"I also have to thank you for the inspiration."



Lu Bin felt that his whole body had become bad.

"It's gone. It's gone."

Lu Bin slipped away, the smiling Mo Lan felt the change of the magic coat inside the small chaotic space, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said silently in his heart.

"This time casting the magic coat was rather hasty, but it was normal for the first time, but after all, there were many problems.

Perhaps before creating a real elemental body, I can design a more perfect structure for the magic coat, a set of magic coat with stronger defense and can condense more magic power. It should not be just a single spell structure to build magic power coat.

Perhaps it is possible to use a complete set of architecture systems that echo each other, connect with each other, and enhance each other as the magic coat architecture. "

Mo Lan was thinking, and suddenly remembered something, turned her head to look at Huofeng who was standing obediently beside her, and tilted her head.

"Did you just... want to run?"

Chapter 634 Magic Clothing Architecture!

"Where...how can I, I just take a stroll and exercise."

When Huofeng said this, Mo Lan raised her eyebrows and looked at it playfully.

"Is it really?"

"Of course it is. As you know, the original seal is only a little bit. It's too stuffy. I just come out to move my body and flap my wings. How could I run?"

"Oh, I believe it."

Mo Lan nodded.

Huofeng stood obediently, trembling, not daring to make a sound.

"Forget it, this time you inspired me, I won't hold you accountable."

Mo Lan thought for a while, grabbed the back of Huofeng's neck with one hand, lifted it up and walked to the side, and walked in front of a black steel plate with gold patterns after a while.

This gold-patterned black steel plate is only one square in size, but there is a small hole in the middle of it, and a ball of flames jumps slowly under its power.

Although the flame is small, there is an astonishingly high temperature hidden inside it. Even if steel falls into it, it will melt in an instant, or even vaporize and disappear.

Mo Lan pointed to the flames and said.

"That is your new nest, go in and stay there, if you dare to leave the fire without my permission, then I will break you up, and then cast and seal you into this iron plate.

You believe me, I can do it. "

As soon as Mo Lan finished speaking, he threw Huo Feng away. Huo Feng didn't dare to make any sound when he heard the words, and directly followed Mo Lan's strength, turned into pure fire element and flew into the flames, merging into the flames.


The flames soared and turned into a group of fiery flames half the height of a person. The edges of the flames seemed to have a layer of gold. The sky above the flames was slightly twisted, showing the astonishing high temperature inside.

"From time to time, someone will come here to smelt metals. You should pay attention to controlling the temperature of the flame. When you want to be at a high temperature, you will be at a high temperature, even your highest temperature.

When you want to be low temperature, you should keep low temperature, and control it as low as you want. As for the metal plate under you, burn the black part and increase the golden part as much as possible when there is nothing to do.

have you understood? "


The flames in Phnom Penh danced slightly, and a mental wave spread, and Mo Lan nodded slightly.


As soon as the voice fell, Mo Lan raised her head slightly and called out.



"Pay attention to its situation in real time. If it wants to run away, you can directly activate the defense system and weapon system to catch it, and notify any guild leader.

Controlled the spirit of the weapon that I cast it into this furnace.

Oh, it doesn't matter if you can't control it and kill it, just try to control it. "

The flames trembled.

After Mo Lan left, he didn't intend to continue to use Huofeng to study the fusion of soul and elements, or in other words, he didn't intend to use Huofeng to study the fusion of soul and elements right now.

Because the discovery of the element coat suddenly made Mo Lan understand that the development of science and technology needs to be done step by step. Impatient and ambitious are not beneficial to the research of science and technology, and they may only retreat instead of advancing.

One by one, the goal is under the feet.

Now that the energy coat has shown enough potential to Mo Lan, Mo Lan interrupted the improvement of the structure of the energy coat at this moment, and took the opportunity to spy on the realm of the elemental body.

