"Hey, the system prompts: Congratulations to the player for successfully creating a job, please name the job!"

Lin Wu was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at the broken but still powerful god-level armor, then looked at the attribute panel, and said softly.

"A new job..."

Lin Wo pondered for a long time, and finally the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said softly.

"Then it's called...the pilot."

Lin Wo's voice fell, and the system prompt sounded in Lin Wo's ear again.

"Drip, the system prompts: Named successfully, congratulations to the player for creating a job: Pilot!"

"Drip, system prompt: Congratulations to the player for creating a new profession: Pilot, and congratulations to the player for obtaining the unique growthable title: Pilot Trailblazer (Bronze Level)."

"Hey, the system prompts: Congratulations to the player for expanding the enhanced career, the title of Pilot Trailblazer (Bronze Level) has been promoted, and congratulations to the player for obtaining the title: Pilot Trailblazer (Silver Level)."

"Drip, the system prompts, congratulations on player expansion..."

"Drip, the system prompts, congratulations on player expansion...."

"Hey, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for successfully expanding the pilot career to the level of the gods, the title of Pilot Pioneer (Gold Level) has been promoted, congratulations to the player for obtaining the title: Pilot (Seven Colors)."

Four system prompts in succession, after Lin Wu got the title, he directly became the bronze level equivalent to a professional, soaring to the seven-color level equivalent to the god level!

Lin Wo watched the title quietly. In Lin Wo's perception, the title of the god level is not just a title, it is not just a few words.

Although the word "pilot" still exists on the attribute panel, it is already a real framework in perception, a real core, and even a real symbol!

Lin Wu understands that this is no longer a title, but a priesthood, a rudimentary form of a god. As long as he spreads the profession of pilot, spreads it, and develops it, then with the accumulation of time, " The word "pilot" will directly become a real priesthood, a real god position, and he can use this priesthood and god position to become a professional god or create a divine weapon, so as to master the power of the god level.

Although this point has been confirmed long ago, Lin Wu still couldn't help sighing.

"This game system is really powerful and generous, and the convenience brought by this title system is simply too strong.

The title of any career pioneer may evolve into the prototype of a priesthood or a god position. I don't know how much effort and detours I have saved.

As long as you create a profession, develop it to the level of gods, or develop it to the level of legends and then spread it, as long as it is used on a large scale and used on a large scale, then it will almost inevitably evolve into a priesthood and position, which means career development. Those who are willing to use this will definitely become gods or master the power of gods! "

While feeling the essence of the word "pilot", Lin Wu said softly while thinking hard.

"It must be possible..."

Chapter 1087 God-level pilot

"It must be possible..."

Lin Wu pondered over the word "necessity".

"There is no need to build statues, no need to collect faith, no need to preserve the power of faith, no need to store the power of faith, no need to refine it into a concept, no need to work hard to shape it into a priesthood, no need to work hard Build it into a god.

Each of these steps may be extremely difficult, each step may require countless efforts to study and try, each step may fail, and each step may block your road to becoming a god.

But for players with a system panel, they don't need anything, they just need to create a profession, then spread it, study the profession carefully, and then it is almost inevitable to become a god or master the power of a god.

This f*ck is against the sky, doubling the chance of becoming a god is low-key, and the chance of becoming a god is doubled by ten times or a hundred times.

And this is just a mere title function on the system properties panel..."

Lin Wu smacked his lips, he didn't want to say anything, and there was only one sentence.

"The game system is amazing."

While speaking, Lin Wu opened the property panel and looked at his personal information page.

The occupation column on the personal information page was originally only the mage occupation, but now there is a brand new occupation behind the mage.


And the level of this pilot is impressively higher than the legendary level of the mage profession, he is a god!

Pilot, Lin Wo, god level!

Seeing this, Lin Wo showed a sincere smile on his face, not because he had broken through to the god-level strength.

What really made Lin Wu happy was the recognition of the game system, the recognition of the pilot, and the recognition of the strength behind the control of the armor.

