"These elemental powers, hiss, why are they so tight?"

Mo Lan looked at the unicorn in surprise. There was indeed elemental power inside, but these elemental powers were intertwined with the unicorn itself. No matter how Mo Lan used his mental power, he couldn't move it, as if he had already formed a relationship with the unicorn. one.

Mo Lan thought for a while, and after applying a sharpening technique to the dagger, cut it on the horn.

The dagger, which was originally invincible, was stopped by the single horn. Mo Lan's mental power clinging to it could sense that the gold elements belonging to the sharpness technique on the dagger were becoming less and less, and the consumption rate was much faster than before cutting stones.

With a sudden force of the hand, the gold element of the sharpness technique was suddenly consumed, and then the sharp edge fell into the unicorn.

Even so, the elements inside the unicorn have not fluctuated or leaked out, and they have been completely connected with the unicorn.

Mo Lan took out the bones one by one with a dagger. Under the perception, there is also elemental energy in the bones, which is exactly the same as the one-horn situation.

"The bones that are integrated with the power of the elements are so hard, is this permanently integrated?

There is no elemental power in animal skin or animal blood at all active. "

Mo Lan analyzed in detail.

"This kind of skeleton is more suitable for making warriors' armor and weapons.

For the mage, it is of little significance, and the element that is completely integrated into the skeleton cannot be used at all. "

"However...how did this elemental power get integrated into the bones?

Can this elemental power be used effectively? "

Mo Lan suddenly recalled an auction she had attended before.

"At that time, there seemed to be a bone rod solidified with the third-level spell Megaforce at the auction.

I remember the bone rod was snatched from the two-headed ogre priest.

If it is not unexpected, the bone rod is also the bone rod of the monster, and there is also the power of the elements that is completely integrated into the solidification. Only in this way can the bones be so hard and can withstand the battle of the ogre without being damaged.

But how did the third-level spell, the giant power spell, get in?

The giant force spell is kept in it and can be used repeatedly.

In auction parlance, the two-headed ogre priest used this bone rod too many times to cast spells.

So that the giant force technique left traces on the inside of the bone rod, and it was engraved on it from now on. "

"Is that so? Is it enough?"

Mo Lan held the unicorn in her hand and fell into contemplation.

"If not, how is the spell perpetuated on an item?"

Chapter 96 Green Dragon

"If I can find a way to keep spells constant, does it mean that I can produce... emmm, magic weapon?"

Ding Jin's return interrupted Mo Lan's thinking. Hearing that there were traces of monsters, Mo Lan was about to bury the corpse of the one-horned wild boar.

"One group, fireball technique!"


"Second group, make up for the knife!"


Such a sound resounded in the forest many times, and the uniform fireball explosion was shocking.

Bypassing the group of monsters, they bombed again and again.

But sometimes it is more dangerous, that is, when a beast has just been killed, an agile beast passes by.

None of the nine students had any spells, so they had to rely on Mo Lan, Ding Jin, and Zhang Haobo to join forces to kill them, and they got an extraordinary core with agility bonuses.

Maybe it can be called the agility of a leopard, but it is not much different from the elegance of a cat. They are all agile types, so they are still classified as a cat's elegance by Mo Lan.

Training day by day, with the passage of time, the rest of the people have all changed jobs.

Fifty mages marched forward in the forest, constantly searching for monsters to hunt, and unknowingly walked deeper into the forest.

"The first group, fireball technique!"

"The second group, fireball technique!"

"The third, fourth, fifth group to keep up."

"The last five groups, all of them, cover bombing!"

Facing the three demon beasts at the same time, Mo Lan shouted in a low voice.

A round of five fireballs came out quickly and exploded, and before the explosion ended, the second wave of five fireballs followed.

Wave after wave, the continuous explosions formed a large crater in the ground, and the ground became charred black.

In the end, a total of 25 fireballs swept across the sky, and the scalding heat wave made the hair curl slightly, and amidst the whistling sound, they exploded!

The air waves generated by the huge explosion blew everyone upside down and retreated.

The expanding flames dissipated, leaving only a charred pit and three charred corpses scattered in the pit.

Mo Lan looked at the pit that was half the size of a basketball court and slowly exhaled.


"It's awesome, it's covered with bombing, and it's impossible to hide. Who can stand it?"

Ding Jin also saw the cover bombing for the first time, rubbed his ears, and said in surprise.

"It's cool."


Mo Lan also showed a cheerful smile when she heard the words.

"Hey, there's even better, our goal is to bring everyone up to level eight.

At the eighth level, there are three free attribute points, which just raises the intelligence to seventeen points.

The mental power brought by [-] points of intelligence can make the mage upgrade to the second ring mage.

At that time, there will be three spell slots, and we will not do anything fancy, three spell slots, all of which will be memory fireball.

