——How can I get other big brothers to give gifts willingly?

And if you don't read it, it seems that you are afraid of this woman.

Can Liu Qing lose this person?

After hesitating for less than half a second, he said a sentence naturally:

"Thank you for cherishing the hot air balloon for a lifetime. The profile picture looks like a big sister. Thanks to this big sister, family members, give this big sister some attention."

Pretend not to know, which means—oh, sorry, you have no place in my heart, I have already forgotten you.

The cute Mo Xiaodie was misled by Liu Qing, thinking she was really a big sister, so she also bowed her hands and thanked her:

"Thank you, dear sister, for your support!"

Liu Qing glanced at Mo Xiaodie, and praised in her heart: "Good job!"

He didn't know if Huo Zhenzhen, who had swiped the hot air balloon, was still in the live broadcast room, anyway, he defaulted that the other party was there.

So, he raised his arm, revealed the Rolex watch on his wrist, and moved in front of the camera:

"My family, it's already [-]:[-] in the afternoon. Thank you for being with our family Xiaodie for such a long time. Let her present a song to everyone now."

"A song of great love, "Prayer" is for you!"

"Family, let me see your support for Xiaodie!"

Letting that woman see clearly the multi-million-dollar Rolex watch she is wearing is also a way to show off her wealth from a distance.

It's a pity that Daben couldn't drive into the live broadcast room, and lost another opportunity to show off his wealth.

How many songs need to be sung in today's live broadcast, and which songs they are, have been planned in advance.

In order to obtain a better broadcast effect, Mo Xiaodie also rehearsed for a period of time in advance.

After Liu Qing announced the title of the song, Mo Xiaodie went to get his guitar. Liu Qing pulled the sofa chair back a little, then left the live broadcast camera and walked to Xiaowen's side.

Xiaowen is looking at the data of the live broadcast room. She also has an identity as the administrator of the live broadcast room. If there are any black fans who are playing the rhythm in the live broadcast room, she will kick the black fans away.

Mo Xiaodie played the guitar and began to sing the song "Prayer".

Liu Qing stood behind Xiao Wen, put her mouth on her ear, and whispered.

I gave my mobile phone to Xiaowen, clicked on the acne mark, switched to a small account, and charged 1000 yuan, and gave the mobile phone to Xiaowen.

Xiaowen looked at Liu Qing suspiciously.

Liu Qing replied with a positive look.

I don't know if the two people made eye contact or if the channels matched.

The number of online users in the live broadcast room fluctuates from time to time. For a live broadcast of several hours, the average online time of a person is basically about three to four minutes.

Some just came and looked at it for a few times and then left, while others would stay forever.

However, the proportion of people who have been staying is very small, and they have to be hardcore fans.

No matter which live broadcast room will have iron fans, the main problem is the proportion.

If the average stay time is too long, it will be considered to be a hang-up—that is, to buy a dummy to make data.

Mo Xiaodie's live broadcast room is also full of people coming and going, and most of them stay for less than 1 minute.

Some left this live broadcast room, went to other places for a while, and then came to this live broadcast room again.

This can make the data look more realistic.

After Mo Xiaodie sang again, the number of people online began to rise again, and the time for one song rose to more than 3.

During the period, I received some gifts.

It can be seen that she is still very popular in singing.

When she was singing, Xiaowen also took the time to record the screen.

This kind of screen recording can be released to absorb a wave of traffic, and it can also add some heat to Mo Xiaodie.

After singing a song, Mo Xiaodie hugged the guitar and bowed deeply to the camera: "Thank you everyone, I hope everyone will like this song."

Liu Qing walked into the camera applauding:

"The singing is so touching. I believe this song is also Xiaodie's heartfelt voice."

Mo Xiaodie said: "Yes, my wish at the moment is the same as what is said in this song. I hope that this world can have more beauty, and everyone can live in happiness."

Liu Qing pushed the sofa closer to the camera and asked Mo Xiaodie to sit down, and he sat next to Mo Xiaodie again.

Now, it's time to interact with live viewers again.

Xiaowen took the mobile phone Liu Qing gave her and swiped a rocket to go there.

The rocket special effects flashed across the screen, and Liu Qing read aloud:

"Thank you for my hunk boy's acne mark No. [-]! Everyone give hunk boy some attention!"

Mo Xiaodie also cupped her hands: "Thank you macho man."

Then, Xiaowen sent a sentence on this account:

"Mr. Liu, I heard that you are a billionaire, can you tell me how it feels to have so much wealth?"

At this time, there was still a lot of comments on the screen, "You sing really well".

The account nicknamed the macho suddenly asked such a question, which seemed a bit out of place.

Some people don't fit in with the group they belong to because they are not perverted enough.

Some people will be out of tune with the group they belong to because they are too perverted.

This question was precisely discovered by Liu Qing, and then read it out.

After reading it, I explained it again:

"This is a question posed by the hunk brother who just gave Xiaodie the No. [-] acne mark."

After explaining, he replied:

"I do have billions of dollars now, but if you want to say that owning this wealth will have any different feelings, I don't think so."

He's about to start his show.

Chapter 200 Low-key flaunting wealth

It is easiest to lose the number of people online when chatting.

Some people in the live broadcast room saw that Mo Xiaodie had finished singing, and they were about to leave the live broadcast room.

But when I heard such a topic, I stopped there again.