This means that in the determination of the strength of the game system, as long as the pilot has the qualification to control the god-level armor and can control it proficiently, he is a professional of the god-level, no matter what the strength of the pilot is.

This means that this kind of god-level armor has been regarded as part of the strength of a professional, and has become a component, not just a foreign object.

This joy is not only because one's ability has been recognized, nor is it because of the determination of god-level strength, but because the concept is recognized and moved by being recognized.

This is the best reward for the seeker!

At this moment, Lin Wu didn't feel distressed when he looked at the broken god-level armor again.



Oh, it's just broken, it's fine, just fix it.

Lin Wu cheerfully took off this god-level armor, and tapped a few times on its interior and surface. This is a physical button set in consideration of the fact that all automatic programs are dead. Tap the appropriate position in an appropriate sequence. You can unfold this god-level armor and put it into a maintenance state.

After a few light taps, the sound of mechanical tumbling sounded, and there were gaps on the surface of the god-level armor that was only one or two centimeters away, and parts poured out continuously from the gaps, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a gigantic statue with a height of thousands of meters. The humanoid machine is very different from the god-level armor that was less than two meters high at the beginning. If the overall appearance, the location of the damage, and the broken gaps are the same as the original god-level armor, no one would. It is believed to be the same armor.

Expand the maintenance state, why is it called expansion when entering the maintenance state?

This is called unfolding!

This god-level armor itself is thousands of meters high, but Lin Wo folded it up using the exquisite shadow space technology.

This huge body size is the fundamental reason why this god-level armor can accommodate a large number of functional modules, three types of attacks, and several attack methods that can effectively cause damage to gods.

What is worth mentioning is that due to the use of a new shadow space folding technology on the god-level armor, this technology is the latest masterpiece of Lin Wu's research, and the god-level armor is also the first practical application of this technology!

Thanks to this brand-new shadow space technology, although the appearance of the god-level armor in the folded state is only a mere one or two centimeters thick, its actual thickness remains unchanged, and it is still the thickness of thousands of meters. !

This means that any attack that wants to hit Mo Lan's body needs to penetrate not the elemental metal armor one or two centimeters away, but the elemental metal layer hundreds of meters away and the densely packed various powerful shields and drains. , Suction structure.

And this kind of situation does not require space spells. Even using attacks or spells that break space spells is useless. If you want to hurt Mo Lan, who is wearing a god-level armor that is one or two centimeters thick, you must penetrate hundreds of meters thick. The defense layer and the discharge layer.

This can't be said to be awesome, it can only be said to be shameless.

It is only one or two centimeters thick for my own use, but if others want to attack, they have to use a god-level defensive layer that is hundreds of meters thick.


It is as thick as one or two centimeters when needed, and as high as several kilometers when needed.

Old double standard.

Lin Wudi groaned, directly plunged into the huge god-level armor, and inspected the huge god-level armor bit by bit, inch by inch.

Although all the damages were done during the test, and although all the damages were already known, Lin Wo decided to do a comprehensive inspection.

After all, what you know before is what you know before, and it is obtained from previous inspections. However, in the test, the damaged module is generally checked when a single module is damaged. At most, it is only a few modules directly connected to it. It is impossible to do a comprehensive and thorough Troubleshoot.

So Lin Wu still decided to conduct a comprehensive investigation.

Chapter 1098 The money is not important

"Let's rebuild one."

Lin Wo looked at the dilapidated god-level armor, and he really really didn't want to repair it.

Although the main frame is indeed still there, it is too dilapidated to the point of being unusable, and more importantly, the original structure and modules still exist, which will affect the repair and cause more effort to repair .

This is like painting on white paper and continuing the half-painting that has already been drawn, even if the original half-painting is also Lin Wo's.

What's more, this is not a half painting, let alone a half complete painting, but a painting with [-]% of the pixels scattered on the paper.

Oh my god!

Just thinking about the effort it would take to repair it, Lin Wo was desperate.

The materials needed are good. There are the original main body and modules. Although they are broken, they can still be used after repairing and repairing, especially the original repair and recasting of Lin Wu. degree of optimization.

Lin Wo can optimize some of its modules based on the data of this experiment.

