Mo Lan has noticed before that the universe starry sky outside the game world and the universe starry sky outside the earth are completely different feelings. Although it was strange at the beginning, Mo Lan did not have the ability to investigate and verify these things at that time, and did not doubt it. knowledge reserve.

Since then, Mo Lan has ignored this point, while starting to explore the universe and starry sky, while starting to plan for the promotion of the game world.

As for the real world?

What cares about a small planet, a dead planet without a net of rules?

Isn't the development of the game world the greatest help to the real world?

How did I think so much at the beginning, how did I know so much at the beginning.

This is really holding Jinshan to find gold.

But after thinking about it carefully, Mo Lan didn't feel regretful.

Holding the golden mountain to look for gold, not only did I get exercise and my body became stronger, but I also found my own gold.

Even more, he is already qualified to own gold, and the gold mountain is here from the beginning to the end, and has never been lost.

So now Mo Lan is more qualified and capable of using Jinshan than before.

"So, now we want to enter the real world and develop together?"

Mo Lan thought about it, then shook her head.

"It's not bad to go back if you don't find the way. Now that you have found the way, there is actually no need to go back.

Although you will definitely get a lot of benefits when you go back, although you have seen the golden mountain when you go back.

But in comparison, I feel that building a golden mountain by myself is more important than owning a golden mountain. "

Mo Lan said softly, the shock on his face gradually dissipated, and a natural smile appeared on Mo Lan's face.

Mo Lan at this moment, Mo Lan who made the decision is so comfortable.

But having said that, Mo Lan is still very curious about a question, or even more curious about a question.

"Where is the boundary of the real world?"

Mo Lan thought for a moment, then shook her head.

"If you have a chance to ask, with the game system, they should know the boundaries of the real world.

And with the game world, there is gradually a transcendence on the earth, and there are gradually space channels in reality.

Coupled with the existence of the game system”

Mo Lan realized a very big problem.

"If you can travel through space at will, how about other planets besides the earth?"

At this moment, Mo Lan couldn't help but was stunned again, and then suddenly realized.

"I said why a little movement in the game is useless, at most it occupies an area and builds some bases, and there is no competition for other resources and rights.

I thought I didn't care at the time, but now I see it."

"It's not that they don't care at all, it's that they don't have the time and energy, and besides, they don't care at all!

game world?What is a mere ordinary world?Does it match?

The real world is definitely a real big world!

Isn't it more important to develop and study the big world than a mere game world?

And no one has snatched it yet, damn it. "

Mo Lan felt that she had figured it out in an instant, and some of her previous doubts were instantly resolved.

Then Mo Lan shook his head with a smile.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, it's really amazing."

When Mo Lan was thinking about it, she was suddenly taken aback.

"Huh? Wait, no, there seems to be something!"

Mo Lan, who was thinking about it, was suddenly taken aback. The information network of his incarnation seemed to have hit something.

It is a small probability that the vacuum outside the regular radiation area of ​​​​this world will hit something. The possibility is very, very low. This is enough to cause Mo Lan.

What's more, the thing it hit was very special.

Mo Lan unexpectedly found that the part of the information that she hit something had disappeared and disappeared.

This moment made Mo Lan pay attention.

What is this concept?

The incarnation of Mo Lan is made up of information, as long as there is information spread above the gods, they will be immortal.

And this thing... can erase information!

Chapter 1313 Counting 10 years!

Erase information!

The essence of the gods is information, and being able to erase information means that this is a weapon that can cause damage to the gods.

The killing is a little too much, but it can definitely cause effective damage to the gods, even if it is just scraping damage, it is damage.

This is a qualitative change.

Because as long as you reach the level above the gods, there are not many attack methods or environments in the world that can cause effective damage to them.

Because the essence above the gods can be transformed into information.

Information is here, how can conventional means harm information?How to destroy the structure of information?

It can't be done at all. Before reaching this level, no matter how powerful the attack is, it will be useless.

Mo Lan took a deep breath, knowing that she must have found another part.

It is impossible for two different items above the level of gods to appear in the same area.

This item should also be a part, just a slightly different one.

The information network is cohesive, and Mo Lan appears in an area where information is lost.

As soon as Mo Lan appeared, he looked towards the area where the information had been wiped out before, but he didn't see anything, there was nothing in place, but anything that passed through that area would be wiped out.

Mo Lan knew that this was the effect of obliterating information.

All the information in that area was wiped out, including the information revealed by the item itself. Mo Lan couldn't receive the information, so naturally he couldn't see or perceive its existence.

And the information of other passing objects was annihilated, losing the basis of existence, and naturally annihilated along with it.

This is why all the items that pass by simply disappear.

After groping again and again, Mo Lan probably also figured out the outline of this object.

This is a flat, irregular object, the longest area is about one meter long.

This was deduced by Mo Lan based on the scope of information annihilation.

