This question could not be erased from Mo Lan's mind for a long time, Mo Lan let out a faint sigh, looked up at the structure of the world, as if a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and the previously broken inspiration came to his heart again, Mo Lan's The thoughts are also completely unblocked, Mo Lan suddenly felt at this moment.

"I looked for him thousands of times in the crowd, and suddenly I looked back, but the man was in a dimly lit place."

Mo Lan looked up at the sky with a smile, humming happily and subconsciously.

"That person is in a dimly lit place!"

At this moment, Mo Lan felt that everything became transparent, and all the knots were cleared up. Looking at the structure of this world at this moment seems so kind.

"Since I researched the world of miniature fire elements, and since I started to study this spell, I have already started my research on the world structure.

Miniature Fire Elemental Realm, Miniature Earth Elemental Realm, Miniature Water Elemental Realm, Miniature Phoenix Elemental Realm, Four Elemental Realm Strangling, Miniature World Framework Suppression, World Collapse, Floating Void City World Framework, Illusory World Framework, Divine Kingdom Framework Research, Half Mask Discovery, the highest authority in the world, the study of the world's wall membrane, and the restoration of the elemental world.

I can’t count the number of studies on the world. In my mage career so far, I have done more than nine out of ten studies on the world. At this moment, at the critical moment of sublimation, I actually want to throw away Do research on the world, put aside everything before, find a way to make a breakthrough out of nothing, and get a breakthrough? "

At this moment, Mo Lan couldn't help laughing, it wasn't too funny.

"Is this my whimsy? I'm so Sabie."

Mo Lan scolded herself very calmly and very funny.

"I have studied the world so much and for so long, the world has essentially become my Tao, which we are practicing, walking, and have achieved considerable results.

And did Planet One come out of thin air?Was Planet One gifted to me by someone else?No, that is what I found and mastered by myself.

Was the transformation done with the help of external forces?Is the repair done by external force?

No, that was also modified and repaired by myself, whether it is the elemental world or the rules about the consciousness of heaven and earth, I repaired it myself, relying on my own knowledge, without any external force, even if there is one that has nothing Planet I can do this step again.

That being the case, then the gods I achieved with the help of planet No. [-] have become external forces, and become external forces that I need to be vigilant about and abandon?

Could it be that this god is a gift from others?Was it given by someone else?Will it fail in other worlds?

No, not at all, so is there any problem with this god? There is no problem. This is just me making things difficult for myself, and I have fallen into a dead end. "

Mo Lan let out a long breath, she had a thorough look, and she had a complete understanding.

"World, this is my way, I have practiced it before, I am practicing it now, and I will practice it in the future, and above the gods of Planet One is me on this way, my knowledge , A dao fruit watered by sweat.

This Dao Fruit originated from me and belongs to me, and it will support me to go further and further on this road in the future.

This is my way. "

A smile appeared on Mo Lan's face, and he stopped wandering. The projection of this sentence dissipated with the wind, and there was a faint gathering of information in place.

"Mo Lan is enlightened."

Chapter 1284 Above the Gods!

"Mo Lan is enlightened."

The elements that make up Mo Lan's incarnation drift away with the wind. In this area of ​​Mo Lan's enlightenment, shrubs and vines grow rapidly, and the aura of the whole body rapidly becomes stronger. The elements gather like a storm, but they do not disturb the outside world at all.

And the hair of a rabbit under the ground quietly became pure white while sleeping, each hair was crystal clear, the teeth were carved like jade, and the aura emanating from its body also became deep amidst the gathering of elements .

Animals and plants are quietly changing, but it's not just animals and plants that are changing, even lifeless things are changing quietly, some places rise, some places fall, and it didn't take long for two mountains to separate this area. Surrounding the area, a natural magic circle slowly formed without sound, and a field quietly rose without sound.


Mo Lan, who was leaving, sensed the added cause and effect to check, and suddenly smiled.

what is this?

This is information.

Not just here, at this moment, Mo Lan's demiplane.Molan's residence.The world Mo Lan masters, the handles Mo Lan plays with, the pens Mo Lan often uses, Mo Lan’s manuscripts, Mo Lan’s laboratory, Mo Lan’s notebooks, etc. are all surrounded by information, but they are important to Mo Lan. The ones that are used, the ones that have been checked, and the ones that are used are more, and the ones that are not commonly used are just a little less.

And Mo Lan quietly perceived these changes, did not do much, but let them develop and change.

