"They seem to have gained nothing, but in fact it's just because their accounts were deleted after they died, and they couldn't log in to the game, so the benefits they got couldn't be realized at all.

But as long as they register their accounts again and log in to the game again, the information of the gods they have will become the impetus for their progress.

And the original structure of the kingdom of God contained in their minds is not only a piece of knowledge and information.

It can also be condensed as a illusory world when the master level condenses the illusory world!

For them, as long as they have successfully cultivated to a master-level mage, there is no threshold at all when it comes to condensing the illusory world. "

Mo Lan recalled the existence of the original divine kingdom structure in Zhao He's mind at that time, and muttered to himself.

"This is simply a natural illusory world. Even because of the real existence of this original kingdom of God, the threshold for its full realization will become very low and very low, directly cutting the threshold for promotion to a legendary mage in half!

Although due to the real existence of gods, there is a very big security risk in condensing such a illusory world and relying on such a illusory world to promote the legend.

But at the same time, there are great opportunities behind the hidden dangers, so bold guesses.

As long as the gods above the head are killed, the legendary mage who is promoted to legend in this illusory world can completely take over the position of the gods!

And it can be predicted that, compared with the assimilation of the previous players, after becoming a legendary mage, the mage's own willpower and cohesion level have reached an extremely excellent level.

In addition, what takes over the position of the gods is the condensed false world, which replaces the original kingdom of God with the false world, and uses the false world to carry on the faith.

With the imaginary world as the embankment, it is entirely possible to directly become a god of faith with the condensed and high-level will at home! "

Mo Lan muttered to herself.

"And if you don't want to become a god anymore, you can continue to walk the path of a mage, because this is a step-by-step step by step step by step, so the mage's foundation is not weak.

Therefore, each of these players who have been assimilated to the title by the gods is really a super potential stock, and each one is a treasure.

There are hidden dangers before killing the enemy corresponding to the god, but as long as the corresponding god is killed, then it has the potential to become a god of faith.

Uh, only by killing the gods can one have the potential to become a god of faith... Something feels a little wrong, the threshold doesn't seem to be low, huh?

But forget it, even if the threshold is not low, this still cannot negate their value! "

Mo Lan thought quietly, then shook her head.

"Forget it, let's talk about their original structure of the kingdom of God first."

Chapter 804 Encouraging and Supporting Simple Behavior

Three days later.

Mo Lan looked at the three newly added structures in her hands with a satisfied smile on her face.

After making all the connections, Mo Lan took a day to retrieve all the structures of the three original kingdoms of God.

As for why the four fools only retrieved three original kingdoms of God, the problem is also very simple, the person was found, but the player didn't intend to sell it.

He insisted not to sell, and Mo Lan didn't insist on buying too much, so he gave up and bought the other three.

From Mo Lan's point of view, the player who doesn't sell still has some ambitions for the gods in his heart, and seems to regard the seat of belief in the gods as his own, so naturally he will not reveal the information about his own origin of the kingdom of God. information and structure.

"Looking at his confident appearance, is it possible that he has left something behind?"

Mo Lan muttered, and took another look at the name about him and the god.

"The God of Hunting..."

After pondering for a moment, Mo Lan shook her head silently.

"It doesn't matter, even if there is a backup, it doesn't matter to me, it has nothing to do with me.

Tang Chuan, Tang Chuan! "

As soon as Mo Lan thought about it, Tang Chuan's voice sounded in his ear, and he arrived in front of Mo Lan after a while.


"Well, you take these three original structures of the kingdom of God."

Mo Lan continued after transmitting the information of the three original divine kingdom structures to Tang Chuan.

"I got three, so you can do one thing during this time.

To put it bluntly, for players who are interested in replacing the gods, as long as they have a set of feasible methods and have begun to implement them, they will start to assimilate.

Our Mage Association can provide technical support for it, and even Mo Lan at a critical moment, that is, I may personally help solve problems. "

Mo Lan continued after thinking for a moment.

"It is said to the outside world that we need experimental data, and we need real-time feedback from players who assimilate the gods. In addition, if the player successfully replaces the gods and becomes a god, then we need to cooperate with the Mage Association to conduct experiments within a reasonable range.

