"There are so many spell nodes, and there are only so many spell nodes in Fireball. If you want to add this structure, you must add spell nodes."

"It's okay if you change the position of the original spell node, and change the position and length of the magic line.

But if you add spell nodes..."

Mo Lan fell silent.

"I can't do it yet. Adding even one spell node is too much involved. My current knowledge accumulation and ability are not enough to do this."

"Let's put it on hold for the time being, there is no such strength."

Mo Lan was about to erase the spell model of the fire technique, but at this moment he suddenly let out a surprise.

"Eh? What is this structure?"

Mo Lan looked at this spell structure a bit familiar, and then recalled the spell model of the Fire Wall.

The spell model of the Fire Wall also appeared, and the two were compared.

"The two structures seem to be similar."

Mo Lan was a little surprised.

"Let me think about what this structure does."

"If I remember correctly, what this spell structure does is stickiness."

"Fireball doesn't have this structure, and the fireball is formed because of the pressure before the explosion.

The wall of fire technique has no pressure, it is relying on the viscosity of the flame to gather together. "

Mo Lan muttered to herself, and the inspiration in her mind exploded like a spark.

"Stickness, stickiness. Originally, the Fire Wall Technique was just ordinary stickiness.

But what about enhancing stickiness? "

The ink cartridges in my mind began to spin, and the spell model of Fire Wall Art kept getting bigger.

Fire Wall Art is a second-level spell, and the model complexity is much more complicated than that of the first-level spell, but Mo Lan can barely get started.

It just so happens that the second-level spell is also the highest-level spell that Mo Lan can cast independently at present, which can achieve high-speed casting in the research state.

The first experiment failed!

The second experiment failed!

The third experiment failed!

The fourth experiment failed!

When the fifth experiment failed, Mo Lan frowned slightly.

"This doesn't feel right. After all, there are still some changes in the second-level spells. It cannot be completely based on the first-level experience, but can only be used as a reference."

Generally speaking, when starting a new level of spell, Mo Lan can quickly become familiar with it. If he wants to modify some spell nodes, he can usually experiment smoothly within five experiments.

The experiment failed, the experiment was successful, and the spell became stronger and weaker, not to mention, at least the modified spell can be released successfully.

This is because Mo Lan has accumulated enough experience and knowledge. After three or four simple experiments and debugging, he can quickly grasp the rules and get on the right track.

Improving the spell model is never a chance for Mo Lan, and there may be a lot of mistakes in the changes, but Mo Lan can be sure that every step is on the right path.

This is one of the reasons why he can improve spells so quickly.

Every step is in the right direction, and every experiment is one step closer to success.

After a while of thinking, calculate the difference between the second-level spell model and the first-level spell model, and then adjust the experimental plan.

Continue the experiment, once, twice...ten times, finally, a heart-shaped wall of fire pushed towards the water, and Mo Lan frowned.

"What the hell, forget it, continue."

This was just the beginning, followed by a wall of fire that emerged one after another, pushed from the shore to the lake, and was finally extinguished by the lake.

Every experiment will be accompanied by a derivation, and every modification will be accompanied by a comparison of the fire spell model.

Not long after, Ding Jin and Zou Peng, who went out to look for monsters, returned.

Chapter 72 The Flowing Flame

"Hey, why are you burning this fire on the water?"

Ding Jin's surprised voice sounded, and Mo Lan waved and released a wall of fire technique again.

Compared with before, the current Fire Wall Art has become darker and more stable, and the previous flames were bright red and beating endlessly.

However, the current flame was rolling and flowing on the wall of fire like a viscous liquid.

When the wall of fire technique was pushed to the end, the flames really scattered like liquid, laying flat on the water surface and burning, the water vapor evaporated, and the flames slowly extinguished after a while.

"This water is male, and my fire is female. Of course, the female is on the top."

Mo Lan said with a smile, causing Ding Jin to roll his eyes, and Zhang Haobo next to him was also interested.

"What kind of magic do you have, I've never seen it before."

"The Fire Wall Technique, I created it myself, and I haven't found any Warcraft that has it yet."

"Create your own?"


Mo Lan's face was full of smiles.

"Hey, it's average, it's just average. Although it's a very complicated second-level spell, it's also average. You can do it if you have a hand."

Ding Jin rolled his eyes.

"The herd of bison has been blown into the sky by you, if you really have the ability, then create a detection spell.

Zhang Haobo and I went out to look for monsters. After searching for a long time, we were exhausted. Not to mention the physical fatigue, we had to accept your mental pollution when we came back. "


Mo Lan fell into deep thought. So far, his mental power detection range is only ten meters around him.

Only the spiritual power condensed into a spell slot can extend outwards.

If the discrete spiritual power is just a piece, piece by piece, after condensing into a spell slot, the spiritual power will be combined into a line, a line of spiritual power that can be freely controlled.

