At that moment just now, Mo Lan felt that the world was an extremely powerful body, and the consciousness of heaven and earth was an extremely huge but pure soul without consciousness.

As long as you enter the world with your consciousness, as long as you master the rules, you can fully display the majestic power contained in the world!

Although the No. [-] world is only a small world, and although Mo Lan holds the highest authority here, he can only exert the power equivalent to that of the gods in the game world, but the huge size of the No. [-] world itself means that it is huge, far surpassing the level of the gods. The power, but this power cannot be exerted.

This point has been cleared up by Mo Lan long ago, and Mo Lan has long known that the world itself has a huge power that cannot be exerted.

In the past, I just thought that this power could not be exerted, it was just a symbol of the huge size of the world, but at this moment, Mo Lan realized that this power is not impossible to exert, but just that the world itself has no consciousness and cannot be exerted , and others are unable to help it play out.

This is like Mo Lan, Mo Lan has extremely powerful power, but if Mo Lan's consciousness is dead, no matter how strong the power is, it can only be silent in the body, even if others get Mo Lan's body, they will not be able to exert it Get the power out of it.

This is like a mecha without an operating system. No matter how strong it is, it can only fight with its own hardness. With an operating system and consciousness, the mighty power hidden in the body can be released.

The same is true for the world. At this moment, in Mo Lan's view, the world is a space with huge power, but without conscious control, it just uses its own quality and regular power, which is like using atomic bombs to crush people to death.

The problem is that the world can exert the power of a god just by relying on its own quality, but if you live in the world, you will directly activate the great power contained in the world.

"This is a path that leads to being above the true God."

Mo Lan found the path above the gods that he was looking for so hard, but Mo Lan was not so excited and excited.

Because Mo Lan understands that this road is not open.

"This is a dead end. If you want to walk this road, you must master the consciousness of heaven and earth to reach the realm above the gods.

And the prerequisite for mastering the consciousness of heaven and earth is to defeat yourself! "

Mo Lan was very calm.

Get over yourself, this is no joke.

Of course, if Mo Lan, a clone with the same strength and experience but a different mentality, is not afraid, then there is no threat, and he can easily defeat it.

But the field where Mo Lan wants to overcome herself is in the field of consciousness.

What field is the cleanest?the purest?most direct?

field of consciousness.

It's as if all the current attack methods on consciousness cancel each other out and annihilate each other.

If other strengths depend on state and performance, good performance, good state, or formation of restraint, it is not uncommon for the weak to win against the strong, and it is definitely not just a numerical game.

In normal power system contests, numerical values ​​are always just a reference.

But it’s different in the realm of consciousness, where values ​​in the realm of consciousness are everything.

Comparing the values ​​of consciousness, the one with the higher value must be the winner, and the one with the lower value must be the loser.

This is absolute and will not change due to any situation or state.

In this field, equality is equality, and a strong front line is a strong front line.

In the process of controlling the consciousness of heaven and earth, even if the consciousness of heaven and earth is only slightly stronger than Mo Lan, it is impossible for Mo Lan to control the consciousness of heaven and earth, this is inevitable.

And the most important thing is that wanting to control the consciousness of heaven and earth is not just a job at a certain point in time, let alone a job at a certain moment, but has to be maintained all the time.

A short victory is of no use. To put it simply, as long as you win, you can control the consciousness of heaven and earth for as long as possible.

You can always control it if you are in a state of victory, but as long as you fail, the consciousness of heaven and earth, which is stronger than Mo Lan's consciousness, will inevitably wash away the means and brand he left behind.

And what is the status quo?

The status quo is that Mo Lan is also part of the consciousness of heaven and earth, and the status quo is that the consciousness of heaven and earth will always be stronger than Mo Lan.

So Mo Lan directly realized that this seemed to be a road leading to the gods, but in fact it was a dead end.

No way.

