Only people and characters like Ju Kun will be active on the front line, on the borders of civilization, on the battlefield, absorbing nutrients for civilization, and escorting the growth of civilization. They are the real warriors!

Responsible for combat.

Mo Lan believes that it won't take long for this situation to become a reality!

The civilization in reality has come a long way, and the extraordinary civilization Molan in the game has also come a long way. The alliance only needs to combine the civilization in reality with the extraordinary civilization, take the essence and discard the dross, The essence is fused to form an extraordinary technological civilization.

With reference, experience, technology, and scientific research capabilities, this day will not be too late.

Mo Lan will be able to return to civilian work soon.

Of course, if the fighters still can't beat the civilians...

There was nothing Mo Lan could do.

Mo Lan is also very wronged for this kind of thing, the fighters can't beat him, so blame him?

That cannot be specified.

When the entire industry in the game world was starting to start, and when the alliance was discussing the alliance rules, something happened, and it quickly occupied the headlines on the official website forum, becoming the most popular post in the time period.

The Ladder Points Tournament created by Zhang Guangmo, an elder-level member of the Mage Association, will officially start three days later!

The top of the city-level ladder list can customize a master-level item in the Mage Association for free, including but not limited to magic circles, weapons, armors, potions, and knowledge!

The top of the regional ladder list can customize a legendary item in the Mage Association for free, including but not limited to... (same as above)

The leader of the ladder list can customize a demigod-level item in the Mage Association for free, including but not limited to demigod-level magic circles, weapons... mechs, space ships, floating islands, and knowledge about becoming a god!

Ranked second on the Ladder list...

Ranked third on the Ladder list...

This post was an announcement made by Zhang Guangmo, and the official account of the Mage Association reposted it the next moment Zhang Guangmo sent it, which means it endorsed it!

With the endorsement of the Mage Association, even if this post says to help people become gods, players will believe and fight for it.

This is the embodiment of the ability and reputation of the Mage Association. You may not believe in Zhang Guangmo, but you will definitely believe in the group of the Mage Association!

So when many players saw the rewards at the top of the list, their eyes instantly turned red, and the demigod-level magic circles, mechas, spaceships, and floating islands were just... ah, ah, these are also crazy It's exciting.

And when they saw the words of becoming a god, everyone went crazy in an instant!

No, they felt that Zhang Guangmo had gone crazy too!

The link used to sign up for the ladder competition has been clicked in just an instant. When they saw the news of the crash on the Internet, everyone knew it.

This time the ladder match... I'm afraid it will be a dog's brain!

Chapter 1259 The Road of the God of War

The ladder match is over!

In a very short time after the post was published, almost everyone knew about it.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

After three days of fermentation, the popularity of the ladder competition reached its peak, and the number of applicants...

Zhang Guangmo just wanted to say something awesome, 666.

Basically all combat classes chose to sign up. No matter what class, mage, fighter, strong or weak, they all signed up for the ladder points competition.

Zhang Guangmo was a little surprised at the number of applicants at first, but later he figured it out, and then there was joy, the joy of being close to success.

Is there anyone who doesn't play qualifying games?

Is there anyone who doesn't play ranked games because they are too weak?

How can it be?

Many game qualifying is the whole and essence of the whole game, right?

What's more, although other rankings are not as rewarding as the top, top three, top ten, and top [-], there are also rewards for the top [-] and top [-]. These rewards are not low for ordinary players. It doesn't matter, but even the lowest level of rewards is worth fighting for.

At this point, Zhang Guangmo paid a lot of money. Not only did he use up all the points he had accumulated for a long time, but he also borrowed a debt from Mo Lan, Lin Wu, Lu Bin and many elders. It can be said that this time Zhang Guangmo is a success or success.

The purpose is to build a reputation for the ladder points competition, and it is to make this points competition a hit!

So the rewards are definitely enough to make players excited, and even those players who can't compete for the rewards will not come in vain, there is still a ranking.

