In the situation where one after another four-winged angels are enslaved by cannons and weapons, and when countless artillery fires are exhausted to suppress the seraphs, the seraphs still break through from the blockade to the players. before.

Entering the melee range, all artillery fire becomes restrained, so far...the killing begins!

Nearly ten seraphim rushed into the crowd to kill, destroy the electromagnetic rail gun, destroy various magic circles, and destroy various weapons, which relieved a lot of pressure on the dozens of ordinary angels behind in a short period of time .

So that one after another, four-winged angels also began to break through the obstruction of the artillery fire and appear next to the seraphs. With the addition of the four-winged angels, these angels simply destroyed without restraint after landing.

And the player's current top individual master has only just entered the master level field.

Master-level players can at most resist a little four-winged angel, but the main one is a seraph, comparable to a legendary-level seraph!

Not only is it useless to resist the four-winged angels, but it is also easy to be crushed to death by the seraphim.

Although now you can register an account immediately after deleting the account as long as you purchase the permission, but this is good.

But they are masters after all!

Master level means not only strength, but also means that it will cost more to recover!

At this price, these players are not saying that they are reluctant to die, but that it is unnecessary if the dead Ha is worthless.

At least one life must be exchanged for the capital, and it would be even better if he could make a lot of money.

So at this moment, the seraphim is leading a group of four-winged angels to kill wantonly on the battlefield, and no one can limit it!

At this moment, the commander was watching from the side.

At this moment, Geng Tao was watching from the side.

But the strange thing is that neither the commander nor Geng Tao saw the slightest change in expression, as if he had expected this scene long ago, until......

"Get up!"

The conductor suddenly shouted and said, just for a moment, each player suddenly burst out with force after wave.

These forces surged into the sky in a specific position and a specific structure, and in just an instant, a large formation with the player as the node was directly formed.

And all the seraphs, some of the four-winged world were locked inside the big formation, and all the artillery fire within the range of the big formation stopped, and one player after another turned around to look at the seraphs, with slightly grinning smiles. .

"It was your turn just now, now it's our turn!"

Chapter 1009 Top-level technology: Humans as the team!

Take the lead!

Since the spell node with the power of the elements can be built into a spell model, since the material with the power of the elements can replace the spell node and become a magic circle.

So, can the human body, as possessing elemental power, become a magic node and form a magic circle with people?

Undoubtedly, this is feasible, because from the very beginning, the knight squad and the mage group created by Mo Lan all use this principle to resonate and cast spells.

Using humans as spell nodes to form spells, the power of all people is brought together in the form of spell models.

The method adopted by the Knight Squad is based on the same spell model that is constant in each fighter, so as to achieve resonance, and treat them as spell nodes of the same spell model with a high degree of similarity.

The magic casting of the mage group is the node where the mage controls the spell to become another spell model after the mage releases the spell.

If it is said that the mage group is far away from the human body as a node for casting spells, but the resonance mode of the knight squad is almost using the human body as a spell model node, which is only a layer of window paper away from the real human body as a spell node.

At the beginning, Mo Lan studied the initial stage, but did not study it in depth.

But other players, other mages noticed, and tried a lot, at great cost.

Starting from the aboriginal knight squad and knight secrets, in-depth study of spell models and magic circles is constant, so as to find a way out of building magic circles with people.

The two biggest problems with forming a magic circle with people are that each person is a living body with his own consciousness, and the energy in the conscious body will be affected and branded by consciousness when it is subtly subtle.

So it seems that the elemental power is the same, but it is actually different.

It is extremely difficult for different energies to form a stable magic circle. Every energy that is rendered by human consciousness is prone to collision and conflict. It is fine if the number is small, but the greater the power of the magic circle, the better the effect The more spell nodes, that is, the more people are needed, the more different energies are, and the difficulty increases exponentially.

The second problem is the tacit understanding and real-time calculation accuracy.

The magic circle is an extremely delicate structure, and every part in such a highly sophisticated structure can be built, which is simply a very, very scary thing.

This means that anyone who moves may cause the power of the magic circle to change, slightly reduce the power a little, and seriously reduce the power, or even reverse the effect, or it is impossible to form a spell at all.

