"What I mean is actually the same sentence, either don't make it, or make the best one.

The best is not the best compromised, I mean it’s not like the cost compromise, for the highest performance, use the best that can be used, for example, ordinary brass can For the solution, if the effect of the seventh-order gold pattern is better, I will choose to use gold pattern black steel, even if the cost of gold pattern black steel is thousands or tens of thousands of times that of brass! "

Mo Lan said, and Lin Wu's eyes widened enviously when he heard it, and he muttered.

"Prodigal stuff?"

"What do you say?"

"I said, President, what are you planning to do this time, or what are you planning to do with the Floating Void City, President, what is it that makes you so cautious, so cautious, even at such a high price.

From what you said before, it seems that you intend to use all the material and technical background of the entire association to build this floating city with all your strength.

With our ability to seal an eighth-level blood demon with a little preparation, what is it that makes you so cautious, president?

Ninth level...shouldn't be worthy, right? "

At this moment, Lu Bin's expression also slowly turned solemn. They all knew Mo Lan very well, so they naturally knew that Mo Lan was not the kind of person who would mess around, and they believed in Mo Lan.

"President, I have never seen you prepare so carefully. Although the Dark God is still mysterious, it has not reached this level, and we have also sealed a dark dagger, which can conduct research on the gods. At this level, the gods ...Shouldn’t you deserve it too?”

"You've finished talking, what else should I say?"

Mo Lan shrugged, while Lin Wu and Lu Bin looked at each other, and finally looked at Mo Lan.


Mo Lan nodded slightly.

"There is already an overwhelming amount of evidence that Titans do exist.

There has also been a lot of information indicating that the Titan is likely to wake up.

If the Titans don't become enemies, then that's fine, everything is safe, but if the Titans and us become enemies, then we must stand up and deal with it. "

Mo Lan said lightly.

"After all, when the sky is falling, there is a tall man standing on top of it, and now, our Mage Association is a well-deserved tall man.

When facing unknown threats, we need enough strength to face them.

In the face of powerful enemies that may appear, the mage tower is outdated. Without mages, the mage tower with the highest combat power of the sixth-order peak is not enough to become the current main force, and it is not enough to carry our current diversified combat methods.

We now need a new combat platform, which not only has a higher upper limit of combat power, but also has the ability to carry diversified combat methods.

The floating city is such a combat platform I conceived, with high combat power, high battery life, high maneuverability, and high defense.

After all, compared with the new gods of faith such as the God of Darkness and the God of Light, Titans will be well-deserved and true gods in terms of strength and maturity!

The combat platform of Floating Void City is a platform for killing gods conceived by me, killing gods!

Otherwise, why conceive the floating city?Why build a floating city?I think it's cool, is it fun to make it? "

Lu Bin frowned slightly upon hearing this.

"But according to the information we got, the tenth level is just a legend, and the twelfth level is still a legendary stage.

If Titan is really a god, and his strength is also a god, then the starting point is the thirteenth level, or the starting point is the sixteenth level. This level really requires us to do our best to prepare, even if..."

Lu Bin shook his head and didn't continue, but Lin Wu said what Lu Bin hadn't finished.

"If it's really a Titan, even if we go all out to prepare, it may be far from meeting the requirements, right?"

"But do we not prepare because we are doomed?

What's more, when are we bound to fail again? "

The corners of Mo Lan's mouth curled up slightly.

"Of course I still have my preparations, and the floating city is just one of the more important items.

And you all underestimate the Floating Void City too much, right?Don't you think that the floating city that we forged with the wisdom of [-] mages and the association with all its strength will only remain a legend?

Legendary, unworthy! "

Mo Lan's lips parted slightly, and slowly spit out these two shocking words.

"Since I spent such a large amount of money preparing to forge the Floating Void City, I naturally have the confidence to raise it to a level that satisfies me.

If it's just a legend..."

Mo Lan sneered.

"Wouldn't it be more delicious to try our best to raise the strength of the few of us to legends?

All the projects of the association will be interrupted. All mages in the association and all mages that can be summoned from the outside world will help the three of us to study our respective specialization directions. Strong precious resources, use resources to pile up.

Is it difficult to make legends difficult by interrupting the development of magic skills and ideas on a large scale, replacing resources with all wealth, and advancing both ways? "

Mo Lan shook his head.

