
Al took a look at the gradually darkening sky, and ran directly downstairs to his room, lying on the bed.

Lying on the bed, he couldn't sleep, and he seemed to have thousands of words in his chest but couldn't say anything.

In the darkness, crystal tears appeared in the sunlight, but Al wiped them clean immediately.

Al didn't need tears anymore.

As the night darkened, Al fell asleep, but Mo Lan on the second floor didn't sleep. After four hours of meditation, his mental state returned to its peak state, and his mental strength still improved a lot, which was much more cost-effective than sleeping.

After the meditation was over, Mo Lan picked up an arm-long horn from the side.

This is exactly the horn of the one-horned boar.

"How do these elemental powers combine with the horns and bones?"

Mo Lan struggled to infiltrate the mental power into the bone, and the elemental power inside was closely integrated with the structure of the bone, no matter what method he used, he could not move it.

"If you can't move, then these elements can't be used at all, they are not active at all.

These bones are useless except for being hard and highly conductive to elements of the same attribute, no wonder they have been unable to sell for a price.

A Warcraft has a lot of claw bones, which are of little use, so it is strange that they can be sold for a price. "

Mo Lan rubbed her eyebrows.

"I can't find the slightest use value, and I have every reason to suspect that the great power technique in the ogre bone stick that was auctioned at the beginning was constant in it before the element was solidified, or while the element was solidified.

It's okay to fool the layman with the reason of subtly solidifying it, but the insider can't be fooled at all. "

At this time, Mo Lan raised a new question.

"So how are these elements solidified?

Originally, it was just an ordinary bone, but because of the solidification of elemental power, it was as hard as fine steel, and it could even be a constant spell model that would not disappear. "

Mo Lan felt that the skill of solidifying elemental power, even if it could not be used for constant spells, was much more valuable than turning the bones of monsters into magic weapons.

"If I can learn this technique, then I don't need to use the warrior's method to keep spells in my body?

If I train the strength of my body to the hardness of this single horn, wouldn't I be able to use the staff to unleash Wushuang among the warriors?

Couldn't fighters also strengthen their bodies, making them invulnerable and greatly increasing their combat power? "

Mo Lan was tempted, he felt that the elements in the unicorn seemed to be integrated with the unicorn from the cellular level.

"No, with my current mental strength, I can't go deep into the microcosm at all. I must use other methods to conduct research."

At this moment, Mo Lan suddenly had another question.

"How do monsters form? Are they born as monsters, or do ordinary animals become monsters when they absorb more elemental power?"

Mo Lan thought carefully about the monsters she encountered before.

"It seems that some of them, such as the one-horned wild boar and the green dragon, are basically certain to be born as Warcraft.

In other words, it is not just born, but it will naturally become a monster when it grows up.

What about the others? "

Mo Lan didn't come up with an answer, so she thought about it and asked a question on the mage forum.

"Question: How did Warcraft form?"

"Isn't a monster a monster? Doubt."

"Such a simple question? Tch, let me tell you mercifully......

I have no idea! "

"Well, God Mo's question is a bit tricky, is it a monster that gave birth to a monster?

Can a beast absorb elemental power and become a monster?Will Warcraft degenerate into a beast?

Are warcraft and beasts born warcraft or beasts?

In addition, is the level of Warcraft fixed?Is the spell level in the super core constant?If the monster becomes stronger, will the spells in the extraordinary core also become stronger?

Well, God Mo is amazing, he is already researching such a profound problem, no wonder he can create the mage profession. "

"Damn it, the upstairs is awesome."

"After the appraisal, he is also a big boss."

"Why do your conversations keep me out of place?"

Mo Lan looked at the reply with great interest.

"Did I think so much? Forget it, probably."

I glanced at the person's name.


"Huh? How do you pronounce this word?"

Mo Lan silently checked the dictionary.

Wo ( wò )

Click Lin Wo's comment to start replying.

"Have time to study together."

Lin Wu's reply was quick.

"it is good."

Chapter 115 Mage Tower?

"The opening of this spell section is still of some value.

Well, in the future, we need to form a more compact and more effective Mage Association. At that time, both in terms of atmosphere and material conditions, it will be of great help to the improvement of the mage profession and the study of spells.

It's a pity that I almost feel now that it's not time to propose a magic association. "

Mo Lan pondered for a moment and then shook his head.

"For now, let's study it by ourselves, no, no, there is an apprentice now."

