"No, I'm just thinking, how can I give an example so that you, who know nothing about mages, can understand what I want to say."


"How about this? To give an inappropriate example, the assembly line worker who assembles the computer, will this person come into contact with all the parts of the entire computer, and pass through his hands?"


"But you said that this worker can learn how to make chips. If you don't say that he can learn it, he can imitate it by stealing it?"

"Obviously not."

Mo Lan shrugged.

"Then it's over, even if I teach it by hand, you may not be able to teach it, why do you think they can learn it by helping me assemble it?

If such a person really exists, then I can only say that he does not need to participate in the assembly at all, and he can toss out the spell tower by himself.

If you have nothing to do to join in the fun, why copy mine? "

"Oh, so I feel more at ease, what about technical problems?

Are there any technical issues? "

"I have mastered about 5.00% of [-]% of the technology of the Mage Tower. Of course, [-]% of the [-]% can be said to be one of the core technologies of the entire Mage Tower."

Seeing Zou Peng stunned, Mo Lan immediately reacted and explained.

"Although I have only mastered 5.00%, but with the key [-]% support, I have no problem building a prototype of the mage tower that can be operated.

And the rest I can study slowly, add in bit by bit, and finally a qualified mage tower will be formed. "

"Oh, can you finish speaking in one breath? It scared me. I thought you told me that you couldn't make it at this juncture."

Zou Peng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, then I'll go ahead with everything as planned.

Extorting 4000 more people than expected, the scale of these guilds has really expanded too fast.

But it just so happens that the manpower will be much more plentiful in this way. If they are divided into three shifts and fall overnight, the completion time of the mage tower can be much earlier.

In this way, there are fewer variables. "

Just as Zou Peng was about to leave, Mo Lan hurriedly called out.

"By the way, you order a little more mercury, I need it to build the mage tower.

In addition, this kind of thing may become a strategic material for a long time in the future. If you have spare money, you can save a little, and the price will definitely rise.

If you can buy one or two mines at a low price, it is not impossible to consider. "

Mo Lan didn't know if there was any material that could replace mercury as a material for a constant spell model.

If there is and the performance exceeds that of mercury, then the price of mercury will rise slightly, which is harmless.

But if there is, but the performance is not as good as mercury, or even if there is no substitute, then the value of mercury will directly break through the sky, and even directly become a strategic material reserve that the major guilds will fiercely snatch.

Because if mercury is the best or the only one, then the reserve of mercury often means the upper limit of the guild's combat power.

This is the speculation in Mo Lan's mind.

Zou Peng frowned slightly, looked at Mo Lan in surprise, then turned and left.

After Zou Peng left, Mo Lan began to conduct an inspection.

1. The main building material of the mage tower: white stone mine, which is rich in reserves and has substitutes.

2. The material of the constant spell model: mercury, no substitute has been found yet, and an order has been arranged.

3. Element pool design: the design has been completed and construction can start.

4. Shield type spell selection: not yet selected......

After a simple combing, the next needs are clear at a glance. As for the shield, Mo Lan looked at all the spells he currently mastered and began to choose.

First-level spells: Fireball, Wind Blade, Gust, Resist Ring of Fire, Bear's Fortitude, Stoneskin, Earth Wall, Psychic Shock, Earth Wall, Sharpness, Spell Hand, Power Path

[-]nd Ring: Water Shield, Wall of Fire, Feline Grace, Swamp

Three Rings: Purple Flame, Dark Fireball, Elemental Suppression, Flesh and Soul Oven

Four Rings: Blink, Earth Split

Mo Lan quietly looked at the records in her notepad. There were many types of spells, including many defensive spells, but there was only one spell that could support a shield.

Water shield technique!

When the choice is narrowed down to one, there is effectively no choice.

The second ring spell water shield!

"Second Ring."

Mo Lan looked at the spell model of Water Shield and muttered to himself.

"Borrowing the characteristics of the water element, flexibility, and force release, the biggest advantage is that a single point attack will be scattered on the entire shield with the ripples of the water. If you want to break the shield, you must reach the upper limit of the entire shield's strength. There is no such thing as Weaknesses and such.

But in the same way, the biggest advantage is also the biggest disadvantage. It is nothing more than a single-point attack of blunt weapons. If a sharp attack such as a bow, arrow, bed crossbow, or dagger may not be able to disperse the force in time, it will be broken directly at a single point, thus Like poking a bubble, the whole thing breaks. "

Mo Lan pondered for a long time.

"Forget it, let's start with the spell model of the water shield technique. At this stage, there should be no players who can break the mage group level water shield technique.

After this period of time passes, I can also find a way to find a few more shield spells with various characteristics and strong defensive power, or simply create it myself and customize one for the mage tower.

At that time, the mage tower will keep putting on shields, dozens of hundreds of shields, watching others fight, and I will put another one after fighting one. "

Thinking of this scene, Mo Lan felt a sense of security all over her body, and her research was immediately full of motivation.

"The heart of the mage tower, the energy center element pool, the shield water shield of the mage tower.

At present, these two are the only ones that need to be constant, so let's start. "

Mo Lan muttered to himself, and players from the Nine Great Guilds gradually arrived.

There are a total of 450 job changer fighters, most of whom are stuck on the edge of the elite level and cannot break through.

Four thousand and fifty level five players with strength points, although they haven't changed jobs, but at least [-], [-], or even [-] points in strength, they are a group of strongmen among ordinary people, In their hands, the rocks that ordinary people cannot move are just weighed and carried.

