"Part of the structure projection of the world, is this the so-called authority structure?"

Mo Lan thought quietly, then shook her head, stopped thinking about this question, and began to study this structure instead.

Although this structure is high-level and complex, Mo Lan has had contact with and researched the main structure of it, and even has considerable attainments.

For example, in the blood pool part, Mo Lan has studied the first, second and third level blood pools.

Another example is the good fortune part. I have also come into contact with it when I was studying the structure of the divine origin of the gods, and I have also dabbled in it, and my attainments are not low.

And although the structure level of this world's blood pool is high, it is actually equivalent to the demigod level. Of course, because of the projection of the world structure, the level is raised by one level, and it is not much higher than the original structure of the gods, Mo Lan didn't spend much time analyzing and digesting it.

In consciousness, the seed of the illusory world is like a real seed, taking Mo Lan's knowledge and memory as the soil, taking root in it, and growing slowly, and the knowledge of the fourth-order blood pool structure that Mo Lan has just analyzed and digested has become Its best nutrition and fertilizers lay the foundation, increase its heritage, and grow its potential!

After gaining insight into the structure of the fourth-order blood pool, Mo Lan looked at the huge altar, and gradually had an idea in his heart.


Mo Lan said softly, and the fire elements in the void quickly gathered and turned into a flame in front of Mo Lan.

Flame seems ordinary, but if there is a legendary level who has begun to touch the authority, it will be creepy.

In the eyes of the legendary level, this ordinary flame has been integrated into the authority, and even simulated the authority of the flame through the priesthood of the mage, which almost represents the flame of the god level.

Even a little spark is enough to burn a legendary statue to ashes!

With a thought in Mo Lan's mind, the flame adjusted accordingly, from bursting to mild.

The gentle flame spreads and gradually turns into a spherical shape, with each flame as a node and each fire line as a connection, and a flame turns into a complex structure in a moment.

With the rapid evolution of the structure, a miniature flame world was formed before Mo Lan's eyes.

Looking at this miniature flame world, Mo Lan had a thought, and the altar placed on the floating city was thrown into it.

Falling inside the miniature flame world, flames licked the altar one by one, and the terrifying high temperature instantly burned the altar, which was neither gold nor stone, and melted directly after a while.

However, before it could be vaporized, a force of good fortune fell from the miniature flame world and turned into a burning red liquid. Instead of vaporizing it, it just blended into it and was continuously refined.

After the flame transformed by the power of good fortune was completely integrated into it, another raging fire emerged, boiling the viscous liquid.

Time and time again, this viscous liquid has been refined countless times. The altar, which was originally the size of a small hillside, is only three to five square meters in size. The original essence in the altar has been refined and compressed. Together, it even directly raises its quality to a higher level.

However, this is all secondary. What is really powerful is that this group of liquid has withstood the burning of the god-level flames, withstood the burning of the flames integrated into the authority, and thus can bear the structural imprint of the miniature flame world!

"If this group of liquid is shaped into a staff, then legendary mages will fight for their heads, right?

At least after incorporating a wisp of the structure imprint of the miniature flame world, the power of the fire elemental spell activated by this weapon will undergo a qualitative change as long as it touches a trace of the structure imprint. "

Mo Lan looked at the ball of liquid in front of him, and suddenly this idea came to his mind.

After successfully incorporating a trace of the authority brand of the miniature flame world, this mass of liquid has become a top-quality material below the god level. The brand of the world structure is so amazing!

What's even more amazing is that this miniature flame world was created by Mo Lan combined with the structure of the fourth-order blood pool, that is to say, the trace of the structure imprinted on this liquid is also effective in the abyss world!

Even, if the fundamental rules do not change, this imprint of structure is also valid in other worlds!

As for fundamental rules, as long as there are fire elements in other worlds, it means that the fundamental rules have no borders, and it almost means that this should also be valid.

Of course, this has basically reached the limit of the original material of the liquid, and not everything can bear the imprint of the structure.

If ordinary materials are put into the miniature flame world, it is estimated that it will vaporize and disappear in less than a thousandth of a second, let alone tempered for such a long time, bearing a trace of structural imprint.

And even the original material of this group of liquid is only enough to carry a little bit, even if it is a little more, it will completely vaporize and disappear.

"Do you want to use it to forge a staff?"

Mo Lan pondered quietly, and after a while, Mo Lan made a decision in her heart. With a thought, the liquid slowly began to shape, not into a long staff, but slowly evolved into a huge stone seat.