"For some people, legends are as difficult as heaven, but for us, legends are really not difficult.

And such a big move, the legend.....doesn't deserve it! "

Chapter 693 Luxurious Meditation

"I always feel that the president is manifesting himself in front of people, but I have no proof."

Lu Bin opened his mouth and said aloud, while Lin Wu looked at Lu Bin in surprise.

"What I said makes a lot of sense, don't you think so?"

Lu Bin opened his eyes, then narrowed his eyes to look at Lin Wu, and nodded solemnly.

"Yes, I think so too."

"Oh, I thought you didn't think so.

Is legend difficult?Not difficult, not difficult. "

"Well, yes, it's not difficult."

Lu Bin also nodded, only Mo Lan looked at the two of them with a smile on the side.

But the two of them are not lying. For them, becoming a legendary mage is inevitable, and the legend will not be the end of their lives. As long as there is no accident, they all have the potential.

"Okay, don't be poor, first integrate this blueprint together with me, and throw it to Yi Fei and Geng Tao to make it after the integration, they have already agreed, I will give the blueprint to them and they will start casting a new city .

Well, it is estimated that they plan to take the opportunity to open up new territories. Their old cities have established themselves in the mountains. In order to achieve a stable profit point, the valuation of each guild skyrocketed.

It just so happened that our blueprints came again, and they will definitely go deeper into the mountains to build cities and open up new territories after they have eaten their heads.

At this stage, our drawings can be verified by comparing different territories.

After integrating the drawings, we will proceed to the second layer, which is the continued design of the military layer. Due to various delays in the past, the design progress of the military layer is much slower than we expected.

In addition, the research on the dark dagger cannot be left behind. The dark dagger is the only artifact sample or even a god sample in our hands. We must seize the opportunity to study the mysteries of divinity.

I don't expect to thoroughly research and understand thoroughly within a period of time, but the methods and methods of mastering and controlling rules relying on divinity must be researched!

The domain of gods is a domain of rules, and the battle of killing gods must also mean a battle of rules. If the domain of rules is not touched, even if the floating city rises into the sky, it will only be an iron bump floating in the sky, without the slightest deterrence!It doesn't deserve to be called a floating city! "


Lin Wu and Lu Bin spoke in awe.

"Our project team and Tang Chuan's project team are currently conducting research on the Dark Dagger. Although there is no breakthrough yet, effective observations can be made on the Dark Dagger, laying the foundation for further breakthroughs in research. "

Mo Lan nodded lightly, said nothing more, and continued with the work.

But when it reached twelve hours, Mo Lan got up and left, and entered the meditation room to meditate.

Even if he paid more attention to this work, Mo Lan only allocated [-] hours for research, [-] of the remaining [-] hours were spent on meditation, and the remaining [-] hours were used to deal with other things and some more important research work.

The same is true for Lin Wu and Lu Bin. The three of them meditate in turn, and the remaining four hours are rest, or doing research in their own field to adjust their thoughts.

Mo Lan was immersed in meditation. Although he didn't do his best to help him improve his spiritual power, the wealth he had accumulated was enough for him to buy extravagant treasures to assist in meditation.

The most high-grade custom-made meditation incense made by the mages in the association with precious materials, Shenyou lotus tea that is superior to nourishing tea, precious spiritual potions taken, and even an extremely compressed but very stable and calm magic pool, specially created constant powerful A variety of meditation rooms that assist meditation formations, etc.

If everything is converted into monetary value and then converted into real currency, the value of resources Mo Lan spends in meditation for a day may be tens of millions!

And many of them are because Mo Lan, as the president of the Mage Association, many of them are produced in the association, or obtained by the Mage Association's exploration in various spaces and worlds, so what he enjoys is the cost price.

If it is sold to the outside world, coupled with the scarcity of these substances, the price of millions is not surprising.

And these are just the consumption of Mo Lan's one-day meditation. Although the damage of the meditation room and other building facilities is also included in the calculation, it is not entirely the material value of the consumption, but it is also extremely exaggerated. Mo Lan's wealth and the wealth of the Mage Association can be seen One spot.