This is probably the way one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

Or in other words, this is probably the former residence of the immortals, the former residence of the great emperor, and the items that were played by the immortals and emperors that were contaminated with immortal energy or imperial energy. It probably has the same meaning and the same effect.

Even Mo Lan's bloodline has become extraordinary. It is not necessary for Mo Lan to have children. The change of bloodline does not necessarily need to be passed down from Mo Lan. Brothers and sisters who have the same bloodline as Mo Lan, Mo Lan His parents, nephews and nieces, nephews and nieces, etc., their blood is quietly entangled with streams of information, and streams of information originate from Mo Lan's blood, and then spread to their blood.

This one is probably the bloodline above the gods. Just having this bloodline is enough to make people higher than the gods in personality. will be suppressed.

Changing, changing, as if everything is changing, Mo Lan clearly did nothing, did not integrate into Planet One again, did not take charge of that power again, did not fluctuate information again, Mo Lan clearly just figured it out, realized It is clear, but all the changes have taken place, as if as long as Mo Lan figured it out and realized it by himself, then he would be a powerhouse above the gods.

All of this is very miraculous, but it all happened so naturally, this is above the gods!

But at this moment, everything related to Mo Lan has power, even Mo Lan's name, these two simple words have the power to become taboo.

This is not given by anyone, nor is Mo Lan doing it on purpose, but the gap between ordinary people, ordinary professionals and Mo Lan is too big, so big that they can no longer bear the power in Mo Lan's name, the gap It's so big that it's bound to die suddenly just by calling out its name.

The information carried in Mo Lan's name symbolizes the person Mo Lan, the information in it is too great, and the power in it is too great.

At this moment, Mo Lan is trying to restrain this kind of power, restraining this kind of "personality", which can barely be regarded as an external manifestation of "personality". Concentrate, because this will cause too much impact and damage to his own life and the outside world. Mo Lan must carefully restrain this power to avoid accidental injury.

And during this process, Mo Lan probably also understood why he was above the gods once he figured it out.

And it's all because of information!

Because although Mo Lan has left Planet No. [-], Mo Lan still carries all the information of Planet No. [-] from its birth to the present. This huge amount of information is organized into systems, specifications, and structures, carrying this piece of information, And Mo Lan, who understands this piece of information, is above the gods, and has little to do with whether he lives in the No. [-] world. At this level, what really matters is the information, not other things.

Before realizing it, these messages were ignored by Mo Lan.

Mo Lan has no knowledge of information at all, and it is impossible for Mo Lan not to ignore it. It is impossible for Mo Lan to recognize the existence of information, and naturally it is impossible to discover the existence of such information.

So Mo Lan was just an ordinary god-level mage before he understood it, as long as he didn't understand it, he would always be.

But as soon as he wakes up, Mo Lan will directly complete the final transformation and become a god above.

But this is relatively reluctant after all, such gods are basically above the weakest and weakest level of gods.

If there is too little information, it may even continue to weaken.

As for how weak?

No lower limit.

It is unlikely to fall after breaking through the grade, but it is also possible for the strength to fall to the floor.

However, this is not difficult to solve at present. As long as he enters the consciousness of heaven and earth on planet No. [-], Mo Lan will be able to obtain new information continuously.

Although this can hardly make Mo Lan stronger, it can stabilize Mo Lan's strength.

And if Mo Lan wants to become stronger at this strength, Mo Lan is not sure about the specific method, but has some guesses.

That is to continuously grasp more information. The more information you have, the bigger your body is, and the larger your body should represent the stronger your strength at this level.

Information with severe homogeneity should be of little or no help to the improvement of strength, and brand-new and untouched information should be the greatest to the improvement of strength.

Theoretically speaking, the strongest and the limit of this realm should be to grasp all the original information of the entire universe, and receive all the information generated now in real time, so as to achieve omniscience and complete omnipotence.

Of course, such an existence similar to Laplace's demon should be impossible, even if it is possible, it is basically impossible to realize.

In comparison, Mo Lan feels that defining concepts for information, defining concepts for the universe, and incarnating concepts is simpler and more practical.

At least Mo Lan already has the direction and method of the concept of incarnation at this moment.

After Mo Lan realized it, after Mo Lan understood that the world was his way, his mind was opened.

And the solution will emerge naturally.

Chapter 1285 29 Gods

"My Tao is the world, and at the same time, my concepts are also the world."

Mo Lan thought about it slowly, from the moment she woke up, Mo Lan had a clear understanding of herself.

