Is it worthy of this kind of treatment if you have not become a god?

But this is why Mo Lan gave a demigod-level mage, who can only be said to be ready for battle in advance, especially a mage who has a slight fear of insufficient firepower.

However, what is even more insane is that such a well-prepared battlefield was discovered by a semi-god-level monster with no intelligence at all before it was even used.


It can only be said that the gods fight and fight each other.

At this moment, all the terrifying magic circles revived, and one after another the magic circles turned around, instantly blocking the dodge range of the demigod-level monsters, boom!

In an instant, the entire space within the range of the demigod monster, a huge space, was covered by the power of the terrifying magic circle.

Among them, the demigod monster turned around and fled when it sensed something was wrong. With its extreme beast instinct, it easily and gratefully avoided the attacks of several magic circles without looking back, but it was completely covered by the attack immediately. Give it a hit!

Seeing this, Mo Lan snorted coldly.

"Run? Hide? Run for me, hide for me!

Demigod beast intuition?I can't hit you, but I can wipe out all the places you are.

So what if you can feel it intuitively?Perceived but unable to dodge, let me let you know how desperate this is! "

Mo Lan snorted coldly, and controlled the magic circle group to bombard the past again and again, not seeking precision, but comprehensive coverage.

At the same time, Mo Lan also breathed a sigh of relief, and had a general understanding of how far the beast intuition of the demigod level monster had reached.

It is indeed powerful, but it is far from reaching the point where it is truly terrifying and incomprehensible.

Because the wild beast instinct of this demigod-level beast only intuitively perceives that it will die as soon as it steps into the range of the magic circle, but it can continue bombing without sensing the direction of the magic circle.

If the intuition is really terrifying, it should not enter the influence range and range of these magic circles at all, because once they enter, they will perceive fatal danger.

Mo Lan bombed continuously, not seeking to kill but only covering. Mo Lan wanted to make this demigod-level beast feel a constant sense of crisis but was helpless. Mo Lan was testing something.

While probing, Mo Lan whispered in his heart.

"Hopefully not one of the scarier beast instincts

I think should not be? "

Chapter 1138 Cause and effect or predict the future? ! !


Mo Lan's complexion was extremely dark, as black as ink, and after the demigod-level beast ran away, Mo Lan fell silent for a long time, unable to speak.

"The beast's intuition is so outrageous, it really made it run away!

The fire coverage of the whole picture can make it run away. "

Mo Lan felt a toothache. Just now, the demigod level monster stopped on the verge of stepping into his trap, ignored Mo Lan's provocation and made a retreat appearance.

At that time, Mo Lan was helpless, but he also made relevant preparations, and directly used the long-range attack and blockade capabilities of the magic circle to encircle and suppress.

Under the terrifying magic circle, this demigod-level monster is still quite embarrassed. The attack method of washing the ground makes it unable to dodge the attack no matter what.

But every time, every time, this demigod-level monster can find the weakest point of attack strength as quickly as possible, so as to receive the lightest attack and lightest damage.

Mo Lan can also do this, as long as he observes the internal structure change process of the opponent's spell with mental power, and uses extremely high computing power to complete the calculation in an instant.

But this demigod monster has no wisdom, not even wisdom, let alone computing power.

The so-called computing power is the ability to calculate. These monsters can't calculate, they have no brains.

So what does it rely on to find the weakest point of a large-scale attack?


What a hunch!

It is relying on the outrageously accurate intuition to resist one powerful attack after another with the smallest cost, and to use the power of the attack to accelerate away, every time it is the same, which directly leads to the fact that the monster does not follow the calculation. The deceleration when resisting fell into the attack range of the magic circle, and was finally killed.

It can even be said that even if this demigod-level monster rushes out at the fastest speed without any delay, the firepower of these magic circles combined with Mo Lan's book can blast this demigod-level monster to death!

Mo Lan left enough room for herself.

But the problem is that the monster does not slow down when it undertakes the attack. It is still using the impact of the attack to accelerate continuously. As for the angle of the family members and how to get the appropriate range, if it is calculated...

What a hunch!

The demigod-level Warcraft doesn't need to know the process, the result appears directly in the mind, just do it.

