"You're too much fireball."


The fireball that just exploded made Zou Peng, who was dodging, feel something was wrong.

"Why isn't it powerful enough?"

"Well, it looks bigger, but the actual power is reduced by half."

Mo Lan nodded lightly.

"I accidentally adjusted it wrongly when I just adjusted it, which reduced the power of the explosion."

After Mo Lan finished speaking, she lowered her head again, thinking as she walked.

"The main spell nodes of the fireball spell model are on temperature and explosion.

The two are equally important, high temperature and high explosion, forming a howitzer-like fireball technique.

Well, lethality isn't my first choice, so I can keep the heat to a minimum.

The high explosive is the source of thrust in the spell design, and it must be strengthened. "

Mo Lan calculates while designing.

"Let's adjust it here again to change the shape of the fireball technique."

After a while, Zou Peng watched a circular fire ring fly towards the lake.

There was no sound from the explosion of the ring of fire, but the huge impact made the water surface dent, setting off a big wave towards the shore.

Zou Peng only felt wet, and the lake water poured on him.

Compared to before, this time there was less white water vapor on the lake.

Obviously, the temperature of this ring of fire has been lowered.

And Mo Lan also had a smile on her face when she saw this effect.

"As long as the internal impact is weakened, it will be considered a perfect success."

After the splash of the lake, the air on the grass is fresh, Mo Lan is happy all over, and a steady stream of inspiration pours out of his mind.

The fire ring spell was perfected little by little by Mo Lan, but in the end it was still stumped by the direction of the impact.

Mo Lan didn't find any way to restrain the impact force of the ring of fire after it exploded.

While thinking about it, a light flashed in my mind.

"As long as I release it at the right angle, the impact force will come from all directions at the same time, and the pushing force will cancel each other out, so I just need to block the damage of the fire ring."

Thinking from this angle, Mo Lan's thoughts became clear.

"Zou Peng, attack me with the fastest speed."

Hearing that, Zou Peng didn't wait for Mo Lan's words to fall, and his vindictive energy stimulated his muscles, and he rushed towards Mo Lan in a flash.

"Damn it, you don't talk about martial arts."

Mo Lan groaned, with a water shield covering his body, just blocking the attacking Zou Peng.

Elemental fluctuations and Dou Qi fluctuations appeared at the same time, but just when Zou Peng was about to break the shield, a ring of fire appeared outside the water shield technique, directly touching the water shield technique. Lan's distance is exactly the same, there is no difference.

When Zou Peng saw the fire ring, he immediately felt bad. He turned around and hugged his legs. He shrunk into a ball in the air.

Silently, the ring of fire erupted and grew suddenly, a ring of fire expanded horizontally, followed by a powerful thrust.

The ring of fire shrouded Mo Lan's five-meter position, five meters and so on, and the land where the ring of fire passed was lifted.

The fire ring disappeared, but the thrust did not disappear, but overwhelmed the grass and shrubs in this piece.

Zou Peng in the air only felt an almost irresistible thrust wrapping around his whole body, and threw him out violently.

Zou Peng, who was flying upside down in the air, unfolded his body and fought several times in a row. Finally, he stumbled and landed more than ten meters away. He took a few steps back in a row before stopping, panting to look at Mo Lan. A faint smile appeared on his face.

"How is it? A sneak attack is useless, right? It's useless if you don't talk about martial arts, right? Haha."

"What kind of spell do you have, what level? If the mage can do this, then don't play melee combat at all.

If you are at a long distance, you will be blasted to death by your spells. If you rush up to kill you at close range, you will be pushed away by the ring of fire and become a long distance.

Then he was bombarded to death by a spell. "

"This spell is my own creation, it's called resisting the ring of fire, it's not complicated, it's a first-level spell, and the cost of casting is not high.

But every time you cast a spell, you must put a shield on yourself, otherwise I suspect that you will be crushed to death by the resistance ring of fire.

Although there is not much temperature, such a large thrust is enough to crush people to death.

And resisting the fire ring can only resist the surrounding, there are loopholes in the sky, as long as you jump above my head where I am close to my body, it can basically be avoided. "

Zou Peng was relieved when he heard that there were so many constraints and a loophole that was well exploited.

Zou Peng: "(^~^)"

"But don't worry, this is just the first version of resisting the ring of fire. I will definitely make up for the loopholes in the sky as soon as possible. It's not difficult, it's normal.

Then there is the issue of the shield. I will find a way to restrain the direction of the resistance to the impact of the fire ring, so as not to hurt myself, and to increase the external impact. "

Zou Peng: "(· ̄m ̄)"

"In fact, there is a loophole that is not considered a loophole, and it is quite fatal."

Zou Peng: "?(?^o^?)?"

"If you meet any power warrior, it is very likely that you will be used to break the face and directly break the ring of fire."

Seeing that Zou Peng was a little happy, Mo Lan smiled immediately.