Looking at this area, but seeing nothing, Mo Lan suddenly felt a little tricky.

This kind of information obliteration ability is too strong and aggressive, and Mo Lan finds that he seems to have nothing to do with it.

After thinking for a while, Mo Lan decided to start with space.

Since this thing exists here, it is probably also carried by space.

Although I don't know why the space can carry it, and the space will not be annihilated, but existence is existence.

It should be possible to move it by directly cutting the space and moving the space.

Mo Lan tried it, and the space moved after being cut. After moving the space, Mo Lan tried the outline of the flat part again, and was relieved when he found that it had indeed moved.

Fortunately, it's okay to move. If you haven't moved like this, then Mo Lan really has nothing to do. Mo Lan can only remember the coordinates of this area first, and wait until there is something to do in the future.

Although it can be studied in this way, it is always better than taking it away directly.

After confirming that she could move, Mo Lan's mind became active.

First, he took out the part in the shape of a water drop. Looking at this area, Mo Lan was eager to try it.

After a while, Mo Lan still made a decision, and moved the drop-shaped parts closer to this area bit by bit.

Mo Lan wants to see which is harder, the indestructible water droplets or the flat parts that can obliterate information!

Accompanied by approaching and approaching, Mo Lan seemed to see countless torrents of information bursting out in front of his eyes at the moment of contact.

At this moment, there seemed to be a problem with the flat parts and the drop-shaped parts at the same time, and at the same time, there was a leak. Mo Lan, who was always paying attention, also snooped some information in the way of cognitive information for the first time.

At that moment, Mo Lan also directly saw the appearance of the flat parts.

The moment Mo Lan saw the flat part clearly, he was sure that the flat part and the drop-shaped part came from the same machine.

And this flat part looks like a blade, but it doesn't look like an ordinary combat knife. Judging from the information revealed on it, it doesn't seem to be used for combat, but just a mechanical guillotine.

And this guillotine has not been activated, and the only thing that annihilates the information is the sharpness of the guillotine because it is too sharp.

Mere sharpness is enough to obliterate information.

And Mo Lan also spied some information on the drop-shaped part.

In addition to part of its internal structure, Mo Lan also glimpsed a trace of time.

The manufacturing time of this part has been at least tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years.

The information about the time left on it made Mo Lan hardly believe it.

But this is the truth, the perceived information will not be wrong, this part is indeed hundreds of thousands of years old.

What's even more outrageous is that after tens of thousands of years, none of these two parts have decayed or failed.

At this moment, Mo Lan suddenly realized that after breaking through the gods, he had already attracted the real immortality.

Immortality and Immortality.

The life span is endless, the information is immortal, the consciousness is immortal, and the deity is immortal.

And even if you die, it is very difficult to die cleanly, as long as you leave a trace in the world or in the universe, there will be the possibility of resurrection.

Mo Lan felt that it was difficult for the gods and the gods to kill each other, and the killing was temporary, and most of them would have to come back in the future, especially the gods who had realized this and were prepared.

At that time, most of the battles between the gods and the gods will be the battles between Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Xiaozhi and Musashi Kojiro. If you love each other and kill each other, it doesn't matter if anyone kills anyone. Even if this episode is already lonely, it doesn't matter. back.

Thinking about it, Mo Lan suddenly felt ridiculous, probably only the real concept level has the ability to kill gods, right?

And others, just like the guillotine parts in front of you, even if they can wipe out information, so what?

So what if the information clone of Mo Lan can be wiped out?

Unless this guillotine can directly annihilate Mo Lan and all information related to Mo Lan at the moment of attack, Mo Lan is still immortal.

And as long as this is not possible, no matter how the guillotine wipes out the information, it is scraping Mo Lan.

Mo Lan thought about it, and couldn't help but touch the part of the water drop to the part of the guillotine.

The torrent of information appeared again, but before Mo Lan could sense it again, Mo Lan felt that her body had become two sections, and the information in the middle was directly wiped out.

Realizing that part of his own information was lost, Mo Lan realized that the collision of the two parts just now caused a sharp edge to shoot out from the part of the guillotine, and this sharp edge cut him apart.

From the beginning to the end, Mo Lan didn't find anything except that part of her information was wiped out, and Mo Lan was even immersed in sensing the leaked information.

Chapter 1314 Reactive Armor?

There is no feeling!

Mo Lan only felt a chill in his heart at this time, which was outrageous.

And this is just a broken part, without any control, and without activation.

Missing Parts!

Just a broken part has such power, and Mo Lan can't imagine what level of creation its original machine is.

And this equally outrageous drop-shaped part.....

Mo Lan didn't dare to think about it anymore. The only thing that is certain is that this incomplete guillotine-shaped part is only at the level above the gods, and has not touched higher levels.

After a moment of silence, Mo Lan shook her head slightly, and again controlled the drop-shaped part to touch the guillotine-shaped part.

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