"That's okay." Su Qi said with a smile.

This time the situation looked a little bad, she was really worried about losing the bet with Liu Qing.

However, Liu Qing raised the price of her masks to such a high price and promised not to lower the price, so she felt relieved.

The price is so much higher than the peers, without competitiveness, there will not be a big market.

If this society needs so many masks, it will naturally spawn a large number of mask factories, and the price will only get lower and lower, and it is impossible to get higher and higher.

This is the business logic, and she doesn't believe that Liu Qing can go against such business logic.

I thought to myself: "I still suffer from lack of education, I want to make money too much, and I don't know how to stop. If his price is only a little higher than other competing products, maybe I can take advantage of this opportunity to get a certain amount of money." Profit, win the bet. Now you want to make a lot of money, raise the price so high, and hand over the market to others,"

When sending her out, Liu Qing asked, "Have you started making plans yet?"

Su Qi shook her head: "It hasn't started yet."

"Why?" Liu Qing was stunned for a moment, "Aren't you afraid that there will be no preparations and it will be too late?"

"Now I can't make such a plan," Su Qi told him honestly, "I feel that your guess is probably correct, but there is no strong evidence to support it. As the acting president of the group, I summon the group's senior management Do you think such a plan will be considered as creating panic?"

Liu Qing nodded: "It's possible."

Su Qi explained to him: "The implementation of the plan in such an extreme situation will require a considerable price. If such an extreme situation really happened, we have prepared for it, and naturally we can minimize the loss, even We can also take the lead in some aspects. But that extreme situation did not happen, but we have to take such measures, which is to increase operating costs and cause unnecessary burdens on the company. I can’t face shareholders’ questions responsibility."

"But now it's just a plan, and it doesn't have to be implemented. The cost is not big, right?" Liu Qing is still worried about her family's property.

"Then I have to have a reason that can convince them." Su Qi said helplessly.

Liu Qing originally wanted to persuade her, but after thinking about it, she said, "That's fine. If things really want to develop in that direction, there will definitely be more and more reasons. If you can't find a reason, it means that there is no need to make a plan."

Su Qi nodded: "That's what it means."

He also said: "Although no one from the company was called to make such a plan, Zhixuan and I have already started to study this aspect."

Liu Qing looked at Feng Zhixuan who was already sitting on the car and looked at him expressionlessly, and said, "Then you all work hard."

Feng Zhixuan snorted, looking a little indifferent.

Liu Qing was upset: "I'm giving you face when I talk to you, why are you showing me face like this?"

He was also embarrassed to get angry with a personal assistant, and because of the disparity in status and status, he found it boring to bully him.

Seeing that Su Qi was about to get into the car, she yelled, "Wait a minute."

Su Qi was taken aback, stopped there, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Liu Qing opened her arms to give her a hug, and said, "It's nothing, let's formally say goodbye."

Feng Zhixuan raised her eyebrows so angry - this guy is so annoying!

Su Qi was a little surprised, but with a smile on her face, she also hugged her back: "Well, goodbye."

Seeing Feng Zhixuan's angry appearance in the car, Liu Qing felt particularly relieved, and deliberately hugged Su Qiduo for a while.

I thought in my heart: "If Su Qi is pushed down in front of her, she will be pissed off, right? I just don't know if this should be regarded as the husband's current crime or the wife's current crime."

It's pretty unhealthy when you think about it.

Su Qi blushed suddenly, said "ah", and said in a low voice:

"Are you ready? Can you let go?"

Liu Qing thought to herself, "I'm not well yet."

But when I was thinking wildly in my mind, something abnormal happened to my body, and I was sensed by others. It was really inappropriate to continue hugging others, so I had to let go.

Some said awkwardly: "Sorry, normal reaction."

The smile on Su Qi's face remained unchanged, and said: "It's okay, I can understand."

The two separated, she got into the car, and waved to Liu Qing with a smile, she didn't look angry.

Liu Qing stood there, waving her hands, watching the car drive away.

Those who know know that he is covering up the embarrassment of his body.

Those who didn't know thought that he was reluctant to say goodbye to Su Qi.

Xiaowen and Ye Wanrong watched Liu Qing and Su Qi hug from the hall, and then stood there watching each other leave, the two of them looked at each other.

Ye Wanrong asked in a low voice: "Has he ever treated you like this?"

Xiaowen shook her head: "Never before! Even if he hugs me sometimes, he always uses me as a pillow to relieve stress, but he has never done this before."

Then he asked back, "Sister Rong, has he ever treated you like this?"

Ye Wanrong was taken aback, and quickly said, "What are you thinking? How could he treat me like that? I'm just his bodyguard and driver."

Xiaowen glanced at her with a smile, and said in a low voice: "Last night, I was bored and wanted to chat with him, but then I found the door was locked, so I listened."

Ye Wanrong's face turned red all of a sudden.


Unexpectedly, it was discovered.

This young man doesn't learn well, and eavesdrops on the corner, which is too unethical.

"Did you go to his place to practice driving yesterday?" Xiaowen asked.

Ye Wanrong didn't intend to deny it when she was discovered, she nodded and said, "Yes, the main reason is that he wants to learn to drive."

"He doesn't want to learn to drive, but he wants to learn to push a cart?" Xiaowen said with a smile.

Seeing that she didn't look angry, Ye Wanrong was relieved a lot, she also laughed, and said, "It's about that anyway."

"When did it start?" Xiaowen asked curiously again.

Ye Wanrong looked at Liu Qing who had turned around: "You can ask him, all answers are based on his reply."

