addition, as far as he can know, it seems that there is only one pork price left.

That's because he often cooks for himself, so he cares so much about the rise and fall of pork prices.

Chapter 266 The Crouching Dragon and Phoenix in the Mask World

The mask factory has been operating at full capacity in the past few days, and each worker has to work thirteen or four hours a day.

The masks that had been accumulating in the warehouse for several months were all sold in a few days, and they also had greater motivation.

——It’s not that they have been brainwashed by capitalists, and all they think about are the interests of capitalists, but that they have been worried that the masks will not be sold, the mask factory will close down, and they will never find such a good job in the future.

Now that the masks can be sold, the factory can keep running, and they don't have to worry about what will happen after the factory closes.

Being able to have a stable job is the biggest motivation for them.

Staying here for the New Year, Liu Qing did not treat them badly in terms of salary.

The food these days is even more like the usual festivals.

The most important point is that Liu Qing announced yesterday that from now until the eighth day of the first lunar month, in addition to the announced rewards and overtime wages, they will now be given an extra ten yuan for overtime for every hour they work subsidy.

This day I have to pay more than 100 yuan, of course I am more motivated.

All in all, during this period of time, they work a day, and their income is several hundred.

Although they can't go home to celebrate the New Year, although they are a little tired, they still think it's pretty good to be able to earn so much more money.

Moreover, there is an urgent shortage of masks now. Thinking that they start working here are also contributing to the fight against the epidemic, and I feel a sense of accomplishment in my heart.

Liu Qing knew that the mask factory would be requisitioned in a few days, so he didn't feel any rejection in his heart.

When he first decided to invest in the mask factory, he knew that there would be such a thing, and he still made such an investment, that is, he could accept it.

Anyway, he has earned it.

Be it fame or money.

Now he even hopes to requisition earlier, so that he doesn't have to face all kinds of calls wanting masks.

——In the past two days, some people I know and don’t know have called to ask for masks, and some of them still can’t be offended.

You have so many masks and don’t give them to others, that is not giving face, and it will offend others.

It's not a problem that can't be provoked, the main thing is that there is no need to offend a group of people for a few masks, it's not worth it.

In this way, millions of masks have been sent out intermittently.

It's not worth much to sell, so it's better to send it over, and it's better to get a favor there.

On the 23rd, Xu Bo, the group leader of the youth business group, also came to visit Liu Qing in person. He visited the mask factory and asked Liu Qing if he wanted to switch to making masks and what advice he could give him.

"If you want to do it, you can place an order to buy a machine," Liu Qing said to him. "The city has been closed over there, and you can imagine what the epidemic is like. The demand for masks will only increase in the future. It pays off to do it.”

"But I inquired about it. It's not easy to get the production qualification. It takes too long. When I get the qualification, I'm afraid the epidemic will be over." Xu Bo said honestly.

Liu Qing sighed: "It used to be very difficult to obtain production qualifications, but now that masks are so scarce, the state will definitely relax the review of production qualifications. It is definitely easier to do it now than before."

"Really?" Xu Bo's eyes lit up.

Liu Qing said seriously: "Trust me, you can do it now if you want to do it."

This wave of masks is in short supply, and more people must invest in this industry.

Although there are too many manufacturers entering this industry later, the supply exceeds demand and the price collapses.

But a crash in prices is better than no masks available.

And this thing can also be exported to earn money from foreigners.

Xu Bo and Xu Bo are not very good friends, but we are all in the same place and in the same group, and we can mention it if we can.

As for whether he will cultivate competitors, Liu Qing will not have such worries.

It is not unknown to him how much capital will enter the mask market in the future.

One more is not more, and one less is not less.

Xu Bo is a person with strong mobility. He came to find Liu Qing and visited the mask factory because he wanted to do this.

Seeing that Liu Qing did not exclude him from entering this industry, he felt a little grateful in his heart, and felt that the other party's structure was quite large.

He smiled and said, "Then I will listen to your suggestion, Boss Liu, and change to this. If there is anything I don't understand in the future, I will ask Boss Liu again."

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