Chapter 1229 Another False God

"This is a dead end, unless I empty out all conscious creatures except the entire world, leaving no one left.

In this way, on the premise of controlling the origin of the world, I can directly access the consciousness of the world, directly integrate into the consciousness of the world, and take charge of the consciousness of the world.

At this time, there is no resistance in controlling the consciousness of heaven and earth. After all, the consciousness of heaven and earth itself is unconscious, and the consciousness of heaven and earth is formed by the convergence of the consciousness of all creatures in the sky and the reflection of the net of rules.

Since I can't control the consciousness of heaven and earth as long as there is even one other consciousness in the world, it's fine to have none at all.

The consciousness of heaven and earth composed of only me should not need to be controlled, right?

what's mine is mine! "

Mo Lan thought about it.

"To a certain extent, this is indeed feasible. It would be great if we could do an experiment..."

Mo Lan quietly watched the ecology of World No. [-] gradually recovering under their second construction, thinking.

Mo Lan stepped out and appeared inside Planet No. [-] the next moment.

The ecology of World No. [-] has begun to recover, and although it suffered a world-destructive damage before, life is extremely tenacious. The world-destructive damage seems to have caused major losses, but there are countless underground and deep sea The creatures survived and adapted to the current environment little by little. It is impossible for Mo Lan to clean them up one by one at a huge cost, which is unrealistic.

And if you want to carry out this experiment, there is no need to rush, Mo Lan has a live world, or a planet.

Planet No. [-] had been dead for a long time before Mo Lan discovered it, and there were only a few traces of the world's membrane left.

There is no life on such a dead planet isolated in the universe.

Without life, there would be no consciousness, and this is a planet naturally suitable for experiments.


Mo Lan perceives the net of rules of planet No. [-]. The original net of rules of planet No. [-] has already died with the death of the world. Although part of it has been recovered under Mo Lan's efforts, the proportion is still small. Pitiful.

Almost only the rules of the relevant elemental world have recovered, while other rules are still silent.

And Mo Lan just read it, and the rules for connecting consciousness to form the consciousness of heaven and earth have not yet been revived. Planet No. [-] is not even qualified to condense the consciousness of heaven and earth. It is a genuine dead planet without the consciousness of heaven and earth.

But there is also good news, that is, under the leadership of the rules of the elemental world, the entire network of rules is beginning to recover, and perhaps because of the connection between the consciousness of heaven and earth and the world of elements, Mo Lan took a look and found that the distance between ten and ten points used to connect the consciousness of heaven and earth is also beginning to recover. The order of recovery of several rules is not last.

But how long will it take for the rules of the element world to revive the web of rules from point to point...

Mo Lan has no idea.

Mo Lan stood in the sky of planet No. [-] and thought silently. After pondering for a long time, he transferred dozens of mages from the Mage Association from World No. [-] to Planet No. [-], and condensed the restored rules on Planet No. Print it to them.

The web of rules on planet No. [-] is recovering, and these rules do contain powerful power. Mo Lan has also mastered the web of rules, so it is entirely possible for Mo Lan to condense authority and hand it over to them.

The only problem may be that because the net of rules is too weak and the rules of heaven and earth are too weak, even if the golden seal of the gods is condensed and handed over to them, the strongest among them is only a demigod.

This is because Mo Lan condensed the rules of the four elemental worlds into a golden seal of the gods to achieve this effect.

If Mo Lan separates the four elemental worlds and condenses four elemental gold seals, then maybe the record will be broken today, but it is not the upper limit, but the lower limit record.

Because in this way, the first legendary "God" in human history will be born on Planet No. [-]!

After all, this is a first-level authority, not a second-level authority where the first-level authority is subdivided and issued.

After the four elemental realms condense into a first-level authority, a second-level authority extends downward from this first-level authority.

The first-level and second-level authority build a small authority system on Planet One.

"The world's cultivation method can strengthen the rules and adjust the disordered rules, so it should be possible to revive the death rules and improve the overall strength of the rule net?"