And if every position is fixed, then it is meaningless to use people to form a magic circle. The biggest use of studying people to form a magic circle is flexibility.

Whether it is the location of the formation or the double flexibility of the type of formation.

What is the ideal state to be in an array?

It is to form any magic circle in the shortest time at any time and any place!

If it really succeeds, what a terrifying thing it will be?

The power of the magic circle is far more than a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times that of the spell released by a single person. The biggest limitation is that it needs to be arranged in advance. Once it is arranged and cannot be moved, it is almost impossible to change the type of the magic circle.

This is also impossible here, the reason why I want to add almost is because just now Mo Lan modified a large-scale constant magic circle in front of all the players... There is no way, I can only change the impossible to almost impossible It's possible, be careful.

But there is only one Mo Lan. People who have this ability to change the constant magic circle don't know if it will exceed the number of hands, and even if it exceeds, the deviation will not be too big.

In this case, the inability to move and change after the magic circle is arranged is the biggest flaw.

After all, the enemy knows how to shoot, and will not foolishly get into the magic circle.

After all, once the magic circle is arranged, it will definitely leave traces, and the energy fluctuation of the magic circle can be directly felt if it is rough.

There are a lot of clues in those that are carefully arranged and especially camouflaged. After all, arranging a magic circle is a huge project, and the more you do, the more traces will be left. It is difficult to hide it from others.

But if it is possible to form an array of people, these problems will not be a problem. Not only will it directly obtain the power of the magic circle far beyond ordinary spells, but it will also perfectly solve the shortcomings of the magic circle that cannot be moved or changed.

Of course, it may be difficult to transform into any kind of magic circle, but if it can be transformed into several different types of magic circles, only one or two of each type of magic circle is fine, which can also meet the needs of use.

Of course, this is very difficult. If you want to form an array with people, you must solve the problem of people moving.

In the magic circle, if one person moves, all the people who make up the magic circle must move together, and they are not moving blindly.

You have to know the direction of that person's movement before he moves, and then calculate the relative positions of all the spell nodes and yourself, and move together, always maintaining a fixed relative distance and relative angle.

This is simply a nightmare!

But as long as the thinking doesn't slip, the problem... ahem, there are always more solutions than problems.

Both of these problems have been solved, not by the Mage Association, but by a top-level guild's research room.

In this way, he has mastered the top-level technology of extremely high strategic significance.

This is a top-level strategic technology that is not inferior to the Floating Void City and the meaning of the demiplane. It belongs to the technology that can allow a civilization to gain a foothold.

Mo Lan was very surprised when he heard it, because he knew how difficult it would be after just a few glances.

But this was still solved by the research room of a top guild, which doubled the market value of that top guild several times in an instant.

This made Mo Lan very happy, because top-notch technologies are also appearing in places other than the Mage Association. This is not a challenge to the status of the Mage Association, but the gradual growth and maturity of the Mage civilization!

A mature civilization cannot only have the Mage Association. A mature civilization must have a hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contending. It must have countless talents, and a mountain is higher than a mountain!

And the next point at that time made Mo Lan even more joyful.

That is, this top-level guild did not hide its secrets after researching this technology, but chose to register a patent and use it in the form of authorization for other guilds.

Although the value of authorized use is very, very high, Mo Lan is still very happy.

They have the technology and they deserve to make money, the more the better.

And only in this way will there be more top-level technologies appearing in a steady stream, instead of stopping here.

For this reason, Mo Lan also personally ordered to use the power of the Mage Association to crack down on a group of very difficult infringers for this top guild.

Directly using unreasonable heavy punches to surface his clear stand!

Of course, this top guild is definitely not Geng Tao, Geng Tao just bought a license.


Chapter 1010 Angel Feather!


Of course, this is not mocking the Niehuo Guild, nor is it mocking Geng Tao... Well, it is mocking Geng Tao.

All in all, the technology developed by the top guild has now been licensed. Although it is really expensive, it is so expensive that the bosses of these guilds feel distressed.

But there is no way, even if you don't want to buy this kind of unique business, you have to buy it at a painful price.

Others have it, but you don't, so wait to be beaten.

There is no peace between top guilds and top guilds.

Which top guild didn't come out of the bloody battle?

