And at this moment, the floating city escaped from the space channel and entered the abyss world.

At this moment, the floating city directly lost its power to float, and the power of anti-gravity given to the floating city by the anti-gravity rules disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, the extremely heavy and extremely dense floating city suddenly fell, as if it was about to fall into the mortal world.

And with the weight and density of the floating city, the power erupting from the high altitude to the ground at this moment will become terrifying or outrageous.

However, Mo Lan was not surprised at all, or it could be said that Mo Lan had already expected this scene and had already made relevant preparations.

I saw Mo Lan, who was sitting on the demon throne, stretched out his hand, and in an instant, the terrifying power directly turned into a huge demon claw with a length of 2000 meters.

The Devil's Claw held the Floating Void City immediately, but even the god-level Devil's Claw immediately pressed down on the Floating Void City.

"It's really heavy. This is really the first phase. When everything is completed, let alone smashing it, it can crush a god to death."

Mo Lan muttered, of course, he was just joking.

The god of death can be crushed by weight alone, but it is impossible to crush the god of death. No god will stand still for you to crush, let alone if you are crushed, the ground will not be able to hold it.

It can only be said that with the current tonnage of the Floating Void City, when it is fully constructed, with that terrifying weight, just the impact will be a god-level attack.

"In this way, the difficulty of maintaining floating will increase a lot, and the energy consumption will be very large, but such a floating city has no energy defense, even if it is just a body, it cannot be shaken by gods, right?

For this level of density, I will use soil elements to reinforce it later, and find a way to adjust the microstructure. The gods will penetrate a few meters or a dozen meters at most. The thickness of the first phase is hundreds of meters and the length and width of thousands of meters. , They can't beat them even if they are exhausted.

Sure enough, the density and volume can suppress everything. If the density and volume can reach the neutron star level, there is no need to panic when anything comes. "

Mo Lan tightened the devil's claws, feeling the hardness of the floating city, and said with satisfaction.

The current strength of the floating city has initially reached Mo Lan's design standards.

Only a floating city of this strength is eligible to enter the starry sky. Even if the energy shield is blown that day, a floating city of this strength can withstand the meteorite bombardment.

Mo Lan supported the floating city and lowered it slowly, and placed it directly on the shore of the abyss inside the mainland.

Mo Lan stood above the floating city and looked down at the floating city. Through the surface of the floating city, Mo Lan saw the world foundation that was always in the city foundation.

"Using earth and rocks to carry the foundation of the world."

Mo Lan said softly.

"If the current Floating Void City is only at the first stage, it is only a prototype, an embryo.

Then maybe starting today, the floating city will officially enter the growth period and start the road of growth.

It will also officially break free from the barriers, break away from the shackles of the main material world, and become a real floating city that can travel proudly in all worlds, has strong strength in all worlds, and represents the sphere of influence of mages! "

In fact, before this, or so far, floating cities can only float in the main material world, and can be called floating cities. After breaking away from the main material world, in other worlds, floating cities can only be regarded as a ground. It is impossible for a city or a ground fortress to fly or float in the air.

Because the basis of the floating city is not the floating spell, but the anti-gravity rule crystal ball loaded inside the floating city, because of the anti-gravity rule inside the crystal ball.

The fission oven is just the source of energy driving the anti-gravity rules, and the crystal ball of the anti-gravity rules is the complete projection of the anti-gravity rules, so in essence, this is the direct use and utilization of the rules.

This is to use the anti-gravity rules to offset the gravity of the floating city, and even reverse the gravity, so that even the gods will feel that the huge city is suspended above the nine heavens!

Because the anti-gravity rule itself is a power at the level of gods, when lifting the floating city, it also uses the gravity of the main material world itself, so it can easily lift the floating city.

Floating Void City Floating Sky is the power of the world, governing the rules of the world and utilizing the gravity of the world.

If it is only limited to the main material world, there is no problem. The only problem is the Titan who is in charge of the anti-gravity rules and gravity rules, but the problem is not big. He can't beat Mo Lan. Just talk about it.

But it is impossible for Mo Lan itself to be limited to the main material world. Mo Lan's vision is in the universe and starry sky, which is the endless world.

So Mo Lan will definitely solve the problem of being limited by the world.

Fission ovens were one, and now they're another.

Chapter 933 Create a World!

"Use soil and rock as the foundation of the world, and use soil and rock to carry the world!"

Soft words resounded in Mo Lan's mouth. With one hand, Mo Lan held up the origin of the abyss continent, the size of a basketball. With the other hand, he directly grabbed a quarter-sized ball from the origin of the world, and used it to manipulate the base of the floating city. Core point.

"Earth and rock are the foundation of the world!"

The moment Mo Lan's voice fell, the source of heaven and earth submerged into the core of the floating city and spread directly.

