Chapter 89 Class Rebound

"The function I want is very simple, just convert the wind element into air.

So I only need to gather elements, magic power, and these two structures responsible for transforming elements, and at most one more is responsible for control.

Other structures...increased wind speed?deleted!

Increase wind pressure?deleted!

control direction?deleted!

deleted! "

The structures were deleted one by one, and finally the model presented in Mo Lan's mind only had nine spell nodes.

Three spell references, five conversion structures, and one central control.

"This should be the ultimate in deletion."

Mo Lan muttered to herself.

"Then what I need to do next is get these three structures running."

Mo Lan looked at the nine spell nodes and took a deep breath.

"Nine nodes, not very difficult, you can try it."

At this moment, the ink cartridge deep in Mo Lan's brain rotates at a high speed, the brain runs, and the system notepad is opened.

Flip through pages and pages of experiment records, and look at every paragraph of text related to spell nodes and magic lines.

Countless words passed through my mind in turn, digested, reviewed, and regurgitated.

Like a cow regurgitating the cud, these experimental records and this knowledge are repeatedly chewed, bit by bit chewed and digested bit by bit.

It didn't take long for Mo Lan to digest it and focus on the nine spell nodes again.

First erase the magic line between the nine spell nodes.

After all was wiped clean, Mo Lan started wiring.

The first is the first part, the three spell nodes responsible for condensing elements or condensing magic.

Mo Lan is familiar with these three spell nodes. Three or two magic lines are completed in three or two strokes, which is basically the basis of each spell model.

There is no need to consider the position of the magic line, just control the thickness of the magic line.

However, the fourth magic thread is the beginning of the difficulty.

Because the fourth magic line is not fixed, this magic line does not have a fixed length or thickness, as long as it does not affect the magic lines and spell nodes behind it, and can form a resonance.

The same is true for the spell nodes. There is no fixed position. It is all up to you to calculate. As long as it is self-consistent, the spell model can be completed.

But no requirement is precisely the most difficult requirement, which means that there is almost no chance of success by chance. Even a six-digit password is easier than this. If you don't know, you don't know, and you can't get it.

Mo Lan was silent for a long time, and the high-speed rotating ink cartridge in his mind showed that he did not stop at all.

Previous notes and knowledge are constantly colliding, mastering, and calculating in my mind.

Finally, Mo Lan slowed down, and the fourth spell node appeared.

Immediately, a magic line naturally connected the spell node.

Mo Lan opened her eyes, got up and walked out of the amphitheater.

At this time, Zou Peng came over.

"The situation in Hongfeng City seems to be a bit wrong. There are rumors that Earl Hongfeng is going to shoot the projector."

"Huh? What's the matter? Wasn't it fine before?"

Mo Lan frowned.

"There are too many aristocrats who have suffered losses. In front of professional game merchants, and even real mall elites, those nobles are too immature.

Although everyone is very restrained and cautious to avoid the interests of the nobles and avoid the sensitive points of the nobles, it is impossible not to pursue interests and make money.

Therefore, even if the interests of the nobles were not violated, their noses still smelled the taste of interests. "

Mo Lan probably knew what the plot development was.

"And then they want to rob? Or make the player bow down and give in?"

Zou Peng nodded strangely.

"Yes, they take it for granted, they are noble by nature."

Mo Lan burst out laughing.

"Isn't the nobility of the nobles due to strength?"

"They are not the military nobles who founded or pioneered the country, they are castle nobles who have been in existence for many years, have been severely decayed, and exude a stench.

So you have to understand. "

Zou Peng smiled.

"Now they are collectively putting pressure on Earl Hongfeng, on the surface it is a request, but in fact they want to force the palace, forcing Earl Hongfeng to cancel the New Deal and restore the ecology to its original state.

Everything belongs to the nobility. "

Mo Lan's face gradually became more cautious.

"This is a counterattack of the noble class against Earl Hongfeng, and it is inevitable.

