"How many powerful demons do you think will gather next to that meteorite? How many powerful demons do you think will come to have a look curiously? Go and have a look?

Lin Wu, I suddenly don't want to go to see it. What's the point of going to see it? Throw a meteor over there. Just a bang, what kind of demons are we going to kill? Just go and pick up the blood pool.

Wonderful! "

Lin Wu was stunned, opened his mouth, didn't know what to say, turned his head to look at the huge dust cloud, he didn't know if it was an illusion, he seemed to see beams of light cutting through the dust and sinking into the dust cloud, yes Flying demon?


Lin Wu's head was a little confused for a while, but then he smoothed out his thoughts, turned his head to look at Mo Lan and said slowly.

"President, you plan...to sneak attack on me and I have no objection."

After a moment of hesitation, Lin Wu still said those two words.

"But what I want to remind is that almost at the same time, two meteorites fell consecutively at the same place, with overlapping landing points, which has extremely striking human traces.

This is almost telling the entire Abyssal Continent, telling all intelligent beings who have the ability to observe here, telling them that there are intelligent creatures active here.

This is almost exposing our own existence to them, and it will directly attract all eyes.

After all, your sneak attack is not a sneak attack. "

"Why is my sneak attack not a sneak attack?"

Mo Lan said with a smile.

"As for your point of attracting attention, there is indeed some truth, but unfortunately, although this meteorite was completely shattered during the collision with the earth, there must be fragments.

As long as there is a brain and some intelligent life with some technology can judge through the fragments that this meteorite was not formed naturally, but was created by people, so no matter what, we must pay attention to it. "

"What are you going to do?"

Lin Wo asked from birth, while Mo Lan's mouth slightly curled up, and he said softly.

"I think meeting them, no matter whether it is an enemy or a friend, as long as there is contact, then my understanding of them will increase and improve exponentially!

This allows me to have a deeper understanding of this abyssal continent. After all, we are already so far away from the gate of another world, so we don't have to worry about being cut off.

That being the case, why don't we take a risk?Anyway, there is already a certain risk, so why not try to turn it into a good thing?

And maybe we can also occupy and explore a third-level blood pool, or even a higher-level fourth-level blood pool? "

Lin Wu thought for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Then since one is released, and two are also released, then I will also have one, and the two of us will have a better effect, right?"

Mo Lan smacked his lips.


After the words fell, the bodies of Mo Lan and Lin Wu sank directly, and they sank into the ground in a blink of an eye, hiding in the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the fire phoenix and the drone carried their spell positions and rushed straight into the sky.

It took a lot of effort for the two of them to finally get together the huge earth elements used to condense the meteorites. Under the condensing of the two unscrupulous mages, two huge rocks slowly formed at a height of [-] meters.

The two cone-shaped black rocks, one large and one small, are extremely heavy, and they have reached the limit of the mental strength of Mo Lan and Lin Wu.

Finally, the two meteorites began to fall slowly, gradually accelerating...

"Sneak Attack"

Chapter 710 Cruising the meteor?



The two meteorites were wrapped in flames, and with their long tails, they broke through the dust cloud created by the previous meteorite blasting the mountain at extreme speed, entered it, and directly plowed a passage in the dust cloud.

At this moment, Lin Wu seemed to see many objects flying out of the smoke and wanted to rush out, but it was too late.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Facing meteorites falling at a very high speed, unless you escape before the speed increases, the speed can be as high as ten kilometers per second at close range, and the meteorites can hit a wide range. So far, Mo Lan has not found anyone who can reach this speed or other creatures.

So under the watchful eyes of Mo Lan and Lin Wu, the two meteorites landed before the creatures in the dust flew out of the dust, and the terrifying power and aftermath directly swept in all objects within the range.


Two meteorites fell to the ground one after another, and no creature could survive this level of collision.

Feeling the terrifying vibration, seeing the rapidly expanding dust cloud, lightning, thunder, earthquake, and pitch-black clouds, everything was full of aura of destruction, which made Lin Wu's face turn red, just like when he was young It's like putting a super-large version of firecrackers in the dung!

"President, is it not enough? Why should I put two more?"

Mo Lan rolled her eyes upon hearing this.

"If you are still alive, put two more and you will not be killed, and it will take more than half an hour to prepare one, and when the preparation comes, everything will be gone.

Letting it go means smashing the air. "

"Anyway, being idle is idle, smashing one is also smashing, and smashing another is also smashing."

Lin Wu urged.

"Get out, how can it be so easy to smash, you think it's setting off firecrackers?

It may be a coincidence that we smashed one, and we smashed two more to demonstrate and show our strength, but if you smash the fourth or even the fifth, it is Chiguoguo's crazy provocation. If there is such an uncontrollable lunatic enemy, They must kill us at all costs!

So if you have this spare time, you might as well study how to prevent others from throwing meteorites on our foreheads.

Theoretically speaking, as long as you reach the seventh ring, you already have the ability to release meteorites. Although the strength, altitude, speed, and orbit calculation may be worse, it is still a meteorite after all.

It would be a big joke if one day we were knocked off our foreheads by others!

Master Qihuan, Master Qihuan. "

Mo Lan murmured.

"Mage Seven Rings can already be called a walking nuclear bomb launcher, a strategic deterrent that can walk.

Wherever you go, where the meteorite hits, who can bear it, who can stop it!

Therefore, we must solve this problem before the Seven Rings spells appear in large numbers and the Star Meteor Art spreads, and we must find a way to resist or intercept meteors. "

"Ah, it always feels like you are fighting wits with the air."

Lin Wu muttered, then continued.

"However, President, what you said is also reasonable, it is necessary to develop an anti-star meteorite spell.