Al carefully brought up a bowl of porridge and some dried pickles and radishes. He learned how to make these by himself and spent a lot of thought.

"Al, can you feel the spiritual power now, can you control your own spiritual power?"


Mo Lan nodded. He had discovered before that Al's talent was still good, and he happened to have that kind of ruthlessness, ruthlessness towards himself. It's not surprising that he can improve so quickly.

"Okay, then you start to condense the spell model.

Holding this extraordinary core, compress all your spiritual power into the appearance of an extraordinary core. "

Mo Lan told Al some points that need to be paid attention to when changing jobs, and then took a notebook made of yellow paper from the drawer and gave it to him.

The paper is made by players, but the content is some basic mathematics knowledge that Mo Lan copied from the textbook.

"Masters are not illiterate. I saw that you are already literate and can read, right?

Here are some basic mathematics knowledge, you can learn by yourself, and if you don’t understand, just ask me.

Do you understand? "

Al flipped through his notebook and looked at Mo Lan blankly, his eyes sparkling.

Ah... Al doesn't need tears.

"can't read."

"Huh? Are you not literate?"

"I know all the words... but I still can't read them."

Mo Lan was lost in thought.

"@苏鹏, send me someone who has experience teaching children."


"Help me teach Alma Mathematics."

"Are you going to train him? If that's the case, then why only teach mathematics, and keep up with physics, chemistry, and biology. In addition, ideological and political education must not be lax."

Mo Lan glanced at Al, lost in thought.

"I originally wanted to come in the same way, but since you said it, let's go together and add these too."

"OK, there are two college students on my side who have taught remedial classes and have tutored everything. I'll send them here for you."

"Okay, by the way, let them copy a copy of the textbook by hand, I don't want to copy it anymore, my hands are tired, let them do it."


Mo Lan closed the chat, looked at Al who was about to cry, and patted his head with soft eyes.

"Don't be afraid, this is just the simplest, the difficulty is yet to come."

Seeing Al's confused expression, Mo Lan smiled.

"Go ahead, find a way to change jobs first, I hired a teacher for you, and I'll come over after a while."

Al left with his notebook in his arms, and Mo Lan meditated for four hours first.

After the meditation is over, continue to return your attention to your research.

"Study the changes between Warcraft and beasts and whether they can transform into each other."

Mo Lan looked at this topic and fell into deep thought.

"Both monsters and wild beasts are living creatures, especially monsters, the weakest have the strength equivalent to professionals.

Raise a large group of monsters, a large group of wild beasts for experiments. "

Mo Lan looked at the small study room, and then at the densely packed houses outside.

"No, if you build a laboratory in the city, what kind of conditions do you need at home?"

"We have to build a laboratory outside the city, well, Zou Peng's underground palace can't start until the new magic team has finished training.

However, I can design the laboratory I need in advance, and when the conditions are met, I can start building it directly. "

Mo Lan pondered for a moment.

"What kind of laboratory do I need?

First, there must be enough space so that the monsters and beasts used as laboratories can be placed, as well as spell experiments that may require a large space in the future.

Second, it must have high strength, at least be able to withstand the magic attacks of professional-level monsters. Of course, it would be even better if it could resist elite-level monsters.

Third, you must have a certain level of comfort in life. After all, I will definitely live in the laboratory in the future, so I can't treat myself badly. The purpose of becoming stronger is to live more comfortably, not to torture myself.

Fourth, since we are going to live here, let’s build a strong magic laboratory by the way. I must have a place to experiment with offensive spells, which needs to be very strong.

Fifth, since it is already my personal residence, it must have a certain defense force, or have a certain counterattack ability, so that I can live with peace of mind and peace of mind.


Mo Lan was stunned suddenly, looking at these dense conditions.

"Well, with these conditions, why don't we just build a mage tower.

It should be reasonable for a mage to have a mage tower, right?

The mage tower has a laboratory, a living room, a magic defense, and is strong enough to increase my combat power. This should be reasonable, right? "

Mo Lan nodded firmly.

"Yes, this is not reasonable, it is quite reasonable."

"However, it seems that there are many technical problems, which cannot be made if they are not resolved.

Defense against magic, solidity, how to increase my strength, how to build magic defense..."

Mo Lan counted the difficulties in building the mage tower she imagined with her fingers.

After some inventory, Mo Lan came to a conclusion.

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