Mo Lan muttered to herself.

In fact, there is another method for casting the floating city, but Mo Lan didn't say it, or he didn't dare to say it.

The casting method of this kind of floating city is to hunt and kill the titan, cast the level with the body of the titan, take the authority of the titan as the core, and use these two as part of the material to cast, and it can also cast a real, at least god-level combat power. The Floating City!

A titan is a floating city that can suppress the background!

Although the floating city cast in this way cannot be used in other worlds and has many limitations, if it is only in this world, then it is definitely a very good floating city, and it can also be used as a console to control the world!

In fact, an idea occasionally pops up in Mo Lan's head, that is...

"If there is really a key to materialize the game world, will it only be when all the titans have become floating cities... No, no, not floating cities, it should be said that all the titans have died , the game world will not be fully realized until all world powers are controlled by the players?

And this kind of game world will become real after it is realized, that is to say, it will become a world that is completely controlled, controlled, and owned by the human race!

If it is indeed a very bold and well-thought-out plan to realize the game world, then it seems more reasonable to realize such a world than to realize an uncontrolled, dangerous world full of ancient god titans, which may explode at any time like a time bomb How many? "

Mo Lan thought about it, and said silently in her heart.

"Perhaps there is indeed such a key, and if this key is not left behind, then the game world will never be able to fully materialize into reality.

So when I asked if I could create rules, the answer I got was casual?

So if you can't get a good result in the end, then this world won't materialize, so you can try to flatten everything and clear the files?

Wait, when it was released, it seemed to say that it was a public beta without deleting files.

If there are no accidents and the game is successfully realized, will it be changed from public beta to official operation?

Fuck, show! "

Mo Lan was startled, and suddenly felt her scalp tingling.

Mo Lan rubbed her face with her hands and muttered to herself.

"Big boss is indeed a big boss, he is a bully. No wonder he was able to say such domineering words at the beginning. It turns out that he has confidence."

Mo Lan knew in his heart that although this was just his guess, it was probably infinitely close to reality, right?

Because without a perfect solution, who would dare to gamble on the fate of all mankind?Who can let the whole world gamble with them?

"Huh, after thinking about it for so long, I have to get busy."

Mo Lan shook her head slightly, got up, and looked down, there was already a mage walking over there with components one by one.

Each building-sized component is floating in the air. It is part of the first phase of the people's livelihood project on the floating city. Only some of the more important facilities in the plan will be placed in the first phase of the project.

For example, the storage room for storing precious experimental materials, the high-end laboratory for high-end experiments and high-end experimental equipment, the tower spirit cluster in the people's livelihood, and even a universal magic circle factory with a constant magic circle.

And this is only the first phase. If the third phase of the Floating Void City is completely completed, then the Floating Void City will become a city that integrates the functions of combat, production, planting, and living, and has the ability to jump in space, navigate in the astral world, A large energy building with survivability.

To that extent, the Floating Void City will become a brand new research platform for mages, allowing mages to live, protect mages' safety, help mages capture and suppress test objects, help mages study starry sky, study other worlds, and study things that could not be researched originally. objects, places.

Just like Mo Lan, after the construction of the floating city, Mo Lan even wanted to test whether the floating city could block the temperature and pressure of the sun's surface and inside. An in-depth study.

In this case, there must be a rapid change in the study of the sun. After all, no matter what kind of observation method is more convenient and effective than getting close and entering the research?

This is just the sun. Examples of this are the starry sky, and gods, oh no, living gods. …

Under the unified planning and deployment of the blueprints, a mage uses the enlarged mind-like magic circle to directly lift the heavy components, and then build them on the foundation of the floating city like building blocks. Just put them on and align them , the seven-ring stone wall technique on the foundation of the floating city will operate independently, connecting the components with the floating city as a whole.

Mo Lan took a few glances, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, she flew into the air, condensed a chair and sat down, pondered for a while and then contacted Lu Bin.

"President, what's the matter?"

"Have you calculated the other spatial coordinates of the abyss world?

We open the abyss world, but it is impossible to give them the coordinates we have, right?

