"If it is really realized, it will become a brand new era just like the age of steam, the age of electricity, and the age of information. This era is called the extraordinary era, the era where everyone is extraordinary!

Just as everyone can enjoy the convenience brought by the electrical age and the information age, every industry in the extraordinary era can enjoy the convenience brought by the extraordinary. "

Mo Lan calmed down and thought slowly.

"Of course, none of this has anything to do with the Demon Throne."

Mo Lan looked down at the Demon Throne, feeling the chaotic abyss power and the pure abyss world power.

"These spells cannot be realized by the Demon Throne. The power of the abyss, which is inherently chaotic, may still be good at releasing offensive spells. If you want to release spells that require extremely fine control, such as washing and bathing, you will never be able to do so in your next life." think.

Not to mention those who rely on the system to obtain extraordinary power, even I can't do it. This is a drawback brought about by the power itself.

However, if I can use the Demon Throne to domesticate the power of the abyss to build this entire professional system, then I might not be able to refer to the model of the power of the abyss and the demon throne, and use elements or the priesthood of the magician as the source of power. Instead of the power of the abyss, replace the demon throne with the floating city.

In this way, maybe I can construct a set of fool-style mage career system suitable for all ordinary people and ordinary people, just like software, where I don’t know where to click. "

Mo Lan muttered to herself.

"Now the power of the abyss and the throne of the devil are ready-made conditions here, and everything is ready. If it can be constructed, it will prove that this road is feasible. Then I can lay the foundation for the mage profession to replenish the structure and accumulate experience."

Mo Lan immediately made a decision in her heart, decided to make this Demon Throne System, and immediately began to think. After thinking for a while, Mo Lan came up with the best solution, which can be said to be extremely fast.

"Am I stupid? What am I thinking here?

I am only a part now, just a clone, and my consciousness is not complete. Why should I think about such a difficult problem?Have nothing to do?

This kind of question is obviously to be left to the complete me to do it?

I'm sorry, the complete me, this matter... I'd better leave it all to you! "

After thinking about it, Mo Lan immediately felt at ease. Leaning on the Demon Throne, she suddenly noticed something and glanced at it.

"Huh? Player? Did you see me just now? You ran to me."

Mo Lan didn't care, and was about to leave immediately, but one of his eyes made the group of players feel as cold as bone-chilling. It wasn't until Mo Lan looked away that he was relieved, but when they saw the huge pool of blood below, they instantly became excited !

Chapter 833 Blood Pool Network and Abyss Demon God!

"Such shameless and helpless thoughts are really me?"

Mo Lan couldn't help falling into contemplation after connecting with the clone consciousness, because the previous inspirations and solutions had been integrated into his thinking.

"What kind of solution is this? Wait, is this really my clone?

How could such an industrious and hard-working person like me give birth to such a clone and idea of ​​fishing for fish?

The most unbelievable thing is that it is nothing more than paddling in other people's water and touching other people's fish, but this kind of person actually touches his own fish and paddles in his own water? "

Mo Lan felt as if he had been punched by a punch, it was painful, but he had no choice but to cut off the hand that hit him?

His own consciousness and his own avatar can't deal with it, can't solve it, and can't even punish it.

Is it possible to dig a hole for my future avatar and find a way to squeeze my avatar?Isn't that just tossing yourself?

No matter how sick you are, you can’t do it like this. The main reason is that the avatar does not contain much consciousness and thinking, so it can’t do any substantive things when it is really squeezed. At most, it can do some low-tech or some hard work, low-tech. Isn't it appropriate to throw it to the elders and elite members for research?As for hard work, it's really a waste of time.

"Hey, by the way, you can do some low-tech work. Anyway, when you are cloned, you must have a clone, and you can't study cutting-edge projects after the clone, so it's better for each clone to study a slightly low-tech job." Yes, make full use of every minute and every second, and don't let the avatar be idle.

And for me, it will take a long time for others to study the slightly low-tech content. It just so happens that I solved it, which can also save the main body a lot of time.

Yes, that's it, assign tasks to the avatar before the next avatar, and start working as soon as it is separated! "

There was a satisfied smile on Mo Lan's face, and the smile was exactly the same as the smile when the avatar decided to dump the main body, as if it was a person... oh, this is a person.

It is worth mentioning that the main body is the main body only when it is complete. Once there are clones, then each is a separate body. There is no relationship between the clone and the main body, or each is a main body, and there is no such thing as existing at the same time. The main body also has avatars.

Another point is that when the two avatars exist within the perceived distance, the consciousness will naturally merge and communicate. It is impossible to say that there are two Mo Lans within the perceived range.

"It's arranged, let's get down to business now."

Mo Lan smiled and began to think about the feasibility of establishing the Demon Power career system, and came up with a solution after only a moment.

Naturally, Mo Lan's solution would not be to leave it to the avatar.

Mo Lan's thinking is actually very simple.