And what to do if you fail, shouldn’t I need to say more? "

"I succeeded in studying the specimens of the god's living body, but failed in obtaining the information about the structure of the original kingdom of God. Further research, is that right?"

"Well, yes, that's it."

Tang Chuan nodded upon hearing this.

"Okay, I'm in charge of this, and it should be very attractive to many people.

After all, it is not common to write a blank check to get the technical support of the top mage, or even the technical support of the mage god. "

"I think so."

Mo Lan laughed.

"Come on, God, this rich mine is waiting for us to dig and mine."


Tang Chuan was about to turn around and leave, but just as he was about to leave, Mo Lan remembered something and said aloud.

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you, although there is no evidence, it is based on my speculation.

After the player has successfully assimilated the gods, even if the account is deleted after death, he will have great benefits after registering again, and it is very likely that it will be easier for them to advance to legend!

And if that god is killed, they even have the hope of inheriting the throne! "

Tang Chuan was startled suddenly, and turned his head to look at Mo Lan in amazement, Mo Lan smiled upon seeing this.

"Don't be so surprised, of course they failed to delete the account, but deleting the account also means that they have had a short-term success.

In that brief success, they assimilated the gods, they took the place of the gods, they became gods.

That is to say, they became gods for a second, or even a shorter time, and then they died and their numbers were deleted.

But even if the account is deleted after death, it cannot be denied that they have successfully become gods, and it cannot be denied that they were gods before death.

And after the death of a god, he reincarnated with his memory and practiced extraordinary again to become a mage, so it would be easier to advance to legend, what happened?

What's wrong with making it easier to become a god? !Is this excessive?Is this unreasonable? "


Tang Chuan said slowly.

"Okay, let's go."


Just as Tang Chuan left Mo Lan, he looked up, and without a sound, a phantom without substance appeared over the Morse Kingdom.

Other people and creatures didn't feel anything, but the titan that was about to approach the Morse Kingdom froze, then changed direction slightly, and "passed" the Morse Kingdom.

After the titan passed by and moved away, Mo Lan looked away and shook his head slightly.

"The frequency of Titans seems to be appearing more and more recently, which is not a good sign."

Mo Lan muttered to herself, this probably meant that the Titans could no longer easily find the gathering places of intelligent creatures without owners, and began to look one by one to see if they could find the fish that slipped through the net.

This made Mo Lan feel a little uneasy. He lowered his head and glanced at the roughly formed floating city below before he finally settled down.

"I'm afraid the days of stability will not be long."

Mo Lan put aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, and projected nine structures in front of him. Among the nine structures, four are from the original structure of the gods, and the remaining five are mostly related to the gods. The gods have nothing to do, that basically represents and symbolizes the peak of the magic circle structure at this stage.

"Then, my illusory world will be based on these nine structures."

Mo Lan whispered softly.

"The heavens and the earth use the original divine kingdom to breed gods, so I will see if I can use this illusory world to breed a little truth and a legend!"

After the words fell, Mo Lan immediately called out the simplest one among the nine structures, browsed through it roughly, and put it aside after browsing through it all. It only took a few 10 minutes.

Then came the second, third, fourth, and fifth. The complexity of these five architectures varies, and the total time spent on them is only a few hours. Of course, a large part of this is due to Because most of these architectures are already very familiar to Mo Lan, and he even created or presided over the development, it is naturally very simple to go through them again, and it will not take long.

But when it comes to the sixth structure, it is different. The sixth structure is the original structure of the divine kingdom that breeds a god. The complexity and the amount of information contained in it have increased several levels in an instant, and a considerable part of it is for Mo Lan. All quite novel.

The problem started, day and night, a special scientific research tower spirit cluster, ink cartridges provide it with great computing power, and even borrow some functions of the mage's authority to assist in derivation. Under this situation, Mo Lan is also full It took five days to fully understand the structure of this kingdom of God.

Then came the seventh, eighth, and ninth, which took seven days, five days, and four days respectively. The time spent gradually decreased, but it still took a full 21 days to fully understand these nine structures.