The other things are fine, but the main reason is that the gate to another world is only so big, and the transportation efficiency is only so much, which is definitely not enough for all players to use. "

"Oh, this one, I haven't calculated it, but I still have a few coordinates in my hand, uh.

Across the world coordinates, I can't describe it for the time being, and I can't express it in writing.

In this way, I will send you the gate array leading to these coordinates. "

As soon as the words fell, Mo Lan found that Lu Bin's spiritual power swept over directly, and after connecting with his spiritual power, a batch of different gate spell structures were transmitted over.


Seeing the raised eyebrows, Mo Lan was slightly surprised and asked curiously.

"Where did you get so many coordinates? It wasn't calculated, how did you master it?"

"Try randomly, I roughly figured out some rules, and then asked Taling to do random experiments, and after tens of thousands of experiments, 99 coordinates were obtained.

The main reason is that the goal I set for Ta Ling was 99, do you still want it?If you want more, give me some time and I can make a lot, and the speed is much faster now. "

"Oh, that's how it is....."

As Mo Lan spoke, she suddenly realized.

"Wait, you have produced 99 coordinates, and you can produce more at any time, the number of specimens should be enough.

Is it enough for you to calculate the cross-world coordinate rules and laws, and summarize a part of the coordinate system? "

As soon as Mo Lan finished speaking, Lu Bin pouted.

"There are three golden mountains in front of me, one big, one big, and another big.

I can't do it separately, can I still do it together?

The coordinates at this point are also obtained because the towering can be completed after inputting the parameters.

What's more, I don't have time, so I can only record the inspiration and do it later when I have time. "


Chapter 794 Open the Abyss World!

"This is a problem."

Mo Lan scratched her head, feeling a little helpless.

This kind of problem is that he himself has encountered many times. Many times, there are many research directions, but he is really exhausted. He can only choose the most important one among all the options for in-depth research.

Since other people also have their own ideas and research directions, it is impossible for Mo Lan to let others study the projects that he has no time to study.

Of course, the most important ones are exceptions, and there is no other way to do it, so we can only leave it to others to study, but at this time it involves a problem of ability level... Mo Lan can study, but not every one Anyone can study.

And more parts are still in a state of being able to study but not having the time and energy to study.

"Is this a luxury trouble for me? No, no, it is estimated that most other mages are also like this.

This should be an annoyance of the times, alas, it is the lack of background, lack of talents, and unreasonable distribution that caused this to happen.

Moreover, during this period of time, in order to deal with the Titans, Lin Wu and Lu Bin were assigned research tasks, which directly occupied the research time of Lu Bin, Lin Wu and their project team...."

Mo Lan rubbed her head.

"The association still lacks some time for quiet development. It would be great if we let the association develop quietly for 200 years, and complete all the research and transformation into practical applications.

Every Titan comes in every minute, oh no, no, every Titan is a unique and unrepeatable precious research specimen.

At that time, it is no longer the Titan chasing the player to fight, but the player chasing the Titan to catch it. "

Mo Lan shook her head, opened the forum directly, and posted a post.

"The abyss world is a different world from the main material world. Unlike the elemental world, the abyss world has no connection with the main material world.

The abyss world has similar properties to the main material world, which can provide players with free development.

In addition, according to experiments, the authority held by the ancient god titan is invalid in another world.

This is like two independent companies, and the authority is like shares. The shares of this company cannot play a role in another company.

Therefore, the strength of the ancient god titan will be greatly weakened. Experiments have been done on the specific weakening degree and position, but as far as I know, the difference between legends and gods lies in whether they have authority or not.

Just like the God of Light, when there is no legendary power, he is a god because he has authority, so I boldly guess that after the ancient god Titan loses his authority, it is very likely that he will fall to the god level, or even directly fall to the legend.

In this case, the abyss world can be used for development and refuge.

And because the door to the other world is required to enter the abyss, and the spell of the door to the other world has a certain amount of uniqueness, so in order to ensure that each door to the other world can run smoothly and the effect is maximized, so I plan to use it five days later. Build a total of 69 gates to the abyss world in the Morse area, and everyone is ready to come to the Morse area.