No matter how many Zhang Guangmo there are, they will give a specific ranking, for no reason, just for them to compare.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, the ranking can drive them crazy!

And this is definitely not only among low-level players, even if high-level players are eligible to compete for rewards, they will not rush for rewards at all.

There are no longer a few powerful krypton gold players, and there are also many players who can and will make money. Rewarding them may not be worth it... Well, there are too many rewards, and rewarding them is also crazy. But not only the rewards, but also the rankings, the names at the top of the rankings also made them very excited and motivated!

This is the ladder points race!

This is the ladder points match that made Zhang Guangmo heavily in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy!

Of course, Zhang Guangmo spent a lot of money, but it doesn't mean that Zhang Guangmo is a fool.

Zhang Guangmo was just trying to make a name for himself in this ladder competition and become famous instantly.

Now that his reputation has started and he has become popular, the word bankruptcy is getting farther and farther away from Zhang Guangmo.

Zhang Guangmo wanted to ask, bankrupt?

How to go bankrupt?

I asked how to play to go bankrupt? !

As long as Zhang Guangmo keeps a little bit, does not play black matches, and maintains absolute fairness and justice in the rankings, that Zhang Guangmo will not be bankrupt in his next life.

Not only will it not go bankrupt, but it will also become richer and richer as the world goes by. Every minute and every second is the kind of riches.

At least Zhang Guangmo has already started to recover the cost now, and it's not just players who signed up within these three days...

There are more merchants signing up.

First of all, the square that Zhang Guangmo built around the points arena was all commercial shops.

This value is the lowest.

The second is the advertising space recommended by the venue for weapons dealers, armor merchants, spell merchants, martial arts merchants, combat training institutions, etc.

This value is slightly higher.

Finally, there is the overall naming right of this year's Tianbang Points Competition, which has the highest value among advertising resources.

These three items are only for advertising, and they are only a small part of Zhang Guangmo's profit plan, but they still make countless merchants, top groups, and chain companies play their brains.

Before the battle in the arena of the ladder points competition started, the outside capital had already fought back and forth a few times, which was very high-level.

Who made Zhang Guangmo's slightly better advertising resources use the hidden bid method, and who made Zhang Guangmo use the auction method for the best advertising resources and naming rights?

Laughter, fair competition, absolutely fair and just, absolutely no shady, as long as the merchants and employers who come in after screening, they will pay whoever pays the highest price.

In addition, Zhang Guangmo will also charge an amount for on-site watching tickets, live broadcast viewing fees, and first-person recording fees. The amount will be set relatively low, but the accumulation of small amounts will definitely be an astronomical figure. .

Of course, Zhang Guangmo would choose to share part of the money with the players who were fighting at that time. After all, they were fighting and they could choose whether to allow them to watch the battle.

Naturally, they are part of the money that is allowed to watch the game. If they are not allowed to watch the game, they will naturally not be watched, and they will not be charged.

In this way, the Ladder Points can also continuously train newcomers. As long as amateurs are strong and good enough, they can continuously accumulate fame and obtain resources through the platform of the Ladder Points Contest, so as to rely on themselves to become strong .

This can be regarded as a way of training and motivating Zhang Guangmo.

In this way, Zhang Guangmo's reputation can be completely preserved.

Therefore, although the battle of the ladder points competition has not yet started, Zhang Guangmo's cost has already been partially recovered, and according to the plan, it will not be long, as long as the overall ranking of the ladder points competition is stable If it comes down, then Zhang Guangmo can almost pay back his capital, and then enter the profit model.

Then every day that follows can make Zhang Guangmo rich.

However, although Zhang Guangmo was relieved by these, it did not relax Zhang Guangmo's nervous mood much.

Because Zhang Guangmo always remembers what he is doing by borrowing points and setting up the Tianbang Points Competition!

