But not only did he succeed, the spell he released even exceeded the limit of the first ring. The stone wall just now was not only very large in area, but also its density far exceeded the stone wall spell we released.

But Mo Lan is obviously only a three-ring mage.

He has too many secrets. "

Yi Fei was also relieved when he heard the words, and shook his head.

"What is unrealistic, Mo Lan is reality, before him, even mages were unrealistic.

It's normal not to be able to catch up with him, forget it, forget it, go and squeeze the mage group of the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce to bury the corpse together.

In addition, I took the altar to Lao Tzu and ran all the way, it is impossible to have nothing, right? "

Yi Fei turned and left to look at the scenery, the mage vaguely heard Yi Fei swearing.

"Moshen didn't expect you to have a dark heart, and you didn't even dare to cooperate, so you ran away alone.

Sooner or later, I have to develop a spell that can restrain the stone wall technique, and give this ground a hard place, otherwise this game will be unplayable, there are no rules at all, a garbage game.

Magic research, magic research..."

20 meters down from the cave, Mo Lan leaned against the stone wall and opened his right hand, revealing the four extraordinary cores inside.

The four extraordinary cores are all dark black, two of which are darker than silver, one is darker red, and one is darker and more transparent.

"The harvest this time is not small, and this trip is not in vain."

A smile appeared on Mo Lan's face, then she closed her eyes and began to refine her magic power.

The role played by the magic power just now is very important. During the whole process of casting this spell, Mo Lan has no connection with the elements in the external environment.

Without the mage's spiritual power covering him, it was impossible to find that Mo Lan was casting a spell.

It was also the first time that Mo Lan discovered the characteristic of an Arcanist, so she seized the opportunity and directly used the skill to prolong the casting, pouring almost all the magic power in her body into it before releasing this super-standard stone wall spell, buying precious time.

"Just kidding, adults still have to make choices?

Unless I have no choice, I want them all. "

If the casting of the spell is discovered, or the stone wall is broken soon, then Mo Lan may cooperate with a smile on his face.

Unfortunately not.

After recovering some magic power in her body, Mo Lan got up and left, and didn't stay here any longer.

If he stayed any longer, Mo Lan seriously doubted that the group of guilds above would choose to dig three feet to see if there was anything left.

Leaving through the stone wall technique, Mo Lan casually found an underground cat, and took out four extraordinary cores.

The first one to get started is the one on the altar, the one with the highest level by visual inspection.

Mo Lan licked her lips, with excitement on her face, and her mental power directly extended into it, but Mo Lan's expression changed in the next second.


"What level of spell is this?"

Mo Lan looked at the densely packed spell nodes and lines in the extraordinary core, and was a little pleasantly surprised and a little bit pained in the head.

There seemed to be thousands or even thousands of spell nodes in this extraordinary core, and the countless lines made Mo Lan dizzy.

Moreover, this spell model is obviously in the extraordinary core, but Mo Lan can't see it all. The core part of the mage model seems to have involved another level.

"Huh, it can't be analyzed at all, and it can't even be recorded."

Mo Lan took a deep breath, shook her head, put it away, and picked up another extraordinary core.

The second silver-colored extraordinary core, Mo Lan speculates that it should be the spell model of the flashing technique.

Looking forward to extending the spiritual power into it, Mo Lan was overjoyed when he saw clearly the magic nodes inside, and a smile appeared on his face.

"190 nine spell nodes, sure enough, the flash spell is a four-ring spell.

At the elite level, the mage finally ushered in a qualitative change.

The number of spell slots has increased, so there is no need to click and search, plus the emergence of displacement spells such as flash.

The mage is finally about to stand up, and finally can have infinite kite fighters and infinite second fighters! "


Chapter 133 The Mage's Hand


Mo Lan didn't hesitate, and directly used the first side of the ink cartridge to record the flash spell model.

After the first side of the recording was completed, and the second side was also inscribed with the flashing technique, Mo Lan finally stopped.

"It's time to find an opportunity to upgrade the ink cartridge. When the ink cartridge reaches the third level, my computing power should be able to improve again.

And when the time comes, three extra spell slots will directly record three flash spells!

Happy. "

After the ink cartridge recording was completed, Mo Lan started the formal analysis work.

First define the three-axis coordinate system, record the spatial coordinates of each point, record the length, thickness, and both ends of each magic line, and after a little sorting, it will be a spell model in text.

While recording, Mo Lan couldn't help but think of the spell model in the extraordinary core.

"The complexity of the four-ring spell is like this. I can't even see the core part of the spell model. It seems that it is not at the same latitude and level as these spell nodes... That spell will not be a seven-ring spell. The above spells, right?"

Mo Lan suddenly felt that it was very possible. After thinking about it, he directly stuffed this extraordinary core into the ground.

"Forget it, let's put this extraordinary core here, and I'll get it later."

After putting it away, Mo Lan continued to analyze the spell model of the flashing technique. After completing the text version of the mage model, Mo Lan entered the mage section of the forum, edited the post, and directly published the spell model of the flashing technique, and invited many presidents .