And the news that Mo Lan was going to build the mage tower gradually spread on the forum.

The topic in the mage forum was quickly occupied by the mage tower. Many mages asked Ait Molan if the mage tower was really being built. When Mo Lan saw it, he edited a post and sent it out.

"On a whim, I will build a mage tower for you to study spells. Do you think it is good?"

Chapter 142 Building the Mage Tower

"God Mo, Sharpness Technique!"

Holding a thin sword in his hand, Lu Ling shouted loudly.

Mo Lan next to him heard the words and immediately led more than 20 mages to cast spells together.


The Fengrui Technique covered the rapier with a layer of golden film, and Lu Leng immediately stabbed it into the stone wall when he saw this.

A piece of stone with a length of more than one meter was cut out, and the players behind immediately followed up, holding the stone and taking it to the side for processing, cutting out a simple concave-convex mortise and tenon structure, and putting it on a small cart after the end .

Fill a small cart, two people carry it in the front, and two people push it in the back.

The trolley will not be full. Considering the emotional problems of the players, all four people work together to push it up easily without being too tiring.

Although this will slow down the progress of the project a lot, it is still much better than a player strike.

After all, these are players, no matter what they do in reality, they are here to play when they come to the game.

If you want them to work, you have to take care of their emotions.

Otherwise, if you feel bad about doing it, just say no to it, and no one can do anything to him, not even the guild leader.

"Speaking of which, it is really difficult to be the president of these guilds. I am fine. The people in the entire chamber of commerce are employees recruited in reality. They are employees, and they are relatively easy to manage.

These presidents are all about players, tsk tsk. "

"In fact, it's relatively easy to manage in real games. After all, the currency in real games is almost a one-to-one price ratio with real currency.

Therefore, the value in the real game is linked to the real value. If the players have concerns, it will be easier to manage them. If they are obedient, as long as the president can lead them to make money and make them make money, then they will be obedient.

Didn't you see how much those people from the Niehuo Guild supported Geng Tao?It is because he can make money and likes to lead people in the guild to make money, and everyone is willing to listen to him.

And before that, guild players were carefree, tsk tsk tsk, then it was really hard to manage. "


Zou Peng watched Mo Lan make a sharp move, and then walked out.

"I'll go to the top to have a look, and prepare some iced watermelon for these working players.

Well, let the girls sent by Utopia deliver watermelons, and cheer for them. "

"Can play."

Mo Lan gave a thumbs up.

"I have to encourage the players. I'll think of a way. When I hold a bonfire party, I don't bother to prepare the show. I just serve barbecue, fruit, red envelopes, and then call all the handsome men and beautiful women."

Zou Peng left, while Mo Lan continued to organize a mage group here to bless the few people who opened the mine with the sharpness technique.

However, during the interval between casting spells, Mo Lan did not relax, but carefully perceived the details of each resonant casting spell, the overall process, and let the mage group adjust and learn bit by bit.

As I said before, it is impossible for a mage group to be considered a group only if Mo Lan is there, right?

Only after leaving Mo Lan and still being able to cast spells as a group, can the spell resonance be considered successful, and Mo Lan doesn't have so much free time to waste on such highly repetitive tasks.

The stone wall was quickly hollowed out by the miners, and hard and heavy stones passed through the hundreds of meters thick soil and rock layers and came to the sun.

At this moment, a long stone bridge has appeared beside Jinghu Lake.

Half of the stone bridge is on the water surface and half is in the water, extending long into the depths of the lake.

After walking along the stone bridge for several miles, I saw an island in the middle of the lake.

The island is very large and flat, with some bushes and trees growing, and the center of the island has been flattened, and carts of stones have been stacked here, with some chair fruits beside them.

After each player moved a car, they also ate some fruit here, looked at the lake, looked at the island, talking and laughing.

Therefore, many screenshots were also posted on the forum, and the sour taste flooded for a while.

"I admire it."

"Is the Mage Association so high-end? It's the Mage Tower and the island in the middle of the lake.

I also want the island in the middle of the lake. "

"Hahaha, this is the Mage Association! Don't talk about it, I'm going to help, I can help, and it will be my territory from now on."

"Don't worry upstairs, maybe you won't be able to enter the Mage Association."

Downstairs said sourly, the mage was not annoyed when he saw it.

"It's okay. If I can't get in, I'll hang out in Hongfeng City. It's fun. I'll be able to get in one day."

"Add one, I'm going to help too."

"This will be the territory of the Mage Association from now on."

"God Mo dotes on us so much, we can't just watch, right?

Sisters, maybe we are not as strong as them, but we can serve tea and pour water, right?It's okay to go cheer them on, right?

Those who go to Hongfeng City in advance come to me to sign up, our mage association, we can't let Mo Shen do it alone! "

"I'll go as well."

"Add me."

As time passed, more and more stones were piled up on the island in the middle of the lake, as if a new hillside had appeared.

At this time, the players are also a little impatient. Although there is no strike, they are not very motivated to work.

In desperation, Zou Peng had no choice but to rest for a day, prepared a bonfire, barbecue, fruit, and red envelopes, and directly held a bonfire party, playing until dawn.

After the excitement, Mo Lan also brought the mage group to the center of the island where the mage tower was to be built.

Looking at the open space, Mo Lan took a deep breath.

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