If the discrete mental power is enough in this case, then upgrade the next level of spell slot, if there is no next level, it will be used to condense a new first-level spell slot. "

Mo Lan's thoughts were very clear at this moment, she quickly wrote with her fingers, recorded her thoughts at this moment on the notepad, and recorded the upgrade method in the future.

"If this is the case, then the level of the mage can also be determined.

Based on the level of the highest level of spell slot, having a first-level spell slot is a first-level mage, and having a second-level spell slot is a second-level mage.

With reference to the spells that ordinary monsters can use from one to three levels, monsters with fourth-level spells are defined as elite-level monsters.

The mage can also be divided into the same division. A mage who has a fourth-level spell slot and can release fourth-level spells is a fourth-level mage, and is classified as an elite-level mage. A mage who can release one to three-level spells is an ordinary mage. "

At this moment, Mo Lan's path about the mage level and the future was instantly clear.

Mo Lan is full of excitement, and the road ahead has been illuminated. Although it is still illusory at present, he can realize it only by waiting for him to open up step by step.

Perhaps if Mo Lan planned to use the creation of the mage profession to gain popularity and make money, then Mo Lan at this moment is really full of expectations and wants to stick to the path of the mage.

No reason, just because Mo Lan is not short of money now.

His ideological realm at the moment is already based on a very high material foundation.

The higher the material base, the higher the ideological realm and the pursuit of nature.

After writing down all his thoughts, Mo Lan got up, stretched, and sat for a long time. When he got up, his bones rattled.

Pushing open the door and walking downstairs, Al has been waiting for a long time at the dining table below, and when Mo Lan came down, he immediately stood up and stood aside.

Mo Lan reacted immediately. It was estimated that Al called him for lunch just now, and then he went upstairs to find that he had fainted without a response.

After the guidance of Ding Jin and Zou Peng, Al now has a Chinese-style cooking experience, with a lot of fried meat, but with a large piece of white bread next to it.

Tear off a piece of fluffy white bread, take a full bite, and then use homemade chopsticks to put a piece of fried meat in your mouth and chew with the bread.

"Well, incense."

Al, who was sitting across from him, also began to eat the white bread, taking small bites, chewing each bite for a long time, savoring the taste of the white bread.

White bread... very tasty.

Chapter 50 Experiment

After eating, Mo Lan took out the money bag and weighed it.

There are Yin Nas and Jin Nas in it, and the total value is probably a little more than four Jin Nas.

"The feeling of holding 20 yuan in your hand is different, it's heavy."

With a smile on his face, Mo Lan glanced at the 5 yuan that had just arrived in the bank card account, and finally put away the money bag.

"I have already earned 5 yuan, which is enough in a short time."

Mo Lan decided that these Jinnas would not be sold.

Perhaps selling these Jinas can earn 20 immediately, but Mo Lan still believes that using these Jinas to invest in himself will definitely create more value and make a lot of money.

"Al, I'll go out and take care of the family."

"Okay, sir."

Hearing Al's answer, Mo Lan walked out of the shop with a smile.

After leaving the store, he walked straight towards the north city gate. Looking at the scenery along the way, Mo Lan found that there were more and more players in Hongfeng City, and they were getting deeper and deeper into Hongfeng City.

It turned out that there were more players at the gates of the city and some squares or important places. Now, the entire Red Maple City is full of players.

Maybe you can see a lot of players when you pass by any alley. Players have gradually begun to integrate into Hongfeng City and slowly change Hongfeng City.

"I hope Zou Peng is fast enough. Now it seems that there is no need to wait for the players to fully change careers. Their impact on the market has already begun."

Mo Lan was walking on the road, and suddenly a man with a face full of flesh bumped into Mo Lan.

When he walked in front of Mo Lan, Mo Lan was stunned, and controlled the body that subconsciously wanted to dodge.


Mo Lan was hit and stumbled, and a sound like a mosquito and ants sounded in her ears.

"The guard who stopped you once before is behind you. Someone has sent a letter. You can go back now."

Mo Lan staggered to his feet, turned around and cursed.

"No eyes!"

After scolding, he continued to walk forward. This person he had met once before was standing behind the scar.

It's not surprising that Mo Lan's show of affection from the Black Crow Gang started from the day he learned that he was a painting master.

The purpose is very direct, I want to invite Mo Lan to join them.

But even though I thought about it, I didn't bully others, domineering, or stalk others, but showed affection bit by bit, betrayed little by little, didn't say anything to continue to invite, just did it silently and made no secret of it. court.

What really surprised Mo Lan was the guard behind him.

"Yu Jinan is going to fight me, isn't it? Just in time, I'll let you guys do an experiment."

Mo Lan pouted and walked around the streets and alleys a few times. After paying close attention, he soon discovered the guards who had been following him, and there was a hint of playfulness on the corner of his mouth.

"Yu Jinan? Come on."

After that, Mo Lan began to walk towards the north gate. It took a while to come outside the north gate. After leaving the city, she continued to go north. After a while, the endless mountain range gradually came into Mo Lan's eyelids, and Mo Lan directly found a place to go. go in.

Standing there and waiting with closed eyes, Yu Jinan took two people to Mo Lan after a while.

And two people came out behind Mo Lan, blocking Mo Lan's back path.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Mo Lan opened her eyes and said lightly.

"You came a little later than I thought."

"I really don't know how high the sky is, and I thought that I would be invincible after changing jobs? The frog at the bottom of the well."

Yu Jinan said disdainfully.

"Come on, grab him."

Mo Lan smiled when he heard the words, the ink cartridges slowly rotated in his mind, and the second-level spells on the first surface flickered faintly.

"Yu Jinan, do you think you will win?"

Yu Jinan sneered when he heard the words.

"Isn't it? Can you kill me?"