So what is the attitude of Earl Red Maple now? "

Zou Peng shook his head.

"I don't know. At present, Earl Hongfeng has not expressed any attitude, but the situation is not optimistic."

Mo Lan rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

"You transfer your assets first, don't lose blood, or else I'll have to go to the rooftop to find you."

"How much profit must be hidden behind how much risk."

Zou Peng shook his head.

"Don't go, I think Earl Hongfeng can carry it this time!"

"What if you lose?"

Zou Peng smiled and pointed to the amphitheater.

"It turned out that I was able to create the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce. Now that I have such a good basic plan, will it be worse than before?"

At this moment, a man suddenly stood up and shouted loudly.

"Instructor, I have succeeded in my transfer!"

As soon as the words fell, almost everyone suddenly opened their eyes to look over.

The same is true for Mo Lan and Zou Peng.

"Xu Zongxin?"

When Zou Peng heard the words, he laughed and said to Mo Lan.

"Look, what are you afraid of?"

After speaking, he strode up the stairs.

"Xu Zongxin, right? Offline, one thousand bonus."

After saying that, look around.

"No. 2, five hundred, maybe it only takes one hour for you to earn this extra money, five hundred per hour, do you need me to say anything else?"

Before Zou Peng's words were finished, everyone immediately entered the state, some stared at the transcendent core, and some closed their eyes and tried again.

Xu Zongxin leaned up on the stairs, and after a few minutes, he was shocked and woke up.

"Xu Zongxin."

Mo Lan muttered and smiled.

"Xu Zongxin, come down, don't waste your time, I'll cook a small stove for you."


Xu Zong's news statement showed a hint of surprise, and he walked down quickly, and the others looked sideways, a little envious.

"Others don't have to be envious. Anyone who changes jobs will follow. Those who haven't changed jobs continue to find ways to change jobs. It's useless if you listen.

Zou Peng, you take care of it here first, I'm going down.

Maybe your shares are really going to be given away, haha. "

Mo Lan turned her head and said to Zou Peng, who had just been online.

"Haha, the relationship is good, Xu Zongxin, right? Come on, the shares are waiting for you, as long as you perform well enough, let the instructor give a high enough evaluation.

Not to mention [-]%, more is not impossible, from then on, part-time work has become entrepreneurship. "

"Thank you, Mr. Zou, I will definitely try my best."

With a hint of excitement on Xu Zongxin's face, he straightened his chest and said loudly.

And Mo Lan opened another corridor at the stairs for a long time.

"Xu Zongxin, come here."


Along the corridor, a steady stream of stone wall art was released, and the small classroom took shape little by little, followed by some desks and chairs.

Behind Xu Zongxin, there was a look of yearning and excitement in his eyes.

Chapter 90

"You have an extraordinary core in your head now? It's called a spell slot."

"Yes, it's a wonderful feeling. My mental power seems to be able to come out, like tentacles and eyes."

Xu Zongxin was a little overjoyed.

"It can also be said that mental power can perceive various fluctuations, and can see far more things than eyes, but the scope of vision is limited by mental power.

Of course, tentacles also have properties. Although they cannot directly affect the macroscopic world, they can exert influence in the microscopic field. "

"What are those blue, red, black dots? I seem to be able to move them. Is this going into my body?"

"Stop, don't move."

Mo Lan said quickly after hearing the words.

"It will kill people, it will really kill people, don't look at these light spots, a few can kill you."

"Oh, it's late."

Xu Zongxin covered his chest, his face flushed.

Seeing this, Mo Lan silently covered her face with her hands.

"Forget it, you can rest for a while, alas."

Mo Lan walked out of the room with a sigh, and Zou Peng outside was a little strange to see him come out.

"What's wrong? Just finished teaching?"

Mo Lan patted Zou Peng's shoulder.

"You earned it, it's a talent."


"It will kill you!"

Mo Lan was quite sighed.


"Isn't that bad?"

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