With the materials in hand, Liu Qing's mind became more stable.

For the upcoming epidemic, he has been working hard to do what he can do.

I dare not say that it is perfect, but at least I have worked hard, put in so much hard work, and paid so much money.

No matter how useful it is in the end, at least he can have a clear conscience.

This rebirth will not be in vain.

At the end of December, he had seen related news reports.

There were also discussions below, some said it was just a small problem, while others expressed concern.

After Qin Kun saw the report, he was quite surprised, and then faintly excited, feeling that his company seemed to be on the right track this time.

He asked Liu Qing if he wanted to continue to diverge his thinking and make some extensions.

In this way, you can strike while the iron is hot, get more traffic, and create a good image of yourself with foresight, which is more conducive to future business personnel design.

But this proposal was stopped by Liu Qing:

"With regard to the prevention of epidemic diseases, we have done enough. We will not discuss this topic for the next month. At most, we will promote the knowledge of epidemic prevention such as wearing masks, keeping contact distance, and washing hands frequently. Nothing else Say more."

"This is a good opportunity to get traffic. We have been promoting for more than half a month, and now we are just taking advantage of the victory to catch up with a lot of traffic." Qin Kun persuaded Liu Qing.

Liu Qing sighed: "Now that we have a rhythm, let's not continue to bring it. This will cause social panic. Compared with traffic, stability is more important."

Qin Kun still wanted to persuade, but Liu Qing said firmly:

"I'm the boss of this company. In the next month, I don't want to see any account in our company change to that direction."

"All right." Qin Kun could only say so.

In the Qingshi group, the second-generation dismantlers also paid attention to the acne-printed accounts of Tianyuan Media, and more or less knew the propaganda that Tianyuan Media did in the first half of December.

Now that I hear such wind, I can't help thinking of it.

In the group, one after another praised Liu Qing for her foresight and clear judgment on the situation.

Of course, they attributed this more to the fact that Liu Qing was the son of the chairman of Tianyuan Group and had access to more news.

Nian Fengyan even asked Liu Qing: "Does this mean that masks will also sell well?"

Liu Qing replied: "There is that possibility, but I would rather not have such a situation."

This is true.

He started a mask factory not just to make money.

With so much start-up capital and a certain understanding of the future trend, under such circumstances, there are many ways to make money, and being a mask factory is not the best way.

What's more, there is still such a sense of responsibility.

If this problem cannot be solved, but it can be alleviated, that is also a contribution.

This is not in vain to be reborn again.

If the epidemic does not come, the most he can do is to bankrupt the mask factory, lose hundreds of millions, and cut off the opportunity to enter the board of directors.

However, it will not affect his quality of life.

He can be a playboy happily, no longer need to care about any career, no longer have any moral pressure, do what he likes with the people he likes, and play wherever he wants to go.

Want to do something, the position of the president of the Tianyuan Group Charity Foundation that Su Qi is planning, he thinks it is quite suitable for him.

As long as the epidemic does not come, he would rather the mask factory go bankrupt.

He will feel happier.

It's just that his reply may not be able to convince those people in the group.

Nian Fengyan didn't feel any regrets, on the contrary, he felt a little inexplicably relaxed—Liu Qing took over his offer, and added such a large investment in the follow-up, he was really going to lose money, and he still felt a little uneasy .

If he could earn some money, not to mention how much, as long as he could earn back the capital, he would feel less uneasy, and the two of them could get along happily.

Afraid that someone would screen capture and send out what they said in the group, Liu Qing also organized a gathering with those demolished second generations because of this matter, and mentioned those news reports:

"We are all good friends. Let me just say my personal opinion. Don't spread it. I think this time it will be a big deal. It may be worse than that time. Everyone should prepare as soon as possible."

"What are you preparing for?" Someone asked excitedly, "Brother Qing, is he going to give us business opportunities?"

As soon as this was said, everyone became excited.