At this moment, the entire foundation of the Floating Void City changed, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that nothing had changed, but it really did change.

All of this was within Mo Lan's expectation. Mo Lan's movements did not change at all, and he directly grabbed a quarter of the origin point of heaven and earth again and entered the center of the city foundation, and soft words rang out from Mo Lan's mouth again.

"Use earth to carry fire, and fire should be the energy of the world!"

As soon as Mo Lan's voice fell, the quarter of the world's origin that sank into the center of the earth directly turned into a wave of heat from the origin and blessed the earth.

The terrifying heat spread, and the extremely dense rock instantly melted and turned into magma.

At the beginning, the magma was only the size of a fist, but with the passage of time, the magma spread little by little, and soon, a large magma was formed inside the city foundation, which contained violent, fiery power.

The temperature belonging to magma spreads outward and upward bit by bit.

When Mo Lan saw this scene, his face remained unchanged, but there seemed to be a faint smile on his face. Mo Lan grabbed a quarter of the origin of the world again, and then tapped lightly.

"With fire and water, water should be the vitality of the world!"

A quarter of the origin of heaven and earth fell into the city foundation and quickly turned into a huge mass of water. The water boiled and rolled rapidly under the burning of the magma.

During this process, the water flows continuously, forming a series of boiling underground water veins, and the high-temperature boiling water forms water vapor that rises continuously, and finally rises from the ground to the sky, where it gathers into clouds.

In this process, the concept of heaven has been formed.

There is sky and earth, although the Floating Void City is only a million square meters, it has truly become a small world.

Super tiny world.

After all, there is heaven and earth, and all things are derived from heaven and earth. Although its space is small, even smaller than many small spaces, its personality is high and its upper limit is high. It is indeed a small world.

However, although it can be called a small world now, strictly speaking, it is only a "dead" small world, an incomplete small world.

In the future evolution, this small world is likely to collapse and fall into destruction because of this incompleteness.

Of course, it is also possible to complete the last link in the natural evolution and be completely promoted to a truly complete world.


Mo Lan looked at the last quarter of the source of heaven and earth left in his hand, tapped lightly towards the base of the floating city, and said softly.

"Turn water into wind, wind is the vitality of heaven and earth!"

At this moment, a gust of wind emerged out of nowhere above the base of the floating city!

Water vapor rolls, blows away, gathers, rubs, and collides in the strong wind.


The thunder exploded on the base of the city, and after the first thunder was heard between heaven and earth, heavy rain poured down.

The violent wind and torrential rain engulfed the entire Floating Void City, unscrupulously testing the drainage system of the Floating Void City.

The lingering vigor and vitality in the floating city under the violent wind and torrential rain is indeed gratifying.

At the moment when the gust of wind howled just now, it symbolized the complete completion of the concept of the sky, and the flames at the core of the earth gathered in the sky, turning into a fireball and shining brightly on the earth.

However, at this moment, Mo Lan's face turned cold, and with a light tap of his finger, the water vapor boiled!

The water veins at the core of the earth turned into an ice ball that absorbed the brilliance of the fireball at high altitude, and then turned into warm light again and fell down to nourish all living beings.

At this moment, Mo Lan's face looked a little better, and at this moment, the floating city was on the ground.


The four origins gather together, and the four rules are like the pillars supporting the sky to support this complete small world.

Mo Lan looked intently, there were space nodes opening up in the depths of the earth and in the sky at the end of the sky, four space nodes, four kinds of space origin poured into it, and quickly transformed into a majestic force to expand and fill ,evolution.

After a short while, the smaller elemental realms in the four directions appeared in the world of the floating city, the core of which contained the origin of the four elements, and even the peripheral areas of the elemental realms were surrounded by a strong elemental force.

These four elemental worlds are directly inserted into the depths of the void like roots. The depths of the void are filled with violent chaotic power, and all matter and energy will be completely torn apart and assimilated inside!

However, the four elemental worlds are rooted in it like stubborn stones in the sea, and the violent chaotic power cannot crush or assimilate it. On the contrary, the four elemental worlds suppress the chaotic power instead, shatter it and then destroy Inhale the center of the four elemental circles.

In this way, wisps of violent chaotic breath were absorbed by the four elemental worlds, and then, under the collision, crushing, and smelting of the four major elemental worlds, they turned into strands of elements and entered different elemental worlds.

These elements seem to still inherit the rage of the chaotic power, and are extremely lethal, destructive, and unstable. Normal flesh and blood creatures and ordinary substances will be torn apart in it, unable to survive, unable to maintain a normal structure, It will be dismantled and shredded by it from the most basic elemental level.

And these berserk elemental forces permeated the elemental world and were suppressed by the elemental world. Some were forcibly sucked into the elemental world to repair and strengthen the elemental world, and some were suppressed in it and slowly settled.

