The two shell explosions before and after, combined with the abnormal energy consumption of the shield, woke up the garrison mage in an instant and reacted directly.

"The higher the darkness concentration of the Dark Church, the stronger and more dangerous it is.

And if the guess is correct, the concentration of darkness, that is, the power of darkness, is closely related to the number of believers present, and it is even very likely to be directly proportional.

The more believers present, the darkness shelters the followers of the Dark God, and at the same time, the followers of the Dark God support the existence of darkness and accept the protection of darkness.

To remove the darkness, one must kill the believers of the Dark God, and the best way to kill the believers is to break through the darkness.

Tsk, wonderful! "

The garrison spell exclaimed.

"Precise strikes are still difficult."

Chapter 666 Fire Field!

"Full fire coverage!"

With a thought of the garrison mage, in an instant, the stone walls, ground, and dome of the crypt next to the research office all exposed the black muzzle.

That's all. The most outrageous thing is that there are many openings in non-critical parts that have been extended in space... It may look like a one-meter-square space on the surface, but in fact there are countless holes hidden inside. Ten large-caliber elemental cannons!

At this moment, the element pool was running at full power, and the energy output system was 120% loaded, and the energy channel center almost collapsed under the huge energy surge.

At this time, Mo Lan and Lu Bin, who got the news, formed a projection in an instant, and shot together to stabilize the central energy channel passing through the surging elements.

"This garrison mage really has a bad temper, he doesn't care about anything at all, he dares to make decisions, dare to order, dare to attack, he is decisive enough.

Well, reckless enough! "

Lu Bin said aloud while stabilizing the central energy pathway.

"He is reckless enough, decisive enough, and at the same time he is reckless and has a subtlety, otherwise he would not have chosen to have him stationed at the Underground World Research Office."

After Mo Lan finished speaking, Lu Bin rolled his eyes.

"You said that the garrison mage was chosen by you, and you probably didn't know about it, president, so you just signed it.

President, Lin Wu and I will take you out of the way sooner or later. "

Mo Lan's eyes narrowed and widened slightly.

"Ah, there is such a good thing?!"

Lu Bin was silent when he heard the words, and couldn't help but choke.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's discuss the matter in front of us, the overload of the central energy pathway."

Lu Bin pointed to the nearly collapsed central energy pathway and said seriously.

"Hey, don't, what happened just now is business...well, let's talk business."

Facing Lu Bin's angry little eyes, Mo Lan shrugged and didn't say any more.

And while they were talking, all the cannons that had been supplied with sufficient elements let out their roars.

For a moment, the terrifying elements oscillated, and for a moment, countless beams of light fell in the darkness outside.



Countless beams of light and artillery fire are connected together. If the dark church brought about the dark field, then what is formed under the countless artillery fire at this moment is the explosion field, or the field of firepower!

The absolute lethal field formed by the supreme firepower, the power is not capped!


But at this moment, the dark tide surged, as if it had become denser countless times in an instant, as if it had formed a huge wave in an instant, one wave after another, hitting like a tsunami.



The collision of darkness and firepower, again and again, time and time again, the earth seemed to vibrate accordingly, and even the Mage Association above felt a slight tremor.

Under such a background, Mo Lan and Lu Bin were still chatting, oh no, they were talking about business.

"You also said that the garrisoned mage is reckless and meticulous, and the central energy channel has been extended to this point, and it continues to bomb."

Mo Lan pondered for a moment when he heard the words.

"Um, are you sure he didn't do it because he found out that we were maintaining the central energy pathway, and we didn't stop him?"


Lu Bin was silent for a moment.

"Forget it, let's continue to talk about the business. I haven't discovered this energy pathway before. I didn't expect that when it reaches this level through elements in an instant, it will cause the collapse of the energy pathway itself.

Although I have known for a long time that the energy channel has a limit, I have never had the opportunity to test the specific value, and I did not expect to meet it now.

And that's good too, this time the cannon was fired well, directly exposing a huge hidden danger in our association.

If it is not exposed today, it is very likely that it will bring us great, even decisive losses in the future. "

Lu Bin said slowly.

"How many weapons and cannons are there, how many magic circles, and how much instantaneous energy output is fully activated?

The internal defense of the association is not counted. The instantaneous energy output of light attack elemental cannons, weapons, and magic circles is dozens or hundreds of times below.

Although the multi-core element pool is used above, the central energy pathway also reserves a huge margin.

But no matter how much room there is left, it will be a long time.

Although when we deployed the weapon energy system on a large scale for the first time later, it was greatly reinforced and strengthened once.

But after all, it was changed on the original basis, and it was greatly restricted by the original basis.

This directly led to the fact that when adding weapons again and again, adding magic circles habitually, and installing weapons when idle, the required instantaneous energy output has exceeded the instantaneous output upper limit of the central energy pathway.

No need to calculate, when I saw this limit, I knew it must be exceeded.

And the most deadly thing is that it’s nothing at ordinary times, and it’s completely fine to use normally, but if one day we fully activate all the defense and attack systems, I suspect that the central energy pathway will collapse directly, and we can’t even forcefully maintain it. kind.