Mo Lan deduced for a moment and felt that the problem was not big, the former could not do the latter, and as long as the overall strength of the net of rules was improved, the overall recovery of the net of rules would naturally be accelerated.

In addition, Mo Lan also discovered an interesting thing.

"Maybe an experiment can be done in the special environment of World One..."

Mo Lan was lost in thought.

"There are benefits to having fewer rules."

After pondering for a long time, Mo Lan sent Shixiu a message.

"Shixiu, I found a place where I can try a three-level power subdivision system or even a four-level power subdivision system."



"President, where are you?!"

Although Shixiu is still going through the process of special recruitment at this moment, he has already started to call him President Mo Lan, and Mo Lan smiled when he heard this.

"Hey, I won't tell you."


Shixiu was dumbfounded.

"This is a secret of the Mage Association, let's talk about it when you grow up.

I will tell you when you become an elder, and I will hand over this experimental site to you to preside over it. "

Shi Xiu looked at Mo Lan quietly, Mo Lan shrugged when he saw this, closed the chat page directly, and looked around.

"The man who restores the rules has already been found. Shixiu has done a lot of research in this area, and when the time comes, let him restore the web of rules.

I'll come back when I'm almost recovered. "

Mo Lan muttered.

"If you can really master the consciousness of heaven and earth here, so as to enter the planet and gain the terrifying power above the gods..."

Mo Lan thought about it, this was the closest he was to being above the gods, but an idea popped up in Mo Lan's mind.

"The strength above the gods obtained in this way must rely on the world, and you must stay in the world to have it, and the strength above the gods will not be restricted by the world, and can be used even outside the world.

But it will be limited by the distance, the world is here, the places I can reach are within the scope of my attack and the scope of my strength, and the places I can't reach..."

Mo Lan pondered for a moment.

"Unless I can move the world to go with me, I still can't reach it, and unless I take the world with me wherever I go, otherwise I will die once I leave the world itself."

Mo Lan pondered for a long time, then shook her head.

"This is not a false god, but it is also similar to a false god. In terms of its essence, it is still a false god after all.

However, it is still very qualified as a fortress of war and a transfer station for the study of true gods. "

Chapter 1230 Battle Star

"However, although it is a false god, it is also fundamentally different from a false god.

Although it has not yet reached the level of a true god, it is indeed better than a false god.

At least the power of false gods cannot go out of the sphere of influence of the rules of the world, and cannot exert power within the sphere of influence of the rules of other worlds.

But this kind of power is concentrated in the world itself by helicopter, and has nothing to do with the rule ring, as long as the power is within my attack range, it is effective.

With this difference, there is a lot of room for manipulation. "

Mo Lan muttered to herself.

"It's not that you can't manipulate it to turn this false god into a false god, or a quasi-true god.

The operation is also very simple, just take the world with you, as long as I can run around with the world, as long as I can display the strength above the gods in any place, then who dares to say that I am not a true god?

Who dares to beat out my brains. "

Mo Lan looked down at the world beneath her feet.

How to run around the universe with the world?

This is the answer!

As a world fortress, as a planetary fortress, as a battle star, movement is only the most basic attack.

Once the design is completed, let alone moving, it is not a problem to move forward with curvature, jump in space and so on.

More importantly, this No. [-] planet is a natural world without living things.

As a dead planet, there was no life on Planet No. [-], and even elemental life was not born because there were no elements, and without life, there would be no consciousness, which meant that it was originally a dead star.

This means that the only two kinds of creatures and two groups of consciousness on the entire planet so far are the tower spirits responsible for transforming the battle star.

The tower spirit is transformed from the earth spirit, and it has a soul in itself, but the calculation method is more computer-like.

As an elemental life, possessing a soul, one naturally possesses consciousness.

In addition to this is the microscopic elemental life that Mo Lan migrated from the No. [-] world in the elemental world.

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