One of the forms of water is the extreme of ice, shouldn't this be the case that produces a low temperature close to absolute zero?

How could it be the other way around? "

Mo Lan frowned thoughtfully.

"Could it be the other way around? The extreme high temperature breeds the extreme low temperature?

The extreme low temperature breeds the extreme high temperature?

Isn't this just nonsense?But how could such a wonderful thing as Lie Magpie be bred in the Fire Elemental Realm? "

Mo Lan sensed the surface and internal temperature of some Lie Que's body, but found that the temperature on the body surface was extremely hot, but this hot and high temperature was only limited to the body surface, and the temperature in the body was in line with the movement of microscopic particles. Extremely low!

There is only a gap of one layer of skin, a distance of only about one millimeter creates a terrifying temperature difference.

This temperature difference is extremely terrifying. It is so terrifying that any material in reality cannot last long under this terrifying temperature. The terrifying temperature difference between inside and outside will directly destroy all materials in the middle.

This is the same as the quarrying method without gunpowder. First burn it with flames, and then water it to cool it. Hard rocks will collapse directly under a short-term extreme temperature difference.

And how hot is an ordinary flame?How cold is the water?

How much is the temperature difference and temperature change?

In the face of the extremely high temperature and the low temperature close to absolute zero in the eyes of legendary elemental life, this temperature and this temperature difference have to be younger brothers. They are not at the same level at all, and they cannot be compared at all.

And Lie Que's thin layer of skin can actually withstand this extremely outrageous temperature difference, and I don't know whether it is because of the magical structure of this layer of skin or because of Lie Que's regular power.

However, most of the two situations exist. The structure of the skin is also very special, and it is also blessed with regular power. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Mo Lan to imagine how to maintain it.

You know, in Mo Lan's understanding, all rules may have to stop at the real absolute zero.

Because all the movement of matter has stopped, can the rules continue to operate?

Although there is no specific experiment, Mo Lan feels that it is very, very dangerous, and it is probably impossible.

Mo Lan shook her head, thinking back to the topic, and said softly.

"Due to the high temperature in other areas directly evacuating energy, when the temperature in other areas rises, the temperature here drops to close to absolute zero?"

Mo Lan shook her head violently.

"It's kind of interesting for a day, but if you look carefully, it's completely nonsense, outrageous.

How did this ferocious magpie come into being? "

Mo Lan couldn't figure it out, and asked after a while.

"Lie Que, why is the temperature in your body so low?

This is abnormally low, the body surface temperature is so high?

Could it be that all the temperature in the body is concentrated on the body surface? "

Lie Que was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then spoke out.

"Your Majesty, this is my innate instinct. I had it when I was born, before I was born with wisdom.

I can transfer the temperature of one area to another area. Before, I could only transfer part of it, and it was very limited, with many restrictions.

But with the breakthrough of my strength, my natural ability became stronger and stronger, and my ability became stronger again when I broke through the legendary level.

This allows me to now transfer almost all of the temperature from one area to another, with very high upper and lower limits for temperature transfer.

And this is a continuous one, so for my own defense and for fighting, I transfer all the temperature in my body to the area of ​​the body surface that is close to the skin.

In order to concentrate the temperature and increase the temperature, I compressed my body to the current size, which allows me to easily raise the body surface temperature to the limit.

In this way, the body surface temperature alone can become a layer of defense. Whether it is an elemental attack or a material attack, it is easy to melt, collapse, or even directly vaporize in the face of this terrifying high temperature. "

Lie Que's words made Mo Lan fall into deep thought, and what it said was exactly the same as what he had imagined before.

Chapter 1067 Time Pause?

"However, although the words are similar, it's just a coincidence. It doesn't explain anything. It's just a coincidence."

Mo Lan shook her head, and continued to think about what Lie Que said just now.

"Innate instinct?"

Mo Lan muttered to herself.

"This special meow is outrageous, the temperature shift?

Direct transfer of temperature from one zone to another?

Isn't this just forcibly extracting the energy of an area?

Thinking about it another way is to create an ice pack close to absolute zero while creating a super high temperature.

The instinctive battle of this talent is also very good. First, the temperature is extracted to create a temperature close to absolute zero, and then the extracted temperature is superimposed on it to directly reach super high temperature.

With this level of temperature difference, what enemy can stop it?

However, if this kind of natural instinct is only used for fighting, it would be a waste of money.

For scientific research, for the study of absolute zero and the principle of extraction temperature, this is where the real value lies. "

Mo Lan let out a long breath.

"Extraction temperature, what is the extraction temperature, what is extracted is the energy of elementary particles!

If the temperature of the organism itself can be extracted, as long as it can be extracted, as long as it can be extracted to a temperature close to absolute zero, then any organism will lose all resistance. "

When Mo Lan thought about it, she asked directly.

"Lie Que, can this natural instinct of yours directly act on other organisms, and directly act on your enemies?"

Lie Que replied directly after hearing the words.

"Yes, Your Majesty, as long as the opponent's strength is not much worse than mine, I can do it.

My enemies generally use this method of temperature extraction to cool and freeze the magma and flames that make up their bodies, which can directly annihilate their lives. "

Since Lie Que lives in the fire element world, the enemies he encounters are basically fire element life forms, so temperature extraction poses a great threat to fire element life forms, and can even be fatal!