Of course, it is also the great investment of these resources that keeps Mo Lan's meditation at a very fast pace of progress. Every minute and every second of meditation, he can feel the growth of his soul and the progress of his spiritual power.

There is just such a feeling, this is too extravagant, not like the protagonist, but like a big villain...

Eight hours passed in a blink of an eye. After finishing her meditation, Mo Lan slowly opened her eyes, and slowly looked at the attribute panel floating in front of her, or at the glittering golden title on the attribute panel.

Mage Trailblazer!

Mo Lan looked at this title slowly, the title should have been just a few golden fonts on the attribute panel, but for some reason, Mo Lan's mental power could faintly feel this title some time ago, it may be because of Mo Lan's mental power , but there could be other reasons as well.

Sensing the title, but no matter what, she couldn't find the title. Compared with before, the perception was clearer, which made Mo Lan more sure that this was not her illusion, and what she sensed was indeed this title.

After some induction, he found that he still couldn't find the title, and still couldn't touch the title. After Mo Lan got up and left the meditation room, in the magic pool behind him, four slender woody magic plants grew slowly, emitting four different breath.

Mo Lan, who left the meditation room, did not go to the laboratory, but came to her desk and quietly looked at a report placed in the center of the desk. It was an experimental report submitted a few days ago.

"On the application significance and solution of the remote transmission of pure spiritual power"

The project team that focused on the study of the purification of spiritual power and the transmission of purified spiritual power finally made a breakthrough, and the report was presented to Mo Lan as soon as the breakthrough was made.

Create a brand-new spiritual array, extract a special substance in the soul stone, and use the spiritual power solidified by the special substance in the soul stone to create a solidified spiritual barrier to restrict the flow of spiritual power.

Through the special properties of purified spiritual power, the purified spiritual power is used as a high-quality carrier for information transmission.

A very wonderful idea, a very big innovation, and a very good result.

Mo Lan looked at the report quietly, thinking in his heart, no one knew what he was thinking.

Chapter 694 The Kingdom of God!

"My mental strength is not strong enough, not strong enough, it would be great if I could be stronger."

Mo Lan muttered to herself, picked up the report in front of her and walked towards the laboratory, and there was a name in the place where the report was signed, Ke Qingzhi.

Before Mo Lan arrived at the laboratory, he heard Lu Bin and Lin Wu discussing something, and when he found Mo Lan, he turned his head and said.

"President, we probably understand what you mean, your idea is indeed very strong, and it is quite feasible.

However, after discussing with Lin Wu for a long time, I always feel that this concept is still missing a very crucial link. Without this link, your concept cannot go to the city. "

Before Lu Bin finished speaking, Mo Lan put the report in front of them.

"Is this what you're talking about? If so, make it up."

After Mo Lan's words fell, Lin Wu and Lu Bin turned their heads to look at the name of the report, a flash of light flashed in their minds, and the last link was added!

Lin Wu and Lu Bin looked at each other, and finally looked at Mo Lan, and nodded together.

"That's right, this mental power channel and the magic circle for information flow can directly solve this problem, and this is the last link of the difference.

The most important thing now is to find a way for the gods to touch and control the rules, as long as this problem is solved..."

Lu Bin stopped, and Lin Wu continued.

"With the Floating Void City as the core, mental power constructs the network, and uses mental power to control and influence the rules.

The area covered by the spiritual power network is the domain of the floating city, or in other words, the domain of the gods, the kingdom of the gods.

The president is not making a god-killing weapon, the president is making a god!

With the help of the structure of the gods to manufacture weapons, the floating city is the body of the gods, and the spiritual power network is the domain of the gods, or the kingdom of the gods. With the surging energy of nuclear fission, the floating city is a god, an artificial god that can be controlled!

Or in terms of building rating, then this will be a god-level building, capable of bursting out the mighty power of a god! "

Lin Wu said slowly, with an extremely serious face, Mo Lan smiled when he saw this, and said out loud.

"If you can't even kill a god, then what qualifications do you have to call it a floating city? It's too embarrassing, too embarrassing for the name."

"Killing God?"

Lin Wu said seriously.

"I remember what the president said before, Floating Void City is a new generation of large-scale combat platform, and it is an advanced version of the mage tower.

What I just said was just the basic configuration of the floating city, that is, the god itself.

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