The shape of this stone seat is not unfamiliar. It is the throne where the demigod level demon sat on the top of the altar. The backrest seems to seal a demigod level demon. The legendary level demon unleashes the coercion, and the breath of the abyss soars to the sky!

During the smelting process, Mo Lan did not remove the abyssal aura in the material. On the contrary, Mo Lan specially kept it. An altar was refined into a throne, and the abyssal aura contained in it was also refined and compressed.

And at the moment when the throne was finalized, Mo Lan grabbed a ray of his own breath and penetrated into it.


The Demon Throne is taking shape!

Chapter 821 Miniature Flame World!

"Bai Yushi, go run for me."

Mo Lan said directly, the white jade lion crawling in the corner of the association woke up from sleep, and appeared in front of Mo Lan with a few steps.

"Yes, Master."

After Bai Yushi came over, Mo Lan directly threw the demon throne over, and directly passed the method of imperial emissary and the purpose of this trip into Bai Hushi's mind.

Immediately, the white jade stone lion stepped into the abyss world with the throne on its back, and rushed towards the depths to drive it away, Mo Lan thought.

"The Demon Throne has an aura comparable to that of a demigod-level demon, and has the aura of the world's blood pool structure. Demons below the legendary level, or even below the demigod level, should not dare to touch it.

If the current Tier [-] blood pool has not been occupied by other legendary demons, then if this demon throne is returned to the blood pool, maybe it can really be integrated into that wisp of authority and turned into a semi-artifact of the abyss world !

With the blood pool as the back, the same huge energy, it has the same effect as the Floating Void City and the Mage Tower, and it has the power of a demigod when it is in charge!

Should work, worth a try. "

When Mo Lan was refining the Demon Throne, he also added some information about his understanding and creation of authority. In addition, the source of the miniature flame world for smelting and casting the Demon Throne is the projection of the world structure of the Abyss Continent in the fourth-order blood pool structure, so Mo Lan Lan is still somewhat sure.

Mo Lan withdrew her thoughts and set her sights on the miniature flame world.

There is an old saying that goes well, when a person has a hydraulic press in his home, then there will be only one hydraulic press left in his home.

The structure of the miniature flame world is newly mastered by Mo Lan. It is a temporary structure constructed by virtue of Mo Lan's extremely high understanding of the world structure and space structure, his cohesive grasp of the illusory world, and the super computing power connected by Mo Lan at this moment. Elemental miniature world.

The mastery of these methods actually means that Mo Lan's grasp of the world structure has been improved in stages, and it also means that Mo Lan's illusory world has been deduced to a certain extent, with the illusory world as the bone and the knowledge of the world structure as the flesh , based on the ability of the mage priesthood.

This is like Mo Lan's newly acquired hydraulic machine. At this moment, Mo Lan... always wants to practice something.

Just at this time, Zhang Guangmo passed by, and Mo Lan's eyes lit up when he saw it.

Zhang Guangmo, passing by, suddenly felt horrified, as if he felt a fatal crisis at the core of the mage association, under Mo Lan's eyes!

"President, save me!"

Sensing the crisis, Zhang Guangmo immediately ran to the safest place in the entire Mage Association, on the floating city and next to Mo Lan.

It's just that Zhang Guangmo, who just came over, suddenly felt something was wrong, suddenly realized something, looked up with a stiff neck, forced a smile and said.

"President, I remember that I still have something urgent to do, so I'm leaving first."


As soon as Zhang Guangmo raised his foot, a palm fell on his shoulder. The smiling Mo Lan pointed to the miniature flame world and said softly.

"Guangmo, what do you think this is?"

"This... this must be the latest spell structure developed by you, president, hiss, so strong, so powerful.

But president, I'm really in a hurry, so I'm leaving first! "

Zhang Guangmo wanted to leave, but he still couldn't, so he could only listen to Mo Lan's explanation of the structure with a bitter face.

"Shall I teach you?"


"I'll put you in there to practice, okay?"


Zhang Guangmo was startled, looked at Mo Lan with wide eyes, and said hastily.

"Not good, not good!"

"Hey, don't be afraid, didn't you listen to me just now? The effect of my miniature flame world is still okay.

As long as you go in and practice for a while, as long as you don't die, your body will definitely be imprinted with a trace of structure projection. In this way, without using spells, the body alone can shake and beat legends! "

Mo Lan urged, but Zhang Guangmo was not overwhelmed and said quickly.

"But I can't bear it, I was 100% vaporized in an instant when I went in!

