Suddenly rich young men, it's not surprising to do so.

Ye Wanrong was worried all afternoon whether Liu Qing would make some kind of request to her and Zhen Tian at the same time.

As a result, nothing like this has ever happened.

Let her have some doubts.

Until after five o'clock in the afternoon, when Xiao Wen went home, Zhen Tian didn't leave - she just wanted to see what the other girl beside Liu Qing looked like.

In the end, I was a little surprised after seeing it—although it is not ugly, and it is cute when you look closely, but it is not very beautiful, and it is relatively short.

Frankly speaking, she felt that such a girl was not worthy of Liu Qing, who was worth over [-] million yuan, and she didn't know why Liu Qing let this girl live here.

There was some depressed thought in his heart: "I was not allowed to live here, so it can be seen that my status in his heart is not as good as this girl."

Xiaowen was also surprised to see that there was an extra woman in the house, but she quickly recognized that it was the female reporter who interviewed Liu Qing.

At the beginning, I knew from Ye Wanrong's mouth that Liu Qing was having an affair with this beautiful reporter. Now that I saw this beautiful reporter running over, I couldn't help but have some other thoughts:

"Could it be that Brother Qing wants this beautiful reporter to live in? But there are only three bedrooms here, so there's no room left. Then where should we arrange her to live?"

I can't think about this matter carefully. When I think about it, my whole body is not good:

"A newcomer has come, and an old one has to leave. Sister Rong is his bodyguard and driver, and she is so beautiful, she will definitely not leave him. Then I will be the only one who leaves."

She still has self-knowledge. She knows that she is not that beautiful, she is not tall, she is not big, and she has no culture. There are very few places where she can help Liu Qing. I am afraid that if she wants to be eliminated, she will be the first to be eliminated. of.

Many thoughts flashed through my mind, but I still didn't show it on my face. I greeted Zhen Tian with a smile, and then went to cook.

While working, he has already begun to plan for the future.

I still want to continue this job.

Accounting also needs to be learned.

If Liu Qing doesn't want her to continue to do that job, then she can quit and try to be an independent anchor and study accounting at the same time.

——She has realized how important it is for her to master a technology.

After her financial prosperity, she still sent 3000 yuan to her family every month as usual, and now she has some savings on hand, which can support her to live in this city for a year or so, and she has a certain ability of trial and error.

If the anchor can't continue, it is also possible to get a junior accounting certificate and find another job.

It's not that she hasn't been broken up before, so she won't cling to a man begging for nothing.

With this in mind, when cooking in the kitchen, the expression on his face is more or less unhappy, and sometimes he is absent-minded.

In the living room, Ye Wanrong and Zhen Tian were talking, and they talked about strange things about cosmetics and skin care products. Liu Qing felt that there was no way to participate in such a topic, so she consciously went to the kitchen to see if there was anything she could do to help Xiaowen. .

Then, I found that Xiaowen's mood was a little abnormal, so I couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you today? You seem to be preoccupied. Is it not good to bring the data today?"

Qin Kun's delivery on Saturday will be from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm.

However, Xiaowen will not follow up the whole process, and usually appears for two or three hours in the afternoon.

"The data is okay." Xiaowen replied.

Looking at Liu Qing, I didn't want to say anything at first, but I couldn't help it anymore, and asked in a low voice: "The reporter is here, is he going to live here in the future?"

Liu Qing couldn't help laughing: "What are you thinking? How can we have a place for her to live in?"

Xiaowen said quietly: "If you can drive someone away and make a room free, won't she have a place to live?"

Liu Qing looked around the living room, smiled and said in a low voice: "My mother invited that tigress surnamed Ye. It's not okay to drive her away. Why don't you ask her if she would like to sleep in the living room. If she No problem, but Zhen Tian can move in here."

Xiaowen was taken aback for a moment, then looked up at Liu Qing: "Huh?"

Chapter 234 Irreplaceable

Zhen Tian ate dinner at Liu Qing's place before leaving.

Liu Qing sent her out of the community, and then went home.

Zhen Tian didn't leave right away, but walked around the middle of the real estate outside the gate of the community, and took a look at the prices of the houses here.

——What she looked at was not the selling price of the house, but the renting price of the house.

Now she doesn't have the confidence to see how high the selling price of the house is.

Watching that thing is scarier than watching a horror movie.

She can also look at the rent price.

There are some houses in Hongjing Community that can be rented out, and the smallest house is two bedrooms and one living room. The monthly rent is two to three thousand more expensive than the single apartment rented by Zhen Tian.

The average wage earner cannot afford to pay this month's rent with their salary.

In the past, she would not have dared to have such an idea.

But now, I think I can try it.

Although the salary and benefits are not high, but with Liu Qing's personal consultant fee of [-] a month, she still doesn't have to pay taxes. She thinks that the rent of [-] to [-] is not so terrible.

She no longer had that idea when she moved to Liu Qing's house.

Of course it's cool to live in a free house, and it's good to live with a man, and it's good to relieve boredom when you need it.

However, those few rooms are not for her.

Ye Wanrong is more beautiful than her, and she is still a driver, irreplaceable.

Xiaowen, although she is not that beautiful and not tall, but she is a young girl under 20 years old, who likes lolita, I am afraid that she will catch a cold.

The most important thing is that the girl is not only light and soft and easy to push down, but also can cook, and she works in the finance department of Liu Qing's new media company, which shows that she must be someone Liu Qing trusts, let alone irreplaceable.

For her, the best way to enhance the relationship between the two and increase the frequency of communication is to live closer.

After looking at it for a while, there was no news that the building where Liu Qing lived was for rent, so he left a call to the agent and said to him:

"If anyone rents out this building, you can call me."