This kind of spell must be able to attack high-speed objects, and must be able to hit an extreme speed of ten kilometers per second on a fixed orbit.

While having the strike function, it must also have enough energy to either deflect the meteorite or directly wipe it out.

Well, I didn't expect the anti-starfall spell, but I did think of another application of the starfall spell.

President, do we want to have a few meteorites floating in the sky all year round, and whenever we want, we can wave down and strike immediately!Continuous strike!Wash the ground and blow! "

Mo Lan was taken aback when he heard the words, but continued on the other hand.

"It seems that when we want to use a satellite, we temporarily build a rocket and launch it up. Oh no, we start building a satellite temporarily and then send it up. It's a waste of time. Why don't we just make a meteorite?" How about letting it float in the sky? You can use it anytime you want, and when you have time, you can send a batch up again!"

"Ah this."

Mo Lan was stunned, then thought about it, and shook her head again.

"No, the atmosphere of this world is extremely high and thick, or it is not the atmosphere, but a fusion of the world barrier and the atmosphere.

With our current strength, it is impossible to break through the atmosphere and put meteorites in low-Earth orbit to circle around.

If the atmosphere is not sent out, the force of flight must be provided to allow the meteorite to resist gravity if it wants to fly normally in the air in the atmosphere.

How much power can we lift the meteorite with all our strength... Wait, no, why should I lift the meteorite? I just need to send the earth element pool to the sky and it's over!

The earth element pool is only heavy, and although meteorites cannot be formed directly, there are ready-made earth elements, and the speed of agglomerating meteorites is faster than temporarily collecting meteorites in the earth element world, which can shorten the casting time by 2 minutes, but also It can only be shortened by a minute or two. "

Mo Lan shook her head after thinking about it.

"It's not very effective, unless there are ready-made meteorites, otherwise even if there are earth elements in the sky, the process of making meteorites cannot be bypassed.


Mo Lan pondered for a moment and then said slowly.

"This structure can be installed on the floating city, and meteorites can be kept ready to strike at any time!

If the floating city is equipped with a variety of acceleration devices such as a running launch system and a repulsion acceleration system to directly reduce the acceleration time of the meteorite, then perhaps it is possible to complete the launch and strike of the meteorite within one to two minutes. Task!

Yes, just do it. "

Lin Wu licked his lips when he heard the words, and was about to say something when he saw Mo Lan floating on the ground and ready to leave.

"Hey, where are you going, President?"

"Huh? Why haven't you come up yet? Go deep!

Meteor killed so many demons just now, why don't you seize such a precious opportunity?

I also want to occupy one or two third-level blood pools, and even spy on the fourth-level blood pools! "

Lin Wu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Get on the plane, let's go there quickly, such a precious opportunity cannot be wasted.

But it's a pity not to watch the meteor fall. I also want to see if there are any earth veins that have been smashed and exploded.

If we can see the broken leyline passage, maybe we can enter the leyline passage to explore, or even find a way to enter the leyline passage. "

Lin Wu felt that it was a pity, but Mo Lan said indifferently after hearing the words

"It doesn't matter, we can release the star fall technique at any time, whether you watch it now or not, if you have a precious opportunity in front of you, of course you have to seize it!

As for where the meteor fell?If we have time, we can quietly throw a meteorite and watch it, no trouble. "

"Okay, let's go!"

Before the words fell, the stealth fighter broke out and flew away at extreme speed.

Chapter 711

"Second level blood pool!"

Mo Lan's spiritual power slightly sensed that there was a huge second-level blood pool in front of him, but there were no demons beside the blood pool.

"Is this eighth-level demon going to watch the excitement and lose himself?"

Lin Wu muttered.

"President, are we going down to install the machine?"

Mo Lan said directly and decisively without any hesitation.

"No, when will the eighth-level demon be able to kill, the ninth-level demon or even the tenth-level demon may die at all times.

Let’s get the most precious third-level blood pool first. I’ve marked the second-level blood pool. Remember the coordinates. Come and deal with it at any time when we’re done. We can’t run away. "

While speaking, Mo Lan marked the position of the second-level blood pool on his own blood pool azimuth map, and combined the position of the second-level blood pool with the previous position of the second-level blood pool to calculate the possible positions of the third-level blood pool again. The area is deduced, and the possible area is directly narrowed down again.

"Turn left fifteen degrees, speed up!"

After Mo Lan's voice fell, Lin Wu didn't say anything, but began to control the flight of the fighter plane himself.

The moment Lin Wu took over the fighter plane, the speed of the fighter plane increased instantly, but with the sudden increase in speed, the optical invisibility on the surface of the stealth fighter plane gradually distorted, and finally collapsed directly, making the fighter plane lose its optical concealment directly. Even the blind can see.

And the silencer is even more straightforward, it collapsed at the moment of the sudden increase in speed, and then the terrifying whistling and sonic boom resounded in the sky and the earth in an instant.

At this moment, countless demons looked up, and the sky seemed to be thundering. The thunder roared, and then a fighter jet roared past, and disappeared from the field of vision in an instant, leaving only a group of dazed demons.

But at the same time, the sonic boom and roar that resounded through the world also attracted the attention of many flying demons, but when they found other flying objects flying over their territory and also issued provocative sonic booms, they were out of anger, and instantly The nest is fried!




One by one, all kinds of strange flying demons made a variety of strange calls, and countless different flying demons all showed extreme speed and rushed towards the fighter plane.

However, the fighter plane is a supersonic fighter plane. It is currently flying at supersonic speed, and its flight speed is far faster than the sound, so when the flying demon heard the roar of the fighter plane bombing the street, the fighter plane had already gone away, and the terrifying speed of the fighter plane generally Flying demons are not even worthy of ashes.

You know, this stealth fighter is specially used by Lin Wu for rushing and running.

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