And if recasting a god-level armor...

Lin Wu looked up at the thousands of meters high, like a god-level armor on a towering mountain.

Although the normal state of this god-level armor looks less than two meters high, it is indeed several thousand meters high!

Thousands of meters high, not to mention what kind of excellent elemental metals are needed to exert god-level power.

Just to support its weight and maintain its shape, it needs an elemental alloy with very good properties.

After all, god-level armor is a movable armor, and its every move possesses terrifying power under the blessing of its huge mass and size. Ordinary metals can't bear this kind of power at all.

So this kind of armor doesn't mean that it can be made big. If it is placed on the earth...well, there is no extraordinary earth. With the technology at that time, even the shell of this god-level armor could not be made.

The extremely excellent elemental metals and huge volumes require extremely high quality and high quantity at the same time.

Although the Mage Association has completed the modularization and assembly line production of the Taling automated mining system, although the Mage Association has installed quality and Taling automated mining systems in various elemental worlds and abyssal continents, although the Mage Association has suppressed the price of elemental metals. It was less than 5.00% of the original level, and even partially suppressed to below [-]%.

But elemental metal is still elemental metal, and still failed to get ordinary metal, and still didn’t get the price of scrap iron. When the elemental metal was consumed to make this god-level armor, it was consumed by a hill, a hill, so what is the element? A hill made of metal piles, that's a hill made of gold!

Just thinking about it, Lin Wu's heart still twitches slightly, and his heart hurts.

Although the cost of the first test model is often dozens or even hundreds of times that of the subsequent mass production of the assembly line, this second one is not mass production of the assembly line.

On the one hand, reusing various high-grade elemental metals to manufacture this god-level armor can save a lot of effort.

One side is to spend a little more energy, but it has to spend a lot of high-grade elemental metals...

"Forget it, let's spend some time repairing the original one, maybe it can improve the performance a bit.

It doesn't matter what is money or not, elemental metal or not, the main reason is to improve one's ability, now it's not easy to improve one's ability, one has to seize the opportunity.

And this is also to accumulate valuable experience for the future maintenance of god-level armor. "

Lin Wu said after pondering for a long time.

"Well, the most important thing is to improve your ability."

Just as Lin Wu was about to get started, he suddenly found a message on the chat page, so he clicked on it.

"Lin Wo, have you advanced?"

This is Molan.

"Lin Wu, are you so fast?"

This is Lu Bin.

"Huh? How do you know?"

Lin Wu wondered.

"President, I didn't emit any fluctuations, did I?"

"Hey, I can pinch and count."

Lin Wu didn't want to say anything when he heard the words. This is really not Mo Lan's bragging. Mo Lan has mastered the means of cause and effect. Wo seriously doubts that there is no need to count at all.

The causal connection between him and Mo Lan is too heavy, it is estimated that there is such a qualitative change in power that Mo Lan will directly feel it.

Otherwise, Mo Lan would have been paying attention to him all the time?


"Crap, I didn't know it until I saw the frame of Lin Wu's avatar changed."

Lin Wu was taken aback for a moment, and took a closer look. The portraits of himself, Mo Lan, and Lu Bin were framed together, and his own and Mo Lan's were very gorgeous, with a full circle of gorgeous decorative gold borders, and all the colorful rays of light flowing on them , but compared to Lu Bin, it is only a faint golden color. Although there are some decorations, it is quite small.

"Is this just updated? It wasn't there before."

"Yes, it was updated just a day ago. It's a small update that doesn't even have a system announcement. It's just an update post on the forum. In addition, the avatar display can be turned on or off by yourself, and you can set what level of avatar frame to use.

If you don’t set it, the current-level avatar frame will be the default, but you can also set it to use a legendary-level avatar frame, and I didn’t get a god-level avatar frame, so I can only use a legendary-level avatar frame or avatar frame below the legendary level.


Lu Bin explained, Lin Wu was stunned.

"Oh, the colorful ones are god-level, and the golden ones are legendary-level, which is the same as the title level.

I understand. "

Lin Wu nodded.

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