By the way, please don't have a bitch ask me why I don't just donate the model of the Gate of Another World spell, why I don't make it public directly, if anyone still asks, please have time to spray him to death, I don't want to be in This kind of person wastes time and wastes a lot of words.

In addition, all the construction materials of this gate to another world are provided by the Mage Association, and all maintenance is performed by players from the Mage Association or the Morse Players League.

However, entry and exit are not free, and charges are based on the combination of the three factors of head, grade, and volume. The fee is the space element.

These collected space elements are roughly used to supply the space element consumption of the gate of another world itself, and I earn the extra part.

That's it, not much to say, friends, if you plan to come and interrupt the visit to the abyss world, you can start collecting some space elements in advance.

One last reminder, there are demons in the abyss world, both high and low levels, legendary level demons also exist, and demons should be invincible at the same level among fighters, everyone who interrupts them should be careful, as it is not absolutely safe inside . "

Mo Lan directly used her own account to send this post, and there was a reply just after sending it.

"Mo Lan, why don't you donate the spell model of the Gate of Another World? Why don't you just make it public?

Mo Lan, why do you charge money and earn space elements?Don't you know that it is a good deed to maintain the operation of the gate of the other world by distributing money at a loss?

Also, there is still danger in the abyss?Mo Lan, why don't you clean up all the demons and create a safe zone?

If a player dies in it, can you afford it?Can you afford it? "

Mo Lan laughed angrily when she saw this reply.

"Okay, I'm starting to get angry."

Mo Lan glanced at the name of the person who posted it, and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Geng Tao."

Mo Lan closed the forum and opened the chat face, found the Morse player alliance group, and spoke.

"@All Members, have you all seen my post on the forum?

If you haven't seen it, let's take a look now. Thank you for your support and understanding during this time, and I hope you will continue to cooperate in the future, and also restrain players in the guild to avoid too many conflicts with foreign guilds and players.

Also considering that a large number of players from the outside world will indeed bring great compression and impact to the development space of the brothers, I, Mo Lan, don't like to help outsiders while cheating my own people, that's too cheap.

So in order to compensate for the impact on the development space received by the members of the alliance, I decided that each of the ten resident vice-leader guilds in the alliance will have a gate to another world, and every four common members will share a gate from another world.

As for the spell model, I will send it to you separately. You build it yourself, maintain it yourself, and use it yourself. As for the gate of another world shared by the four families, I will send you the same gate spell model of the gate of another world. You can discuss it. Roughly, each guild can use it for six hours a day, or each guild can use it for one day. The construction costs and maintenance costs are also paid by myself, and I am not responsible for it.

By the way, among the ten guilds with unique gates to other worlds, Geng Tao's God Killing Guild was the exception. "

These guild leaders were still immersed in gratitude and excitement, but when they saw the last sentence, they immediately burst out laughing!

Each of them read Mo Lan's post, and those who didn't read it naturally also read it under Mo Lan's reminder. Naturally, they also saw the first reply under the post, Geng Tao's reply.

"Pfft, hahahaha, thank you leader!"

"Pfft, hahahaha, thank you leader."

"Ah, no, leader, no!!!"

"Pfft, hahahaha, thank you leader!"

Among the neat rows of thanking the leader, Geng Tao's wailing was particularly eye-catching.

Chapter 795 The scale is ten thousand!

"Hey, Mo Lan, why don't you publish the spell model, why do you still make money, why don't you run it at a loss.

Geng Tao, tut tut, you are so brave. "

Yi Fei said like Geng Tao in the group, and Geng Tao replied angrily when he saw his face turned dark.

"Everyone, Yi Fei, the lord is spying on the screen, you dare to say something that makes people angry when you see it, you are so brave."

"I think so too, Yi Fei, why don't you and Geng Tao share a gate to another world."

Mo Lan smiled and spoke, and Yi Fei's eyes widened immediately.

"Fuck, lord, I'm just kidding, don't!"

"Hey, that's it, that's it, the leader is mighty, the leader is mighty."

"Geng Tao, you bastard, go away!"

Yi Fei immediately quarreled with Geng Tao in the group, and the other presidents didn't even do their work, they all took out watermelons and melon seeds to watch a show.

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