Mo Lan immediately threw the Floating Void City into the space channel, half of which was located inside the game world, usually inside the original space.

At this moment, Mo Lan suddenly felt that the mage concept inside the floating city had returned to normal, to the level of a god.

The regular projection is coming!

Mo Lan immediately summoned the projection of the rules, and the projection of the mage's rules came, and the radiation area of ​​the rules belonging to the game world was extending to the original space of the second world.

When the radiation area of ​​the rules of the game world spread to the original space, there was an extremely fierce rule collision in an instant.

Where in a world are the most dense and intense rules?

There is no doubt that it is in the original space.

The original space is the place of intersection where all the rules are intertwined, where all the rules converge to form the original space, forming an ocean of rules

And when there are foreign rules eroding the original space, this immediately triggers an extremely violent resistance.

Mo Lan immediately suppressed the rule confrontation of the original space of the second world through her authority over the second world, and directly vacated the position to let the rule radiation area of ​​the game world enter, and entered the core of this world.

Mo Lan silently controls all of this, directly covering the original ocean of the second world with the radiation area of ​​the rules of the game world, and covering and affecting the original ocean of the second world with the rules of the game world.

At the same time, the source of heaven and earth in the original space is also continuously refining the floating city, improving the city of the floating city bit by bit, and increasing the strength of the mage concept inside the floating city bit by bit.

In this process, the Floating Void City will become more and more powerful, and at the same time, because of the strengthening of the mage rules inside the Floating Void City, the origin of the game world will also change little by little, and everything will develop in a favorable direction .

But Mo Lan frowned just after this mode was running for a moment.

"what happened?"

Lin Wu next to him asked, and Mo Lan shook his head.

"No, this method is purely plundering the origin of World No. [-] to nourish the Floating Void City and its internal mage rules.

Every minute and every second of this operation, the origin of the world inside the No. [-] world is being lost.

If it continues like this, it won't be long before World Chance No. [-] will drop in world level or even collapse due to the massive loss of the origin of heaven and earth. "

Mo Lan frowned, strengthening the game world and floating city was his goal.

But Mo Lan does not intend to achieve this goal by destroying the world.

If the world must be destroyed, why didn't Mo Lan destroy the world from the very beginning, and directly use the source of the world to nourish the floating city and enhance the game world?

Isn't this simpler and more straightforward?Why does it have to go around such a big circle?

The reason why Mo Lan made such a big circle is to cultivate the Floating Void City and enhance the game world on the basis of not harming or destroying the second world, not to destroy the world in another way.

"If you want the origin of the world of No. [-] world not to be lost, then you only need to make the floating city a part of the world.

As long as the Floating Void City is regarded as a part of the No. [-] World, no matter how much the Floating Void City's No. [-] world is cultivated, the origin of the No. [-] World will not be lost.

Even if the source of heaven and earth is accumulated in the Floating Void City, the total amount of source of heaven and earth will not decrease in the slightest, it seems to exist in a different form inside the No. [-] world.

The total is still there. "

Mo Lan thought about it.

"It is also very simple to enhance the rules of the game world, enhance the background of the game world, and accelerate the growth of the game world.

You only need to use the origin of heaven and earth to nourish the mage rules inside the Floating Void City. "

The two requirements are very simple, and Mo Lan can easily fulfill whatever he wants to do, but there is one point.

It is a bit difficult to meet both requirements at the same time.

"The Floating Void City must belong to the No. [-] world. At the same time, the Floating Void City must belong to the game world, and belong to two worlds at the same time."

Mo Lan was lost in thought.

"I'm afraid it's not embarrassing me, Fat Tiger."

Lin Wu, Lu Bin, and Zhang Guangmo were also lost in thought when they heard the words.

After thinking for a moment, Mo Lan said softly.

"It's not impossible."

Mo Lan said while drawing two circles and one dot in the void in front of her eyes with her fingers.