In layman's terms, it is the front-end technology that turns the energy coat into an elemental body. First light up the energy coat and then study the elemental body.

The difficulty is gradual and the technology develops sequentially, so the difficulty should be much smaller.

"So what structure should I keep in the magic coat?"

Mo Lan thought.

"I originally thought that the magic coat would be temporarily condensed every time, so the first idea of ​​the concept structure is to speed up the condensing speed, reduce the element requirements, and improve the cost performance as much as possible.

But now that it can be stored for a long time, all the previous ideas can be abandoned, without any value.

Now the idea should be to accommodate as much magic power as possible on the basis of what the chaotic small space can carry.

On this basis, the first is defense, physical attack defense, various elemental attack defense, mental power attack defense, and even emotional infection attack defense. "

Mo Lan thought very rationally.

"Mages can only output output when they are alive, especially arcane masters can't pour out all the spells in the spell slots like mages in an instant, so defense is even more important. This is the same sentence. If a mage is attacked by surprise, as long as there is A short reaction time can pour out all the spells in the spell slot to counterattack.

The arcanist is not good, so even if the player can be resurrected, the most important thing for the arcanist is to save his life. The mage will have output when he is dead, and the arcanist will only have output if he is alive.

As long as I am alive, I can turn all the magic power that makes up the magic coat into spells and bombard the enemy's head little by little. I don't believe that anyone can stop so many spell bombardments.

Then, set aside 60.00% of the space and quota to build the defense of these four aspects, and each aspect can occupy 15.00%, or wait for an opportunity to adjust. "

The magic coat is extremely huge, like a giant, and Mo Lan is drawing out the structure for this giant at this moment, propping up the skeleton, and only when the skeleton is up can there be a foundation for further refinement and perfection.

"The defense is ready, and the ability to ensure that you can leave the battlefield at any time is the source of ensuring that the mage is calm enough and elegant enough.

In a situation where death is inevitable and death is impossible, even I may be affected by despair. Under the influence, the combat power of the mage is not one in ten. Maybe there is a way to crack it, and there is no panic or despair. up.

So it is very important to guarantee yourself that you can leave the battlefield at any time.

In the structure, always prepare a spell structure that can break the space blockade?

Something to forcefully break the bondage and teleport away? "

Mo Lan recalled Lu Bin's space theory, some thoughts on breaking the space blockade and other books, and shook his head.

"No, it is extremely difficult to forcibly break other people's space blockade, and there is no possibility of achieving it at the same level, unless the opponent has reserved a gap or is stupid enough to block the space.

But these two situations will definitely not happen, and it is impossible for me to be driven to a dead end by such a group of fools. "

Mo Lan was thinking very confidently.

"Then by default, what I need to face is a perfect space blockade, um, the kind of space blockade constructed by Lu Bin.

This kind of space blockade is impossible to break at the same level, even if Lu Bin goes there himself, there is only one known way to break it.

Using a higher level of power, an incomparably huge power, ignoring all techniques, forcibly crushing the strengthened space directly.

The space has been crushed, and any space blockade is nonsense. "

Chapter 635 Arcane?

"This level of shattered space requires higher-level spells.

It is indeed a bit difficult to release spells that are one level higher than oneself. Most people cannot do it, but for me, it is not difficult.

And if it is prepared in advance and has a huge magical support, then it is fine to have hands. "

Mo Lan said casually.

"But considering that the enemy is of a level that can drive me to a dead end, I am afraid that the level of strength has exceeded imagination.

Therefore, we must think in a higher direction when considering the level of space blockade.

I want to increase the upper limit of the space I can break as much as possible. The higher the upper limit, the higher the threshold, and the safer I am when I am desperate.

As far as the normal teleportation spell is concerned, if you want to teleport, you must first open the space rift, then open the space rift on the opposite side, and finally build a space channel between the two space rifts. This is a complete space spell.

Opening the space crack on one's own side is only part of the consumption of space spells, and opening the space crack on the opposite side also requires building a space channel.