"Of course, this has nothing to do with you. For assassins, no matter what fancy tricks you use, you can't escape the 360-degree resistance fire ring with no dead angle impact.

Ha, stay away from me! "

Zou Peng: "(ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻"

Chapter 68

Ding Jin: "I saw the herd of cattle, come here quickly."

A message suddenly popped up in the group, and Zou Peng and Mo Lan quickly turned around when they heard the words and returned the same way.

"Your spell is so perverted, is it true that every mage is so perverted?"

Zou Peng thought about it while walking on the road and asked again.

"Let me reveal to you the biggest shortcoming of a mage. This shortcoming exists, whether it is a high-level mage or a low-level mage, and it is almost fatal."

Mo Lan said slowly, and Zou Peng got excited when he heard this, and hurriedly came over.

"What short board?"

"The basis of the magician's spellcasting is the spell slot, and the spell slot is used to carry the spell model.

what does that mean?This means that every mage must prepare the spell model in advance, basically one day or half a day in advance, and the preparation time varies from person to person.

But once the battle starts, as long as he doesn't stop, it is basically impossible to change the stored spells.

The number of spells is also the same. Put one less and one less. In fact, resisting the ring of fire spell is not worth it. With two spell slots, it just pushes you away, and it can't even cause damage to you.

In the same way, as long as the battle is going on, there is basically no possibility of replenishing spells. "

"I understand."

Zou Peng breathed a sigh of relief.

"You almost made me doubt my profession, as you said, then for the mage, if there is enough time, guide the mage to prepare specific spells in advance, and finally target it.

If time is not enough, then consume spells frequently, and finally kill him.

Well, the mage is very strong until the spell slots are used up, but when the spell slots are used up, they are weak. Can you understand that? "

"Well, full marks for understanding."

"This balances it out. Even if a warrior has no spells or fighting spirit, he still has powerful strength, physique, and self-healing ability, and the conventional combat power will not be too far behind.

And the mage is an ordinary person without magic, killing indiscriminately. "

Zou Peng said with a smile, suddenly remembering something to say.

"Are you like that too?"

Mo Lan turned to look at Zou Peng, who was a little excited and eager to try.

"I think you're thinking something bad."

"No, no, then you can, just ask."

Zou Peng waved his hands again and again, his eyes erratic and said.

"Are you really asking?"

"Yes, just ask casually, are you right?"


Zou Peng is overjoyed.

"...No, when did I say that I am just a mage, and I also major in arcanist and minor in warrior."

Mo Lan said casually, and the smile on Zou Peng's face gradually disappeared.

"What did you say? Arcanist?"

Mo Lan and Zou Peng walked behind Ding Jin and they heard Mo Lan talking and turned around to ask.

"Algorithm too. I created two professions, both algorithms, but the steps and methods of casting spells are different, and the two complement each other."

Mo Lan's light words made them look at each other.

"Create a career?"

"Two at a time?"

"It's still a complementary profession for mages?"

"Isn't this equivalent to creating a perfect mage profession?"

"Hey, it's not perfect. Except for my physique, I can't compare to your fighters in strength, and I have a shortcoming in melee combat."

Ding Jin, Zou Peng, Zhang Haobo: "......"

"I suspect you want to whip up your staff and beat us."

Mo Lan shrugged.

"I don't have a staff yet, so far I haven't found anything that can assist in spellcasting.

Spells are all released using spell models, and the staff is not involved. What's the use?Get up and hit someone?

Come on, you three help me scramble the formation, the mage system was just created, the entire combat system has not been formed, and my own combat system has not been formed.

A bad estimate can't beat this bull, I need actual combat and time. "

Mo Lan walked towards the herd of cattle. Not far in front, a group of wild buffaloes were distributed by the lake. The muscles of the cattle closest to the lake were entrenched like horned dragons, and the underside of their fur was faintly purple.

Mo Lan didn't get too close, but started to build a fireball spell model with magic power from a distance.

In his mind, the spell slots contained the second-level spell Water Shield, the first-level Spell Resist Fire Ring, and the first-level Stone Skin.

The first and second sides of the cartridge are respectively the fourth-level spell Earthshatter and the second-level spell Water Shield.

The whole idea of ​​deploying spells is based on defense, there is no offensive spell, all are defensive spells.

The first time to use magic to build a spell model was very slow. Mo Lan's mental power guided the magic from the body, and then turned it into spell nodes. The magic line extended, and a spell model invisible to the naked eye slowly took shape.

The rotation of the ink cartridge added computing power to Mo Lan, so that the spell model did not make any mistakes, and the action was fast and accurate. The intelligence of up to [-] points provided enough mental power to complete the whole process.

"I only now think that Mo Lan is a mage. When he used spells before, he didn't need to guide him, he released it directly."

Zou Peng, who was not far away, said aloud.

As soon as the words fell, the fire element condensed at close range attracted the attention of the beast of monsters, and turned his head to look over.


Niu's eyes stared, and he lowered his head and rushed towards Mo Lan, followed by other wild bulls.

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