No, no, it's not that the result appeared in the mind, but that the moment the result appeared, the body accepted it and did it, and then escaped in a state of limit, even if the attack distance of the magic circle was ten meters longer Warcraft must die here.

This intuition is outrageous!

Away from the big spectrum!

"This damn monster is really stuck in the distance. It just got stuck outside my death line. It is absolutely dead. Judging from the situation just now, this monster will definitely die even if it takes a step forward. It is impossible to escape. .”

The so-called dead line is the position calculated by Mo Lan when he set up the trap, as long as he crossed it, he would not be able to escape, and he would definitely die.

As long as he crosses the dead line, Mo Lan is sure that he can be killed. If he does not cross the dead line, although there is a chance to kill him, although the certainty is quite high, the opponent still has a chance to escape.

It's just that the closer you are to the death line, the less chance the opponent will successfully escape, and if you cross it, you will definitely die.

But this demigod-level monster just got stuck in front of the dead line, and stopped a meter or two in front of the death line, and if the dead line was pushed out a meter or two when arranging, this demigod-level monster would be dead. Definitely doomed, but...

"If I push the death line one meter away, the place where this demigod-level monster stays will also be pushed back one meter, right?

What this monster perceives is not a specific location, but the crisis of death that it intuitively perceives, right?

Perhaps the monster had already felt the crisis when it entered the attack range, but it didn't feel the death crisis, so it came over, but it stopped for a moment when it sensed the death crisis, and then ran away.

So no matter where I arrange the magic circle, no matter how I do it, as long as I can absolutely kill this kind of monster, this monster will probably run away.

When running, I don't even look back, and I don't even look back to attack!

What this demigod-level monster perceives is not a trap set by others at all, but its own safety!

If you instinctively feel that you are safe, then it doesn't matter, if you feel that you are in danger, then run, I will wipe..."

Mo Lan really felt speechless, and sank for a long time, because he found that he seemed to have nothing to do with these demigod-level beasts.

This kind of intuition is not completely helpless, there is a way, after all, this is just a way to perceive one's own safety, nothing else.

Theoretically speaking, it only needs to have the strength to crush this demigod-level monster, as long as the demigod-level monster can't resist no matter how it resists, and it can't escape no matter how it escapes.

Just like Mo Lan's real body, as long as Mo Lan's real body can enter this world, no matter how strong the intuition of this demigod monster is, it will have no effect, and the intuition to perceive the crisis in advance will only make it crazy and desperate in advance Well, it's of no use.

But the problem is that Mo Lan's real body can't get in!

Mo Lan only has the body of a legendary mage!

Mo Lan's strength at the moment is not enough to make this demigod monster completely desperate.

What's even more speechless is that this demigod-level monster is a pure beast without even a sliver of intelligence, which means that Mo Lan can't even cheat or provoke him. He is a fool, no, not even a fool. You can't fool people.


Mo Lan really has nothing to say at this moment, nothing to say, really speechless, I can only say that the perception ability of such monsters is really outrageous.

Without a brain, there will be no interference, just like a blind person's hearing will always be sharper, and a person without a brain has a ridiculously powerful intuition.

With a brain, even a little thinking ability will have a great interference with this intuitive ability, making the intuitive feeling not so accurate.

Absolute beastly instincts require absolute no brains...

"What is the principle of this beast's intuition?

Outrageous to this point? !

I read a study before that shows that people’s intuition generally comes through the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind observes many things that the main consciousness has seen but did not pay attention to. The subconscious mind conducts preliminary analysis to get the answer, and then reacts in an intuitive way Give the Lord consciousness.

What about the beasts?Is that also the case?

Impossible, the intuitive premise of this method is that you can observe the clues, but you just didn't pay attention.

From the perspective of the god level, the traps I set up are not a big problem. Even the god level may not be able to detect them. How can a demigod level monster be observed? "

"Damn! Could it be cause and effect? ​​Or predict the future?!"

Chapter 1139 Slippery

"Cause and effect? ​​Or predicting the future?"

Mo Lan frowned, calming down and thinking about the problem.

"I have already been in touch with karma, and predicting the future belongs to the category of time. I have not come into contact with any related knowledge and technology so far, and I don't even have any connection with absolute zero and predicting the future, which are suspected of time-based spells.