As time slowly passed, more and more violent elements were suppressed and precipitated. When the precipitated violent elements became so thick that the mechanism gradually thickened and turned into a sediment layer, traces of stable elements rose up and gathered in the elemental world The sky above, through the sky a little bit into the small world of the floating city.

Most of the elements are absorbed by the earth, fire, feng shui, and a variety of substances are evolved between the heaven and the earth according to certain rules, while a smaller part of the elements are overflowed between the heaven and the earth, turning into the power of the elements between the heaven and the earth and the natural environment. That is, generally speaking, the power of elements that creatures can perceive and use, and the elements used by mages to release spells also belong to this part.

But at this moment, after the small world is continuously absorbing the power of stable elements gushing out from the element world, it symbolizes that the power of earth, fire, and feng shui are all increasing and becoming stronger, which symbolizes the growth and strength of the world. growing up.

One world!

Chapter 934 Floating Void City (Growable)


The earth absorbs the earth elements diffused from the element world. Under the regular transformation, the earth elements turn into soil according to a certain structure and appear above the high-density, high-quality hard rock of the city foundation.

The earth is growing!

The lava deep in the earth absorbs the fire element diffused from the elemental world, the temperature of the magma rises little by little, and flows in the earth, just like the heart of the earth, the blood vessels of the earth, surging with violent power, and in the process again, the magma in the sky The fireball also grows at the same time, spreading warmth all over the earth.

The flame is also growing.

Water and wind are also growing. During this process, the power of heaven and earth is also growing, and everything is growing in a good direction. Only the fireball that strengthens simultaneously and sprinkles warmth to the earth makes Mo Lan's face slightly gloomy.

When Mo Lan fixed his eyes on the fireball, a thought naturally appeared in his mind.


The current fireball is far from worthy of the name of the sun, but this idea naturally emerged in Mo Lan's mind, because in this small world, the fireball represents the concept of the sun.

In fact, it is a good thing for the sun to exist in one world, one world.

The existence of the sun, sprinkled with brilliance, symbolizes vitality, and is a very important part of the world cycle. A world with the sun is completely different from a world without the sun.

Otherwise, the Abyssal Continent would not allow the invasion of the sun's rules and the concept of the sun.

If it is only harmful and powerless to the Abyss Continent, even if the world of the Abyss Continent has no consciousness, it will not be allowed to invade successfully.

Calling it invasion is actually just a concept given to it by the creature itself. In fact, this situation should be called integration.

A kind of rule that did not exist in the world is integrated into the world. Although this will bring many disadvantages to the world, there are also many benefits. The most obvious is the addition of external forces and the addition of new rules to strengthen the power of the world and the essence of the world.

From this perspective, the appearance of the fireball that symbolizes the sun is also a good thing, a completely good thing.

"As long as I completely kill the alien sun god behind me, as long as I cut off the connection between the concept of the sun and the alien sun god, then this will become a completely good thing!

If I can bring that alien sun god inside the Floating Void City and kill it, I can even make the Floating Void City absorb all of its power directly through the connected sun concept, making it the food for the growth of the world and a part of the power of the world. members.

As long as this is the case, this alien sun god can become a good person through and through! "

Mo Lan looked at the round of fireball that symbolized the concept of the sun, and said unhappily, there is no way to solve this problem now, so he can only comfort himself with harsh words.

But unlike talking harsh words, Mo Lan really intends to do this, Mo Lan really intends to solve the god who caused this problem!

If you can't solve the problem, then solve your god!

Annoyed, Mo Lan looked away and landed on the ground, frowning slightly at the newly derived soil.

If Mo Lan really intends to create a world, then this is a good thing and there is no need for any interference.

It's like if Mo Lan's own illusory world is realized, it will naturally generate soil to increase the land area, then this will only be a good thing.

Heaven and earth, heaven and earth, one day and one land, the growth of land area means the growth of world power, which means the growth of the boundary of heaven, no matter from which point of view it is a good thing.

But not in the floating city.

This point is the same as when Mo Lan called the floating city Xiaotiandi a floating city, and directly omitted the words Xiaotiandi.

In Mo Lan's view, the Floating Void City is still a Floating Void City even after opening up a small world, with the Floating Void City as the main body.

While the floating city has the function of life, it is more used for fighting!

The floating city is a battle fortress used to suppress the background of the human race or a battle fortress used by mages to detect alien worlds and conduct large-scale experiments. Life is both.

Therefore, the normal development route of heaven and earth cannot be applied above the floating city at all, and the natural growth of the soil is also not applicable.

To put it simply, the lowest level enemies that the Floating Void City will have to face in the future are also gods.

And a god's blow can easily flatten a city on the ground of the main material world, and can easily create an abyss.

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