Mo Lan said with some shock and surprise, he really didn't expect that after catching the seventh-order phoenix bird, he suspected that there would be a huge harvest just at the beginning, it was unbelievable.

"is that true?"

Mo Lan asked and answered herself.

"Whether it's true or not, you'll know if you try it."

Mo Lan first withdrew her mental power, captured a trace of fire element from the outside, and then entered the onlooker angle.

"Huh? What about the miniature fire elementals? Why not?"

Chapter 539 Fire Element Particles

"What about the tiny fire elementals? Why not?"

Mo Lan opened his eyes. Among the fire elements in the outside world, even if he zoomed out to the limit, there was still no shadow of any miniature fire elements.

He hadn't discovered the miniature fire element before, and thought it was because his previous mental power was not strong enough to perceive this miniature fire element.

But now it seems that this is not the case. If it is inferred this way, then this kind of miniature fire element should be unique to the fire phoenix, at least it is not widely found in nature, and it may be the key to the mutual transformation of matter and elements.

"I knew it wasn't that simple."

Mo Lan said in his mouth, but Mo Lan is still very happy, because the whole research project has just started and has a clue and direction. This is the most rare thing, but I have to say, it is still thanks to the strong support of Huofeng with fit.

So the next step is to find a way to verify whether this miniature fire element is related to the conversion of elemental substances.

If it matters, then just find a way to find a way to manufacture and control this miniature fire element.

And even if it is not, while verifying this point, it will continue to conduct in-depth research on Huofeng. When the time comes to learn more, there will naturally be new ideas and ideas.

"Miniature Fire Elemental Miniature Fire Elemental..."

Mo Lan muttered, repeated the name, and decided after pondering for a moment.

"It's not appropriate to call it a miniature fire element. From now on, this kind of miniature fire element will be called a fire element particle.

This is clear at a glance, and there will be no misunderstandings. If you have any questions later, we will talk about it later. "

Mo Lan muttered to herself, and once again focused on the fire element particles on Huofeng's body.

The external fire element has not found the fire element particles, so it is meaningless to pay attention to the external fire element. At present, if you want to study the fire element particles, you must study the fire phoenix, and directly observe the state and nature of the fire element particles in the fire phoenix.

"Assuming that these fire element particles are a kind of basic particles with fire element, can the fire element be regarded as a kind of structure? All the items of the fire element are also regarded as a kind of structure.

Just like building blocks, the particles are these particles, the fire element is the fire element, and the substance is the substance? "

Mo Lan speculated in her heart, then shook her head again.

"There is no way to verify these yet, and we have to find a way to find the ability to control the fire element particles.

No, no, not control, the first step should be to find the technology to make this kind of fire element particles.

For now, I have only seen this kind of fire element particle on the body of Huofeng, and I don't know how this kind of particle appeared..."

An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Mo Lan's heart.

"Don't appear after breaking through the seventh order..."

"Hiss, how do you break through the seventh ring?"

"It's almost enough to create and control the fire element particles."

"How do you create and control fire elemental particles?"

"It's enough to break through the seven rings."

Mo Lan: "???? Can't it be?"

With an ominous premonition, Mo Lan continued to study the fire phoenix, trying to observe the fire element particles in depth.


Association of Lawyers.

"Have you heard? Assistant Xu is going to launch an elder challenge!"

A passing mage said to a friend next to him.

"Huh? Assistant Xu? I've heard about you a long time ago. Has he accumulated enough points?"

"That's enough, it's enough, the enhanced version of Spiritual Link has already been bought by other guilds, basically all the guilds that are eligible to buy it have bought a set, think about how many points it takes?

It is said that he has been polishing for a long time after accumulating enough points, until now he started the elder challenge. "

"Awesome, I don't know what the topic of the elder's challenge is this time..."

"He should succeed this time, right? He has been studying with the president for so long since he was challenged, and he has been preparing for so long this time."

"Probably, but the top ten elders are all awesome, whoever doesn't represent technology, they are all awesome."

"Hiss, I'm looking forward to it even more."

Nie Hua heard two passing mages talking, and turned to look at the mage tower behind him.

"The project is important, just watch other people's videos later."

Nie Hua still shook his head, gave up his plan to watch, and prepared to go back to his laboratory.

His laboratory is not here, but inside a mage tower without tower spirit next to Lu Bin mage tower.

He came to Molan's main mage tower this time mainly to ask an elder some questions, and by the way borrow the power of the main tower.

He didn't apply for Lu Bin's pagoda spirit, but he did apply for the main pagoda spirit.

Thinking of the smile on Nie Hua's face during his own research, he couldn't help but move a little faster.

"Should it be successful this time?"

With this thought in mind, Nie Hua returned to his laboratory, looked at the laboratory table, and looked at the four assistants beside him. They were all ordinary members, and he himself was an elite member.

Mechanical thinking!

Spiritual link!

"Let's start! According to this spell model structure, constant!"

After Nie Hua blessed himself with mechanical thinking, he sent a spell model to the four people. Each of them assigned a part of the task, and Nie Hua himself was responsible for the core and most complicated part.

As time passed by, the material used for Nie Hua's constant spell model was a kind of wind-attributed magical plant wood, which was not low in grade and could be a spell model with a maximum constant six rings.

"When the hurricane technique is used, a space crack will be opened, and the wind element will be transferred from the space behind the space crack as the power to launch the hurricane.

According to the experiment, this space crack should lead to the wind elemental world..."

Nie Hua muttered to himself.

"Intercept the hurricane spell's space coordinates of the wind elemental world, open up the spell structure of space cracks, modify the space crack width parameters, and create small and medium-sized space cracks that people can pass through.

Then this part supports the frame of the space crack, strengthens the stability of the space crack, and increases the duration of the space crack.