The point is at the core, and this point is marked with the Floating Void City.

The first circle wraps the point, and this circle marks the second world.

The second circle wraps the first circle, and the standard is the game world.

Chapter 1276 Rule Infection!

"As long as World No. [-] is part of the game world, then the Floating Void City can meet this condition.

It belongs to the No. [-] world and the game world. "

Mo Lan thought about it.

"We can start from this angle, but it will definitely not work if we rely solely on this.

After all, if the second world is already part of the game world, then all this is meaningless, and the second world is not so easy.

So I have to do this step when world number two is not part of the game world. "

Mo Lan sorted it out step by step, wanting to see if she could find a breakthrough, but after a while, Mo Lan came to her senses.

"As long as I let the floating city be located inside the second world, there is hope that the floating city will be regarded as a part of the second world.

So what I need to do is to find a way to make the Floating Void City also have the power of the gods in the second world, and can also use the power of the mage concept.

As long as the power of the mage concept can be used, then everything has a basis for realization.

And how to make the floating city play out the mage concept in the game world is really the problem. "

Mo Lan continued to think along this line of thought, and an idea naturally came to mind.

"Rule Infestation!"

Mo Lan said softly.

"As long as the mage rules can be infected and burned into the second world like the Sun God back then, then the mage concept can naturally be included in this world, and the floating city can naturally use the power of the mage concept.

And as long as the Floating Void City can use the power of the mage concept, it can find a way to summon the projection of the mage concept! "

Mo Lan's eyes gradually lit up.

"And with the existence of such a mage concept, it will be much easier to incorporate the second world into the system of the game world according to my plan."

Mo Lan was very happy. As for the matter of inserting a rule into a world, it may be a little difficult in other worlds, Mo Lan admitted.

Otherwise, the alien sun god would not have spent so much energy and effort to infect his sun concept and rules into the original interior of the abyss continent.

This is indeed difficult, for Mo Lan, for No. [-] World.

Mo Lan's supreme authority in the world is not a bragging joke.

In addition, Mo Lan is also the creator and aggregator of the mage concept. With the help of the highest authority in the world, it is not difficult to insert the mage concept into the original space of the second world.

Without any hesitation, Mo Lan immediately tapped lightly on the regular ocean in the original space, and a gap was torn open in the original ocean. Mo Lan immediately condensed the concept of a mage and integrated it into it.

Maybe it's because mages have already entered the No. [-] world, and the world already has a preliminary concept of mages.

Or maybe it was because Mo Lan was the holder of the highest authority, there was no confrontation, and the infection of the concept was smoother than imagined.

It didn't take long for the concept of Kung Fu Master to be integrated into the world. At this moment, Mo Lan instantly noticed a wave of concept and authority.

It seems that the authority of the mage concept has begun to condense in World No. [-].

Mo Lan could feel that the world was more friendly to mages.

After waiting for a while, Mo Lan stretched out his hand and grabbed the mage concept of the second world.

The mage concept of the No. [-] world was directly broken into the interior of the floating city by Mo Lan, and into the mage concept of the game world.

The two are exactly the same, and they are originally one. There is no obstacle to the mage concept of the second world being integrated into the game world, but it is extremely silky, as if halfway home.

And after integrating the concept of the game world, the Floating Void City immediately recovered its power, and even Mo Lan felt that this was not just as simple as restoring power. Mo Lan felt that this No. [-] world seemed to have reached a certain level with the game world connect.

Mo Lan had some guesses in her heart, then shook her head, thinking about it.

"The rules come!"

A moment later, after a period of brewing, the mage rule projection from the game world slowly descended.

After the regular projection came, the radiation from the regular area of ​​the game world spread, covering the origin of the world of No. [-] world.

There was no conflict in this step under Mo Lan's suppression, but Mo Lan could feel that because of the existence of the mage concept, the reaction of Yuan Haiyang this time was actually much, much smaller.