Liu Qing hesitated for a moment, and said: "If you want to talk about business opportunities, of course there are. But I made it clear in advance that this is my personal opinion, and it may not really happen. I can't make money or lose money. Responsible."

He has already spent almost all of his own money, so it would be best if these people could also pay for something.

In this process, they will make money, and many people can save their lives, which is beneficial.

"We can all afford to lose, Brother Qing, you can speak out boldly." Those people urged.

Chapter 220

More than 50 demolition second generations participated in this party.

They are all members of the Qingshi group, and they all belong to the kind of people who have money and time. They have also held several team building activities with Tianyuan Media and have a good relationship.

I have a better relationship with Liu Qing in the same group every day.

In the past two or three months, they have had one or two gatherings every month, the purpose is to enhance the relationship between each other.

The second-generation demolitionists want to establish a good relationship with Liu Qing, the top rich second-generation, and use this springboard to enter a higher-level circle, obtain more information, and find more opportunities.

Liu Qing is also willing to hand over these people who have certain wealth.

It doesn't matter that each of them doesn't have much cash in their hands, but as long as they really want to do something, it's no problem for a family to raise tens of millions.

Make good friends with these people, and you may get their help when you don't know.

But now Liu Qing doesn't want them to help her career anymore, she just hopes that they can contribute to the fight against the coming epidemic.

He said: "I have analyzed the data from all over the world, and I feel that what happened this time is not simple. I suspect that it has happened everywhere, but it has not been taken seriously. Our country has a lesson from last time. , will pay more attention to it. Other places may not be very serious, I think this time it will be more serious than last time."

"more serious?"

Those demolition second generations are horrified.

Most of them have relatively deep memories of the last time.

Although they were just a group of children 16 years ago, the city they lived in had a relatively strict blockade. Even children in their teens can still remember the situation at that time.

Experience such a thing, for many people, it is unforgettable in a lifetime.

Liu Qing's sentence was more serious, which made it hard for them to imagine.

"So what should we do?" someone asked.

Liu Qing said: "When this kind of respiratory infectious disease breaks out, the entire medical system will be dragged down. At this time, all kinds of medical supplies are the most lacking. If you stock up a batch of goods in advance, you will definitely be able to make money in the future. That time vinegar, banlangen What happened, you should still remember?"

The crowd nodded.

But some people are worried: "But in this way, won't it be considered as making a fortune for the country? After the outbreak of the epidemic, hoarding and hoarding, this person can be arrested and sent to jail, right?"

Liu Qing looked at him helplessly: "Of course it's wrong for someone to sell at a price ten times or a hundred times higher. But, you sell it at a relatively normal price. If you sell it, you make money, and the shortage of medical supplies is alleviated, and more people can survive, so is that called making money in a country that is difficult for the country?”

"Brother Qing, what you said makes sense, but, but," the man hesitated for a while before saying, "Buying 50 yuan and selling 100 million yuan, isn't that normal business behavior? It's not profitable."

Doubling the purchase price and selling the goods, of course, this cannot be said to be a fortune for the country.

However, this is not much profit.

Generally speaking, the price of clothes sold on the side of the road is higher than this ratio. It is never sold for twice the purchase price, and it is often several times higher.

If this is also called a business opportunity, there are too many business opportunities in that day.

Liu Qing said: "However, as long as this thing explodes, you can sell those materials quickly. If you buy 50 yuan, you may earn 50 yuan in a month or two. You can earn 100 million in just a few minutes, isn’t it worth doing? What can be more profitable than this?”

After a pause, he added:

"Of course, if you want to make more profits, it's okay to raise the price by two or three times. That's normal. Yours is a life-saving thing, and no one will catch you. But if there is more, I will Not recommended. Might make a quick buck but spend your life with a bad conscience, not worth it. You don't need that money."

These people belong to the kind of people who are not short of money, but not particularly rich.