And after clarifying what it is, it is natural to go down unswervingly.

Mo Lan smiled, took a step forward, came to the mountain of the gods, and came to the temple of the king of the gods. Now everything is on the right track, and the players have begun to explore outwards.

Chapter 1286 Sky Survey Floating City!


The thunder roared, and on the Mountain of the Gods, thunderbolts extended from the palace at the top of the Mountain of the Gods, and struck a city continuously, leaving marks and thunder marks on the outside and inside of the city.

At this moment, all the gods on the mountain of gods were alarmed, and they all looked up at the city on the top of the mountain.

They knew that Mo Lan brought this city to the Mountain of the Gods, and it was Mo Lan who handed it over to the God King.

They knew that at this moment, Mo Lan and the God King were both on the top of the mountain, and they were working together to refine this city floating in the air.

What are the God King and Mo Lan cooperating to refine?

There is still something that needs to be refined by the king of God and Mo Lan together, so what kind of things will be refined?

A kind of god can't help but look forward to it.

Although it is definitely not theirs, it is also comfortable to enjoy the eye addiction.

However, a move of the God King at the next moment gave people a sense of foreboding.

I saw the god king took out a golden seal, raised a power from the golden seal, and pushed it to the floating city.

Rule authority!

All the gods present know each other, and every god has it. It can be said that this is their most precious thing, and this is their wealth and life.

What does the king of gods use the authority of the rules to come out?To refine this floating city?

As the god king's rules and powers got closer and closer to the floating city, the ominous premonition in everyone's hearts became stronger and stronger, reaching its peak when the rules and powers merged into the floating city!

The authority of the rules was integrated into the floating city, and the next moment everyone found that the space was broken, and a huge wound was torn on the mountain of the gods, and a huge kingdom of gods squeezed into the space where the mountain of the gods was located.

The Kingdom of God is extremely huge, but it still looks a little petite in front of the mountains of gods.

Some thunders flickered on the Kingdom of God, and some dark lines emerged on the surface. The thunder and divine punishment on it made everyone understand that this was the Kingdom of God of the God King.

And when the Kingdom of God came to the sky above the floating city, the Kingdom of God collapsed!

The shattered energy of the Kingdom of God poured into the floating city, and the fragments fell one after another and merged into the floating city.

A moment later, the phantom of the Kingdom of God appeared on the floating city. Obviously, the King of God reunited after breaking the Kingdom of God by himself.

And this time the condensation is obviously different from the previous ones...

Mo Lan rolled her eyes when she saw this obviously completely different kingdom of God, whose structure had undergone a lot of optimization and improvement.

Mo Lan seriously suspected that the God King did not smash the Kingdom of God because he wanted to build the floating city of the Kingdom of God.

The God King definitely wanted to change and update the structure of the Kingdom of God a long time ago.

While Mo Lan was thinking, the construction of the floating city floating in the sky gradually came to an end.

When the floating city was suspended in mid-air, at this moment everyone looked at the floating city, among the lost lakes, as if they saw the king of gods floating in the air.

This city has already condensed the aura of a god.

And the fact is indeed the case, the authority and functions of the God King have indeed come to this floating city.

At this moment, everyone held their breath without a single noise.

At this moment, everyone is staring at the Floating Void City closely.

They are waiting for someone to go up.

This is very important.

If it's just the God King going up, then nothing will happen, at most the God King forged a more powerful artifact.

At most, it's just a few words after dinner and a few words of envy, that's all right.

But if the God King doesn't go up, or if other people go up, then there will be a big problem. This will be an unprecedented big event, and it will be a big earthquake in Xi Juan's entire game world!

At this moment, all the gods held their breath, watching quietly, looking at the floating city of the kingdom of God, waiting for the reaction of the king of gods.

A moment later, the God King stepped into the sky, appeared in front of the gods, and stepped into the Kingdom of God amidst the nervous eyes of the gods.

At this moment, the gods breathed a sigh of relief.

But at the moment, when Mo Lan also set foot on the Floating Void City of the Kingdom of God, everyone's eyes widened suddenly.

The next moment, the floating city of the Kingdom of God broke through the sky and left, and the space gradually returned to calm, but the ripples in the hearts of the gods could not be restored for a long time.

"It's too direct and the impact is too strong. If I come up, it seems that this is still under my control. It's just that I changed a form. It's not a big problem.

And Mo Lan, if you come up again, this will add many possibilities to this floating city of the Kingdom of God.

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