Under the guidance of Mo Lan, the origin of the world of No. [-] is slowly tempering the floating city, and slowly tempering the mage concept inside the floating city. This mage concept belongs to both the game world and the No. [-] world.

In the continuous refining process, the Floating Void City became stronger little by little, and the mage concept also became stronger little by little.

During this process, the floating city became stronger, the mage concept became stronger, the second world became stronger, and the game world also became stronger.

This may be the particularity of the origin of heaven and earth, no matter what form the origin of heaven and earth becomes, as long as it still belongs to the world, as long as it is still the energy or matter of the world, no matter how it changes its form, the total amount of origin of heaven and earth will remain unchanged .

At the same time, the radiation of the rules belonging to the game world is constantly refining the origin of the world of No. [-], refining the countless rules that make up the origin of the world, and imprinting the characteristics and imprints of the rules belonging to the game world on it.

The origin of heaven and earth belongs to the core of the world, the intersection of all rules, and the source of all rules. Changes in the origin of heaven and earth will be transmitted to every rule, and every change in the rules will directly affect the energy, matter, and even the world itself.

When the entire No. [-] world has the rules and features of the game world and is branded as the game world, then the No. [-] world should almost disappear.

Some are just a world-level plane of the game world, which will be a part of the game world, Mo Lan understands this way.

In this case, the original world will not be destroyed, and the original ability to absorb nutrients and grow continuously will still be retained.

And after annexing a world, the game world will grow somewhat, which is a one-time gain

In addition to the one-time harvest, in the long run, there will be another world in the game world that can continuously absorb nutrients and grow continuously.

One may seem inconspicuous, but if there are five or ten, then I'm afraid it will be quite manageable.

Chapter 1277 New World Coordinates

"A world."

Looking at the floating city in front of him, Mo Lan thought slowly.

"A floating city of the Kingdom of God can suppress a world, and can bring a world into the scope of the game world.

In other words, more than 100 gods and more than 100 god kingdom floating cities can add more than 100 worlds to the game world.

If there are more than 100 subordinate worlds in the game world, even if all of them are at the small world level, it may be enough to increase the background of the game world and the growth rate of the game world, right? "

Mo Lan whispered to herself.

"But if this is not enough, how can we continue to increase the world of subordinates?"

Mo Lan thought about it.

"Withdraw the Divine Kingdom Floating Void City within the world that has been refined and branded and put it into the new world?"

"The method is feasible, but the speed will not be too fast, and it will still be limited by the speed of branding and refining. This kind of expansion speed is slow..."

A light flashed in Mo Lan's mind.

"Assuming this is a world structure, a pyramid-shaped structure, and the game world is the top layer, then the top layer is supported by the layer below it, and the second layer is these kingdoms of God The small worlds that are suppressed and refined by floating towns are these more than 100 small worlds.

The second layer supports the first layer, so if you want to build the third layer, you can also refer to a similar concept.

The third layer is used to support the second layer, and the second layer is used to support the first layer, and the first layer is supported by more than 100 small worlds on the second layer.

So can every small world on the second floor be supported by more than 100 small worlds on the third floor? "

Mo Lan already had thoughts and inspiration in her heart.

Since the rules of the game world can condense gods, and since the gods of the game world can be cast into floating towns in the kingdom of God to suppress and refine one world, why can't these small worlds on the second floor?

This is totally doable.

And since it is feasible, then everything has a basis for realization.

Then, after being refined and branded, the small world on the second floor can completely condense the authority of rules and concepts, condense the position of gods, and cast it into the floating city of the Kingdom of God to suppress and refine other worlds.

The world on the third level feeds the world on the second level, and the world on the second level finally gathers these nutrients to continuously support the game world.

This is on the one hand, on the other hand, the second world is part of the game world, so the third world refined by the second world is naturally also a part of the game world.

Needless to say, the integration of such a huge number of worlds into the game world should be enough for the game world to be promoted.

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