Under their gaze, the imaginary world perfectly fits the structure of the Kingdom of God, and the structure and rules are connected bit by bit.

The structure of the kingdom of God that actually exists, and the illusory world that is illusory and unfounded are superimposed on everything.

The structure of the Kingdom of God that actually exists at this moment is like the skeleton and anchor point of the illusory world. At this moment, without any power of faith instilled, the illusory world has a slight solidification, as if it is about to manifest itself from the depths of consciousness Come here in general.

At this moment, the power of faith condensed on Zhang Guangmo, the power of faith condensed on the Tianbang Points Competition, and the general trend that attracted worldwide attention were all thrown into the illusory world, and they wanted to anchor this illusory world .

With Zhang Guangmo's input, gradually, gradually, the illusory world crosses the dividing line between illusory and real.

At this moment, the illusion became reality.

At this moment, a very, very tiny part of the illusory world turned into reality and anchored on this city.

The imaginary world has been perfectly integrated with the structure and city of the kingdom of God here, and even Zhang Guangmo cannot separate it.

And the next thing to do is to continuously invest in the power of faith or go to other worlds to find the source of the world and invest in it.

As long as it reaches the threshold of manifesting as a demiplane, then this world can be compatible with the world and become a demiplane.

And in this process, the city will become a floating city in the true sense, and at the same time, it will also become the kingdom of the god of battle in the true sense.

Besides, this is still Zhang Guangmo's demiplane!

Independent demiplane!

Floating City!

Kingdom of God!

This city will meet these three conditions at the same time. In this way, although this floating city is directly bound to death, it will never be able to leave the game world.

But as long as this floating city fully recovers within the scope of the game world, its erupting combat power will definitely far exceed that of ordinary gods!

From this point of view, not being able to leave the game world is not necessarily a disadvantage.

Zhang Guangmo looked at this half-step floating city, with a smile on his face.

This is by far his most complete, thought-provoking and meaningful work.

And when this work takes shape, the essence of Zhang Guangmo will also transform directly with the manifestation of the illusory world.

In other words, the moment when the floating city was formed was also the moment when he became a true god.

In other words, although Zhang Guangmo has just become a god, he has already set a date to give up the god of battle.

It can only be said that the concept of false gods is really not a good thing in the eyes of mages, and it is not worth paying attention to.

If it weren't for the concept being a part and an important part of the world, the mages would have taken it to the research table long ago.


Wait, didn't you take it?

Zhang Guangmo pondered, looking at the concept of the floating city below and fell into deep thought.

Do some research...it shouldn't be a problem, right?

Anyway, just look at it, don't move rough.

Well, it's all right.

Zhang Guangmo stretched out his finger and tapped lightly, and the illusory world and the structure of the kingdom of God were all converged, leaving only a simple and unpretentious floating city, and players also landed on the floating city.

But no one dares to underestimate this floating city, everyone knows that this is the God of Battle artifact, that is to say, it basically symbolizes the God of Battle!

In addition, this is also the kingdom of the god of war, a floating city with the ability to kill gods!

This is a floating city of the Kingdom of God, who dares to underestimate it?

This city is really about to revive and explode. Except for Zhang Guangmo, one of the people present here can't hold it together for a moment.

Not even a squeak!

At this moment, everyone couldn't help holding their breath, as if they were worried about waking up the sleeping monster, and they seemed to be looking at a beautiful and precious treasure, like a pilgrimage.

It's not that they are believing, but they are watching their dreams.

As masters and legends, this is also their dream!

Zhang Guangmo didn't make a sound to disturb, but waited quietly. After waiting for a while, many players recovered their minds before speaking.

"Wang Yuan, congratulations, you are number one in the sky rankings, and you are truly number one in the world."

Chapter 1270 Top Player

"Thank you."

Wang Yuan smiled, Zhang Guangmo took out a brand new badge, entered Wang Yuan's information in it, and handed it to Wang Yuan again.

"This is a certificate that symbolizes your number one in the world, a commemorative edition, which can be used as a normal point badge.

Currently there is one and only this one, made of fine gold, even if there is a new one in the future, there is a high probability that this kind of badge will not be issued again.

This one has a special meaning. "

Zhang Guangmo continued.

"At the same time, you can use the authority granted by this badge to take over the authority of some combat concepts. The upper limit is probably at the level of a demigod, which is similar to the authority of an envoy.

You can keep the badge permanently, but this authority can only be used when you are the number one in the ranking.

In other words, this authority only belongs to the first place in the list. "


Zhang Guangmo smiled.

"It's me who should thank you."

After Zhang Guangmo finished speaking, he was ready to leave, but he paused slightly before leaving, then turned around and added.

"You can refer to the power of battle, but it is not recommended that you study it too deeply.

Left and right are just a pseudo-god concept with no future. It can be used as a transition, but it is not the end.

Take this battle concept as an example, you should understand my attitude from the moment I condense it on the city.

It won't be long before I don't want this concept, it's not very useful.

This... can be regarded as my advice to you, number one in the world, there is still a long way to go. "

In fact, Zhang Guangmo didn't say anything, that is, the number one in the world is great, but it is only the number one in the world at the legendary level.

Moreover, this legendary level still has to eliminate the members of the Mage Association and the legendary level of some special groups.

There are many people in the Mage Association who intend to beat Qiu Feng, an elder, but before the start, Mo Lan has set the tone that the Mage Association is not allowed to participate in the Tianbang Points Competition.

The reason is that there is no reason for civil servants to fight and kill, to study with peace of mind, and to do a good job behind the scenes.