At that time, each wave will bombard fifty fireballs in a row, lasting three waves, tsk tsk, absolutely clean the ground. "

Mo Lan said with a smile, but at this moment, he suddenly noticed a pressure coming from the sky.

The heavy pressure made him feel a little tight in his chest and couldn't breathe well.

Not only Mo Lan, but everyone, looking at the sky with a serious face.

I saw a black spot on the horizon rapidly zooming in and getting closer, Mo Lan took a closer look.

A dark green large lizard with bat wings approached quickly.


Mo Lan's eyes stared, and he didn't care about anything. The soil under his feet opened instantly, and Mo Lan, Zhang Haobo, and a few apprentices fell directly.

The moment Mo Lan fell, he threw two rings of resistance fire into the crowd in a row.


Two consecutive resisting fire rings erupted, and the unsuspecting people were directly thrown out and scattered in every corner of the forest.

And Mo Lan's figure has disappeared, leaving a flat stone in the original big hole.

Mo Lan's body in the ground was tense, and he directly used the spell slot to memorize it, and the stone wall spells fell one by one.

Stonewall is almost the spell he is most familiar with, the most skilled, and the fastest casting spell.

This allows him to continuously release the stone wall technique, and lead a few people to sink quickly, and often just after sinking, the stone above his head has already closed.

Mo Lan breathed a sigh of relief when it dropped to a depth of five or six meters in one breath, but continued to descend until about ten meters or so before stopping, and drops of sweat fell on his forehead.

Only then did Zhang Haobo speak.

"Is that a dragon just now?"

"Well, a large lizard with a pair of bat wings, isn't this what the dragon in Western mythology is?

And I just saw that it was covered in green scales. If nothing else, it should be a green dragon. "

Mo Lan released the air technique, took a deep breath and said.

"What level?"

"I don't know, it's far away, I can't see clearly, it's estimated to be at least eight or nine meters long.

And the pressure just now, it should be Longwei, Longwei pressed us like that.

Don't need to know too much, just know that we can't beat it properly.

Absolutely tortured by blood, alas, it is estimated that the elemental fluctuations caused by our bombing are too violent to alarm this green dragon.

I really did not expect that there are still green dragons in this mountain range. "

"According to common sense, no, according to speculation, adult giant dragons need at least a team of elites or a team of masters to deal with, right?

I don't know if this green dragon is an adult. "

"I don't know, there is no data, I don't know how long a green dragon is considered an adult.

I hope that Ding Jin and the others will seek more blessings for themselves. It is really too late to do it. "

"Well, you already pushed them away when you came down, so you shouldn't be killed by the green dragon directly."


When Mo Lan instantly submerged into the ground, the shape of the green dragon became clearly visible.

Those ferocious fangs, sharp dragon horns facing the sky, wings like bat wings but covered with fine dragon scales, and thick, fan-shaped dragon scales that are bigger than a palm on its body, this giant beast is incomparably shocked just by getting close. with pressure.

The green dragon did not fall, and the vertical pupil glanced down, swooped over, and covered it with a green breath.


Ding Jin shouted, got up in the next instant, and ran wildly into the distance.

Before the green dragon's breath came close, the leaves and shrubs below began to turn yellow and decayed rapidly. Even the soil and stone ground were rapidly corroded by the dragon's breath.

The dragon's breath swelled, covering almost half of the basketball court when it reached the ground.

The students in the area covered by the dragon's breath first had their clothes eroded, then their skin, flesh, bones, and nothing was left.

The dragon's breath hit the ground and quickly spread around under the influence of the momentum.

The plants were corroded, and the students and Ding Jin who ran away were also caught up and swallowed up. After a scream, they disappeared without a trace.

The dragon breath dissipated, leaving only a pothole the size of a basketball court. The green dragon on the far horizon swooped down, grabbed a bison, flew into the sky, and disappeared between the forests.

The forest was silent again.

Chapter 97 Prelude to the Auction

In the big pit, the land opened to both sides, and Mo Lan and others rose up in a big hole.

Even though I was prepared in my heart, when I saw the above scene with my own eyes, I couldn't help being frightened.

At this time, the students were also resurrected one after another, and Ding Jin walked out of the forest with lingering fears.

"No one survived?"

Ding Jin shook his head.

"No, they're all dead. Fortunately, none of them died recently. They just deducted some experience points, and the weakened state didn't appear, so it didn't have much impact."

"how about you?"

"Me? Gotta take some time to get rid of the weakness."

Mo Lan nodded when she heard the words. Ding Jin had already died once in order to clear the experience points. As a result, the death did not have enough experience points to deduct. After the resurrection, some attribute values ​​were sealed and she fell into a weak state.

"I didn't expect that there are green dragons in the depths of this mountain range. No wonder there are almost no adventurers in the densely populated places.

At this level, who dares to come?I remain skeptical that Red Maple City can beat the Green Dragon. "

After Ding Jin finished speaking, Mo Lan also agreed.

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