There's nothing I can do if I can't beat the God King now, so bear with it.

But write this matter down in a small notebook, and wait until the strength is enough, this place will come back sooner one day!

Sooner or later, they would let the God King understand that something big happened to him.

However, this fire had to be vented, so those nobles who resisted in the corner suffered.

Ju Kun is serious!

The army of millions of players swept past directly under the command of Ju Kun. No matter what cards these rules hide or what background they hide, these are meaningless in the face of absolute power.

The legion of millions of players pushed across with crushing power.

Although these nobles wanted to join forces to fight against the player legion, they were cut off from all the space channels and could not use the space channel spells. In the face of the player legion who can use the space channel at will, these nobles simply cannot Gathered together, Ju Kun commanded the army to cut cakes and cut them into pieces. They were scattered and scattered, and there was no way to gather any power that threatened the player army.

Originally, Ju Kun planned to consider it and let the nobles gather together.

In this way, all the nobles can be deterred in the most direct way, and let all the nobles understand that even if you fight openly and squarely, if you gather together and exert your full strength, you will lose or die.

In this way, no matter how the nobles think about it, they will be more jealous, more careful, and more afraid in the future.

In addition, Ju Kun also wanted to have fun, and brought along a few new conductors sent over by his friends.

After all, he has become the god of war, and he has climbed to the top of the pyramid in the command system, so some friends will send some potential command systems to his side. It is also a good way to give advice, learn, and further study.

And Ju Kun is also happy to lead the younger generation.

Well, although Ju Kun is not very old, although the people in these command departments are not young, the age difference between the two will not be very big, and Ju Kun may even be younger.

But this stuff is all about ability. Ju Kun is currently the god of war, and his ability in the command department is absolutely unquestionable. Those who are capable are teachers.

So Ju Kun said that no one would have any objection to their juniors, and even everyone would take it for granted.

That's what Ju Kun planned before, but now

Ju Kun is in a very bad mood now, and their end will be very miserable!

confluence?Fighting in groups?

I'm sorry, if Ju Kun brings their team together, then he doesn't have to be the military god anymore, he just found a washbasin and drowned himself.

Under the command of Ju Kun, the player legion relied on its powerful intelligence system and the ability to quickly move to battle through space channels, and no two noble armies were able to complete the confluence.

And every time when fighting the noble army, the player's number advantage is often dozens or hundreds of times that of the aborigines, and the average strength often exceeds the average strength of the aboriginal army, and each team needs a master to hold the line , In this case, Ju Kun also sent people to command, completely crushing the situation, these nobles have no ability to resist.The overall player army is advancing crazily like a broken bamboo, and it is almost the same as staking.

It can even be said that the staking is not so fast. After all, there is a space channel, and a thousand miles is just a step. In this way, the time spent on the road is basically negligible, and it has been fighting, continuously!

This has even reached an extremely outrageous result.

That is, under normal circumstances, when the nobles were defeated to such an extent, they completely lost their will to fight and surrendered without sweeping too many others, so they couldn't fight anymore.

And now what?

The space channel is unavailable!

Instant messaging spells cannot be used!

Player's split interception!

Under such circumstances, every noble territory is an isolated island. They know nothing about the information of the outside world, and can only wait and suffer in fear.

And because Ju Kun's speed is too fast, they haven't realized the problem yet, and they still have a fluke mentality, and haven't surrendered yet. However, according to Ju Kun's estimation, these nobles will either go crazy or surrender.

Almost over!

Chapter 1247

"We surrender, and we are willing to return the industries and territories we have seized during this period."

Someone surrendered again, but it was another idiot who still kept the ridiculous idea of ​​fluke, or he couldn't let go of those properties and wealth until his death.

"I'm laughing to death, why did you go so early? Surrender is not impossible, but only return the invaders? How can there be such a good thing?"

One player said disdainfully.

"But isn't that your request?"

"This was before the war. Now that you have decided, what are you thinking about? If you want to surrender, you can choose a manor and an estate to keep, and all the others will be delivered."

"You guys are too deceitful..."


The player didn't have the slightest patience to speak out directly. The nobles wanted to talk about it, but they didn't want to talk about it. They could get anything after copying their homes, and they hadn't vented their anger during the war. These nobles didn't realize at all that they didn't Without any capital to negotiate, even if he tried his best to cause some losses to the player army, he couldn't do it. The angry Ju Kun was not joking, did he really think that the military god is just a god?

The true meaning of the military god is to command the army, integrate countless weak forces to exert the power of the gods, and what he is good at is commanding!

For Ju Kun, it is even easier to control the flow of the army's power in different places. With the help of the time difference, there is no difficulty at all in bringing the entire army together to fight every minute and every second.

So the nobles think that what they are dealing with is only a small group of player legions, which is true on the surface, but in reality?


In fact, as long as Ju Kun is serious, every noble will face an entire army of players commanded by Ju Kun, that is, the combat power of the peak demigod level. In other words, if you hit one noble in 10 minutes, you can hit six in an hour, and you can hit sixty in ten hours. Isn't this equivalent to hitting sixty in a day?