This is a very big, even fatal flaw.

Because the battle that allows us to use all the attack and defense systems in the headquarters of the association must be a battle that has already involved the survival of the association.

And at this time, the central energy channel collapsed, not to mention that the two of us have seven rings, even if we are both eight rings, I don't think we may be able to withstand the frightening surge of elements. "

Mo Lan nodded when she heard the words.

"Indeed, it's a very big security risk."

"Well, President, I think it is necessary to carry out an all-round renovation, reconstruction, and improvement of the energy system, and the safety hazard must be completely eliminated."


Mo Lan nodded in agreement.

"But before that, I think we can make a deeper upgrade to the energy transfer system.

You should know that if we talk about the source, the original inspiration and structure of our energy pathway comes from the lines on the blood pool created by the little devil.

And the blood pool created by the little devil is just an imitation of the real blood pool.

Although the current version of the energy pathway has been innovated and updated countless times by us, it has long been completely changed and completely different, but if you have to calculate it.

Our energy pathways are merely imitations of this real blood pool energy pathway, grandchildren's.

Now that the real blood pool is right next to us, we can conduct deeper research and directly strengthen the energy operation system of our association fundamentally.

The external connection energy pathway of the blood pool is the earth vein pathway.

As for the carrying capacity of the earth vein pathway, the instantaneous energy output capability of the earth vein pathway is extremely terrifying.

After all, the access to the leylines can rely on itself to forcibly overcome the seven-ring spells. The earth is not broken.

I think it should be able to withstand the terrifying instantaneous energy output. "

Chapter 667 Dark God descends!

"If it is a ground vein access, it will definitely be able to meet the requirements of the association's energy transportation and supply system."

Mo Lan said slowly, Lu Bin took it for granted.

"Makes sense."

"Well, and there are ready-made samples here, so don't seize the opportunity to study, isn't this a fool?"

"Then you come or I come?"

Lu Bin looked at Mo Lan and asked aloud, Mo Lan pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and then said aloud after thinking about it.

"Let me do it myself, I just want to research in the direction of energy recently.

A project at hand involves energy, which is an unavoidable hurdle.

Many things and technologies are interrelated, not just a simple accumulation of quantities.

Still use the association's overall attack system as an example.

It seems that our attack system is very powerful. Countless attack circles, elemental cannons, and weapons seem to be able to continuously increase the firepower output in an instant.

But in fact, in fact, the final instant firepower output depends on the energy that our energy source can output in an instant.

It just depends on this inconspicuousness at all, and depends on this very simple energy system.

So if you want to increase the attack power of a building, then the energy output system is an unavoidable hurdle.

Instantaneous energy output will definitely become one of the decisive criteria for judging the quality of weapons and buildings in the future. "

Lu Bin nodded, and Mo Lan continued.

"For me and us right now..."

Mo Lan suddenly stopped halfway through her speech, and turned her head to look into the depths of the darkness.

At this moment, Lu Bin also looked at the same place in the darkness.

"After waiting here for so long, I finally waited for the Lord to come out. The wait was not in vain."

Mo Lan said with a smile, and Lu Bin also smiled when he heard the words.

"The real body should not come, it feels like a clone or will that comes with the help of believers."

Lu Bin spoke, and Mo Lan laughed.

"God itself is an aggregate of beliefs and concepts.

Why are you so sure that the body of God is the body of material flesh and blood?

Why can't God's body be just a will, a bunch of unformed concepts, just a bunch of unformed rules? "

Lu Bin was taken aback for a moment, then smiled too.

"That's right, let's see if we can take it down. Even if we can't take it down, it can make us understand God better!"

After Lu Bin finished speaking, he looked at the central energy channel that was still surging to output elements, and said directly, but the voice appeared in the ear of the garrison mage.

"Stop, stop, we have to make a move, and we don't have the time to maintain the energy pathway. If you dare to shoot a volley next time, the energy pathway will blow up for you in minutes."


The garrison mage replied directly after hearing the words, all kinds of magic circles, elemental cannons, and weapons stopped working immediately, and the central energy channel that had been running for a long time in the limit state finally stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Mo Lan immediately let go of the control, and a dodge appeared above the research office, and Lu Bin hurriedly followed.

"Dark God, come out and speak, I know you have come."

Mo Lan's voice slowly echoed in the air of the blood pool, and the other mages were startled when they heard the words, and they all turned to look in Mo Lan's direction, and then looked at the cave shrouded in darkness.

Dark God!

The only god in the world to appear, although the deeds at the time of appearance were a bit downscale, and even the seventh-level green dragon could not catch and subdue, but no matter how you say it, it is still a real god.

A powerful life formed by the beliefs of thousands of underground creatures, a life form that has never been seen before, a brand new life that has not been entered in any files, has not conducted any in vivo experiments, and does not know the specific structure!

All these directly made them all turn their heads to look into the depths of the darkness, wanting to see the true face of the dark god.

You know, this is a precious existence that can be recorded in the annals of history after studying it, and its value is extremely high.

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