A hundred mage towers directly form a defense zone and a camp.

The sudden appearance of one hundred Mage Towers surprised many players, and the situation of Tallinn directly gave them a shot in the arm.

And similarly, the changes here had been heard by the coaches of the two empires, the South and the North, on the first morning, making them frown and bewildered.

The Morse Players Alliance showed its deterrence, and the deterred North and South Empires would naturally investigate the Morse Players Alliance to the bottom, and the Mage Association was the first to bear the brunt.

And the most famous Mage Tower of the Mage Association has long been known to them, and while it is shocking and powerful, it also reveals the greed in their hearts.

The mage tower is too strong!

Except for the invincible seventh level, it is a perfect existence and a perfect building.

So the one hundred miniature mage towers that appeared directly on the front line made them more vigilant and tightened their nerves.

But the next day, news from Morse Kingdom made them breathe a sigh of relief.

"Almost all the trains of the Mage Association have disappeared, and the number of trains that have disappeared is a full one hundred."

This number immediately relieved them, and they immediately understood where the [-] miniature mage towers on the front line of the Morse Players Alliance came from.

But one thing is very subtle... The trains of the Mage Association stopped going to the surface a long time ago, all of them went through underground tunnels, and did not accept the aborigines. Currently, they only run within the Morse Players Alliance, and all platforms are in the Players Association Inside, to put it simply, the only people who can see the train are the players......

The two empires who had just breathed a sigh of relief heard a piece of news.

The Morse Players Alliance is building a real full-scale mage tower among a hundred miniature mage towers, and ten of them have started construction at the same time!

However, this news did not attract much attention, and even made them feel relieved.

The speed at which the Morse Players Alliance built a full-scale mage tower is simply too slow!

Oh, it can't be said that it is slow, it is much faster than they built the castle, but in the face of a war, this speed of construction is not enough to make people dread.

Chapter 557 Armor Fusion!

"Tell me a joke, the Mage Association is very slow in building the Mage Tower."

Lin Wo and Lu Bin looked at each other and laughed loudly. After laughing, Lin Wo said seriously.

"According to the intelligence, both the two empires have planted traitors inside the players.

At least two to three-digit players took money from the two empires to do business for them and provide them with information. "

"The money is easy to get. If you give some information, you can get money. And it's just a game. They don't feel so much guilt, and it's easier to be bribed."

"It's just deceiving yourself."

Lin Wu said disdainfully, and Lu Bin waved his hand beside him.

"Forget it, there is no need to do anything. This kind of people will definitely exist. We just need to ensure that the interior of the Mage Association and the core layers of these guilds do not exist. We can warn them later and let them check themselves."


Lin Wu nodded.

"There shouldn't be any within our association, and the cohesion aspect of our association can still be done.

Taling's supervision is also a layer of insurance, and the members of the association are basically not short of money. "

"Pay more attention, by the way, will you appear when the battle starts?"

Regarding Lu Bin's question, Lin Wu nodded after pondering for a moment.

"Let me go, whether it is you or the president, there will be too many leaks.

It's just right for me to go. "

"There are a lot of exposure..."

Lu Bin still hesitated, Lin Wu smiled.

"It's impossible to leak everything. If nothing is leaked, it's not just a hundred thousand. It is estimated that millions of troops are preparing to attack on the border of the northern and southern empires.

Just a seven-level deterrence cannot completely deter the two empires, it is far from enough.

We must strengthen deterrence and strengthen our weight. Only in this way can this gambling battle and this battlefield have a basis to maintain. "

"Indeed, our current strength exposed to the outside world is indeed weaker."

Lu Bin nodded.

"Let's show it, show it, it's better to show it."

Lin Wu didn't say anything, turned around and walked into a huge carriage.

The space inside the carriage is extremely huge, and a very advanced space stretching technology has been used impressively. This carriage alone has condensed extremely strong technical strength.

And in the center of this carriage lay a huge mechanical giant lying on its back.

The mechanical giant tens of meters tall looks huge even when it is lying on the ground, standing next to it gives people a strong deterrent.

The mechanical giant is not painted, and the surface of the fuselage is a layer of seven-grade gold-grained black steel. The primary color of black and gold makes it look deep and noble.

The one-piece shell only has gaps at the joints, but it still fits tightly and is wrapped in a layer of soft material.

A place in front of the shell was disassembled, revealing a thick golden-patterned black steel spine, which was constantly filled with extremely complex and mysterious spell models and magic circles, and elemental metals of other colors were mixed in from time to time, counting them in detail In the past, there were more than nine types of elemental metals alone, but among them, gold-patterned black steel was the most, followed by space bronze.