It's just that Ju Kun changed the spatial distribution of military power in order to distribute it along time, and the military power is all those military power.

Ten hours a day!

As for the other fourteen hours?

Get off work, ten hours a day is already working overtime, do you want to continue working overtime?Do you still need [-]?That's too much, even if it's a war, it can't be so much.

So everything depends on Ju Kun's mood, but it's a pity that Ju Kun's current mood is very bad, so even if these nobles want to fight with the player army with the intention of dying, it will not have any effect, fight or not , there is no difference, and to put it a little bit outrageous, the player army is still a player...

Laugh to death.

However, this kind of aristocrats already belong to the most stupid aristocrats. Those who are a little smarter will save their lives even if they give up everything. It's not someone else's life but your own that makes fun of your own life. How could you have such a big heart?

The nobles surrendered one after another, but it didn't make any difference whether they surrendered or not, and it didn't even speed up the end of the battle. The whole battle proceeded at a normal speed. In a blink of an eye, the entire game world and the nobles of the two empires were wiped out.

After all, they are all empires without a ruler. They are said to be empires, but now they can be called a group of wandering soldiers at best. As for the third empire?

Oh, he is still watching the show, let’s ignore it, the third empire is very deep, Ju Kun said that he is not sure, so let’s keep it like this.

Except that this empire remains intact and its original structure remains unchanged, the rulers and ruling classes in the other two empires have basically been wiped out. A smart noble family, since the noble family can survive in this environment, naturally it will not stay in the seat of the ruling class, but ingeniously, change its position bit by bit, while changing With his own role, he adapts bit by bit to this player-led society, and tries to integrate into it.

Under such circumstances, the original two empires have gradually become history, just becoming a title in a player's mouth, a place name, and becoming a part of the player's plan.

With the end of this child's play war, when Ju Kun, Yi Fei, Geng Tao and other union presidents discussed how to deal with the extra territories and industries, problems arose.

The industry and territory that belonged to the players that were occupied by the nobles are easy to resolve, just return the property to the original owner. Even if this industry is in dispute among different player unions, it doesn’t matter. If there is a dispute, go fight and snatch it yourself. There is no problem, the game, isn't it just relying on strength to grab territory and resources?Just continue to speak with strength,

However, this kind of fact does not account for a large proportion of the total harvest, because the players at the beginning were squeezed by the gods and the race of the gods, and the sphere of influence and industry were actually not much. Players have room and room for development, which slightly expands the player's sphere of influence and industry. However, compared with the accumulation and development of the nobles' time, the player's power and industry are still dwarfed. There are not a few nobles, and their proportion among the overall nobles is not low, so the territories and industries harvested this time are slightly more than expected.

And because the player legions are composed of individual player union legions, although they have been tempered in the foreign world war as one, the ownership is still different after all. Except for the player legion formed by Ju Kun, the other legions are his own. It only has the command right, and this difference is fully reflected in the distribution of the results of the battle. The spoils of war are a little bit more...

For this loss, all the trade union presidents are arguing out of their minds. After all, they are the presidents, and they are not only fighting for their own interests, but also the interests of tens of thousands of people in the union, tens of thousands of people. The people involved in them may not be much better than some small countries, so how can this be done casually?

Using other people's things to show one's magnanimity will be poked in the back, covered with sacks, and beaten with a sap. This is no joke.

In the face of this time's loot division, even the previously defined loot distribution method directly became invalid. It's not that they are of low quality and thick-skinned, but mainly because they can't give up the interests of the guild for their own shame.

This stuck.

Chapter 1248 Disagreement



These guild leaders have been arguing for spoils for longer than the war. Not only are they quarreling, these guild leaders also fight, fighting to death.

Anyway, all the guild leaders are rich and have made a lot of military exploits, so it won’t be too difficult to resurrect them. If they hit a real fire, they will be beaten to death. Just die once, and continue talking after resurrecting.

Of course, when they are resurrected and resurrected, their strength will not recover, otherwise no one can afford to lose, so it is purely ordinary people fighting, relying on experience and skills to fight, the kind that sees blood, and then talk about it after the fight .

So much so that the casualties caused during the process of discussing the division of spoils were higher than the casualties in the battle with the nobles. I don't know how the nobles who were killed would feel after knowing it, maybe they would be proud?

After all, it was the booty they left behind that caused these casualties, so it can be counted as their victory.

Facing the god-level military god Ju Kun, he not only dared to resist, but even caused effective damage to Ju Kun. Isn't this something to be proud of?


But even though the quarrel was really hot, even though they killed people, they were still very restrained. They brought a few vice presidents and legion leaders to fight with them. But none of them will involve large troops. They all know how much experience and luck it takes to integrate legions of different guilds into one legion.

This is not to say that it can be done, at least after the leaders of the various guilds have read it, if the current situation of the player legion is not for the high pressure given by the sun god of the other world, if it is not for the unanimous externalization caused by the enemy of the other world, if it is not for Ju Kun's example and good It is impossible for the commander-in-chief to be so well integrated as it is today, just like a legion. Even if one of these conditions is missing, it is impossible to form.