And the most important step comes...

Chapter 805 Immortal!

"Finally, finally, it's all done."

Mo Lan rubbed the center of her brows, her eyes showed a bit of fatigue, after thinking for a moment, Mo Lan gave up the plan to directly delineate the structure of the illusory world, but sat on the will suspended in the air, with her eyes slightly closed.

It was already a day later when Mo Lan opened her eyes again. With her bald head under such a tight schedule, Mo Lan slept extravagantly for a full day.

On this day, Mo Lan's exhaustion was swept away, her mind was abnormally clear, and her thinking was much more agile than before.

It was only at this moment that Mo Lan calmed down and began to conceive of his own way of structuring the illusory world.

Architecture is the core of the extraordinary civilization developed in the game world.

In this extraordinary civilization, all the extraordinary comes from the structure, even the rules are also a structure, and the spell model is a model that is closer to the structure, intercepting a part of the structure and releasing it, turning it into various magic spell.

In such a world, everything has its own structure, space has its own space structure, gods have their original divine kingdom structure, and even the world has its own world structure, and what Mo Lan has to do now is to initially condense his own unique structure. architecture.

Of course, when Mo Lan said that his own structure was born on the basis of nine structures, it does not mean that the nine structures are built together like building blocks, nor is it that one structure is taken from one structure, and the other structure is cut and pieced together to form his own structure. It's called creation, it's called tailoring.

What Mo Lan said to create his own structure based on the nine structures refers to a comprehensive understanding of these nine structures, understanding and absorbing the essence and ideas of these nine structures, and finally turning these into soil and planting seeds that belong to Mo Lan. The seeds of Lan's path absorb and absorb the nutrients of the soil, and grow a illusory structure that belongs to Mo Lan!

Listen, the seeds...are sprouting!

There seemed to be a thunder in Mo Lan's mind, a seed sprouted, trying to absorb nutrients and grow vigorously.

And in Mo Lan's consciousness, using the scattered thoughts and ideas as bricks and stones, and using Mo Lan's road as the construction drawing to build a illusory world belonging to Mo Lan!

This illusory world is actually incomplete and incomplete, and it can even be said to be very immature, because it has only just been born.

But since its birth, it has been improving and growing at an extremely fast speed every moment, every minute and every second.

At this moment, Mo Lan suddenly had another feeling in his heart. This illusory world that does not exist in the material level, does not exist in the spiritual world, but only exists in Mo Lan's consciousness, and only exists in Mo Lan's imagination.

Although this is a illusory world, as it takes shape, Mo Lan can clearly feel the strength and stability of the mind.

Mo Lan even had a feeling at this moment that if his body was shattered again at this time and his soul was dispersed into thousands of particles again, he would be able to persist for a longer period of time.

And Mo Lan even has a faint feeling in his heart, if this illusory world can really be completed, if it can be condensed and realized.

Then it is very possible to directly suppress consciousness and become another anchor point of consciousness. With the existence of this new anchor point, consciousness will obtain a certain degree of stability.

Or in other words, even if the soul is destroyed, completely eliminated, he is still immortal.

To this extent, the soul is only a carrier of his consciousness.

And Mo Lan can also feel that when the illusory world is completely perfected and a trace of reality is derived, it is the time for him to advance to legend.

However, if a perfect illusory world wants to be formally derived, it must have the power of belief, which is related to the structure of the illusory world, and this power of belief can actually be described in another way... directional legend Spend!

Mo Lan murmured.

"And this point-oriented reputation can also become one of the powers of the illusory world after it manifests a illusory world, and it will also maintain the illusory world.

As long as the degree of fame is still there, this bit of truth in the imaginary world will not be erased, nor will it disappear.

And if the illusory world does not disappear, the mage's consciousness will not be obliterated..."

At this moment, Mo Lan couldn't help showing a bit of surprise in his eyes, and muttered to himself.

"So, in fact, when a mage becomes a legend, he already has a bit of legend.

Does it already have some characteristics of immortality?

Defeating a legendary mage... No, this is also difficult, but even more difficult is to completely wipe out the legendary mage.

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