"The Demon Throne is not like the priesthood of a mage. Only I can use it directly. The Demon Throne is just a semi-divine weapon, just a piece of equipment. As long as it passes the verification method I left, it can be manipulated and used.

This is also the advantage of the disadvantage of the Demon Throne not being able to bless me with all its power.

If you don't recognize people like the priesthood of a mage, then there is room for manipulation.

As long as people use spiritual power to connect to the Demon Throne from a long distance, or use a tower spirit as a mental power intermediary to actively connect the player and the Demon Throne, becoming a bridge in the middle.

Then within the power radiation range of the Demon Throne, the blessing of the Demon Throne should be able to pass directly, just like the blessing of the blood pool.

And it only needs to perfect a few magic circles on the Demon Throne and install a tower spirit to easily complete multi-threaded blessing of abyss power, that is to say, it can bless many targets at the same time!

As for increasing the radiation range, it is also simple. It is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is for the player to contact the Demon Throne. This part can be easily completed with the existing spiritual power channel and spiritual power network. Players inside can connect to the Demon Throne through the spiritual power network.

The second part is the blessing of the power of the Demon Throne to the player. The power of the Demon Throne is actually the power of the abyss.

Well... Actually, there is no difficulty at all. To put it bluntly, the power of the abyss is the power of the blood pool.

Since the Demon Throne can connect to the power of this fourth-order blood pool, it can carry the power of this fourth-order blood pool.

Then I can completely bless the blessing power of other blood pools on the Demon Throne in the same way.

In this way, once the player applies for power boosting, he can directly use the nearest blood pool to boost it. If the nearby blood pool is not enough, he can mobilize the surrounding ones, or quickly mobilize power through the blood pools. This should exist. feasible.

And in this way, all the power of the other blood pools can be pooled together as a backup force for this system. In this case, the power that can be mobilized by using this system will also increase significantly at the same time.

As for the issue of overall planning, as the Demon Throne that bears part of the authority, it is a breeze to control the power of some blood pools below the fourth level with a demigod level or even a person who controls part of the authority, no matter how much power there is.

Furthermore, these current blood pools are basically lower-level blood pools connected below this fourth-order blood pool. The suppression and control of the fourth-order blood pool is the simplest, and there is no difficulty. Word. "

Mo Lan nodded slightly after thinking about it.

"Well, that's it. The network built on the basis of the blood pool is the blood pool network. The blood pool is the node in it. The earth vein path is the vein in it. The coverage of the blood pool network is the coverage of this professional system. When the blood pool network is connected to all the blood pools in the entire Abyss Continent, then the coverage of this professional system will reach the entire world!

The power brought by this system in the entire Abyss Continent world is effective and can be directly mobilized.

And in this way, all the fourth-order blood pools and all the low-level blood pools are gathered..."

An idea appeared in Mo Lan's mind.

"Will the level of power integrated in this way reach the level of a god, and will the demon throne carrying these powers become a magic artifact?

A real demon god, a real demon monarch? "

Mo Lan thought.

"Since the power is mobilized with the Demon Throne as the core, then this kind of power is called Demon Power, and this professional system is called the Demon Power System.

If all the blood pools are really unified, then this may be a career system with an abyssal demon god as the source, and the upper limit or peak of this system is... the abyssal demon god! "

Chapter 834 Projection? !

"Abyss Demon God."

Mo Lan muttered to herself.

"The upper limit of a system constructed in this way shouldn't be too low, right?

With the power of an abyssal demon god as the source, and the personality of an abyssal demon god as the upper limit and peak, how many professions lack a direct path to the god level?

This demon power occupational system and this blood pool network almost represent a divine position, directly connected to the divine position of the gods.

If there is such a day, then the Demon Throne is the real throne, which belongs to a Demon Monarch Throne. Similarly, whoever sits on it will be the real Demon Monarch.

If it takes shape once it is formed, then perhaps this is another piece of god-level heritage, and with the characteristics of a demon god, its combat effectiveness may be said to be the best among many ancient gods.

And this kind of god-level combat power can only be snatched, seized, or abolished by others. In any case, it will not betray, and it will always loyally protect the Mage Association. It's like a floating city that can be passed down from generation to generation.

This is far more precious and real than normal gods.

The Mage Association now has the God Killing Cannon, the Mage Clericship, and the God Killing Bullet. In the future, it will soon have the Floating Void City and the Demon Throne. Suddenly, I found that the cards in my hand are already quite impressive. "

After counting the items, Mo Lan said in surprise that this was beyond his imagination.

"If we continue to develop step by step at this speed, what are we talking about running away? It should be this group of Titans who are planning to run away, right?

Every titan is a scorpion papa, the only super protected animal, who will run away if they don't run away?

Then it will be their turn to stage Ragnarok. "

Mo Lan muttered, but it was just a joke, even Mo Lan knew one thing very well.

So even though the Mage Association seems to be developing rapidly, it is actually developing rapidly, and the god-level background is emerging one after another, but this essence is actually an explosion.

