"How many jobs have you changed? Well, keep working hard."

After more than two hours, it is normal to be able to change jobs.

I don't know how many attempts are enough in two hours, but Xu Zongxin succeeded in a few minutes.

"Split a group of people out to teach them the spell model, and you can let go of the job change for a while, and you don't need to change jobs for all of them.

Also, to teach them to memorize spell models, there is no need to teach them quick memorization skills, you just need to use the fastest speed to let them memorize spells correctly.

Only once, they only need to release the spell once, it doesn't matter what happens after the release, anyway, they can do it as fast as possible.

This shouldn't be too difficult. "

"it is good."

Several group leaders left separately, and immediately separated a group of people to start teaching spell models.

After thinking about it, Mo Lan first went to the forum to submit an application to open the mage sub-forum, and then continued her own research.

Reconstruct a spell using Fireball as a spell node.

It's easy to say, but it's far from easy to do.

"The tacit cooperation of the mages of the mage group, precise control... emm, forget it, let me do it all."

Mo Lan rubbed her eyebrows.

"Excluding these, there is also the composition of the magic power line. The spell nodes in the normal spell model are very stable, and the magic power line can be extended directly.

But if I dare to extend a line of fire on the fireball technique..., if I dare to move, it dares to explode! "

"How to do it?"

Mo Lan muttered.

Time goes by very quickly when you are concentrating on one thing.

Time seems to slip away quietly inadvertently, and when you start to pay attention to it, it slows down quietly and becomes extremely long.

"Instructor, it's time."

Mo Lan wrote down her final thoughts, looked up to the east, and the pink sun jumped up.

Mo Lan stood up, twisted her neck, and her bones creaked.

"68 people changed jobs, and 45 people memorized the spell model."

"Okay, scramble 45 people into your team.

Tell them how to operate when you are on your way, and remember to remind them when casting spells.

They only need to be cast once. "

"Okay, I understand."

Mo Lan turned her head to look at Yi Fei who was walking by.

"Is Ye Qing ready?"

"He's waiting for your news. As soon as you are in place, the nobles and a squad of knights will go over."

Yi Fei said with some sighs.

"Is he the director? Why does he say he can go wherever the nobles go? So cooperative?"

Mo Lan was also a little surprised.

"I can only say that some people are just like God Mo, unreasonable.

By the way, there is one more thing, as Ye Qing said, it is also possible that two knight squads will be there together, within 15 minutes there may be no more than three knight squads supporting the scene.

At that time, you need to pay attention. If the situation is not right, you should hurry up and retreat, and the soldiers will cover the mage. "

"it is good."

Mo Lan looked at the mage who had calmed down, and waved forward.

"set off!"


Viscount Larsen appeared on the city wall with a group of gloomy nobles. One of them had an extremely ugly expression and his face was as black as ink.

"What the hell is going on? Where is my knight?"

"Those projectors are very powerful, but they are full of tricks. You didn't obey the command and let the knight attack without authorization, but you were lured away. Isn't it normal to be trapped to death?"

Someone said disdainfully, and a look of anger suddenly appeared on this person's face.

"Didn't you send knights to your own farm before?"

"Now my knight is under the city, where is your knight?"

The man pointed to the knight riding a horse under the tower and said coldly.

"They are still alive and well, and yours has probably gone to see the god of the underworld, right?"

"stop fighting."

Viscount Larsen said aloud.

"Viscount Larsen, should we call in another knight squad? The situation is a bit dangerous now."

One person asked suddenly, but before Viscount Larsen could speak, the other objected.

"As for it, there are more than 100 adventurers, so what if there are two hundred?

So what if they can be resurrected?Vulnerable to the knight squad.

There is absolutely no difference between one knight and two. "

"Fart, don't you just worry about your winery being destroyed? Stupid, short-sighted..."

"Okay, stop arguing!"

Viscount Larsen yelled angrily, and the two of them shut their mouths immediately after hearing the words, but they still looked at each other with a bit of anger.

"I'll send another knight team over."