The intermediary was overjoyed and quickly agreed.

Zhen Tian added another sentence: "It's not this house, don't call me, call me, then I will block you and even complain to you. If you sell my mobile phone number to others, I'm a reporter from a TV station, think about it for yourself."

Some real estate agents are very annoying. As long as they know that you need to rent a house, they will keep calling.

There are no housing listings here. Let me introduce you to the housing listings there. The long-winded batch is very annoying.

And they also like to share customer information, which is not ethical at all.

Zhen Tian suffered from it when she rented the bachelor apartment before, so she has to bring it up this time.

The agent originally had such an idea, thinking that this building could not be rented out, so he could introduce houses in other buildings, but when she said this, he gave up that idea.

On the way home, Zhen Tian saw that the voting link for the top ten young entrepreneurs of the year had been made, so she forwarded it to Liu Qing.

Liu Qing reposted it in her circle of friends, and also reposted it in several WeChat groups.

Regardless of whether you are at the bottom or not, you have to work hard. Even if you are at the bottom, you must be decent, and the numbers should not be too ugly.

I don’t know how many people have voted for other people’s children and relatives in WeChat groups over the years, and now it’s my turn to ask others to vote for me.

It's annoying when you vote for someone else.

If it wasn't for the red envelope collar, he wouldn't have voted for it.

I find it even more annoying when I ask others to vote for me.

——Not just begging for help in a low voice, but also giving out red envelopes.

Several WeChat groups forwarded this voting link, and the red envelopes sent out were thousands of yuan.

Although Liu Qing didn't care about the loss of thousands of dollars, she always felt that she was being scammed.

Several WeChat group red envelopes opened the way, thousands of red envelopes were sent out, and soon saw screenshots of voting in the group.

Liu Qing also clicked on the link to vote for herself, and checked the number of votes. It was okay, and she actually cast more than 300 votes in ten minutes, rushing to the top ten.

In several groups, more than 300 people received his red envelopes, and only [-] voted, which means that most people received red envelopes and did not vote.

This made him even more depressed.

However, when he saw that the number of votes for No.1 had reached more than 2000, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded—that is, he was doing voting as a political task!

Now there are more than 300 votes, but those who voted, after voting and screenshotting, will cancel their attention to that official account, that is unknown.

Anyway, Liu Qing herself has done such things a lot.

He does not think that the morality of others must be higher than his own.

Many people can't accept official accounts that follow too much, and they are some junk official accounts.

Of the more than 300 votes, half of them can be retained in the end, then thank God.

The best thing to count on is the employees of the two companies under him. They should be happy that their boss has a better reputation and can mobilize their family members to vote.

Those dismantling the second generation are also quite interesting, not only voting themselves, but also opening up red envelopes in some WeChat groups where they belong, sending links for others to vote, and reposting a lot in Moments.

Xiaowen saw it and asked Liu Qing: "Do you want me to post a video for you in Acne Printing to canvass votes? Now that I send out a video, it can be played hundreds of thousands of times."

Liu Qing was a little moved: "That's okay. Although most of them don't know how to vote, it's good to have a few more votes. Losing can be decent."

Xiaowen hurriedly made a video canvassing for Liu Qing, and also made a tutorial on how to vote.

It took more than two hours to get it right, and the finished product is quite rough.

Then it was sent on top of the pimple marks.

In the video, she is wearing a blue jk suit and black mid-length socks, holding a mobile phone to solicit votes, teaching fans how to follow that official account, find which article to vote for.

The beauty function is also turned on, which looks very beautiful.

To make this kind of boring and boring video, you must dress up beautifully to make people have the desire to continue watching.

——Nowadays, many teachers who teach calligraphy and piano have to wear black silk to teach, which is the reason.

After the short video was posted, within half an hour, Liu Qing's votes reached more than 2000.

Of course, a large part of the more than 2000 votes was contributed by those who dismantled the second generation and the employees of the mask factory. Her video played a role, but not that much.

But at this time, Liu Qing's votes fell out of the top ten.

Because those competitors have also begun to exert their strength.

——I really hate this way, but I can only try my best to cooperate.

Chapter 235 The Influence of New Media

Official accounts engaged in voting activities have already become an industrial chain.

The official account is to get more attention and get a title for more people to compete for.

Mengxin will think it is a real selection, but in fact this is the data of the official account.

Some units especially like to engage in such activities, because they have a hard target to push the official account traffic to a certain level.

There are also some that engage in such activities, improve their data, and then sell it to others.

Of course, those who participated in the selection also had their own purposes.

All kinds of machine brushing and manual ticketing emerge in endlessly.

The way of voting is not the same, it depends on what kind of purpose you want, and then set different voting rules.

The news station is purely to attract attention, so that the performance appraisal at the end of the year can be completed.

In addition to the selection of the top ten young entrepreneurs of the year, they also have selections such as the top ten gourmet restaurants in Pengcheng and the top ten civilized communities.

It is to find a way to attract people, get followers, complete the assessment of the superiors, and give myself a little more bonus.

In order to make the data more authentic, they also declared that if they found out that they were using data, they would directly cancel their candidacy.

The next morning, Liu Qing looked at the voting link and found that she had nearly 12 votes, ranking No. [-].

Then, there were twenty candidates for young entrepreneurs, and now there are only eighteen.

Two have already been disqualified.

I don't know how many votes were swiped, and how they were discovered.

Talking about this with Xiaowen, Xiaowen was taken aback: "When I checked yesterday, there were still more than 2000 votes. Why are there only more than 1000 votes now?"

Liu Qing shrugged: "It should be that some people deleted the official account after voting. According to their regulations, that is an invalid vote."

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