Mo Lan felt her spiritual power.

"The mental power has become stronger again, but there is still some gap between the upgrade to the third-level mage."

The third-level mage is the highest level of professional mage, and then it belongs to the category of elite mage, but it is still too far from Mo Lan.

"I do have to prepare a detection spell as well.

The mage's melee combat power is inherently weaker than that of warriors. Basically, once a warrior or assassin is close by, it is a crisis.

Even those who resist the ring of fire spells may be forcibly beheaded. "

"Well, yes, Zou Peng is already asking the leader of his career change, asking him for combat skills, and trying to crack the Ring of Resistance Fire.

Next time I guess he has to punch you in the face. "

Zhang Haobo said gloatingly, Mo Lan's head suddenly climbed up with dense black lines.

"Interesting? An assassin stabbed me and a mage?"

"Who made you hit him so badly before? I've begun to doubt life.

Besides, you are the only mage at the moment. Even if you don't spread out the mage's transfer method, there will always be someone who happens to be able to transfer.

So since it is already destined to face the mage in the future, why not practice with the most powerful mage. "

Hearing Ding Jin's eager tone, Mo Lan suddenly turned to look at Zhang Haobo.

"You guys... that's enough, come on, let's see who is targeting whom?"

Mo Lan also said fiercely.

After speaking, the three of them continued on their way, while Mo Lan continued to think.

"Detection, how do you detect it? Condense the spiritual power together and radiate it out?

Or what else? "

Mo Lan pondered for a long time and could not find the answer, but at this time Ding Jin signaled.

"Be careful, the monster I mentioned has arrived. This should be a tabby cat. I found its lair and didn't dare to get too close."

Ding Jin said in a low voice, and the two nodded directly.

"Zhang Haobo, protect me and Mo Lan, this kind of cat-like monsters are basically assassins, lurking, one-shot kills.

I can't guarantee that it didn't find us, so our little lives depend on you. "

As soon as Ding Jin's words fell, two spells flickered on Mo Lan's body, producing weak spell fluctuations.

The fluctuation of the spell cast by the body is extremely weak, but Ding Jin looked at Mo Lan, and of course found it.

I saw Mo Lan's skin turned into a gray-white rock, which was very hard at first glance.

On the outside of the stone skin technique, there is also a thin layer of water film.

First-class stone skin technique!

Secondary Water Shield Technique!

"I'm ready to resist the fire ring, don't worry about me, protect Ding Jin."

Ding Jin, who wanted to say something, fell into silence.

However, what the three of them didn't know was that just a few dozen meters away, the moment Mo Lan released the spell, the leopard cat walking quietly in the bushes suddenly turned to stare at Mo Lan's direction, a pair of vertical pupils emitting a faint blue light.

The leopard cat is only about forty centimeters long, very small, and it is a very inconspicuous gray as a whole. It walks in the bushes without a sound, like a gray ghost in the forest.

Just as Ding Jin and Mo Lan approached the leopard cat's lair, the leopard cat quietly appeared behind the three of them, and the blue vertical pupils quietly peeped and followed silently, the distance from Mo Lan was always more than ten meters. A little bit.

Even if he takes another step, he can enter Mo Lan's spiritual detection range, but he never took this step, as if he felt something.


It wasn't until Mo Lan that a few people responded, their nerves were tense, but a gray shadow had come to Mo Lan's side.

Seeing this, Zhang Haobo quickly raised the wooden tower shield and moved it in front of Mo Lan.

Ding Jin, on the other hand, raised the longbow with both hands, and swung it down towards Huiying's path.


Before the water shield technique could react, it shattered like a bubble, and the stone skin technique on Mo Lan's body became the final barrier.

Mo Lan only felt a chill on her body, and she didn't have time to dodge.

However, Mo Lan didn't plan to dodge, and a flash of fire gradually formed at the moment when the water shield was broken.

However, it is not a resistance to the ring of fire, but a dark wall of flames.

The high flame wall directly blocked Mo Lan and the three of them in front of them, and when Hui Ying left, he just slammed into the flame wall.

The speed of the gray shadow was stagnant, and it was very stagnant when passing through the fire wall.

Seeing this, Mo Lan covered the wound with one hand and laughed.

Zhang Haobo quickly stopped in front of Mo Lan and said to Ding Jin.

"Ding Jin, hurry up, the Fire Wall Technique can't stop it, don't let it run away!"

"The Fire Wall Technique blocks the view, Mo Lan!"

But Mo Lan waved his hand when he heard the words.

"Cough, cough, it's okay, it's done."

"nailed it?"

Mo Lan covered the side of the vest, approaching the three wounds on his waist, nodded and said.

The wall of fire technique between the speeches has been completed and a puddle is burning on the ground.

In the middle of the flames, a shadow wrapped in flames slammed around, making a terrible cat meow.

And Mo Lan's voice sounded behind him.

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