Viscount Larsen did not force other nobles to transfer their knights.

Because now those dirty projectors that are as ubiquitous as flies are attacking their industries.

In this case, even if you order yourself, it may not be useful. Instead of losing face and majesty, it is better to call one by yourself.

However, at this moment, Viscount Larsen suddenly saw a huge team approaching on the horizon.

Viscount Larsen narrowed his eyes when he saw it, his face was gloomy, and he muttered.


As soon as the entourage conveying the order left, the projector had already arrived at the city gate.

"Viscount Larsen come down and speak!"

A person stood up and shouted, seeing that Viscount Larsen did not reply, he continued.

"Don't you even have the courage to come down and speak? You bastard."

The man continued, Viscount Larsen didn't respond, but Ye Qing who was behind frowned slightly.


After a while, another person stepped forward and brewed for a while.

"Viscount Larsen, are you standing on it alone to take a family portrait?

Oh, no, the one next to you is your eldest wife, right?

Are you reluctant to use your brain as an inheritance?

Also, hey, hey, what kind of expression do you have, I was bitten by a dog when I was a child, and now I am a little panicked..."

"Kill them!"

Viscount Larsen blushed, pointing at the front and roaring at the top of his lungs.

The noble next to him didn't hesitate when he heard the words, and shouted at the city wall.



A dull voice sounded, and the captain riding the heavy armor was full of fighting spirit, and the teammates behind quickly cooperated, the light flickered, and a ray of light fell on him.

Spell: Charge!



The speed of the ten knights exploded in an instant, charging at top speed.

Chapter 110 Burning Mental Power

"Tsk, I can't bear it just at the beginning."

The player shook his head with some pity, and then retreated to the team. Mo Lan looked at the charging knight team and silently gave him a thumbs up.

On the tower, Viscount Larsen looked at the players trying to defend, his face flushed, and he gritted his teeth.

"Die, die, all die."

At this moment, Mo Lan stopped and raised his right hand.



Seven or eight fireballs released in advance flew out and hit the charging knight. The knight didn't make any movement, and the fireball was hit by sparks.


The angry Viscount Larsen couldn't help laughing suddenly when he saw this scene, half of his face was smiling, half of his face was angry, and his face became extremely strange.

The other nobles beside them couldn't help laughing out loud, their gloomy faces gradually eased, a smile appeared on the corner of their mouths, and they chatted easily, as if they were watching an exciting performance.

"It's really an amazing fireball performance, the intimate contact between the condensed high-temperature fireball and fighting spirit.

Every burst of flame is an interpretation of beauty, which is simply the embodiment of art.

Next, let us enjoy.......The Art of Killing! "

A nobleman sang, causing the other nobles beside him to show relaxed smiles.

Mo Lan looked at a few broken fireballs, said nothing, raised her hands, and parted her lips slightly.


In an instant, the fire elements in the environment quickly became active, and one spell model after another took shape, and then turned into fiery fireballs.

One, two, three, ... 86, 88!

The existence of 88 fireballs caused the temperature at the gate of the city to rise rapidly.

The fireball flying forward was intervened by Mo Lan's mental power, and the flight trajectory directly produced subtle changes.

Mo Lan's face was serious, and the ink cartridges in his mind were spinning at high speed, calculating real-time data one by one.

The fireballs in the sky changed dizzyingly, several fireballs flew away, and the remaining four fireballs gathered together and condensed.

Afterwards, a complex three-dimensional figure appeared in midair.

Finally came the most critical step.

"The spell model in the spell slot is mentally condensed. Since it was possible before, now..."

Mo Lan's mental power was in place, forming long and thin lines of magic power to connect the fireballs together, but there was no change.

"No, it's still a little bit...resonance!"

Mo Lan adjusted her mental power to the same frequency as the fireball.

However, at this moment, a severe burning sensation appeared in Mo Lan's mind, and the severe pain made him clench his teeth.

The violently fluctuating fire element surged rapidly in the spiritual power channel. At this moment, the fire element in the environment became active again.

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