They also want to know what it feels like to be worth hundreds of millions.

Although there are quite a lot of people who hate the rich on the Internet, it has to be said that there are more people who love the rich.

Why do so many Internet celebrities like to show off their wealth?

It is because it can absorb powder.

Now a young rich man with a real billionaire net worth wants to talk about his feelings in the live broadcast room, which is attractive enough.

When Liu Qing first appeared in this live broadcast room, someone asked about such a topic, but at that time Liu Qing didn't want to bring the topic to herself, but wanted to give Mo Xiaodie more opportunities to interact, so she didn't answer that topic .

But it's different now.

After Huo Zhenzhen sent out the hot air balloon, everything changed.

He wants to show off his wealth!

You have to show off your wealth in front of that woman!

Take back all the opportunities he lost to show off his wealth!

However, Tianyuan Media is positioned as a company with positive energy, and Mo Xiaodie, the anchor, is also positioned as a healing talent anchor with positive energy.

He can't flaunt his wealth in vulgar ways.

If you want to show off your wealth, you can only use positive energy to show off your wealth.

He raised his wrist, showed the Rolex watch in front of the camera again, and said:

"The watch I'm wearing now is a Rolex 116769tbr GMT-Master II Platinum Automatic Men's Watch with Original Diamonds. It is worth more than 300 million and is called a famous watch. However, its 24 hours a day, 440 minutes, The 24 hours a day and 440 minutes of other watches that cost tens of dollars are the same. It will not be faster by one second, nor slow by one second."

"My current car is a Mercedes-Benz S 400L, which is worth more than 100 million. It is called a luxury car. However, when it hits the road, it is similar to those 10,000+ cars, and it can only drive at the speed allowed by traffic regulations. .”

"Famous watches and luxury cars are the pursuit of many people. But after you really own them, you will find that one of them is a tool for timekeeping, and the other is a tool for transportation. There may be some subtle differences from other tools, but There won't be much difference."

"My family has several villas and properties in several first-tier cities. But so what? I still can only live in one suite."

"The suite I live in now is more than 100 square meters, and I can only live in one of them."

"There is a saying in ancient times, which is called Guangsha Wanjian, sleep seven feet at night; fertile land, thousands of hectares, only three meals a day. No matter how many houses you have, you can only sleep in that bed at night. No matter how much food you have , you can only eat three meals a day."

"I am a person who has no pursuit of material things."

"For breakfast, it doesn't make much difference whether I eat bird's nest or porridge."

"At night, it doesn't make much difference to me whether I live in a farmer's house or a mansion."

"A meal of tens of thousands or even 10,000+ will bring me no greater happiness than roadside barbecue."

"You have to say, do you have any different feelings when you have a net worth of hundreds of millions? I don't think there are many different feelings."

"Money, to me, it's just a number."

This is to express one's disdain for material life, not to show off one's wealth.

But it can also be considered a show of wealth.

After all, he showed off the wealth he owns now - a watch worth millions, a car worth over a million, a house over a hundred square meters, and a meal worth tens of thousands or even 10,000+.

It should be said that this is a low-key show off of wealth.

Even if this paragraph is recorded and posted, it will not be questioned about the nouveau riche mentality, and it will appear that he is low-key and luxurious, and has broken away from the pursuit of material things and turned to higher pursuits.

Mo Xiaodie looked at Liu Qing as if she was looking at a god, her eyes were full of worship.

No wonder the boss is so kind and helps himself in this way. It turns out that he has broken away from such low-level interests as material pursuits and has become a noble and pure person.

This kind of person in the textbook actually appeared by his side and helped him to broadcast live.

She feels very honored.

After Liu Qing laid out her family conditions in a low-key manner, she paused and said:

"But if you want to say that with so much wealth, my mentality has not changed at all, that's not true either."

"I feel a greater sense of responsibility."

"I always believe in one sentence, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

"When I was poor and unable to take on more responsibilities, then I was alone."

"Now that I have a certain ability, I can help others and make the world a better place, so I need to take on my responsibilities to change the world."

"After I have so much wealth, I mainly did two things."

"One thing is to invest in a mask factory to create more employment opportunities and improve the production standards of this industry. At the same time, what I hope to change is the awareness of epidemic prevention among Chinese people. When an epidemic occurs, they can consciously Wear a mask to stop the virus from spreading further."

"The other thing is to invest in Tianyuan Media, a new media company. I want to use the new media platform to spread positive energy, promote positive energy, and improve social atmosphere."

"In this Internet age, new media platforms are very important."

"I've heard people say that if we don't occupy the position of public opinion, the enemy will."

"If we don't promote positive energy, the enemy will spread negative energy every day, making you hate the world, the people around you, everything, and even your own life."

"The position of public opinion is occupied by negative energy. People pursue material things and abandon truth, goodness and beauty. The result is what we see now. Everything is based on money. For money, everything can be traded."

"Including your own body, your own feelings."

"They encourage girls to look at money in everything. For marriage, they don't pay attention to the foundation of love, but the foundation of economy. They want a house, a car, and a bride price."

"They create shopping festivals of one kind or another, and encourage girls to force men who love him to spend irrationally on such days. They call this a test of love. They do not hesitate to create social division for their own commercial purposes."

"They call people who accept this culture mature, and the culture of this society encourages that maturity."

"That's what I don't want to see."

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