All the members of the association were speechless, but they did not refute, because the most tempting thing for them in the Tianbang Points Competition was their rankings, competing for fame and satisfying their vanity.

As for the others?

There are exchanges within the association, and the exchange price for all knowledge about realm breakthrough content is not low, but as long as you reach the breakthrough node and the node that needs this knowledge, you can always earn these points.

Because the point system of the Mage Association is carefully designed, and after considering various logics and various influences, it is calculated with the tower spirit cluster.

It will definitely not happen because the price of breakthrough knowledge is too high, and the ability to earn points is too different from that of the corresponding realm, so that it cannot be exchanged for a long time, so that the promotion speed of the members of the Mage Association will be slowed down due to external reasons, or even the Mage Association will be delayed due to external reasons. Members of the Association have completely lost the chance to advance, so although the reward this time is quite attractive to the members of the Mage Association, how necessary is it really?

It’s really not that big. Since Mo Lan doesn’t allow them to play, it’s okay if they don’t play. For them, they came to participate in the Tianbang Points Competition held by Zhang Guangmo to play, and they planned to gain Zhang Guangmo’s wool of.

So this time the Tianbang Points Competition did not have any members of the Mage Association participating.

In addition to the Mage Association, there are quite a few special players who did not participate, that is, a group of players with high talents, strong strength, and great reputation.

The most important thing is that this group of people is quite proud. For them, Zhang Guangmo held and organized the Tianbang Points Competition. Zhang Guangmo looked down on all the competitions and all the players from above. As far as the players are concerned, the arrogance in their hearts cannot allow them to participate in this day ranking competition.

However, those who can compare themselves to Zhang Guangmo and refuse the temptation of these rewards often have the talent and strength to match their arrogance. This group of talents is the top players hidden among ordinary players!

So in the end Zhang Guangmo said such words earnestly and earnestly, which can be regarded as reminding Wang Yuan.

I hope Wang Yuan will not be immersed in the glory of the world's number one.

It is a good thing to be the number one in the world, but if you can't recognize yourself just because you are the number one in the world, and you get lost in the noise, then you will be like this for the rest of your life.

And if he can make good use of the reputation and resources brought by the number one in the world, then in Zhang Guangmo's view, Wang Yuan has the potential to reach his level.

Quite excellent!

This is not Zhang Guangmo boasting, but just look at how many players become gods nowadays.

Although a mere false god can't explain anything, it's just the result.

The result is not surprising, the process in the middle of achieving this result is the focus of everything.

If you want to condense concepts out of nothing and take power, it's not as simple as it says.

Behind this is the powerful scientific research ability of a mage, which is the foundation.

In the process of condensing the concept of battle, these various magic circles fully demonstrated Zhang Guangmo's scientific research ability.

This ability is really there, so Zhang Guangmo can solve one problem after another, and finally successfully condensed the concept of fighting.

The most obvious and direct point among these problems is the projection circle inside the arena.

Party A's requirement is to not only fully scan, completely reproduce from the soul to the body, but also to ensure the player's privacy, not to give the player a feeling of privacy being snooped on, and finally to avoid causing too much damage to the player.

There are so many requirements, but Zhang Guangmo has completed it. It is precisely because of this that there are such a large number of battles, and there is a basis for cohesive battle concepts.

There are many other examples of this, such as the secondary spell creation of the spell Battle Instinct, the design of the Tianbang point badge, and even the final concept condensation, all of which reflect Zhang Guangmo's core ability as a mage.

So don't look at Zhang Guangmo's casualness sometimes, but if you really want to be serious, Zhang Guangmo's achievements are ranked high in the entire game world.

not bad.

So Zhang Guangmo thinks that Wang Yuan has hope to reach his level, which is really a recognition of his potential.

The potential is endless!

That's why Zhang Guangmo made a point, but even though he made a point, Zhang Guangmo wouldn't go too deep.

To put it bluntly, he and Wang Yuan are still strangers, and it is a big taboo in interpersonal communication to talk lightly and deeply.

As for what will happen to Wang Yuan in the future...it depends on his own destiny.

Zhang Guangmo stepped back into the demiplane with one step.

Mo Lan and Lin Wu are waiting for him.

Chapter 1271 The Road to the Starry Sky

"how do you feel?"

Mo Lan looked at Zhang Guangmo who was coming, and asked with a smile, Zhang Guangmo nodded.

"It feels very good, I don't know how many times the perception has been improved.

An experiment that I have been thinking about for a long time can basically be done. "

"Yes, it's a perceptual leap from legend to god, and you should be able to make a good leap in scientific research during this period.

Also, what about the floating city? "

Mo Lan continued to ask, obviously, part of the floating city built by Zhang Guangmo was Mo Lan's idea.

Hearing Mo Lan's question, Zhang Guangmo said after thinking for a moment.

"How should I put it, the fusion of the floating city, the imaginary world, the structure of the kingdom of God, and the concept is very, very high.

Each power is comparable to a god level, and when all the four powers are gathered and superimposed together, the power exerted has surpassed four.

Although it has not yet reached the point of quantitative change, it can easily suppress ordinary gods and protect a space easily.

And if this kind of god-level floating city is equipped with a god-level mage, I doubt it will cause a qualitative change. "

Zhang Guangmo told his own feelings that although he condensed this Divine Kingdom floating city, although it belongs to him, it is also part of an experiment.

Mo Lan wants to verify something through this divine kingdom floating city.

"If it's just used as a god, I think it should be enough to guard the game world."

Lin Wu said aloud from the side.

"If the floating city is equipped with space fleets and mechs, the floating city can become a mothership, and the defense is more than adequate."

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