"This is the spell model of the flashing spell. The presidents will take it by themselves. In addition, if you have discussed how to deal with the extraordinary core, please let me know as soon as possible."

Mo Lan clicked send after editing. Since he agreed to publish it, he would not hesitate.

As soon as the flash technique was released, it aroused praise from the majority of mage players, who all liked it under the post.

"The God of Ink is amazing!"

"The god of ink is the atmosphere. A four-ring spell will be announced as soon as it is announced. If I must keep it private, I will be invincible."

"So you can't get the fourth ring spell."

"Ah, God Mo, let me ask you, do mages really need to use sticks?"

When I saw this comment, the building suddenly turned crooked, replying one after another.

"It must be. Didn't you see God Mo smashing a soldier to death with an iron rod?"

"Even with sticks, haven't you discovered that warriors can also use spells?

The mage just holds a stick, and then casts various buff spells on himself, and then casts a light spell to find the warrior to single out. "

Replied to one comment after another, and Mo Lan, who just wanted to quit, noticed this post.

"Still playing."

No reply, just clicked a like.

After Mo Lan liked it, a few words appeared at the bottom of the comment.

Mo Lan thinks it's great!

Mo Lan closed the forum, but another player fell into deep thought when he saw this line.

"God Mo even gave me a thumbs up..."


Putting away the extraordinary core of the flashing spell, Zou Peng suddenly sent a message when Mo Lan was about to read the next spell.

"Where are you, why didn't I see you at home?"

"I'm outside."

"Aren't you studying spells? Why are you staying outside?"

"Hey, you think I don't want to come back, but believe it or not, as long as I dare to come back, our broken base will definitely be blown up, it's not as safe as digging a hole in the wild, oh, no, I haven't just found a place Dig three fill one safe."

"Er..., it's possible, forget it, don't come back, and wait until the next house is smashed."

"...You seem to dislike me?"

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense, oh, yes, our mage group has taken shape, and then I will choose a mountain and start hollowing out to make a new base.

At that time, there will be no fear of returning home, but at that time, it is necessary to find a way to defend against the stone wall technique, and don't be demolished by others just after it is built. "

"Oh, I'm going to study the Anti-Stone Wall technique during this period of time, and I'll give you a copy when I'm done.

In addition, I plan to build a mage tower on the big island in the middle of the mirror lake. Don't run too far, or you won't be able to take care of it when the time comes. "

"it is good."

After closing the chat, Mo Lan picked up the next extraordinary core.

"Hey, one-ring spell? What kind of attribute is this?"

Mo Lan suddenly let out a light snort, a little surprised.

"It seems that there is no attribute, it is purely driven by spiritual force, so amazing."

There are very few spell nodes in this first ring, only a dozen or so, basically it belongs to the weakest first ring spell, and it can only be called tricks if it goes down.

"And neither magic power nor elemental power is needed, only spiritual power is needed."

There are about a dozen spell nodes, and Mo Lan can analyze them in a few seconds. After recording them in the notepad, Mo Lan directly constructs the spell model with mental power.

The spell model was formed in an instant, and Mo Lan extended his spiritual power to envelop the extraordinary core in his hand.


The originally invisible and qualityless mental power seemed to become an invisible hand.

Mo Lan freely manipulated his mental power to grab the extraordinary core, stones, soil, and even himself, but unfortunately he couldn't grab it.

"Limited strength, easy to cast spells, does not occupy spell slots, only consumes mental power, but the consumption is not too big.

It can turn spiritual power into substance and grab objects. Although it is not very useful in combat, it can help to a certain extent in daily life and experiments.

Well, it can be included as a must-have spell for mages, so let's call it the mage's hand. "

Mo Lan put away the extraordinary core in the hand of the mage, and took out the last extraordinary core.

"Fireball, but the spell model is so complicated, is it a three-ring spell?"

Mo Lan first analyzed the spell model of the fireball, and then directly built a spell model in the spell slot after recording.

After a while, the spell model has been constructed, and Mo Lan rises to the ground first, and then activates it directly.

A dark black fireball the size of a fist appeared in front of him, and the dark black fireball flew out, rapidly growing in size during the flight until it was as big as a basketball.

The dark black fireball fell to the ground, exploded with a bang, the shock wave spread, and the dark black flames sputtered out, showing amazing corrosiveness when it landed.

After the burning was over, a large pit with a diameter of three to four meters was left in front of Mo Lan. Within a radius of ten meters, the pits were corroded by the flames.

"The explosive power is so strong, and the corrosiveness of this flame is really powerful. One fireball can kill three fighters in seconds, and the 95 spell nodes are also top-level three-ring spells."

Mo Lan was a little surprised that this fireball technique was surprisingly powerful, several levels higher than the one-ring fireball technique.

"Then this spell is called Dark Fireball. There is another output spell, and the spell structure that makes up this corrosive flame is also of high research value."

After analyzing all the four extraordinary cores, Mo Lan stretched, looked in the direction of Jinghu and murmured.

"It's time to go back!"

Chapter 134 Constant Spell Model?

"Fuck, why are you back?!"

Zou Peng yelled when he saw Mo Lan.


"I mean, why don't you say anything when you come back, so that I can go to meet you."


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