And can this condition be repeated again?

This is basically impossible, so the leaders of the major guilds understand that if there is a gap between the player legions, then this super giant legion may disappear in the rivers and lakes, and there will be no more sound, unless the game world is once again plunged into In this kind of completely passive war, otherwise it is basically impossible to reproduce.

If this is the case, it would be a pity. Although Ju Kun, the military commander, can find a way to command an army that is not in the same mind, but in order to exert the peak, strongest, and most convenient combat power, such a united army with one heart and one mind, with A legion with a common goal and working together is indispensable.

If it is dismantled, it may mean that Ju Kun, the military god, will not be able to display his full fighting power before the game world falls into an overwhelming bitter battle again, which is a pity.

Moreover, they are quite satisfied with the current status quo, and the relationship between different guilds. Basically, they are the kind where online shopping can be done and offline can be drunk. There is no need to part ways because of the distribution of loot. As for the fight between them?Beat to death?

Oh, it’s just a daily routine. I used to fight a lot when I was a staff officer in the foreign battlefield headquarters. Although it was fatal, it didn’t hurt feelings.

It's a pity that although everyone wants to maintain the status quo, everyone understands that the current situation in the alien battlefield is entirely because everyone and all guilds have been brought together with the same interests, so the relationship is natural Intimacy, coupled with the blessing of righteousness, can overcome any difficulties, and there is a basis for deepening feelings.

However, with the end of the alien battlefield and the disappearance of common interests, the overall thinking of the game world has changed to the perspective of the guild. The distribution of spoils is just a preview, and parting ways is inevitable.

Unless... these guilds have a common interest again, a common interest that can twist them into one.

From this point of view, as long as they have common interests again, then this super-giant player army will have a basis to continue and maintain.

So what are the common interests that can make the entire game world's top guilds work together?

So who has this qualification and this ability to provide common interests for these top guilds?

You know, these top guilds can basically represent all player guilds in the entire game world, most of the top players!

At this time, in the chaotic conference room, someone said softly.

"Why don't we go find Mo Lan?"

After the voice fell, the entire conference room fell into silence. At this moment, everyone was lost in thought, and a needle could be heard.

These top guilds can almost represent all player guilds, the vast majority of top players, and can almost be called the whole world.

What can provide common benefits for the whole world?What common good can hold the whole world together?

The answer is actually very simple. With the ready-made case of the alien battlefield in front of us, the answer is the interests of other worlds.

When all guilds and all players start to fight for the world and other worlds, the guilds and players will naturally become one, and when they can get enough huge benefits, all conflicts will be resolved between righteousness and sufficient interests. Smooth it out before.

As the so-called interests are separated by mountains and seas, mountains and seas can be leveled!

And the key is who can provide this kind of enemy and benefit from another world?

Mo Lan!

Everyone knows that the detachment of the Mage Association depends on two points. One is not to compete with anyone for interests, and there is no interest dispute, so everyone will naturally laugh; Everyone is strong, everyone knows you are strong, so strong that no one dares to compete with you for interests, so strong that everyone laughs when they see you.

In addition, the Mage Association often shelters players, covers them, and gives free benefits to players. They are highly respected and powerful, so everyone respects the Mage Association and assumes that the Mage Association is aloof.

However, the strength of the Mage Association requires a large amount of resource investment, and it does not compete with other players for resources. So where do these resources come from?How to maintain strength?

In the past, it was taken from the material world, various elemental worlds, and deep planes, but now, it is taken from other worlds and other planets.

In the elemental world, there are countless resource points of the Mage Association in other worlds and other planets.

How can it not be powerful to support associations and project teams with resources from planes, worlds, and planets at every turn, with resources and talents.

So Mo Lan is capable of providing these resources.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Mo Lan has to give them the resources and ability. This is moral kidnapping, and they can't do this kind of thing.

What they were thinking about was that no matter how powerful the members of the Mage Association are, no matter how strong the tower spirit is, there are certain limitations. How big is a world?How big is a planet?

Can the Mage Association really be developed?And there is also the feature that Ju Kun, the military god, can enter other worlds through ordinary space channels.

This does not mean that we cannot seek win-win results in cooperation.

Chapter 1249 The pattern is open

"Our advantage lies in the large number of people, the military god Ju Kun, and this super-giant player army. According to the information we have obtained so far, even Mo Lan and Lin Wu have not developed a cross-platform game suitable for gods. World space channel, or in other words, it is impossible to develop a cross-world space channel that can enter a world quietly or quickly.

Therefore, even if Mo Lan and Lin Wu want to invade and control a world, they can only enter with legendary strength, and then plan little by little, and grab the power of the world little by little under the eyes of the gods of other worlds. This kind of thing is also difficult for Mo Lan and Lin Wu, and it takes a lot of effort. The most important thing is that their energy is limited. It should be placed on research. There are too many of their projects, and their value is too much. Almost all of them can cause huge changes in this era. I feel that wasting a little bit of their time is irresponsible to this era. Yes The blasphemy of the potential of this age.

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