call out!

A wind blade technique broke through the air and landed directly on the northernmost wall.

The strong wind whistled in the underground space, and Mo Lan, who was tense, felt the structure of the underground space.

Still solid!


A fireball landed directly on the north wall.


With an explosion, Mo Lan quickly felt the structure of the underground space.

Still solid!

Mo Lan finally smiled and spread her hands.

"Welcome to Mo Lan's underground spell testing ground!"

Chapter 84 Crazy Mo Lan

Mo Lan's game life is always boring, no monsters, no pk, no tasks, and no interaction.

There is only one wall and one after another burst of spells.

Use the wind blade technique to attack the wall one hundred times. If the magic power is exhausted in the middle, restore the magic power. While recovering the magic power, recall the feeling of releasing the spell before, sum up the experience, digest it, and continue to use the magic power to cast the magic when the magic power is recovered.

After the end of the wind blade technique one hundred times, Mo Lan continued the fireball technique one hundred times, and summed up the improvement when the magic power was exhausted.

Resist Ring of Fire....Blaster....Stoneskin....Bear's Fortitude...Water Shield...Wall of Fire...

Each spell is released a hundred times, and the commonly used spells are released in turn. Each release summarizes the experience, and strives to do better next time.

I often hear people say that the job should be chosen according to one's own interests.

In fact, when a hobby becomes a career, it ceases to be a hobby.

This is true of work, and the same is true of playing games.

Therefore, Mo Lan believes that there is a sentence that is more specific and appropriate.

"Don't try to turn your hobby into a job, because then you'll lose a hobby.

But you can look for interests at work, because then you can add an interest. "

This is the case with Mo Lan, who can feel her progress and gains in detail when casting spells.

Perhaps the casting speed has increased by [-] seconds.

Maybe it's the feeling of casting spells more smoothly.

Maybe it's the conclusion that I have a deeper understanding of this spell model.

The accumulation bit by bit made Mo Lan feel relaxed, and under the stimulation of progress, Mo Lan even felt a little happy, not just boring.

Of course, Mo Lan sometimes feels unbearable.

Once faced with such a situation, Mo Lan will forcefully restrain himself. Only by being able to endure loneliness can he achieve success. This rule applies to playing games.

Of course, sometimes it's really unbearable that Mo Lan has his own adjustment method.

Take a piece of brown bread, soak it in water and eat it together, then leave the spell training ground, leave the third hole, and return to the tunnel below.

This time, I didn't follow the fixed direction, I just found a corner and used the earth wall technique to open a corridor.

The corridor is also not straight, it may go up, it may go down, left, right, the whole corridor is crooked, and the direction depends on Mo Lan's mood.

Or if you don't want to go in this direction, go in another direction.

Make a hole here, make a hole there, this place dozens of meters underground is a pure land without anyone, there is nothing, there is no pressure, let Mo Lan Sahuan make a hole.

As soon as he vented, his mind was relaxed, and Mo Lan would return to the spell training ground above the third cave to continue the previous training.

However, take the time to strengthen and stabilize the walls and ceilings before training to avoid collapse events.

And time is passing day by day in this kind of life, and there is only talk with three roommates in the group. In the eyes of others, Mo Lan seems to have disappeared without any news.

And this kind of life until the news of Zou Peng came.

"OK, I'll be there soon."

Mo Lan looked at the stone wall in front of her, wiped a sweat, and started walking back.

"Left, left, right, left, right, left, front..."

Mo Lan is full of confidence in the shuttle in the seven-turn and eight-circle corridor.

When he was bored and lost his way before, he opened up these tunnels in all directions and depths and connected them together.


Mo Lan's tone became more and more hesitant and procrastination.

In the end, I sat silently at an intersection, looking at the two passages that seemed familiar in front of me and fell into contemplation.

"Who am I, where am I? How should I go?"

Open the chat group silently.

"@Zou Peng, I said I was lost, do you believe it?"

Zou Peng: "?? Where are you?"

Mo Lan covered her face and typed two words silently.

"at home."

Zou Peng: "???"

Ding Jin: "??"

Zhang Haobo: "?"

Zou Peng: "Maybe I didn't understand what you meant. You said you were at home... lost?"

"Um, yes. (//?//)"

Ding Jin: "Is this a new way to show off your wealth?"

Zhang Haobo: "Big brother, love love."

Mo Lan fell into silence, suddenly not knowing how to explain.

"Forget it, I can't explain clearly. Come to my house. When you arrive, find Al and ask him to bring you to this room on the first floor."

Zou Peng: "Okay, wait for me."

Ding Jin: "Come on."

As a result, the group chat was quiet for three or ten minutes and then became lively again.

Zou Peng: "Where am I?"

Ding Jin: "Where am I?"

Zhang Haobo: "Where am I?"

"??? You are not together?"

As soon as Mo Lan's words came out, the group suddenly became quiet.

Zou Peng: "We think we should remember the way, so we look for you separately."

"And then? That's it?"

The group chat was quiet for a few seconds, and finally the angry expression pack was output frantically.

Ding Jin: "(▼Ware▼#)"

Zhang Haobo: "(ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻"

Zou Peng: "Brother, how did you do it?"

"Great, hehe."

"You're a goddamn talent."

"Thank you for the compliment (/ω\)."

"Go away, get us out now, right now, right away!"

Mo Lan blinked, suddenly remembered something, and reminded.

"By the way, don't attack the tunnel too hard, it will collapse.

I promise, you can't get out if you die, well, you can't get out if you die. "


"Forget it, let's call, I'll follow the sound and make a hole."

Mo Lan didn't delay any longer, listened carefully to the voice, and then directly started to draw the earth wall technique.

The fingers danced instinctively, and spread out along a corridor of sound.

The corridor quickly took shape, and it came to Zou Peng's side in a short while. After mentally sensing Zou Peng's breath, he changed his path slightly and joined the howling Zou Peng.

One by one, one by one, after a lot of effort, the four finally converged.

"How do we get out now?"

"do not know."

Mo Lan said simply, and the three looked at each other.

"beat him!"

"Resist the Ring of Fire!"

Almost at the same time, without waiting for the three to start, the resistance fire ring in the spell slot was activated directly, and the three flew out along the passage.


"Hey, sorry, sorry, it's fast."

Mo Lan said with a grin while wearing the stone skin technique.

"beat him!"

"Resist the Ring of Fire!"


The three of them were kicked out before they rushed over.

"Hey, sorry, subconscious action, subconscious action."

Half an hour later, the three of them walked to the ground with soft fists, and Mo Lan walked out with a bruised nose and a swollen face behind them.

"I remember you!"

"Hey, I said how on earth did you do it? It's okay to dig such a deep hole, and you even lost your way."

Mo Lan touched her nose when she heard the words.

"If I get lost too much, I'll open a new way out. If I get too many times, that's it. It's a three-dimensional irregular labyrinth with the same walls and corners."

"You're still proud, can you come out on your own?"

"I can't, isn't this right? If you can't get out yourself, can others get out?"

Mo Lan suddenly reacted, becoming more and more proud, and the tone of his speech became more assertive, and he added a sentence after speaking.

"I meant it from the beginning, eh."

Chapter 85 Castle Auction

"Mo Lan, where is the limit of your stone wall technique?"

While walking, Zou Peng suddenly asked, and Mo Lan was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

"What limit are you asking about? Depth? Strength?"

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