Mo Lan said lightly.


As soon as the words fell, the second-level spell on the cartridge was activated.

Mo Lan's mental power scattered around can clearly sense the fluctuations of wind and fire elements.

The mage model took shape, the elements converged, and the fiery flame was blown forward by a strong wind, instantly turning into a wall of fire and pushing it flat, directly blocking Mo Lan's vision.

Mo Lan, who saw the effect of the spell, murmured suddenly, and one hand began to write continuously on the system panel.

"The first spell release experiment, tentatively named the Fire Wall Technique."

Mo Lan first looked at the wall of fire, and then silently sensed it with mental power.

"[-]. The Fire Wall technique can block the field of vision, but it only slightly interferes with the spiritual power.

[-]. The Fire Wall technique loses the explosiveness of the Fire Ball technique and the cohesion of the Wind Blade technique. Based on this, it can be speculated that there may be spell nodes with functions of explosion and condensation in the lost spell nodes. "

Mo Lan looked at the three people who collided from behind the wall of fire. They were only slightly charred and their breath was turbulent, but they did not cause serious injuries.

"Three, the Fire Wall Technique retains the speed of the Wind Blade Technique, while the coverage area has been greatly enhanced, so it is extremely difficult to avoid, but the range is too large, the flame temperature is not high, the cohesion is not enough, and the damage is not enough."

"Mo Lan, little tricks of the worm, I'm here to see what other tricks you have! Come back if you can."

With his hair and eyebrows burned off, Yu Jinan, whose face was charred, roared angrily.

Mo Lan raised her eyelids slightly and glanced at him, her lips moved slightly.


As soon as the words fell, the spell in the second-level spell slot was activated, and a wall of fire whizzed away again.

Yu Jinan looked at the wall of fire coming towards him with anger and disdain on his face.

"Qian ass is poor!"

However, the guards at the back of the car watched in horror as Mo Lan calmly took out a fireball scroll and activated it silently.


A scroll immediately turned into a fireball, closely following the Fire Wall Technique and galloped away, from a distance it looked like the tail flame behind the Fire Wall.

Just as Yu Jinan and the two guards broke through the wall of fire technique, they found that a fireball kept getting bigger and bigger. The distance was too close, and there was no time to dodge.


A huge explosion sounded, and the fiery flames engulfed Jinan. The flesh and skin quickly scorched, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a charred corpse and fell to the ground.

"Cut, if you say it in seconds, you will be in seconds."

The explosion of the fireball technique merged into the wall of fire technique, and the temperature of the flame of the wall of fire technique increased a lot. This discovery made Mo Lan's eyes shine.

"Fourth, the Fire Wall Technique has a good practical significance, especially when dealing with warrior-type reckless men, they cannot see through the Fire Wall Technique, as long as the attack follows the Fire Wall Technique, they can achieve merit in one fell swoop."

This time, Mo Lan spoke directly with her mouth, while she said it and wrote it down.

Yu Jinan, who had just been resurrected, heard his face flushed with anger, and smoke was coming from his head, while the four guards around him grunted and stood in the same place, looking at each other, and some did not dare to approach.

"[-]. Fireball flame is suspected to enhance the flame of Firewall. Firewall may have the effect of engulfing other flames to enhance itself. You can design experiments in different places, cross bonfires, and release fireballs to verify."

The defiant Mo Lan made Yu Jinan furious and rushed towards Mo Lan.

When he rushed over, he was covered with white light, and his speed was extremely fast. He came to Mo Lan in an instant, and he activated his first-level spell.


Chapter 51 The Price of Death


Although charge is only a first-level spell, it is a very special spell and cannot be viewed with common sense.

The power of the charge is not fixed, but in a floating state. If a person with weak physique, low strength, and light weight charges, the power is very low, no better than a normal first-level spell.

But if it is replaced by a person with high physique, high strength, and high weight to charge, the power can even reach the power of third-level and fourth-level offensive spells.

The lower limit of this spell is extremely low, and the upper limit is extremely high, and it is almost the most common spell among warriors.

At this moment, Yu Jinan's charge is not too bad, it really brought a lot of pressure to Mo Lan, like a beast rushing towards him, Mo Lan's whole person was locked in place by the momentum of the charge, moving Must not.

Facts have proved that although Yu Jinan's character is not good, this person is not bad.

Not only did he gain the trust and favor of the nobles in a short period of time, but his own force did not drop in the slightest.

Facing Jinan's charge, Mo Lan's thoughts moved, and a wind blade technique appeared out of thin air, whistling directly towards Yu Jinan.


The wind blade, which was enough to cut through the bluestone, was smashed by Yu Jinan, and the wind whistled, making Yu Jinan's momentum even stronger, but Mo Lan still noticed that the white light shrouded in him had weakened a lot.

"I need a spell that keeps my opponent away or keeps them away from me."

Mo Lan pondered, and with a thought, the last fireball in the first-level spell slot was activated.


The fireball technique exploded between Mo Lan and Yu Jinan, and the air waves were turbulent. Yu Jinan rushed into the flames directly against the air waves, and Mo Lan was thrown out by the air waves. After rolling for a few laps, he got up and his chest burst out Stupidly, although he was exempted from the title of pioneer, he still suffered severe internal injuries, but he did not die immediately.

"After the charge spell is released, it cannot be stopped or turned, but it cannot be ruled out that Yu Jinan is not skilled enough."

Mo Lan's mouth was bleeding while voice recording.

"You can consider developing it based on the fireball technique, and unilaterally vent the power of air waves or explosions, so as to have the effect of keeping the enemy away from you.

Note: You can submit an entrustment to the Black Crow Gang, and you can buy it if you can. "

At the same time as the voice recording, he quickly took out a few fireball scrolls in his hand.

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