None of these foundations were possessed suddenly, none of them were picked up in vain, and none of them said that they went out to pick up artifacts or ascended to gods after walking a few steps, no, none of these.

And where did the current god-level background and the upcoming god-level background come from?

This all comes from the accumulation of long-term persistence and long-term development of the Mage Association. These have long been transformed into the foundation of the Mage Association. It’s just that it usually doesn’t show the mountains and doesn’t show water. It looks lukewarm, but in reality after such a long period of development, Gathered through the knowledge and inspiration of countless players.

The youthful, crude, and start-up Mage Association has become a huge Mage Association with profound heritage.

This background is not just wealth, but also various technologies, knowledge, and mage talents who continuously generate inspiration and transform it into technology and knowledge!

Just like God Killing Bullet, the essence of God Killing Bullet is fine gold, and the fine gold comes from black steel with gold pattern, and the first black steel with gold pattern comes from Earl Hongfeng, which was snatched by Mo Lan with his own ability, and the subsequent gold The patterned black steel was occupied by Mo Lan by smashing a door to another world. As for the ability to smelt pure gold, Mo Lan accumulated bit by bit. None of these factors were picked up. The finished product is fine Gold is not picked up.

Then there is the priesthood of mages. This is the creation and announcement of mages by Mo Lan. He has been continuously researching and perfecting mages. This is Mo Lan's continuous organization of mage associations, expanding the influence of mages, and helping other mages. Since then, it has been revered by countless player mages and aboriginal mages, and its intellectual products have been studied and researched by others.

It is also the comprehensive result of Mo Lan's continuous accumulation of knowledge, unremitting efforts, and positive progress. These are all Mo Lan's actions and efforts, and none of them are given by others, and this rule is created by Mo Lan himself. The nobility was also created by Mo Lan himself.

Let’s talk about God Killing Cannon. Its raw materials and principles are the product of exploring different worlds. The alloys used by God Killing Cannon come from the accumulation of the association’s knowledge and various elemental metals collected. The technology of God Killing Cannon comes from the knowledge of the Mage Association. Accumulated, from the vigorous development of Lin Wo, the genius is extremely fast, and it was not picked up from that ruin suddenly.

The same is true for Floating Void City and Demon Throne. It can be said that behind every foundation of the Mage Association, there can be a series of stories belonging to the Mage Association. These are the long-term accumulation of the Mage Association, and finally sublimated into a god-level foundation.

This is also the fundamental reason for the explosive development of the Mage Association during this period. This is an epic belonging to the Mage Association!

But in the same way, it is precisely because this is the epic of the Mage Association, and precisely because it is the result of the long-term accumulation and sublimation of the Mage Association, it is impossible for the Mage Association to improve at such a fast speed again after waiting for this outbreak period to pass. After long-term arduous accumulation, I suddenly caught a certain opportunity and made explosive progress again.

Just like the progress of science and technology, it is such an explosive progress, and the principle is similar to the current state of the Mage Association.

Long-term accumulation of background—grasping the background of miracle sublimation, great progress—digesting various theories and knowledge during the great progress, and starting to accumulate again—exploding again.

All are so.

So Mo Lan and the Mage Association still have a long way to go if they want to let the Titans run away and make the Twilight of the Gods staged in the zoo.

after a while.

"It's done."

Mo Lan took a long breath, put down the pen in his hand, and twisted his neck.

"The key idea and skeleton of the magic circle have been set up, and the execution concept has been smoothed out. The next experiment and refinement have no technical content, and the clone can also do it. It's such a happy decision.

Let the avatar do all these things! "

Thinking of this, Mo Lan suddenly felt that the sea and the sky were vast.

"So... is it so cool? Wonderful!"

Mo Lan laughed immediately, and after a long time, she calmed down and began to think about another matter.

The projection of the sun outside the wall membrane of the world of Abyss Continent gradually appeared in his mind. Recalling the feeling at that time, recalling the memory, his face suddenly changed slightly and became serious.

Before, the avatar always felt that it almost didn't think of anything, but now, Mo Lan thought of the bad point.

It was precisely because of this that Mo Lan's expression could not help but change.

"Everyone in the Mage Association, including me, and even all players think that the sun exists in the Abyss Continent world, because a world has a sun, which is a matter of course.

But what if the Abyss Continent had no sun in the first place?Not even the related concept of the sun. "

Mo Lan murmured in shock.

"After the sun projection appears...then there will be."

Chapter 835 Another World Sun God!

"Sun concept.....hope I'm wrong in guessing."

Mo Lan muttered to herself.

"But once my guess is correct, it means that the sun projection in the abyss world is not a natural phenomenon, but a man-made projection, in order to forcefully insert the concept of the sun into the abyss continent world.

Once this concept is inserted, as the source of the concept, before his death, this concept and the related authority derived from it will inevitably be in his hands, and no one else can snatch it.

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