There is also the president who said that if he came out alive, he could beat the legend with his body, but could he come out alive if he couldn't beat the legend with his body? !

impossible!President, don't try to lie to honest people, even people who can beat legends in the body may come out alive!

You just told me that this is a miniature flame world constructed by god-level flames through the world!

If a demigod-level body goes in, it will end in ashes. I don't know whether a god-level body can come out alive!

What am I?Don't go in, don't go in, never go in! "

Zhang Guangmo shook his head frantically, wanting to survive.

"Ah, okay."

Mo Lan shook his head in disappointment, and at this moment, he suddenly saw the magic staff in Zhang Guangmo's hand, an elemental alloy staff made of gold-patterned black steel as the main body, which made Mo Lan think of a serious use in his heart.

Seeing Mo Lan looking at the staff, Zhang Guangmo couldn't help but feel tight, but fortunately, Mo Lan was not such a dog, and what he was worried about didn't happen. In the miniature flame world.

The gold-patterned black steel raw ore turned red as soon as it fell into it, and melted in an instant.

The melted liquid gold-patterned black steel quickly vaporized under the licking of the flames. Seeing this scene, Zhang Guangmo next to him became interested and stared closely at the gold-patterned black steel inside the miniature flame world, because he suddenly had a feeling in his heart. feeling.

Under the god-level flames, the gold pattern black steel may finally show its true colors. Maybe 100% pure gold patterns are no longer a luxury, no longer a dream?

With this in mind, Zhang Guangmo looked expectantly at the miniature flame world. Inside the flame world, the liquid gold-patterned black steel rapidly vaporized, but all the vaporized parts were black parts, and as the black parts continued to decrease, the golden parts accounted for more The ratio is also increasing.

Ten percent!





The proportion that could not be achieved in the past is easily achieved at this moment in the world of miniature flames!




However, when this ratio reaches 70.00%, the rate of increase in purity gradually slows down.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Guangmo was shocked!

What grade of elemental metal is the gold pattern black steel?It is actually so difficult to purify in front of the god-level flames.

However, at this moment, Mo Lan stretched out his hand and threw it, and the miniature flame world flew into the sky, and the area soared. In an instant, the entire lake where the Mage Association was located, and even Hongfeng City were shrouded in the shadow of the miniature flame world.

Mo Lan urged it with all his strength, and at this moment, the flames exploded again!

Chapter 822 Mage: God of Light!


Zhang Guangmo looked at the miniature flame world above. There were trees, flowers, insects, and grass inside. Although everything was made of flames, they were still vivid and vivid.

The original miniature flame world was only dozens of meters long and wide, and nothing could be seen, but at this moment, when the miniature flame world enveloped the sky over the entire Mage Association, and even the sky over Hongfeng City, Zhang Guangmo noticed it. The real mighty, muttered to himself.

"Back then, a Titan sank the entire imperial city with one blow, killing tens of thousands of people, and its destructive power was extremely terrifying.

But now it seems that the miniature flame world of the president is not bad, if the president sinks the entire miniature flame world and explodes suddenly..."

Zhang Guangmo was so shocked that he couldn't speak, but Mo Lan beside him laughed.

"The eruption of the miniature flame world is nothing, but everything affected will be vaporized under the terrifying high temperature, including the earth, and the earth will not turn into magma until the flame spreads and the temperature drops slightly.

The entire covered area is doubled in size and turned into a hot magma ocean, and the flames in it become spiritual because of the structure, so this flame will never dissipate, just like the Flame Mountain in Journey to the West.

This place will become a forbidden place of flames, where fire elements will be enriched, and the terrifying temperature will spread out. The temperature of the entire Morse Kingdom will increase significantly, and the climate of the entire kingdom will undergo drastic changes. A large amount of water vapor will evaporate, and the surrounding area will turn into thousands of miles. Desert, biological exclusion zone.

However, because the power of good fortune is also contained in this miniature flame world, this flame magma will not be turned into a simple forbidden area of ​​destruction, but also contains the power of good fortune.

With the passage of time, after 800, [-], or [-] years, this magma ocean is very likely to evolve a brand new flame ecosphere.

For example, the flowers, plants, insects, fish, birds and beasts that I have evolved, some of these may be bred by the power of nature over a very long time span to give birth to real spirituality, turning into flame elves, or accompanied by the imprint of the flame structure, Enrichment, the gestation of the power of good fortune, turned into extremely cherished genius treasures and high-level magic plants.

Under the earth, there may also be extremely high-level mineral veins due to drastic changes in the environment, the roasting of a large number of flames, and the gestation of the power of good fortune. "

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