Zhang Guangmo is not here to make money!

Zhang Guangmo thinks that money is not important!

What are the important things?What is Zhang Guangmo here for?

Zhang Guangmo came to become a god!

Every battle on the ladder standings will become the foundation for Zhang Guangmo to become a god.

This is Zhang Guangmo's unique and unique path to becoming a god!

What concept does Zhang Guangmo want to condense, what kind of god does he want to achieve?


What is Zhang Guangmo's own speculation on how to become the God of War?

Bear hundreds of millions of battles on your own body, gather the concept of battle, and become the God of War!

And how difficult is it to carry hundreds of millions of battles alone?Normally speaking, I am afraid that Zhang Guangmo will not be able to achieve this goal in his entire life.

There are 360 ​​five days in a year, 100 days in 360 years, one hundred battles a day, and there are only [-] million battles every day without a break.

And what about the ladder points competition?

Nine-figure participating players!

What a concept, it means that one day is hundreds of millions!

Chapter 1260 Incomplete concept!

Billions a day!

It is impossible for nine-figure level players to only play one game a day in the ladder points match. It is very normal to play ten games a day or twenty games a day.

And because it's the first day, everyone wants to sprint for points and sprint for the rankings, so there is no surprise that the average number of games on the first day reaches [-] or [-] games.

And based on an average of [-] battles, if two people fought one battle, each person would have an average of ten battles on that day.

Nine-figure players have ten-figure battles that day!

It's just one day!

Hundreds of millions of battles that could not be completed in a lifetime can be completed in just one day under such circumstances.

This is the road to becoming a god that Zhang Guangmo created for himself after he clarified his path to becoming a god!

This road leads directly to the gods!

Of course, although they are only false gods in the game world, false gods are also gods. With the platform of false gods, Zhang Guangmo will be only a short distance away from becoming a true god.

At this moment, Zhang Guangmo, who was standing on a suspended city, looked up at the sky and above the city.

This city is not a floating city, at least not at this moment, it is just a floating city, nothing more.

And this floating city is Zhang Guangmo's carefully crafted demigod-level battlefield, where demigod-level beings can fight wantonly without worrying about the aftermath's impact on the environment and the world.

Here, ordinary people can even sit outside the battle arena to watch the battle, and all the aftermath and power of the battle will be isolated outside the battle arena.

This is the general venue for the ladder points competition. Players who have come out of the regional points competition this time will gather here for the final battle, or demigod-level players will be directly escorted here to compete with the players who have come out of the regional points competition. battle.

Of course, if there are demigod-level players participating in the regional points competition, then that battle will also be temporarily drawn to this battlefield to resolve.

It can be said that this gladiatorial arena is the core battlefield of the entire ladder competition, and it is also the final battlefield. In the end, the strongest group of all players will gather here to fight. At that time, the eyes of the entire game world will gather here. When the time comes , the leader of the ladder points competition will be born under the eyes of everyone!

Be famous all over the world in just an instant!

At this moment, Zhang Guangmo seemed to see a force brewing and tumbling above the floating city, a force seemed to distort the breath.

Zhang Guangmo looked at it quietly, this is the battle concept that is about to be born!

Zhang Guangmo silently comprehended this battle concept, and at this moment, the birth of the battle concept was being suppressed by him.

The moment Zhang Guangmo appears at the top of the list, he will become a god with the help of his aura that attracts the most attention in the world, and with the help of the accumulation of countless performances!

Zhang Guangmo believes that once he becomes a god, he will not be weak among the gods!

At that time, this floating city may have the opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity, with the help of Zhang Guangmo's illusory world, to transform into a real floating city! …

Transform into an arena that can accommodate battles at the level of gods, carrying the fighting power that Zhang Guangmo has condensed at that time, and become Zhang Guangmo's artifact in this game world, or a god city!

A city of gods that can wield power in battle, a god-level arena that can host battles at the level of gods!

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