The space channel is a space teleportation spell, but the difference lies in the shallow void space channel in the world or the deep void space channel between different worlds. The consumption of the latter can break through the sky.

And if you want to increase the threshold as much as possible, what you need is to concentrate your strength as much as possible on the first step, breaking the space.

So, why should I follow up?Directly condense all the power on the broken space.

Broken, if I don't teleport away, I will enter the deep void, and I will exile myself into the void, among other things, at least I have escaped from the most dangerous place.

And as long as you are out of danger, what about the deep void, are you afraid you won't be able to leave? "

Mo Lan was moved.

"However, there is one last question, what if the other party chases along the broken space?

So I have to hide, or repair the broken space in an instant, and then reverse reinforcement, the time for the other side to find me or the broken space is enough for me to react.

After getting out of trouble, when I have complete freedom, I deserve what I deserve if I can't run away.

Well, let's do this, take out [-]% of the space to build a spell structure that simply breaks the space, use [-]% to build a spell structure that hides breath, hides body shape, and can smooth out fluctuations, and another [-]% Ten percent is used as a magic framework for repairing space and strengthening space.

Well, this should be almost done. Let Lu Bin help me design a spell that purely breaks the space, a spell that repairs and strengthens the space as quickly as possible. "

Mo Lan nodded silently.

"That's it, as for the last ten percent of the space."

Mo Lan thought for a long time, but finally did not think of the new structure, and shook her head.

"Forget it, the [-]% depends on the situation and divide it into defense, broken space, hiding, and repairing.

If it's really the rest, just keep a few stress response spells, and as long as someone sneaks up on him, he will be bombed.

Well, first imprisoning the space for a moment, and then covering a large area with high-intensity spells, it should be miraculously effective against assassins.

Yes, that's it. "

After Mo Lan's decision, the overall structure of the magic coat has been released. Just looking at this structure plan, Mo Lan has grasped the overall details, how to build it, and how to conceive it.

These structures have been perfected, and Mo Lan feels that the magic coat can be worthy of its name and truly play the role of the magic coat.

Even Mo Lan feels that many of these architectural ideas can be applied to the real elemental body. This magic coat really plays the role of front-end technology and lays a solid foundation for the construction and use of the elemental body.

From the beginning to the end, when designing the spell structure for the magic coat, Mo Lan never thought about designing active offensive spells. Even the last ten percent was designed for emergency response to prepare to beat assassins, not active spells. .

Maybe someone else will design a large number of offensive mages. This is the first thought. Turn the magic coat into a walking mage tower with seven rings.

But Mo Lan would not, in Mo Lan's view, the magic coat is just a tool to store magic power, even protect oneself from being assassinated, and enhance one's survivability.


No, no, why should the attack be constantly offensive spells on the magic coat?

From Mo Lan's point of view, he himself is the most powerful source of attack, and even the attack spell structure with a constant 100% magic power coat is no match for Mo Lan himself.

For Mo Lan, with the magic coat, a plug-in that stores a huge amount of magic power, he can release the most powerful spells that are most suitable for the battlefield.

He can adjust it arbitrarily, and even temporarily create spells according to the form of the battlefield. This kind of spell attack will be the strongest.

And this does not require Mo Lan to leave even a part of the attack spell structure on the magic coat.

And this is exactly the same as Mo Lan's memorization of defensive spells and displacement spells in all spell slots when she was weak.

In other words, Mo Lan has never forgotten his original intention, adhering to the fact that only if he is alive can he output, and adhering to the fixed one, then he will defend, and the attack led by himself is the most powerful.

Mo Lan wrote lines of text on the white paper, further refining the structure and skeleton of the magic coat, and further implementing the refinement.

After a while, the white paper has been written densely, and Mo Lan's spell structure plan has also taken shape.

Putting down the pen, looking at the densely written paper, Mo Lan said.

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