Chapter 231 Son is the Most Important

She went to work on the 2nd, but Liu Qing and the others did not go back on the 1st, but stayed at Ding Yun's place for another night.

On the 2nd day, Xiaowen also asked for leave, and will not officially go to work until the 3rd.

After all, it is also Chinese New Year.

Although Chinese people are not very grand about the Gregorian New Year, but Liu Qing thought that during the Lunar New Year, he might not have time to spend the New Year with Ding Yun, so it would be better to pass this year ahead of time.

Ding Yun was rather satisfied with this.

During the chat between mother and son, Ding Yun also mentioned one thing:

"Those cousins ​​of yours still want to come to my place for the holiday today, and I don't bother to receive them, so I told them not to come, saying that I have my son here to accompany me for the New Year, which is already pretty good, let them accompany me to my parents."

Telling Liu Qing this is to express his opinion to him that the son is still the most important thing, and those in her natal family are just like that in her mind.

——Ding Yun didn't think that way before, mainly because the juniors from her natal family came over during the Mid-Autumn Festival and even showed hostility towards Liu Qing, which made her very upset.

Although she is a selfish person who always puts herself first, besides herself, the most important thing is her own son.

Of course, the family members are also important, but not as important as their own son.

Those people dared to show hostility towards Liu Qing. In her opinion, this meant that they had opinions on her, and they were too ignorant.

Saying such words is also expressing an attitude to Liu Qing.

In the past, she might not have been willing to express such an attitude. She still hoped to put more pressure on Liu Qing so that this son could grow up faster.

Otherwise, it will be eliminated, and it will simply be a reproductive tool.

Now Liu Qing's performance is quite satisfactory to her.

After I had money, I didn't mess around, and my life was pretty normal.

Most importantly, the commercial results were better than she expected.

She has learned that Tianyuan Media, a new media company that used to be in debt, started to turn losses into profits after Liu Qing took over, and it became very impressive.

A company with only a few million assets has already achieved a profit of 200 million in a few months, and the company's image has also been greatly improved.

She originally thought that the mask factory was a money-losing investment, but now it seems that not only will it not lose money, but it is also very likely to make a lot of money.

This ability is not comparable to those of her natal family.

It's her own son, it's okay for her to do something like that, and she has the ability to do things, of course she will give priority to this one.

Those juniors from her natal family were indeed her candidates in the past.

But now she has completely deleted it.

When Liu Qing heard this, her mood really improved a lot.

Of course, this does not mean that he can take it lightly in the future.

Be cautious when you should be cautious.

On the night of the 1st, after turning off the lights, he waited for half an hour, but no one came to knock on his door, which made him a little surprised, a little pleasantly surprised - it's unbelievable that such a leisurely life still exists.

The next morning, they left Yangcheng.

The car didn't drive directly to downtown Pengcheng, Liu Qing asked Ye Wanrong to drive the car around to the mask factory.

They first went to the mask factory to have a look.

All 500 million masks have been sent out, but the factory management is not happy.

This is purchased by Tianyuan Group, which belongs to internal digestion. Digesting these 500 million masks has reached the limit of internal digestion.

At least for this year, the 500 million masks are enough for themselves, and they will not purchase again.

With such a sum of money in a year, it is absolutely impossible to support such a large factory.

Now there are hundreds of millions of masks hoarded in the warehouse, and the sale of 500 million masks will not do much.

Liu Qing didn't come here to cheer them up.

Just check the storage in the warehouse.

Seeing more and more masks piled up in the warehouse, I feel a sense of accomplishment in my heart.

After explaining a few more words of emphasis on safety and fire protection, he left.

Eat out at noon.

When I got home, I just rested and did nothing else.

On the 3rd, Xiaowen went to work.

At this time, Ye Wanrong said to Liu Qing depressedly:

"Our matter was discovered by Xiaowen."

Liu Qing froze for a moment, then said helplessly:

"I told you a long time ago, don't always look at me with that kind of lewd eyes, as long as you are not a fool, you will be able to see it sooner or later. Don't you think this is revealing?"

He didn't care too much about it, he knew it when he knew it.

He didn't want to let go of such an opportunity to tease Ye Wanrong.

Ye Wanrong glared at him: "You are just looking at people lewdly! She heard it from the corner of the wall."

"This girl is very curious." Liu Qing sighed, "Why don't you invite her to appreciate it up close?"

Speaking of this, some expectant expressions appeared on his face.

Ye Wanrong snorted coldly, and said very unhappy: "I can't control what kind of mess you want to play, but don't count me in! I am a person with a bottom line!"

Many pictures have flashed through my mind, and I am calculating in my heart:

"I definitely won't do such a thing. It's terribly embarrassing to think about it, but if it's with Xiaowen, no, it's too familiar, and I won't be able to face it in the future. Then, if it's with Zhen Tian, ​​​​or No, it's too embarrassing,"

Liu Qing looked at her and asked strangely: "Why are you blushing? Why are you shy?"

Ye Wanrong clenched her fist, her joints creaked, and said angrily:

"Am I that shy? I was so angry at your shameless proposal!"

Liu Qing snorted and said, "We'll go to Zhen Tian's place tomorrow."

Ye Wanrong pounded her fist on the sofa and said angrily, "Don't even think about it! Impossible! I'm not the kind of person you think!"

Liu Qing was silent for a while, and then said: "I have a serious business with her, that is, the top ten young entrepreneurs of the year. She sent me a message yesterday, saying that I have been nominated. I will go to her tomorrow and ask her, the specifics. How to do it."

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