Even Geng Tao is the same, don't look at Geng Tao's usual naivety, you must know that Geng Tao is the one who planned to steal the treasure house of the Morse Kingdom, if Mo Lan hadn't intervened, other guilds in the capital would have killed him. After conquering the capital, the most precious and most valuable things have already been quietly taken away by Geng Tao. He looks naive and may become the president. Bold, careful, and flexible in the bottom line, it's just that in front of Mo Lan, he has always shown kindness and naive criticism.

It's different, because there's an old saying that when you're rich, everyone in the world is good, but when you don't have money...

So the top guilds are basically authorized to use this technology, only there are some differences in the type of magic circle.

Since the current technology is not particularly mature, it is difficult and costly to train, so these top guilds generally only select a comprehensive large-scale magic circle for specialized training.

Strengthen one, instead of blindly choosing multiple magic circles to train, otherwise the human and financial costs are too high, even the top guilds can't afford it.

As for how the general guild chooses the magic circle...

Ordinary guilds are not eligible to play this.

And Geng Tao's guild chose a suppressive and defensive magic circle.

When the magic circle is turned on, it can suppress the interior with high intensity, and at the same time, it will also form a high-intensity substantial shield to resist internal and external attacks.

Generally speaking, this magic circle has no offensive ability at all, and all the magic nodes are focused on suppression and defense.

So much so that the effect of suppression is very superior, even for powerful enemies that cannot be suppressed, it can also slow down and weaken them.

At this moment, the power of an entire player legion gathered together to outline a large magic circle.

Generally speaking, magic circles of this level will only appear on permanent buildings that have been in operation for a long time or that have been constructed with great effort.

For example, the current mage tower, such as some magic castles, also needs some guild residences.

But at this moment, a magic circle of this level directly appeared on the battlefield!

This is simply an illegal level of operation. When defending, it can let others try the power of the eternal fortress!

The moment this large magic circle was completed, a powerful suppressive force enveloped it, forming a huge sealed space here in an instant.

And the sealing of this space is from the outside to the inside, and the external sealing is completed in an instant, and it quickly spreads to the inside and is strengthened.

In this process, several extremely fast two-winged angels were affected. The two-winged angels were directly broken and turned into minced meat under the pressure of suppression, and even their soul and mental power were directly crushed!

Although this magic circle doesn't have any attack power, it's only relatively speaking, for elite two-winged angels.

I'm sorry, even a single stream of energy from a magic circle of this level can kill them.

After killing a few two-winged angels, the suppressing force fell instantly and suppressed the four-winged angels and seraphs within the range of the magic circle.

When the suppressive force came down, these angels reacted instantly, scattered and avoided in an instant, and at the same time, combined attacks quickly bombed in all directions.

But when the suppressive force came, the four-winged angel froze like a bug falling into the amber.

And the seraphim is worthy of the legendary level, even in the face of this terrifying force of the magic circle, it has not lost its ability to move, still flying within the range of the magic circle, and continuously attacking!

Seeing this, Geng Tao grinned slightly and waved his palm!


As soon as the words fell, the roar of electromagnetic rail guns rang out, shells fired, lasers fired again and again, and the four-winged angels within the suppression range of the magic circle were directly turned into blood mist or evaporated.

The electromagnetic rail gun itself has the ability to kill four-winged angels. The only problem is hitting, that's all.

And under the suppressing effect of the magic circle, the four-winged angel couldn't move at all. This was no longer killing, but calling names on the shooting range!

This is why Geng Tao did not choose the attacker's circle.

The offensive magic circle consumes a lot of money, has a short duration, has a single effect, and has no defensive effect.

Yes, the offensive magic circle is powerful, but it's actually not that suitable.

And in Geng Tao's view, today's weapons are advanced, all kinds of weapons, group attack, individual, defensive, offensive, one weapon after another is a ready-made attack method, there is no need to occupy the law The space of the array reduces the effect of the array.

However, the four-winged angels are easy to clean up, but the six-winged world is not easy to deal with. It is a big qualitative change from the master level to the legendary level.

The master level is just a bug in amber in front of this level of magic circle, but the legendary level can still join forces to resist the suppressing force even during the suppression, but the speed, flexibility, detection ability, etc. will be greatly suppressed by the magic circle.

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