If you think about it carefully, it's really not worth it to bear a conscience for tens of millions of dollars.

It seems good to be able to double your money in a month or two.

So I asked Liu Qing: "Then what do you recommend? Isatis root any tricks?"

"Don't even think about that. Not many people believe in that anymore. We still need to get some essential medical supplies."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Qing expressed her suggestion:

"You can go overseas to get some protective clothing, goggles, etc. before the outbreak. If you have enough money, get some ventilators, that would be even better."

"After buying these things, if there is no epidemic, what if they fall into your hands?" Someone asked.

Liu Qing said helplessly: "It depends on your own judgment. My personal judgment is that these things will be in short supply in the future, and it is impossible to throw them away. If you feel that there is a risk, of course you don't need to take the risk."

Someone asked: "Why do you want to buy overseas?"

Liu Qing said:

"It can be regarded as making some contributions to the epidemic. Domestic materials, whether you buy them or not, are there. No matter how much you buy, it will not alleviate the shortage of materials when the epidemic comes. Buying overseas is the real contribution to alleviating the shortage of medical materials. Without contribution, the meaning is different.”

"Brother Qing, you are really positive energy!" Those people sighed with emotion.

These people are all young people, and they are all born in the 90s. They grew up in a different environment than the earlier generation, and they have a deeper sense of national identity and pride.

Another person asked, "Brother Qing, have you bought it yet?"

Liu Qing said: "I have purchased millions of RMB worth of protective clothing and goggles."

Then he smiled bitterly: "My mother only gave me so much start-up capital, and I spent all I could. I didn't do this for making money. Frankly speaking, I don't like that little money. That's right, I think we are like this. Those who are regarded as playboys by others, when this society needs us, we can also stand up and do something meaningful, and leave a proud memory for our life."

When he said that, those people were moved.

Xu Huaisheng, who has always been grateful to Liu Qing, was the first to express his opinion:

"I believe Brother Qing's analysis. Since Brother Qing said so, then I will follow up. I can't make up too much money. One or two million is not a problem."

If he was the first to stand up, there would be more people who followed up to express their views.

Liu Qing's last words moved them.

For those of them who live affluent lives, it is not that important to take advantage of this opportunity to make some money.

Is it more meaningful to leave a memory that can make oneself proud for a lifetime?

Chapter 221 The Wheel of History

Under the guidance of Liu Qing, dozens of second-generation dismantlers who are not short of money have expressed their willingness to pool a sum of money to purchase medical supplies overseas.

The amount of money that each person can come up with is not much, but with so many dozens of people gathered together, the amount of money that can be given out is really not a small amount.

Some are to make a little contribution and realize the value of life.

Some still want to make some money.

Others want to make a little money and make a little contribution to realize the value of life.

But they are willing to pay money to do this kind of thing.

Such a situation made Liu Qing more gratified.

What should be done specifically, Liu Qing shared her own experience.

He believes that these people are no worse than himself in handling things. If you share your experience, they will know how to do it and do it better than yourself.

Liu Qing also said that if there is no place to put the materials they purchased overseas, they can be put in his warehouse in the mask factory, and he is willing to provide the space for free.

This also convinced those people that Liu Qing really wanted to do something.

However, Liu Qing estimated that when they place an order now, when the goods arrive, it will probably be time for the outbreak of the epidemic.

At that party, Liu Qing also made some guesses that could not be displayed on the webpage based on the clues she mentioned before.

Although there was no auditor in the place where they met, when he said those words, he still closed the doors and windows very carefully, and asked everyone not to take pictures or record with their mobile phones, just talking.

After finishing speaking, he emphasized: "This is just my personal opinion. I would like to share it with you here. Don't make it public. I won't admit it if it spreads out, and you won't even have to be friends in the future."

It seems that he doesn't trust people when he says such things, but under such circumstances, he really doesn't dare to trust others completely.

Fortunately, everyone can understand.

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