Lie Que continued.

"If the opponent's strength exceeds me too much or the resistance is severe, the temperature range of my withdrawal will be affected, or even completely resist my withdrawal."

Mo Lan thought for a moment after hearing this, and then spoke directly to Lie Que.

"In this way, you face me, target me to release your natural instincts, and take away my temperature."

"Your Majesty..."

Lie Que hesitated a little, Mo Lan said lightly as if he glanced at it.

"You don't have to worry, the essence is here, no matter how much you use spells with your strength, it is impossible to cause fatal danger to me.

What's more, what I have in front of you is just a projection formed by a ray of thoughts. There is nothing wrong with breaking them up, and I can condense one again at will.

If you can break up, not only will I not punish you, but I will reward you. "

After Mo Lan finished speaking, Lie Que was finally relieved. The next moment, with Lie Que's gesture, Mo Lan felt a force directly acting on the middle body.

This force is not limited to the surface of the body, but directly penetrates into the body, acting on every part of the body, directly acting on every microcosmic particle that makes up the body.

Mo Lan could feel the effect of this force, and let go of all resistance, ready to try this process of pulling away.

But at this moment, Mo Lan suddenly found that even if he gave up all resistance and completely relaxed, Lie Que couldn't escape even a trace of warmth.

"Your Majesty, your strength is too strong, even if you don't resist, my talent can't take a trace of warmth from you.

Even if you let go of your resistance, your greatness cannot be shaken. "

Mo Lan frowned and shook her head upon hearing this.

"Can't even the projected body extract the temperature?

But it's quite normal. After all, even if it's a projection, it's the projection I condensed as a god-level mage. It's equivalent to the spell I released, and it's even more special.

And as a god-level mage, if the spells I cast can only be shaken by a legendary-level magpie, that would be too outrageous. "

Mo Lan was thinking, and with a thought, a projected body slowly took shape beside him, and then opened his eyes and spoke.

"Release your natural instinct to me. This body is at the legendary level. I removed all the parts above the legendary level. You should be able to."

Lie Que looked at Mo Lan's two projected bodies, and replied aloud.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

As soon as the words fell, Molan felt a force acting on his projection.

After letting go of the resistance, Mo Lan suddenly felt that the power of the projected body was being drawn away. Perhaps because it was a legendary body, the drawing speed was relatively slow, but Lie Que had been drawing without interruption.

After a while, Mo Lan felt that this legendary projected body had fallen into a frozen state. After all the energy was extracted and the movement of microscopic particles tended to stop, everything seemed to be at a standstill.

Muscles stop stretching, pores stop relaxing, mitochondria stop responding...

Everything has come to a standstill, from the inside to the forehead, from the outside to the inside, and only Mo Lan's consciousness is still active and resisting in this body.

At this moment, Mo Lan could feel that his consciousness was that of a god-level mage, so he could still think and function normally.

If it's just the consciousness of an ordinary legendary mage, then the consciousness should stop functioning at this level.

At this moment, Mo Lan suddenly felt that this was not absolute zero, or that Lie Que's talent was not just absolute zero.

Compared with absolute zero, Mo Lan prefers to call this feeling now...

"Time stops."

Mo Lan muttered to himself, but at this moment the horror in his eyes could not be concealed no matter what.

At this moment, a saying that he had heard before emerged in his mind.

"Time does not exist, what exists is only a way of perception, distinction and recording of human beings

Time is just a data used by organisms to record material changes, and time is just a process of material changes.

When all matter stops changing, can it be considered that time has stopped?

When everything returns to normal, can it be considered that time has resumed its flow.

And when all the matter in the world returns to the state of the last second, can it be considered that time has been successfully reversed? "

Countless thoughts came out of his mind, one thought after another, one guess after another, making Mo Lan's heart unable to calm down for a long time.

"So does Lie Que's innate instinct belong to the fire elemental spell or the water elemental spell?

Or is it classified as a time spell? "

Mo Lan was thinking, the thinker, and then shook her head.

"There's no way to define it right now."

Chapter 1068 Sealing a god-level spell? !

"Time Spell..."

Mo Lan muttered to herself, shaking her head.

"You can't draw conclusions hastily, or you will be happy when the time comes, or tentatively set it as an elemental spell, and study it slowly in the future.

Now first stabilize the elemental body. "

Mo Lan thought about it, and at this moment, he suddenly had an idea, and an idea popped up in his heart.

"If the temperature in Lie Que's body is close to absolute zero, all microscopic particles are almost stagnant and no longer move, forming an effect similar to a suppression.

Then is there a possibility that the magic effect will be suppressed if it enters?

Just like a bullet in the stop of time, the bullet freezes in the stop of time, but when time resumes flowing again, the bullet is shot out again, causing damage?

In this way, the bullet can be fired without the firearm itself.

In other words, if Lie Que abandons me, he can directly release some spells that I have stored up in advance? "

Mo Lan thought about it.

"Ordinary spells are meaningless to Lie Que and to me, and it's just a waste of time to reserve them, and they won't help much.

But if it is a god-level spell, such as the micro-element world, the strangle of the four-element world, and the collapse of the world..."

"Then this magpie has a certain strategic significance.

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