On the contrary, there is a theory in reality that is closer to the current situation. "

Mo Lan thought about it.

"When you throw a ball in the air, the future of the ball is to fall through the air and bounce off the ground again.

This is because of the knowledge of some aspects such as gravity, so it "predicts" the future of the ball in a short period of time.

If you can master some knowledge of force and elasticity, you can also accurately "predict" which angle the ball will bounce in the future, and which person it will hit.

If you have the information of all the stones and sand grains on the ground, the density of the air, the subsequent wind direction, and wind speed, you can "predict" the specific landing point of the ball in the future and the direction when it falls.

If it is calculated that the ball hits itself, then if you turn around in advance to avoid the dodge ball, then you have completed a prediction of the future and the application of its results, avoiding yourself being attacked by a ball.

This method of computing through knowledge and computing power can also be called predicting the future, just like the saying of Laplace’s demon. In theory, the more information you have, the higher the accuracy of predicting the future.

If the dynamics and information of every atom in the universe are mastered, omniscience will be realized, and everything can be calculated and predicted. "

"This is the closest way to predicting the future that I have come into contact with so far, and the method that is most likely to realize the prediction.

Omniscience is impossible to achieve, but relative predictions can still be achieved by virtue of this principle.

The combat algorithm almost has the shadow of this principle. If the development of the combat algorithm is extended to the extreme, it may be able to predict the future, predict the future in battle and be invincible, although after possessing this ability, use it In combat, existing as a combat algorithm is the most violent thing, and it is equivalent to smashing the enemy to death with a nuclear fusion generator stealth technique.

If this is the way to predict the future, then it is normal for me to hide my lack of hidden ability at the god level.

However, predicting the future in this way requires the use of a large amount of computing power, which can even be said to be terrifying. In addition, it also requires specialized knowledge in the calculation formula of the trajectory of microscopic particles, mechanics, gravity and other related fields, and the threshold is extremely high. .

This kind of spell can only be created by scientific research staff, because ordinary professionals do not have this ability, let alone create it, even if it is created, it is useless to teach them. If they can't learn it, they can't learn it. meeting.

This is true for ordinary professionals, not to mention those beasts with no intelligence at all.

And another source of spells, the main source of wild beasts, is the derivation of the spell model that comes with natural gestation and promotion, but natural gestation also needs to talk about basic laws and basic conditions.

This kind of spell that requires a lot of knowledge and computing power cannot be derived by natural derivation at all. In fact, it cannot be created by a single individual. Only a civilization with a complete knowledge system can be bred.

Therefore, it is impossible for the beast to detect the future at all, at least not to detect the future with this calculation method.

That cause and effect? "

"At that time, no obvious causal fluctuations were sensed."

Mo Lan was hesitant to think, but his attainments in causality were far inferior to those in magic and spiritual power, and he hadn't researched thoroughly, so Mo Lan didn't dare to draw a definite conclusion for a while, and could only speculate.

But there is no need to guess blindly, just find a demigod-level monster to do an experiment.

These monsters should all cooperate with the experiment.

Mo Lan hoped that there would be a monster that would not cooperate with the experiment.


Soon, Mo Lan found a demigod-level monster willing to cooperate. This demigod-level monster was aggressive at first, and then started a desperate flight.

It has to be said that these unintelligent monsters are pure, and when they find that they can't beat them, they run away without hesitation at all, and they don't pay attention to face or dignity at all.

For wild beasts, the concept of survival first and the weak preying on the strong couldn't be more normal.

No, this should not be an idea, but a law.


Because the death rate is particularly high if the method of survival first is not followed.

One generation after another dies, and the rest are basically survival first.

Mo Lan found several demigod-level monsters to test him, and Mo Lan chased and killed each demigod-level monster for several rounds.

It has to be said that these monsters are still dedicated to their duties. At least they have done so many experiments with Mo Lan without any complaints. The attitude of each experiment has not changed, and they have tried their best to cooperate with Mo Lan every time.

The experiment went smoothly, but the result was very disappointing, because after many experiments, Mo Lan did not perceive the fluctuation of cause and effect in any one time.

In addition, it has also been verified that in the face of these monsters with super beast instincts, it is really impossible to kill them without crushing strength!

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