Lin Wo gently stroked the huge mechanical giant with his hands, and muttered to himself in an extremely friendly and familiar way.

"It's been so long, and I've always been the president and Mo Lan. Now it's probably rumored that I'm the vice president in charge of affairs. It's rumored that my original talent has been exhausted in the long-term management, right?"

Lin Wu shook his head slightly.

"It's been so long, it's time for us to perform. Next... will be my home stadium."

The mechanical giant seemed to be aware of it, and the place where Lin Wo touched slightly vibrated, as if responding to Lin Wo.

Lin Wu patted the mechanical giant with a smile, changed his clothes, turned around and entered the mechanical giant for the final adjustment.

The element pool is full!

Full ammo!

Mecha, ready to fight!


The glorious sun slowly rose from the east, and when the first ray of sunlight from the morning sun shone on the highest peak of this battlefield, Mo Lan returned to this battlefield where hundreds of thousands of elite players gathered.




One side after another, war drums taller than a person slowly rose from the ground.

One side, two sides, three sides, one hundred sides!

A burly player with a resolute face appeared in front of the battle drum, holding two drumsticks as thick as goose eggs in his hand, raised them high, and slammed them down!



The thick and loud drums resounded!

One player, two players, a hundred players!


Drumbeats, rhythms, a passionate war song sounded, breaking through the sky under a heavy hammer, and resounding through the sky and the earth!

"I'm about to go to the battlefield, as a good man, the battle song is the background music for you to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds.

war! "

Lin Wo appeared in the sky above the battlefield, holding a microphone model in his hand, and shouted loudly.




"Hit the motherfucker!"



Hundreds of thousands of players shouted three wars in unison, but there seemed to be something wrong with it.

Lin Wu chose to ignore it. Among the [-] players, there are all kinds of top players. It's not bad to have so many cooperation. He is very satisfied that he didn't make him embarrassed.

Lin Wu still wanted to say something, but before he could say it, dust rose from the sky, and two armies of hundreds of thousands appeared on the diagonal right and diagonal left of the [-] players respectively.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Shouting in unison, the murderous intent broke through the sky, and two huge auras crushed in an instant, but when they were crushing towards [-] players, the two auras also squeezed and collided with each other.

Lin Wu looked at the [-] players under his feet, and his chest was full of pride and fighting spirit.


"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

Waves of momentum soared into the sky, and Lin Wu in the air gathered them together and crushed them forward.


The silent thunder exploded in everyone's spiritual world, as if the real momentum collided in the center of the chariot across a distance of tens of millions of meters.


The clouds were shattered and dissipated, and the birds turned into plasma and fell down. There were no clouds in the sky, and the birds disappeared.


The collision of momentum is equal, and the momentum of the three parties is at a stalemate in the center of the battlefield, and no one can suppress the other.

After a brief stalemate, a rainbow light rushed out of the Southern Empire and Northern Empire armies.

"Master Warrior Williams of the Southern Empire, come to fight!"

"Northern Empire Master Warrior Berg, come to fight!"

A master fighter, that is, a master fighter, is also the seventh-rank fighter in what Mo Lan and the others call it.

When the two rainbow lights rose, the powerful aura of the master fighters merged into the aura of the army. At the same time, the aura of the troops of both the northern and southern empires skyrocketed.

The instantly soaring momentum directly pressed towards the [-] players, and all the players' hearts sank.

Seventh order.....they don't have it.

The momentum of the players gradually weakened, and all the players turned their attention to Lin Wo in the air.

And Lin Wu looked at the two master-level fighters who rushed towards him at the same time, with a calm face, and lightly stroked the front of the belt with his hand. At the same time, a mechanical voice sounded.

"Armor fusion!"

Chapter 558 The Master of Mecha Warfare!

"Armor fusion!"

A mechanical sound echoed between the heaven and the earth. Hearing this extremely familiar voice, the player was stunned and stared at Lin Wu in a daze.

And Mo Lan and Lu Bin at the back also looked at each other, full of doubts.

"You did it?"

"No, I didn't do anything, didn't I?"

"It's not me, it's really not you? Besides the two of us, who would dare to do such a thing? Don't be afraid of being beaten to death."

"I really don't have it, the distance is so close, can't you feel it if I do it?"

After Mo Lan and Lu Bin finished speaking, they suddenly thought of something, and suddenly turned their heads to look at Lin Wu's back.


"No way?"

"It can only be like this..."

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