According to the previous elder's guidance, coupled with Ta Ling's derivation results, it should be feasible. "

Nie Hua murmured to himself, he kept murmuring and retelling his thoughts during the constant spell model, and improved his concentration. At the same time as the voice fell, the constant spell model was completed with the last touch.

"to make!"

"Phew, perfect!"

Nie Hua looked at the wind-attribute Mozhi who had already stabilized the spell model in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face. This time, everyone was in very good condition, without a single mistake, and the spell model he created was perfectly completed.

And the final constant spell model has a full 670 eight spell nodes, and the number of spell rings is as high as...

"Six rings!"

Chapter 540 Wind Element World

"Taling No. [-], I want to apply for access to the space element pool to supply space elements for the interface of my experimental platform. The reason is to conduct experiments on the six-ring space and wind dual-attribute spell models. The new spell model has been submitted. Please check it.

Applicant: Elite member Nie Hua. "

Nie Hua directly contacted Lu Bin's mage Tataling No. [-] through the interface reserved for mental power access, and received a synchronous reply from Taling as soon as the application was sent.

"Received the application, and the spell model is being reviewed... the spell model has been approved.

Personnel qualifications being reviewed... Accessing the main tower spirit database... Nie Hua... Elite members... Qualification review passed.

The project qualification is being reviewed.....The project qualification has passed the review.

Connecting to the space element pool...Complete the space element access, respected Your Excellency Nie Hua, I wish you a successful experiment. "

"Thank you for your well wishes, number two."

Nie Hua watched an indicator light on the test bench light up, and then put the wind-attribute magic plant that had stabilized the new spell model on the output port of the space element, slightly touched the switch with mental power, and the space element began to output.

The experiment begins!

At this moment, Nie Hua and the four people behind him couldn't help holding their breath, waiting nervously.

For Nie Hua, if this experiment is successful, he can complete the task of "finding and creating space passages in the wind or earth elemental world" personally issued by the president Mo Lan. Not only can he get a considerable amount of points, but also let When the president sees his name, at least he will leave a good impression on him.

In addition, it may even be appreciated by some elders. Relying on the qualifications of creating six-ring space spells to join the projects developed by the ten elders and even the two vice presidents, that is the real technical core of the Mage Association. , Technology frontier.

And this is only the internal influence of the Mage Association. Externally, this spell model can be used as a journal, increase external popularity, and enrich the resume introduction, so that when you go out to pick up some projects and earn some extra money in the future, you can also increase the price a lot. .

As for the four people behind them, it is because once they succeed, they will get a lot of points as rewards, and they can confirm what they have learned in the Nie Hua project team during this period of time, enrich their qualifications, and maybe they can join a higher one next time. Hierarchical, more complex, and larger project teams continue to learn to improve their R&D capabilities and become stronger.

At this moment, under the expectant eyes of the five people, the spell model inside the wind attribute magic plant continuously absorbed the power of the space element. With Nie Hua's full attention, the space element perfectly operated the spell model.

The next moment, a silvery-white ray of light shot out, and a two-meter-high spatial crack slowly emerged, and the space opposite the spatial crack gushed out extremely dense wind elements.

The Wind Elemental Realm has been successfully opened!

And the moment before the wind elemental world appeared, a message appeared in the calculation core of the main tower spirit.

"Warning, warning, there are abnormal space fluctuations within the association, and the space channel is about to open...Do you want to interrupt...Retrieve the record of Taling No. [-]...Nie Hua's qualification review...passed the review ,Alert lifted."

The tower spirit inside the soul stone regained its silence again.


On the other side, the ecstatic Nie Hua and the four mages hugged each other tightly, cheering and celebrating together, and at this moment, the voice of Ta Ling No. [-] sounded.

"Dear Master Nie Hua, congratulations on the success of the experiment. According to the Association's regulations on the management of space channels, spells that can open space channels must be closed as soon as possible after the experiment is successful, to avoid accidents caused by the experiment.

If you want to experiment again, you must apply for a special experiment site in the space passage area for the experiment. "

"Received, Taling No. [-], I will close the space channel immediately.

But before again, I need to apply for and submit the task of "About opening up the space channel of the wind element world" in the mission hall. Behind this space channel is the wind element world! "

Nie Hua said happily that Taling No. [-] immediately accepted the mission and experimental data submitted by Nie Hua.

"Extract the details of the mission requirements....Monitor the concentration of the wind attribute element behind the space channel...The concentration is up to the standard, and it is recognized as the wind element realm...The mission is completed, congratulations, honorable Master Nie Hua, the point reward has been completed Sent, please go to the mission hall to collect the physical rewards."

"Received, thank you."

Overjoyed, Nie Hua immediately distributed the agreed points to the members of the project team, and then excitedly went to the main mage tower.

At the moment, Mo Lan, who was studying the fire element particles, was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes showed a bit of joy.

"Someone has completed the task in the Wind Elemental Realm?"

Mo Lan immediately retrieved the task completion details.

"Nie Feng, the fifth level, alone... oh no, under the guidance of the elders, he created a six-ring space and wind dual-attribute spell alone? Opened up a passage to the wind element world?

Not bad. "

Mo Lan pondered for a moment after finishing speaking, then connected to Ta Ling and gave instructions.

"Transfer this matter to Lu Bin, and ask him to review the spell model, and if there is no problem, immediately build a space channel leading to the wind element world.

In addition, the task of finding or capturing the wind spirit is announced, and the task can be completed repeatedly without an upper limit! "


Ta Ling's voice sounded in Mo Lan's mind, Mo Lan nodded, and then sat down again, immersing his mind in the fire element particles.

"The nature of these particles is so amazing, it can still be like this..."

Mo Lan muttered to herself.


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